Friday, November 30, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Dec.5

Tuesday afternoon
December 5, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  We got your last week's letter on Thursday so appreciate the fast service.  Thanks for the clippings.  We'll be interested in seeing the Portland airport now.  I thought you might be interested in the budget for the church here which came in this month's Messenger.  There are quite a few things going on at the church this week, or rather this month, so we are keeping busy.  This past Sunday after the sermon they had a lady play sort of a Christmas medley on the piano while several other people hung Christmas decorations around the church.  They also have a special table with the advent candles on it which is suspended from the ceiling in the front of the church and looks very impressive.  It can be lowered or raised by means of a pulley off to the side.  The idea was that we (the whole congregation) could take part in the decorating of the church.  This coming Sunday at 8:30 they are going to have a breakfast with Santa – the whole church is invited, not just little kids and parents – we thought we would take Wendy.  Last Sunday she sat fine through the service and then we let her walk around and explore while the music and decoration part was going on.  She gets a real thrill out of walking now and thinks that makes her a regular little person.  She certainly entertained the people who were sitting around us.

We got the brakes on the truck fixed as they hadn't been grabbing as well as they should.  Gerry was afraid it was going to cost around $150 but he got the service manager at work to do it for him and it only ended up costing us $28.  So now we feel like we have a little additional money to spend on Christmas.  Most of the things we are getting for DeeDee and Wendy are coming through either Sears or Montgomery Wards.  We had thought of going into a shopping center in Portland but we can't get excited about going that far and then having to fight the crowds.  We want to get DeeDee a couple of records and there is a small record and tape store here in town (in the basement of the drug store) but I haven't checked it out yet.  They don't have an elevator and I usually have the stroller with me.  I wish there was a book store here.  The grocery store sells adult type paperbacks and the Ben Franklin has a few of the cheap variety of children's books but not much variety.

How do you Ohioans feel about losing Pete Rose to Philadelphia?  And Sparky Anderson has been replaced by McNamara who used to be manager in San Diego when we first moved there.  Things are changing for the Reds, that is for sure.

Wendy's understanding of words is increasing rapidly.  She tries to say them after me sometimes but they aren't too clear yet.  She knows what I'm talking about though if I say ball, ballon, truck, spoon, etc.  She thinks it is a big deal to stand up on a chair at the counter and help me fix dinner or lunch.  And she loves to scribble.  I try to limit that to when she is in her high chair or on my lap though so she won't have the whole house marked up with her artistic endeavors.  We are anxious to see her and DeeDee together since Wendy has really changed in the four months since we last saw DeeDee.  Plus DeeDee will be able to be here for Gerry's birthday also.

We are going to get a Christmas tree this weekend from a National Forest near Sisters.  We are going with some other people from the Co-op.  I think we have to pay $2.00 or so for a permit to chop down a tree.  That is better than last year when we paid $16 at a tree farm to chop down our own tree.  I think we will wait until DeeDee gets here to decorate it though.

John wrote us a letter last week and says that he will probably be here but he is not sure when or by what means he will arrive.  I wrote him a letter back to Lake Worth, which I mailed on Sunday, so hope he gets it before he leaves.  If not,  told him that anytime is fine with us.  And we have room for both him and his friend.

Well, I want to get this out in the mail todays so I better close.

I did want to mention though that I mailed you a package yesterday, Mother.  I hope it gets there in time for your birthday.  We wish you a happy one and we will be thinking about you.  Eat a piece of cake and ice cream for us.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Thursday, November 29, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Dec.1

Friday Morning

Good Morning!

December 1st – and we still haven't turned on the heat!  This AM was 62º in the house – only time I feel cool is in the morning – getting home.  But at night I sleep w/ 2 blankets over me!  How long have you had the heat on?

Thanks for your recent letters & all the articles – several of the NYT ones I had seen – as current while at the farm.

Yesterday was a relatively slow day at work – but there were definite rushes.  When there would be several people – w/ 5-6 and up # of packages.  It takes time – esp. if they want insurance, etc.

We can do everything – register, certify, insure, return receipt, packages – etc.  But we have no pick up – as to mail – people having boxes or anything.  We cannot do anything international – unless it's 1st class – letters.  We don't do express mail either.  We do take Special Delivery, special Handling – all that stuff.

We also sell Money Orders – up to $400.  Be surprised how many we do sell.  OH, by the way, I finally opened up a checking account – just yesterday – at bank just next door to where I work.  Started a Savings there too.  Went to 1st National – to w/draw my $ – did not have proper ID to w/draw (close) but did have proper ID to take out $700 – does that make sense?

My thumb is doing really good – swelling all the way down – I was really good about soaking it.

Wait till you all see the wreath we have made out of pine cones – about 6 other type cones – thistles, It's giant size – really full. 

I brought home about 4 wall paper books – discontinued – guess I.T. wants several. 

I get 20% off anything I want in the hardware store.  Right now they have all these beautiful baskets – all shapes – sizes –  I've resisted so far.  They don't sell jacks or jump ropes.

Must Run –––


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

1968 Catherine's Letter -Dec.1

December 1, 1968

Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John, and Mary,
     (or are Dad and John still gone? [delivering G'ma & G'dad to Florida])

Hi!  It was nice talking to you all on the phone the other day.  I had a really nice Thanksgiving even though the weather wasn't the most pleasant.  Four of us from Saga went together and got a mince pie at the A&P since Saga had only pumpkin and we had a real nice little pre-Thanksgiving dinner party.  I guess there were about 160 at Saga for Thanksgiving dinner – I may never know what I missed.

I've been working quite alot lately.  There's a little more responsibility involved in being in charge of the snack bar and closing up in the afternoon instead of just working for an hour.

Carole went home on Wednesday so I've had the room to myself all weekend long.  I guess she'll be back this evening.  I bet the roads are bad though 'cause it has really been snowing for the last couple hours.  I studied German all morning – it was depressing 'cause I'm so slow.  The tapes allow you so much time to answer and it usually takes me about twice that long unless I've been over the exercises about three times.  I can see me in Germany now – it will take me a half hour to get out one sentence.  I think maybe I'm going to go talk to Dr. Palmer (physics prof) tomorrow – not about my slowness in German – but about my complete lack of motivation to study, or even look at the physics book.  Yesterday I decided that if I was a prof, I wouldn't flunk a student who came to class every day, appeared in lab once a week, and at least attempted occasionally to pass a quiz.  However I am not the prof, and even more unfortunately Dr. Palmer may look at the situation differently.  Wonder if I can think of anything else irrelevant to put in this paragraph?

