Tuesday, July 14, 2020

1990 Catherine's Letter -July 15

[Fort Collins, Colorado, Jerry's RV]
Saturday, July 14, 1990
Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  I have several newsworthy items to report as we end our first week in Fort Collins.  Gerry is working today, Wendy is at the Motel watching TV and I'm at the Laundromat -- now, to get to the "newsworthy" items:

  1.  Jerry's RV has decided to close their store in Glendale
  2. Gerry and Jim (former service mgr. at Robert Crist and then Jerry's) have decided to open an RV parts & service business in Glendale.
  3.  We need $20,000 additional capital.
Both Robert Crist and Jerry's closed because of lack of RV sales.  Although the parts and service departments were doing well they couldn't support the flooring of unsold units.  Gerry and Jim feel that they can make a go of this since they have a customer base, a good location (they'll take over Jerry's lease on August 1), and they have worked together long enough that they can handle this as equal partners.

Gerry is going to continue working for Jerry's RV on a consultant type basis in Fort Collins for the next couple months.  This is the busy season here and the parts dept. is a total mess.  Jerry will pay expenses plus salary so this will help our cash flow until the Glendale business picks up.

As soon as we get back to Arizona we plan to call our tenants in Oregon and put our house there on the market.  This would give us the additional capital, the only problem being we can't count on it selling immediately.

Would you consider loaning us the money until the house sells?  We could pay interest in the meanwhile and if the house doesn't sell within 6 months we could make payments after that.  Our hope is to price it attractively enough that it would sell fairly quickly.

Wendy and I have been doing vacation type stuff this week -- horseback riding, miniature golf, shopping (she bought some nice summer clothes on clearance that she'll be able to wear to school) and of course visiting the library.  On Monday we're going to take a tour of Colorado State University.

The clothes are almost dry so I better get ready to fold.  I'll call when we get back home.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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