Tuesday, November 20, 2018

1988 Family Letter -Nov.18

Saturday –
Nov. 19, 1988

Dearest Family –

Thought you all might be interested in the clipping (!) that appeared in the Dayton paper recently.  [full page article about Wells Mfg. which includes a good picture of HH – will try to post the article to the New Vienna blog at some point . . . .]  We have had considerable comments – many just wondering why they had never been inside, hinting for a personal tour.  But others sharing their copies, etc.  The Goodings called us and had a long chat with them.  Dr. & Mrs. Hale thought we ought to send copies to all the people who had been on our trip to Malaysia as they would be interested.

Mary Virginia called and gave us a list of all the things she and her friends would need as they plan to prepare Thanksgiving dinner here – sounds pretty elaborate but we will be glad to have them – around 10, I guess arriving by two's and three's from Tuesday night but most Wednesday.

John called last night and if the weather is nice he will fly to Clinton County Airport with a friend he met on his Emmaus Walk – that is Wed. evening.  If the weather isn't too good, they will drive down.  Do wish that you all could be coming.  Serena has several invitations so we will look forward to her visit in December.  We finally did reach her on the phone – she is out so much –never catch her at home so did call the Alpha Park Library.  She has been going to a health club early in the morning so guess we just didn't call at the right time.

Dad went to Chillicothe Thursday and Friday to the tax institute.  Esther Salisbury, GG and her sister and Janet Achor also went so he was well chaperoned.  Hope that they got alot out of the sessions to help people with their tax problems.

Virginia Hildebrant and Walker, Evie Johnson (new minister's wife) and I went to the dinner theater at the college and then to see "Twelfth Night" at Boyd auditorium.  They had done the stage and costumes, and adapted it to Paris in the 1920's which was interesting and yet still not too easy to follow.  I was surprised how many were there for the play.

The leaves are finally mostly gone from the trees and Dad has them very well cleaned up.  Many people still have piles which they are waiting to dry out before they bag them.  Don't you Arizonians wish you had leaves to look after?  It's amazing how green the grass still is.  Once we get connected to New Vienna's sewage system should be an improvement too but we haven't gotten word yet that they are ready for that.

See in the paper where the Denver House is to reopen in Wilmington for Thanksgiving . . . after being closed for some 10 years.  The three of us went to Ponderosa for lunch today.  This past week was "Doctor Week" for G'Ma as we got to the foot, eye (she is having problems in this area) and general.

The Town had a general meeting this P.M. (now Sunday) concerning zoning and what to do about the possibility of a firm putting up a 22 unit apt. complex in an area of 1 family homes.  Perhaps the present is catching up with New Vienna.

M.V. and John will both be here this Thanksgiving with 10 ATS students.  M.V. is in charge of all details for eating except for the turkey.  John and his friend have asked to stay at G'ma's. 

[Love, etc.]


Mary Uible Crowson said...

I'm curious...not that we know at this late day...about the clipping--subject and content?

Catherine Uible Morgan said...

I have the clipping. It's a full page article about Wells. Haven't had a chance to see if it has already been posted on the NV Blog, but don't think so, as usually I would crosspost it to the Uible blog too. Includes pictures of HH, Virginia Perkins, Mildred Brooks, and Robert Mongold (who is incorrectly identified as Robert Mondold).

Items from Uible photo album