I have to return a book to the library now.  Write soon, and I'll see you in about two weeks.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

1988 Wells Fun Factory Clipping -Nov.12

The following clipping is from the Dayton Daily News, Saturday, Nov. 12, 1988.  Stories by Bob Batz, Photos by James Rutledge.

Note: Wells Mfg., the company and property in New Vienna, Ohio, was sold in 1999, and is no longer owned by the Uible family.  For more information see 1995 Wells Mfg. Business Report.
Above: Virginia Perkins monitors the dipping of new rubber balls into various bright colors of paint.  On right: New jump ropes turned out at the Wells plant.
Above, Mildred Brooks, a 25-year employee of Wells Manufacturing, watches a machine combine strands of colorful thread into jump ropes.  At right Robert Mongold (name is misspelled in caption) inspects a gate of new jacks, fresh from the molding machine.
Wells Manufacturing owner Harold Uible

NEW VIENNA –– Sometimes when Mildred Brooks is working at her braiding machine at Wells Manufacturing Co., she catches herself remembering another time, a time when she got together with other girls on the sun-splashed playground at a little elementary school near Vanceburg, Ky., to do swishes and sweep-the-floors while singing, Out goes the doctor, out goes the nurse / out goes the lady with the alligator purse.

Isn't it nice to know that in this age of high-tech toys, somebody's still producing playthings from the past?

In Southwest Ohio that somebody is Wells, one of the last companies in America manufacturing jump ropes and jacks.  In 1987, Wells' 50 employees cranked out five million jump ropes and more than a million sets of jacks.

They also made balls, yo-yos, plastic baseball bats, pinwheels, paddle ball sets and bubble blowing kits.

The bossman at the factory which sprawls over three city blocks in this Clinton County farming community of a a few thousand is soft-spoken, white-haired Harold H. Uible, who has spent 39 of his 63 years in the toy business.

Wells Manufacturing, according to Uible, got its start in Dayton in the early 1940s when a fellow by the name of George Wells started making and selling metal boxes, key holders and ballpoint pens out of a spare room in his house on Delphos Avenue.

"Wells was quite a guy, and he had a couple of crackerjack salesmen who could sell refrigerators to Eskimos," Uible recalls.

The manufacturing operation was moved to New Vienna in 1947.

"Even though a lot of folks don't realize it, we ship our toys all over the world.  I've had Ohioans tell me they were really surprised when they picked up a jump rope in a store in some town like Boondock, Idaho, only to discover it was made right here in New Vienna, Ohio," Uible explains.  

After offering a tour of his factory, Uible heads for the jump rope room.

Each of the many rooms at the factory is devoted to a different operation.

The jump rope room, which has more than a dozen braiding and winding machines, is one of the noisiest.

It all starts with spools of bright-colored yarn that is wound into braids on one machine, then fed into another machine that transforms the braids into jump rope.

After the rope is cut and a plastic handle is attached to each end, the jump ropes are packaged for shipping.

Mildred Brooks, 62, has been making jump ropes at the factory for 25 years.

"Oh, yes, I jumped rope when I was a little girl.  Why, if I remember correctly, I was the fastest jumper at my little rural school near Vanceburg, Ky.," she says, her words wrapped in a soft Kentucky twang.

She picks up a piece of jump rope.

"We didn't have rope like this, though.  The rope we used was old stuff that most likely came out of somebody's barn," she says.

Sylvia Smith, 49, who works with Brooks in the jump rope room, also remembers when she jumped rope as a child.

"My favorite jump rope game was called High Water and I could jump higher than my own head," she recalls with a smile.

Some people don't believe Smith when she tells them what she does for a living.

"Most of 'em just look at me and say, 'Oh, go on, you don't either make jump rope,'" she says.

While the jump rope room is noisy, the room where they make the jacks is noisy, and hot.

That's because the jacks are made by the metal die cast process using 20-pound metal ingots.

First the ingots are melted at 800 degrees in a cauldron-like machine.  Then the molten metal is fed into the die cast machine, which every 30 seconds stamps a "gate" of 144 jacks.

After the jacks have cooled, they are cut apart.  Some are painted; others are left plain.

As those machines churn out jacks, Linda Thomas is busy making balls in the next room.

The company, according to Thomas, makes millions of balls each year; big balls, small balls, paddle balls, jack balls and footballs.

The high-ceilinged room is filled with machines, including some capable of turning out more than 800 balls at a time.

Thomas says she used to work at a nursing home.

"But this job's a lot more fun," she says, using an air hose to blow another batch of paddle balls out of a machine and into a storage container.

No tour of this toy factory is complete without a visit to the paint room and a chat with Virginia Perkins, who calls the factory her second home.

"I love two things in life.  One's my husband.  The other's my job," Perkins says as she drizzles blue, yellow and red paint into a water trough.

As she waits patiently for another rack of balls to swish through her paint swirls, thousands of balls in every color move along the ceiling on a conveyor.

"Ain't they pretty, though?" Perkins proclaims.

Then she smiles and adds, "I love this room.  It's Christmas and the Fourth of July all rolled into one."

The toy business is a $20 billion a year industry in the U.S., according to Uible.

"Trouble is, many of the toys that are sold in this country these days are imported.  Remember, we have workers who earn more in an hour than some foreign workers make in a whole day," he says.

Uible believes jump ropes, jack sets ad pin-wheels will be around long after most of today's you-gotta-have-a-gimmick toys are gone.

"These toys are a lot like dolls.  There will always be a demand for them," he says.

Here's a skip through history of jacks and jump ropes

Once and not too long ago, either, jumping rope and playing jacks were as much a part of growing up in America as washing your hands before dinner and wearing your leggings in the wintertime.

The two games reached the peak of their popularity in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Rope-jumping (or skipping, as some call it) was actually invented by ancient Egyptians who made rope out of strands of hemp.

To get to the hemp, the rope-makers had to jump over the ropes they had already made.  Before long, their children – who were playing nearby – began imitating them.  Later, when the kids were given ropes to play with, they began inventing jump rope games.

Dutch immigrants brought jump ropes to America in the 1600s, and in the 1700s most of the rope jumping was being done by boys.

