Saturday, July 06, 2019

1989 Jean's Family Letter -Apr.15

Apr. 15, 1989
Dearest Family –

Dad has been riding almost two weeks with the group and still going strong – "great opportunity of a lifetime."  Someone asked me if I thought he'd get riding on a trip out of his system but that's most doubtful – just put in the mood to try more.

Things are quiet in New Vienna – Grandma is still holding forth – we went to Sunday School and church last Sunday and here at home for lunch.  I wasn't brave enough to try getting her in the van or Honda to go out to eat though she suggesting going.

We did have the mother-daughter-guest banquet at the church last Tuesday evening and since the program was upstairs – Joanne Rankin & I got her in the chair to ride up and down but that isn't easy for her.  There were well over a hundred there with two young boys whose mother insisted it shouldn't be just for females.  We had a chalk artist for the program and just as she got to the climax of her drawing someone on a CB radio came blasting in & was quite disturbing off and on for the rest of her talk.  There was also a skit with a mother being taught how to do some of the modern dances which would have been better not in the sanctuary but the rest was fine.

I really enjoyed my trip to California and visit in Phoenix.  Morgans were so hospitable (for I stayed with them and they took me to Gila Bend to see the bicycle group) and of course the Kings too.  Catherine and I helped (?) Roberta at the Westside Food Bank which is always an interesting experience plus the many other things that we did – eating out, shopping, just generally running around.  Wendy is getting to be so grown up – I hope that she isn't too bored in New Vienna.  I'm sure she will miss Kristen Culbreath but there are other young people not too far.

I'll include addresses for Wandering Wheels, General Delivery (Not H.H. Uible on the front but in the right hand corner on the BACK OF THE ENVELOPE.  Write to Erwinville, LA 70729 by April 22 and then the last one to WANDERING WHEELS, GENERAL DELIVERY, MONICELLA  FL 32344 by April 29; that is allowing 5 days to get there but necessary for some of the mail stops are not places that they will be staying overnight, or necessarily even traveling through.

Last night I went to Hillsboro to hear a young man who had spent four years walking around the world – he's from Bethel, OH and has a book coming out in June which is a Literary Guild selection "WORLDWALK"  He had some interesting experiences many of which he didn't finish but said the whole story is in the book so hope to read it eventually.

Talked to Aunt Mary this morning and they are planning on coming to New Vienna after the 14th – planning to be in Statesville for Wil Andrew's baptism on Mother's Day.  Roberta and Serena also called so have talked to several of you in the last few hours.

[Love, etc.]

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