Thursday, March 12, 2020

1990? Roberta's Letter -Jan.?

[This letter from Roberta is missing the first page which makes it difficult to determine the date.  A previous letter, dated January 16, 1990, indicates that Grandma was visiting her then, so most likely this letter was written during a week or two of that date.]

. . . he's having a great time with it!  Baby Beethoven often tries to help him play -- he always likes to be involved.

We had a prospective resident out today -- she has 4 cats, 2 dogs, & 2 birds & wants to bring all.  I said perhaps the birds or 1 cat.  I'm going to insist upon a pre-placement visit on the cat!

We need to get out the EOM Reports - did get out the Activity Calendar today.  Also got all the residents S.S. checks cashed today so they could get their spending $ ($58) - get their rent paid.

We sure enjoyed Oscar Taylors -- rich cousin to Lunt Ave. Restaurant.  Thanks for those gift certificates -- made the meal much more enjoyable!  Food was good -- very uptown.

We have had to move 2 people out.  One w/ complications of Flu -- but after being on medicine was still very confused.  This AM was trying to get people out of her closet -- people w/ BIG STRAW HATS on -- the mind was going.

Nothing wrong w/ Grandma's mind -- or her memory & since I've been changing her hearing aide batteries more often hearing is much much better!

Tonight I was telling Frankie Moore on the phone that it's ideal to have G'ma here & I had been telling her that for years.  G'ma overheard me & said next year she could come before Christmas & stay till I could go w/ her to FLAl -- like this year.  She says she wants to go to FLA -- since she has always done it . . . .

Maybe by next year we will have another cat --

It's getting late -- good to talk to you this PM Mom --

G'ma has our phone bill at heart!

Much Love,

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