By 1945, however, rope-skipping had become a for-girl's-only pastime, and today, even though it isn't all that popular with youngsters any more, it is considered an excellent form of exercise.

The object of the game is to jump the rope the prescribed number of times without missing.

A miss quickly turns a "jumper" into an "ender" – one who holds the rope for other jumpers.

"Ender" is just one bit of jump rope jargon.  Other terms include black sheep, a novice jumper, salt, a slow-turning rope, and duck skipping, jumping the rope while in a crouched position.

Popular jump rope games from the past include Winding the Clock, Baking Bread, Chasing the Fox, Skimming Milk, Grinding Coffee, Climbing the Stairs and Running Through the Moon.

Jacks, also a game enjoyed mostly by girls, probably was derived from "jack stones," an old Bolivian game that was played with five pebbles and a marble.

The basic jacks set sold in the U.S. today consist of six jacks and a small rubber ball.

After two players, who sit facing each other, decide who will start play, that player scatters all six jacks on the floor.  Then she tosses the ball into the air, picks up a jack in her right hand, then catches the ball with the same hand after it bounces once.  Southpaws are allowed to toss and catch with their left hands.

If the player misses the ball or drops a jack or allows the ball to bounce more than once, play passes to the second player.

The tossing and catching continues until all the jacks are picked up.

After both players successfully retrieve all six jacks one at a time (the game is known as onesies), they start over picking up two jacks at a time (twosies) and so on.

Other jacks games include Eggs in the Basket, Pigs in the Pen, Crack the Eggs, Slugsnail, Over anad Back, Scatters, Sweeps and Scrubs.

Monday, November 26, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Nov.27

November 27, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad, Mary Virginia & John,

Hi!  Thanks for your letter which arrived on Friday.  Sorry that we woke you up Thursday evening but we did want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.  It would be fine with us for John to come and it is ideal for his arrival to coincide with DeeDee's.  Depending on the weather or rather the temperature – he can ride in the cab and hold DeeDee on his lap or we'll bring plenty of blankets and pillows and he can ride in the back.  DeeDee's plane arrives at 2:55 so it is a little later than I had thought.  If he is thinking of taking a bus from Madras to Phoenix or wherever he would be going next – the Trailways bus comes through Madras two or three times a day each direction. 

Wendy is walking a whole lot more now.  She is still a little unsteady but she goes slow and holds her arms out in front of her.  She has also started pointing to things and saying "that."  She can identify things like her shoes, socks, shirt, cats, dogs, etc.  She doesn't always obey simple commands like sit down, or bring me the truck, but she understands.

The snow is slowly melting but the ground is still amply covered.  I have to push Wendy's stroller in the middle of the road where the snow has been packed down.  There are no sidewalks in this town except for on the main streets and they aren't shoveled too well – mostly just packed down in a narrow path which isn't wide enough for the stroller.  So we stick to the back streets until we get close to where we want to go and then cut over to the main street.  We had given some thought to getting Wendy a sled for Christmas but supposedly they don't get too much snow here so I don't know if it would be worth it.  I'd think it might be better to wait until she is old enough to want one.  The last two nights have been cold and foggy which I don't usually associate as going together.  It has turned all the trees white which is very striking looking.

Is there a Firestone tire dealer anywhere near a place you might be going?  I would really like to have the Christmas tape that they put out but there isn't one here.  We would need the 8-track tape.  I bought the one they put out last year at the Firestone place in San Diego.  Don't worry about it if it isn't convenient because I can certainly live without it.

On Friday I babysat for the 7-year-old son of Judy.  (The woman who works with Gerry, where we went for Thanksgiving.)  His older brother and sister were going skiing.  Wendy enjoyed having someone else around and he was pretty good with her.

They are just beginning the interest on the checking account out here.  I heard somewhere that they want you to keep $2000 balance.  It seems like if a person had that much extra they could put it in a savings account anyway.  We have to pay a $4.00 monthly service charge here but we write more checks as all the stores take checks – even the restaurants accept local checks and people seem to write checks for everything.  I'm surprised when people don't ask for my identification since alot of these places I have only been in once or twice.  I have an insurance card and my voter registration with the current address on it but everything else is Gilroy or San Diego, and my driver's license is still from Maine.  It expires on my birthday though so I'll have to decide whether to get an Oregon license or renew the Maine one.

We have been eating much better eggs here since Gerry buys them at work from an egg lady who comes once a week.  She charges 75¢ for large or 85¢ for extra large (and they are big) which is roughly comparable to what the store charges but they are much better.  We did know a place where we could get fresh milk for $1.25/gallon but the cow went dry.

Well, it is about time for the mailman to come so I will close and put this out.  I am in hopes of getting downtown to the post office and library later this afternoon but it all depends on when Wendy takes her nap so I can't count on it.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Sunday, November 25, 2018

1968 John's postcard to MV -Nov.30

1968 Quality Courts Motel, Perry GA Postcard -mailed 1968.  Caption: One of the beauty spots of Quality Courts Motel, I-75 and US 341 Interchange, Perry, Georgia.  Beautifully Landscaped Japanese Rock Gardens, Bamboo Tea House and Formal Gardens.
[Postmarked Nov 30 1968]

Hi!  Boy is it hot.  We ate your lunch near Knoxville Tennessee and it was very good.  We are staying in Perry Georgia at the New Perry Hotel.  Tell everybody hi!  I am having grillion funs.

Your brother,

P.S.  Good luck with the P.R. [paper route] Roberta & Serena. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Nov.27

Sunday Afternoon

We (Buffy & I) are at the Airport – glad I tucked in the stationery at the last minute – as Marian's plane was suppose to come in at 12:40 – but now says 1:20!  When she flew to Denver on Thursday – her plane got in 20 minutes early – ought to be a happy medium – like on time!!

I've had a very busy weekend – Friday night I came home from work exhausted – it was a busy day – lots of packages – people always change their minds too – which is confusing – they want Air Mail – but want to pay parcel post rates – !!!  Two women wanted ME too call up UPS to see how much they would charge!

I do like my job – but much more paper work – bookkeeping type stuff – than I thought.

Friday night I ate Turkey leftovers – & must have been in bed by 8:00!  I wondered where John & G'ma got to Friday night.  

