Sunday, October 31, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Nov.16

Sunday evening --
November 15, 1981
Dearest Family --

More beautiful weather which will make the cold seem even more so once it finally comes to stay.  We have had some damp and cool days but they haven't lasted too long and then the weather gets super-nice again.

It was good talking to Catherine, Roberta and Serena in the last three days -- finally got Serena at work.  Catherine called us and talked to Roberta today.  Have tried to reach John and Carol but evidently at the wrong times for no one answers.

As much as we would like to go to Arizona at Christmas -- have decided it is just too short a vacation to plan to go then so hope to get there when Dad has a Monday off in January when he can possibly take a Friday too so it will give us about eight days.  As it stands now -- Serena will come home and then we'll drive her back and spend a few days there and be back here possibly for New Years Eve depending on family plans.

Mary Virginia is more relaxed (?) now that their play -- "Here Comes the Bride" is over.  Grandma went with us and we all did enjoy it -- a lot of laughs and NO trouble in staying awake.  The EC Band played at the Wilmington College football game yesterday, which is the final performance of the season.  The afternoon sun is more our speed as far as comfort, in viewing football games.  Grandma mentions that she wants to leave NV before the weather changes too much and that time is only three weeks away.  Today was Gideon Sunday at Church and glad to report that the speaker was above average.  Our singing group had a number entitled "Excuses" which sure hit the head on the nail for it is "either to hot or too cold" the minister is "too old or too young" the sermons are "too short or too long" or his personality is "too friendly or unfriendly", etc. etc.

Our Ohio sales tax is going up to 5% from 4% and will also be applicable to some services and repairs.  There are tax increases on a number of other items as the state had a deficit of some 1 billion dollars -- I can write the words better than the numbers.  Serena tells us that she likes her new bank, where the tellers do not have an individual money box, but go to a central point for cash.  The bank here told me that I was the only customer they had in the extra half hour they are open in the afternoon.

Clinton County has been having a lot of publicity about not wanting hazardous waste dumps in the county.  Last Thursday the group had a speaker from the Buffalo area who spoke on the "Love Canal Problem" at the Murphy Theater.  They are trying to get the law changed so that the local zoning has a voice in the matter rather than now it is entirely up to the State officials.  It is a real problem as no one wants that type of an operation next to their property.

Bought an eighteen pound turkey yesterday at Krogers at 59¢ a pound for next week.  Yes, that will make a lot of meals and with the freezer that is no problem.  We are still having broccoli and cabbage from the garden.

Looking over our typing we need your indulgence not only for the typing but for the sentence and paragraph construction.

We did talk with John last evening (now Monday morning) and they had spent the weekend in Erie with family and friends.  They plan to be in NV for Thanksgiving Day, but unfortunately there are regular bank working days before and after the Holiday.


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