Saturday, July 18, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -July 22

July 22, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta & Mary,

Hi!  I have been trying to get hold of you folks since Saturday on the telephone.  My efforts have been frustrated though as our phone has been on the blink (Unable to get dial tone -- the phone company is putting a new system here which is supposed to improve that problem) and when I do get through I either get a busy signal or you aren't at home!  Perhaps I will talk to you before this letter arrives.

My Data Analyst School went fairly well last week.  I learned some new ways of doing things and some additional things they want us to do for our annual ratio report which will be due in November.  That is what all our efforts throughout the year are for is this big report in November which basically is the recommendations for the amount to be increased on property values in all areas and property classes that are not reappraised during the year.  I just wish more people in our office here in Jefferson County were more enthused about their jobs.  They are not at all inspiring except perhaps for the cartographer.  Driving to Bend every day was a drag but at least I was able to use the county car and leave Gerry with the truck.

We took another raft trip down the Deschutes on Sunday afternoon.  We went with our friends Jeff & Shirley.  They have an inflatable kayak and we borrowed a raft.  They left their daughter with Shirley's mother (Wendy's babysitter) so we left Wendy also.  DeeDee enjoyed the trip though.  Since it was our second trip we knew more what to expect and I think we enjoyed it more than the first trip.  Jeff's father picked us up at our destination and took us back to Warm Springs to get the truck.

Wendy is doing OK. I'm having problems getting her to sleep at night though.  She goes to bed fine but after I leave the room she gets up and turns on her light and plays with her toys or reads her books.  last night twice after I thought she was asleep and we had gone to bed I got up to find her awake.  The first time she had come out in the living room and was reading her books.  The second time she had spread all her toys out in her bedroom and was playing.  I finally had to put her to bed with us to get her to sleep and this was at 1:00 a.m.

DeeDee suffered a big disappointment yesterday as she has a friend in Idaho who was to come down to see her next week (we were going to meet half-way to pick her up) and then her friend called yesterday and said she had decided not to come.  Otherwise I think she is having a fairly good time this summer.  We are hoping to go somewhere this weekend -- maybe the coast.

Gerry is still very busy at work.  He has the new part-time woman to help him but no man as yet.  Fred's idea of hiring is to wait until someone walks in the door so it could take awhile.

Catherine, Gerry
DeeDee & Wendy

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