Saturday Renee' came over & put on a insulator on the hot water heater – he made it last year – had been taking up 1 whole shelf – my – that fiber-glass stuff gives you the itches.  W/ the new space & w/ rearranging got enough room in shed for the 3 big things that had been out in the patio – 2 trunks – 1 old humpback one – plus did all the inside of the house – sorta depressing – 'cause it never stays clean.

Then last night was invited out for supper w/ the Bridgewaters – ex-farmer & his wife from Ill. – they served open face taco's – messy – me – who never uses a napkin – had it wore out – 1/2 way through.

Happy to hear John will be coming West ––

I don't think I have a relaxing week ahead of me at work – but my times goes fast.



Friday, November 23, 2018

1978 Family Letter -Nov.26

Sunday, Nov. 26, 1978 -- Four weeks to Christmas Eve

Dear Family:

Grandma and John left NV last Friday about 8 A.M. and got to LW around six yesterday evening.  John is uncertain as to his return, but it will be around the 12th of December, as that is the date that his "papers" are due at Denison.  He had hoped to live off campus this next semester, but things did not work out that way.  After the folks left we "winterized" the house and everything went well.

It was nice talking to Serena, Roberta and the Morgans on the phone last week, tho we must confess that these "late" calls sometimes find us too sleepy to carry on much of a conversation.  In fact, even when we are awake we have difficulty in being with "it."  On this competency bit the Olan Mill photographer was to have been at the Church this past Wednesday from 4 to 9, and the reason for his being there at 9 was the fact that the Company sent him to "New Vienna Methodist Church at Vienna, Ohio" so he said he drove all the way to Vienna, Ohio, which is near Youngstown, so I guess we have plenty of company.  The minister ended up taking pictures of people on Wednesday, so it will be interesting to see how "this" church directory does turn out.

The Church roof job is coming right along with only the steeple left to do.  I helped some on Friday and Saturday as Wells was closed for the long weekend.  The weather has been kind as the tomato plant near the house is still green.  Hope you Morgans are enjoying the snow, as some people really do enjoy outdoor winter sports.  Is there any skiing near Madras?

Your comment Catherine about the level of restaurants in your area reminds us of NV – it seems they take a TV dinner and mark it up four times.  One question the waitress asked us as we finished the man course, "Is it OK if I take the dirty dishes?"  Wonder where she got the idea that dirty dishes improve the atmosphere?

Serena, now that you have an efficiency are you doing more of your cooking?  We are glad that you were able to get a telephone put in so quickly.  Still riding my bike here, but will have to get out the gloves pretty soon.  Enjoyed reading your report on "The Adversary System," even tho your second line states, "A principal cause of the inefficiency is caused by the adversary process-lawyers."  Congratulations on the A-.

Roberta has survived her first week on the postal job -- too bad you can't be here in NV to cheer up the postal public.  These next four weeks are a busy season for all Post Offices.  Do you have boxes or is it strictly "General Delivery?"  Catherine, you mention about having trouble with your mail box at the apartment . . . have others had difficulty and are there any prospects?

Went down to Wells yesterday to type up a will for a party who wanted it tomorrow morning, and tho I am no speed typist wanted to get it done before the deadline.  The point I am coming to is how nice the new typewriter is the erase ribbon, which lifts the mistake off the paper rather than covering it up, which is especially noticeable on colored paper.  On the next typewriter purchase we want to get those new units that have a "memory" in them.

MV has been making posters for the Church Bazaar, which is this next Saturday.  The General Store at the Bazaar is to have a cord wood for sale to the highest bidder – that is a good commodity this time of year.  We are enjoying the fireplace right now.  Hopefully we will get some inspiration to get going on the Christmas Greetings.  At least we do have stamps on hand.

We attended Oscar's funeral on Tuesday.  Jane Ann Hause was there as the fellow that she is now engaged to, his family was good friends of the Johnsons.  After the funeral I was talking to a fellow [Loren Stuckert, 1925-2008] that I was in grade school with and he told me how Oscar had taken his entire family (the parents and six children) in after they had lost their farm in the early thirties, and they stayed with Oscar for several years.  That is a real example of Christianity.  Death never comes at the right moment.  Emerson Johnson also passed away this last week.  [Oscar was born in 1901, died Nov. 19, 1978.  The 1930 Census shows him as head of household with eight members of the Stuckert family living with him.  Elizabeth was born in 1914 and died Nov. 18, 1987.]  The rush must be over as Gene Smith is leaving for Florida this next week.

Sorry, Roberta, but we somehow didn't get a letter off to you in our individual notes last week – especially when you are so good about writing to us.  Catherine's letters have been coming in faster than we can get them answered but we do LOVE to hear from EACH of YOU.

[Love, etc.]

Thursday, November 22, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter to MV -Nov.22

November 22, 1978
Dear Mary Virginia,

What a surprise to get a letter from you.  At least it was a pleasant surprise, as that is the only kind we like!  Of course you did send Wendy a birthday card and Mother often refers to you in the letters she sends us so we were aware of your continued existence.  Otherwise we might have been worried that you had joined some weird religious cult that believes in shooting congressmen and committing mass suicide.

Your niece is now walking!  She actually walks from one place to another.  The next thing you know words will be coming out of her mouth!  She is sitting in her high chair next to me right now eating an apple.  I peel it for her and then she chomps on it.  It takes about half an hour for her to eat a good sized apple.  Last night we had apple crisp and ice cream for dessert and she liked that!  It was the first time we had had apple crisp in a long time and it sure was good.  All that crunchy brown sugar, cinnamon and oats with the apples and then ice cream too!  It was a real taste treat!  The restaurants here in Madras rank very low on the scale of fine restaurants of the world so when we want something good to eat we have to fix it ourselves.

Speaking of food, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and we are looking forward to a big dinner with lots of good things to eat.  You probably read in the letter I wrote to Mom and Dad that we are going to Judy's.  We are furnishing rolls (crescent rolls that come in the round tube), sweet potatoes (which I am going to mash with butter and brown sugar) and salad (I'm going to make Ambrosia which is about my favorite kind – you know the one with marshmallows, coconut, pineapple, mandarin oranges and sour cream.   It makes me hungry to think about it.  Plus there will be all the goodies that Judy fixes and her sister is also bringing some pies and other things. 

Probably the reason I am dwelling on food tis that it is almost lunch time and I am hungry.  We are going to have left-over pizza and salad for lunch.  Gerry will be home in about 45 minutes so I still have time before I start it.

