Sunday, July 07, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Apr.17

Tuesday Morning

Dear Family,

I'm sure enjoying my two days off – both yesterday and today -- also will be off all day on Friday.  Now I fought to have these days off . . . kept after them and never gave up.

Here the weather all of sudden has gotten so very hot.  Yesterday Julia and I went down to the nursing home got Angus -- walked down in the city park (across from the Mormon Temple) and had a picnic lunch from Arby's.  It was just too hot out to be walking in the middle of the day.

I suppose I should have waited till tonight to write -- as I am to go to A.S.U. this morning at 11:00 and meet with the head of the recreation dept -- the same guy that called to give me the good news that my test scores were not high enough -- I called up to check out registering and of all people I get him on the phone.  I want to have the option open me should I want to go in the fall.  It's true -- I'm really much more into opening or starting some sort of business -- but I want to have this also open to me should I decide to go this route.

I've been swimming for a short time for the last few days -- everyday, beginning to get a little tan -- but it takes time.  The pool is beginning to get crowded.

It was fun talking to all of you on Sunday.  Sunday here was a very crazy day -- Rachel and Marland did go to church with us -- but Karry wasn't ready -- as she had only been able to spend some 1 and a half hour in the bathroom.   That wasn't a real convenient thing with six people in the house.  We went down and took Angus -- as the bus that usually takes her is broken down -- She enjoyed the choirs very much -- also the sermon . . . rest of the service.  We continue to go each Wednesday to the $1 supper.  As Fred says it's cheaper than the expensive kind of T.V. dinners -- and taste better.

Mary Virginia I sat beside Charlene (sp?) at Sunrise service -- it was held outside -- I had just worn sandals -- so my feet got pretty cool . . . There must have been about 100 people there -- was held in the patio -- near all those state signs that they put up.

Now for the coming up GRE test -- I am learning roots -- also prefixes, suffixes -- so much to learn -- just overwhelming . . . .  The vocab is by far the hardest.  Just seems so endless.  I'm beginning to feel too that I am ready for the 28th of April to come around just to have this test behind me -- I look forward to the month of May -- without having the test in the back of my mind.  Well . . . also should have more time for some of the more enjoyable things in life too . . . sleep, needlepoint, wiring letters . . . .

Sorry for the hurried letter . . . mailman will soon be here, must be signing off . . . will write again soon!!!!


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