Let's see if I can think of some non-food item to write about.  How about Christmas?  When are you going to Arizona?  Please refrain from sending us anything this year as we are unable to reciprocate.  There isn't any Pic & Save here so we can't even shop for cheap presents.  What money we do have for Christmas has to go towards DeeDee and Wendy.

Wendy has almost finished her apple and she is not attempting to climb out of her high chair so I better close and get started on lunch.

Write again soon – sooner than the last time anyway – and let us know what is happening!

Catherine, Gerry &

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Nov.20

Dear Mom, Dad & Mary Virginia,

Hi!  This will be a short letter as Gerry will be home soon for lunch and I'll have him mail it on his way back to work.  There has been more trouble here with the mail boxes.

We had our first snow storm Saturday night and yesterday – about six inches.  We still made it to church though.  Wendy made it through the whole service without getting too fussy.  She ate an apple and then cleaned out my purse.  They had a coffee hour afterwards (a once a month affair) so we got a chance to meet some more people – including the Dr. I had taken Wendy to about her eye.

Later in the afternoon we put Wendy in her snow suit (which arrived last Wednesday and one of the snaps has come off already so I may have to exchange the leggings) and took her out in the snow.  She just sat and looked at it.  We took some pictures so after we finish the roll we'll send you some.

Your letter arrived on Friday and glad to hear from you.  We'll be looking forward to talking to you on Thursday.  We are going to the house of one of the women who works with Gerry.  She is real nice and it should be a good dinner – around 3:00 in case you get this on Wednesday which is doubtful.  We are furnishing rolls, sweet potatoes & salad.

Lat Friday I went with Judy (the woman who works with Gerry) to a luncheon/fashion show at the Elks Club.  Gerry took Wendy out to lunch.  It was a break for me to get away from Wendy and she did fine.

Gerry has joined a group of guys who play basketball at the Jr. High (about 4 blocks from us) from 7-9 on Friday nights.  He came home exhausted this past Friday but said it was a good work out.  Maybe this week he'll be in better shape. 

Got to fix lunch now . . . .

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

1988 Family Letter -Nov.18

Saturday –
Nov. 19, 1988

Dearest Family –

Thought you all might be interested in the clipping (!) that appeared in the Dayton paper recently.  [full page article about Wells Mfg. which includes a good picture of HH – will try to post the article to the New Vienna blog at some point . . . .]  We have had considerable comments – many just wondering why they had never been inside, hinting for a personal tour.  But others sharing their copies, etc.  The Goodings called us and had a long chat with them.  Dr. & Mrs. Hale thought we ought to send copies to all the people who had been on our trip to Malaysia as they would be interested.

Mary Virginia called and gave us a list of all the things she and her friends would need as they plan to prepare Thanksgiving dinner here – sounds pretty elaborate but we will be glad to have them – around 10, I guess arriving by two's and three's from Tuesday night but most Wednesday.

John called last night and if the weather is nice he will fly to Clinton County Airport with a friend he met on his Emmaus Walk – that is Wed. evening.  If the weather isn't too good, they will drive down.  Do wish that you all could be coming.  Serena has several invitations so we will look forward to her visit in December.  We finally did reach her on the phone – she is out so much –never catch her at home so did call the Alpha Park Library.  She has been going to a health club early in the morning so guess we just didn't call at the right time.

Dad went to Chillicothe Thursday and Friday to the tax institute.  Esther Salisbury, GG and her sister and Janet Achor also went so he was well chaperoned.  Hope that they got alot out of the sessions to help people with their tax problems.

Virginia Hildebrant and Walker, Evie Johnson (new minister's wife) and I went to the dinner theater at the college and then to see "Twelfth Night" at Boyd auditorium.  They had done the stage and costumes, and adapted it to Paris in the 1920's which was interesting and yet still not too easy to follow.  I was surprised how many were there for the play.

The leaves are finally mostly gone from the trees and Dad has them very well cleaned up.  Many people still have piles which they are waiting to dry out before they bag them.  Don't you Arizonians wish you had leaves to look after?  It's amazing how green the grass still is.  Once we get connected to New Vienna's sewage system should be an improvement too but we haven't gotten word yet that they are ready for that.

See in the paper where the Denver House is to reopen in Wilmington for Thanksgiving . . . after being closed for some 10 years.  The three of us went to Ponderosa for lunch today.  This past week was "Doctor Week" for G'Ma as we got to the foot, eye (she is having problems in this area) and general.

The Town had a general meeting this P.M. (now Sunday) concerning zoning and what to do about the possibility of a firm putting up a 22 unit apt. complex in an area of 1 family homes.  Perhaps the present is catching up with New Vienna.

M.V. and John will both be here this Thanksgiving with 10 ATS students.  M.V. is in charge of all details for eating except for the turkey.  John and his friend have asked to stay at G'ma's. 

[Love, etc.]

Monday, November 19, 2018

1968 Catherine's Letter -Nov.19

November 19, 1968
Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John and Mary,

Hi!  I was glad to hear from you all today.  It certainly sounds like you are keeping busy.  Even if I came home you all would probably be so busy going to meetings, delivering papers, and running around the state to notice me.  At least this way I can read about what you are doing!

I've been rather busy myself.  Since I got my job back in the snack bar that entails one hour a day, plus the special parties, and the subbing I do for other people.  Like Friday, I mean Thursday, the one lady who works in the Snack Bar is going to the Dr's so I will be working a couple hours then.  I also work in the salad dept. for a couple hours on Saturday.

Physics isn't getting any easier but last week on the quiz I got a 60% – my highest grade of the quarter in physics so I was really proud – however, compared to the rest of the class it was probably still at the bottom.  Three weeks from tomorrow will be the final exam.  If I could Ace it, it might pull my grade up to a C-.  The chances of that are like one in a million though.  Maybe he'll take pity on me – I do hand in the homework and the data in my lab book is recorded very neatly.  If only we were graded on the neatness of the lab books . . . HA!

What kind of has me bothered now is that next quarter I will be taking chemistry and biology will probably be getting more difficult too.  I think what it all narrows down to is that I don't like to study.  I like German because if I study it long enough I can understand it.  I suppose that when you are doing well in something (at least doing well relative to physics) there is more motivation to study.  Another problem I have is that I hate to read.  I open the biology book, read one paragraph, realize that I have no idea what I read, reread the paragraph, and at that point usually fall asleep.  Maybe I lack the power of concentration.  I don't even get that far when I read physics – I usually fall asleep just thinking about reading it.  I got a book out of the library which is programmed physics (similar to the math I took at EC) and I can get through it because I have to respond after every sentence.  I can become actively involved since I obviously am not passively inspired by textbooks.

Sunday a couple from the church came to visit me and let me know the Church (namely the First United Methodist Church of Kalamazoo) is thinking about me.  It was nice to meet the people but the pledge card which came with the visit made it look like they were more interested in my money.  However, they informed me that as a college student I was only expected to contribute what I could when I could.  I also got a letter from NV church about the Every Member Canvass.

Thanks for the frivolous gift.  The first thing that came to my mind was doing my laundry but I figured that wouldn't come under your definition of frivolous.  As a result I haven't spent the money yet and I haven't done my laundry either.

I have some more letters to write, German to study, and if I get around to it I might even attempt some physics.

Write soon!


Sunday, November 18, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Nov.18

Saturday afternoon
4:30 pm – 

Just a short note – as want to get this in w/ Marian's pile (a note to her folks & bills) to get in the 5:00 pick up.

Got your letter today – bet you were shocked about my changing jobs.  I've gotten a hold of Labor Relations Board – they will be sending a person out this coming week to talk to me.  It's a long story – but I know there is something wrong w/ A-Z.  I never filled out a W-4 form – when you get paid – it's like a personal check – no receipt – no mention of deductions.  My 1st check was for 1 weeks pay – (w/held 1 week) now for 3 weeks pay – picked it up Wednesday – I got $213.00 – again no receipt – what it was to cover – or to dates – but asked Debbie (the receptionist) she said for the rest of the $ they owed me – which is what I asked for – I was supposedly guaranteed $500 a month – and I don't think  even w/ deductions – if they were taken out – the 2 checks don't come close to that.  First I wasn't going to make a production of it – then I thought no I should check it out.  Plus the fact – it makes me mad – when an employee gives a week's notice – of intention to quit – an employer can send you home immediately – esp. when I did such a "bang-up" job.

My new job is not civil service – but it is rumored that sub-stations – which are in stores – will go civil service – now they are budgeted by P.O. – I really like the owners of the store – young couple – but my – what a time to be trained.  They have had the store 4 1/2 years – the P.O. – going on 2 years.  They say it really helps their business.  It is in a small shopping center.  There is a book store (NICE) 2 doors down.  I get 1/2 hour (1:00-1:30) for lunch.  They have a refrigerator there – so I'll no doubt be packing lunches – most days.  There is a McDonalds & a Wendy's nearby.  The McD's is in the shopping area, Wendy's is just across the street.

My hair is almost dry – got a curly permanent today – seems like a good one.  You all aren't the only one w/ curls!

We ate at Granny Annie's last night – but at 4:00 – so we had LUNCH – last group – under hot plates.  With those you get small bowl of rhubarb – 1/6 cantaloupe – 1/4 gr'fruit.  Really good!!  Thought their desserts on the back page were creative – esp. the Church Goer's Social.

OK – gotta go – time has run out –


1978 Granny Annie's Boarding House Eatin' Parlor

Saturday, November 17, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Nov.16

Wednesday AM –
Good Morning!

Yes – I'm at home this week – went in Monday AM – finally told Barbara about 11:00 that I had decided to quit – that I would work through the week – she was very nice – said I had done a bang up of a job –how the phones had been ringing more – more people in the office.  I made more placements & got more job orders than anyone ever before.

I explained to her how the collection part was not for me – how I hated it – how it discouraged me from placing people – because I dreaded the collection part.  So w/in the hour – after telling her – I had my desk clean (I had actually already done it) & came home.  Barbara said how I took the time-trouble to meet everyone in the office complex & what good business practice that was.  In no way could I let her know that I took a job – that I got while at A-Z.

Thought about calling D-B people – telling them I could start earlier but then decided I'd just as soon take this week easy – so I've been cleaning inside house & it really looks good.  Want to start on the shed today.  Hopefully I'll get some stitchery done too.

Also sold the Victrolia (sp? old record player) yesterday.  Marian just got it this last summer – we brought it out in the truck.  She was going to refinish it – but her hands are very bad – besides we don't have room for it – it was floor model – nothing small.  I called up 22 antique dealers – only 3 showed any interest – for the price – only 2 said they would come out – only one came out & he bought it – I said $125 on the phone – he wanted to pay $100 – after much silence & little talk I (we) settled on $125 – Actually the guy was really friendly – he talked & talked – said I should go into business.  He thought we lived in an interesting place – wait till you all the see the antiques on Marian's shelves.

Marian had wanted me to sell the Victrolia – when she came home from school – I didn't tell her – about 10 minutes later she realized it wasn't sitting in the middle of the floor – where it had been since last weekend – in the living room.  Now the room seems bigger.

Fed-Mart is opening up a new store today in Mesa – Dobson/Broadway – not far from us.  Not a new building – but used to be a                          that went out of business.

Mary Va – we got your letter yesterday – Thanks.  We think it would be best for you to go to Westwood – here in Mesa – it is a public school – right off Alma School Rd – about 2.5 miles from here going North.  University is the big street it's near if you have a map.

We both think you would be happier going to school in Mesa – than Scottsdale –

OH!  Had something really funny happen yesterday – was expecting the other antique dealer (the one that didn't come) – I hear a car – in front – go out – introduce myself – bring him in – show him the Victrolia – start to play it for him – really going strong – & he hands me one of his cards – earlier he had wanted to know if I recognized him – he is Associate Minister at Grace Methodist – I asked him if he had ever been accused of being in the antique business.  He said No – but many other things.  It was funny – he stayed about half hour – a semi-retired minister from Kansas.  He wants to get a Young Singles Group started at the church – I said #1 I wasn't young – #2 – just because I was single didn't mean I was lonely & had lots of time.  (said them in a nice way).  I said I would like to get active as for us visiting shut-ins – or people in nursing homes.  He said that would be no problem – to get active in.

Tonight I'm going to this meeting for all Mealtime Assistance Program (MAP) volunteers.  Doreen is also going.  W/ my new job – we are going to go down to feed on Sunday nights.  We take Mr. Williams on Sunday – so it will be very convenient – I can either stay while Marian delivers him back home – or arrange either delivering him – before or after.

It's nice being home – knowing that I'll be back working next week.  Saturday we went out – to D-B Hardware – I introduced Marian to Bobbie – who hired me – She & her husband Dan own the store.  It's an ACE hardware – if that means anything.  I was very bored – but Marian felt right at home in a hardware store.

Marian is going to Denver – leaving Thursday (Thanksgiving Morning) – getting back Sunday Morning.  I'll have Dinner w/ Stubbs.  Will take Buffie over – he can play w/ Buckwheat their dog.  We always take him over w/ us.

Still rain today – I took the 2 glass pieces that have been sitting in the shed – one that was taken out of the truck & one that was taken out of the shell – when I had the "Boot" put in.  Also 2 side mirrors that had been in storage in shed.  Took them to  4  junk dealers (Auto) – the last place – I begged the guy to take all  4  pieces for $2.00 – he hesitated – then gave me a $1 dollar bill & 4 quarters.  It wasn't worth my time – nor money!!  Seems most of the places just buy total cars – junkyards.  It still amazed me – that Marian got $600 out of the Buick – but Rene Mendes saw the people & car recently.  They live near him – they even got the Buick painted!  I'm not even sure of the color.  They have had no trouble w/ it.

Mary Virginia – I'm listening to Charlie Pride – the record – I never did find the tape – where did you hide it?????

Time for me to get on the ball – this morning Diamond's Dept. Store is having a special stitchery display – I'm going out for it.

OH!  Barbara said if I wanted to use her as a reference I could – she would give me a a good one.  But she didn't have $ to pay me this week!  I bet they use A-Z as a tax write-off.


PS How is Oscar?

Friday, November 16, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Nov.14

November 14, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  It was nice talking to Mom & John on the phone this morning.  I forgot to ask if Oscar is any better.  Gerry's father told us how much he appreciated getting a card from you.

I checked with our bank (U.S. bank of Oregon) – and they said you are welcome to read the Wall Street Journal there.  The non-current copies you could even bring home.  Is there anything else you would like me to check into before you arrive in Madras?  There is one other bank here – 1st Natl. Bank of Oregon and the Citizens Bank of Madras is under construction and plans to open in the spring.  There is also one S&L – State Savings and Loan.

Although it has been very cold here the sun still shines brightly and warms the kitchen up in the morning.  I leave Wendy's blanket sleeper on her until it gets warmed up.  She is emptying the cupboard in the bathroom as I write this.  Before that she was playing in the closet under the stairs.  She never stops.  She climbs up on all the furniture now but turns right around and climbs down again. She especially likes the rocking chair.  We bought one of those spring type suction gates from Sue as she didn't have any further use of it.  It is very easy to move so I keep it at the bottom of the stairs when we are down and move it to the top if I go up for any length of time.

I noticed right after I hung up this morning that Wendy has two new teeth on the bottom – giving her 4 lower and 3 on top.  I've found it is easier to brush her teeth while she is still in her high chair as she can't squirm away from me as much.

You probably heard the results of the Oregon election.  The tax issue failed and the denturists got the right to sell false teeth.  There weren't too many issues in Madras as the mayor ran unopposed.  There was some contest for the three city councilmen.  They are recounting the votes.  About seven people ran.  Oregon also elected a Republican governor.  There is a department store here called Hatfield's which has some connection with Senator Hatfield.  They were passing out propaganda with every purchase before the election.  I heard that Hatfield was so confident of being re-elected he didn't even acknowledge his opponent.

The dishwasher just finished so I'm going to take Wendy upstairs for her bath.  Then the laundry needs done so I'll continue this later.  Actually, I should continue writing while she is happily self-occupied and do those other things after she gets fussy.  She is back under the stairs now.

Have you seen advertisements for the home-computer that Radio Shack has for $599?  We thought we'd wait awhile and see if the price comes down.  But that price makes it comparable to a color television.

We think we'll either get a very small turkey for thanksgiving or we'll have cornish game hens.  We'll see what the prices are and what sizes are available.  Most of the people we've met here are either having alot of relatives or they are going out of town.  Maybe we'll go up to Kah-nee-ta and go swimming.

Have you been watching Centennial on TV?  We've seen all but one episode.  I've been on a Michener kick in my reading – Hawaii, Caravans, Saynora, and now I'm on Tales of the South Pacific.  Do you know if the Rodgers & Hammerstein production was based on a Michener story?  There is a character named Bloody Mary on Bali-Hai.  Next I plan to read The Source.  I requested 3 books from the state library two weeks ago through the library here but I haven't heard anything yet.  At least the librarian and I are on good terms now.

Wendy is now scattering the dirty clothes all over the kitchen.  She tries to put on her slacks by sticking her feet into the bottom part.  At least she has the right general idea.  I've been showing her how to hold her Pooh Bear and pat it on the back.  Now she'll pick up some of her other toys like a book or a truck and she'll hold it up to her chest and pat it like a doll.  She really seems to like her books – especially the kitten one you gave her for her birthday.  There are lots of neighborhood cats and dogs that she can see from the window so I think that is why she likes the kitten book so much.

Ardy had a little girl in October.  So they have two daughters.  The oldest will be 2 in December.  I mentioned on the phone that Wendy got some hand-me-downs including the Penney's jacket. They were from the family of the parts manager who left here.  She also got some shirts and slacks, several dresses (still too large) and a pair of size 5 boots which are just the right size for this winter.

Well, I better get on with my chores or it will be lunch time and I won't have anything done.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Thursday, November 15, 2018

1978 Roberta's Letter -Nov.12

Sunday Morning
Good Morning!

Have I got news for all of you – don't know if I should tell you all right away – or keep you in suspense – tell later in the letter!

We've really had a cold (in the 60's) & rainy weekend.  Started Friday night and still at it.  The funny thing about it is that this was the 2nd weekend we were to go camping w/ the Stubbs – they did go Friday night – we talked about going up Saturday morning – I did drive Doreen up – talked to them awhile – then came right back.  They called us at 2:00 yesterday afternoon – from home.  Maybe another weekend.

This was no weekend to have a garage sale – thank goodness we planned that right!  Marian did sell the old white dresser in the shed – which we used for storage – both in the drawers & piled on top.  So she bought some metal storage cabinets which need to be finished put together – when the rain quits (the sun starts).  She got $3 out of the old dresser – not bad when you consider she got for free – it was on its way to the dump – just before she moved here (to #140 this side of town.)

We just got back from early (8:15) Church – crowds – out-of-state licenses are really picking up.  Today was pledge Sunday – lay service – except that I'm not wild about the minister – really do like the church.

Missed work on Friday – went in – but by 9:00-9:30 was really felling sick – so came home.  1st day I'd missed – Felt better by mid afternoon – but didn't bother to go back in – afternoons are usually slow – esp. Fridays!  Did some needlepoint – Christmas is sure approaching.

OK – as for my news – won't make you all wait any more –

On Monday – November 20th – I'll be starting a new job – got official word Friday night.  It's about same distance from here except 1.5 miles south of us – then West – 4 miles.  I'll be running a sub-station post office – which is in a hardware store.  Couldn't pick a harder or busier time to start.  Will be doing everything postal people do – but can't handle foreign packages.  Hours are 9:00-5:00 M-F for sub-station.  I'll have to be there both earlier (probably 8:30-5:30) to do opening/closing reports etc.

It should be an interesting job – & not that I'l get stamps at a discount – at least they will be handy.  I'm not supposed to wear clothes that I'm afraid will get dirty – they suggest jeans – sweatshirts – so I shouldn't have any problem there -

Although I liked parts of my job at A-Z – it seemed very apparent to me – that there was more I didn't like than I liked – I hated the collection part of it all.  I started to get the idea of it 2+ weeks ago – when I was calling on people who were overdue.  They were either 1) rude 2) lied – said that they would be in the next day, etc. – never showed up.  Then this last week it was my turn to hound those I placed – I'm not interested in being a collection agency.  Barbara wanted me to call them from home – 5:00 AM –  What a way to start your day.

So tomorrow I'm going to tell her that this is my last week.  I'm hoping to be able to work all week – but time will tell.  I did make a placement ($20 down) on Thursday.  At least the P.O. job will be simply – cash/carry.  Should Barbara not want me to work the full week there is plenty of stuff I can do here.  She has a bad temper – has never used it on me – but I've sure seen & heard it.

We had planned to go see "The King & I" last night – Community Theater group was putting it on at Carefree – about 1 hour from here – but there were flood warnings out – etc. so stayed home.

Carpet really looks good – after being cleaned – esp. the downstairs.

I'll kepp you all posted as to this week's happenings ––

Had the heater on in the truck this AM – but not on yet inside the house ––


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

1988 Joe's Letter to John -Nov.10

"Three Balconies"
J. U. Horton 1982
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Nov. 10, 1988
Santa Fe, N.M.
Dear John,

Thanks for your telephone call.  It was good to talk to you after a long period of silence – I do believe it was last June when we last talked – however.

I wish you could come out west and pay me a visit – with your vacation time being taken up by missionary work next summer I'm wondering if we'll even get together again in 1989.

If I sell enough paintings I'll have some extra money to fly and see you!

Here is a picture of Grandma in my apt. this Nov. actually the end of Oct.  I think she had a really good time visiting Santa Fe and Taos – She's quite a lady!

I leave in a week for Tucson to paint outdoors for  2 weeks – then I'll go to Phoenix to be with Sid and Roberta for a few days – I guess I'll be looking for another gallery to show my art work there in Scottsdale.

Time moves on – I've been in Santa Fe now for over a year – hopefully in a couple of years I'm going to pack my bags again and move overseas to teach English.  Those are my long range plans.

Do the gym if you can.  It's good for your health!  

Your cousin with love,

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

1998 MV's email -Nov.9

Well . . . a celebration . . . finally have made it through the 93 emails we had waiting for us when we got back on line almost a week ago, not to mention the ones we've received since then.  Sorry to those of you who received more jokes than you ever care to think about – just hit the delete button . . . . you wouldn't believe how many I DIDN'T send on!

To bring you up to date on things . . .
My friend, Susan who was admitted to the hospital Wednesday night with severe back pain was released Thurs. with the diagnosis of a ruptured disc and bulging disc (in two different spot).  She starts PT on Monday and will be off work a minimum of 4 weeks – probably longer.

Had a good meeting in Cincinnati this weekend and they kept us very busy, but some good ideas to bring home and some excellent speakers.  Keynote speakers were Cynthia Hale (Decatur, GA Ray of Hope DOC church – excellent black female preacher).  Michael Slaughter (?) pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC near Dayton, and Juan Carols Ortiz, hispanic pastor at Crystal Cathedral.  It was called Evangelism Connections and would certainly recommend it – sponsored by 7 different mainline denominations.  Certainly helped having my friend Susie (Lackey) along for the good company and that she did ALL the driving.  It was so fun to have her along not having to worry about logistics.

Christian is at my side TRYING to reach the keyboard . . . he has mastered pretty well the art of crawling – we weren't sure that he would – and can certainly pull up on nearly anything.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's walking by his first birthday next month!

Ginny is fine . . . really excelling at school, including spelling, which gave her FITS to start with.  One of the things her teacher emphasizes is memorization, esp. scripture.  For Christmas they are doing Luke 2 (the whole chapter) and she's got it down with the exception of one or two glitches.  Just amazing!

Looking forward to Mom, Dad, Serena and Catherine's visit next week, although relatively brief!  Catherine (my oldest sister) is flying in from AZ to Ohio, meeting up with Mom and Dad and will be coming here to meet up with Serena who lives in Asheville, NC.  All to spend the night with their favorite youngest sibling.

Christian is (finally) getting tired and I better move on.  Promise to write more personal stuff and send less jokes in the upcoming weeks!  Hope this finds all of you healthy and happy.  Always glad to hear from any of you.  Love, MVUC

Monday, November 12, 2018

1988 John's Letter -Nov.9

November 9, 1988
Dear Grandma, Mom and Dad,

How are all of you?  I haven't called lately so I thought I would send a note.

I spent last weekend in Marietta at the Hotel Lafayette with Mark Goldsmith from Westerville who I met on the Emmaus Walk.  We drove down S.R. 60 south from Zanesville and the drive was beautiful.  It was cold and damp but most enjoyable.  Do you remember when we all went to Marietta?  I couldn't have been more than 10-12 years old.

I invited Mark for Christmas as he has no family in the area.  He made plans for Thanksgiving with friends in Cincinnati but we may fly down and possibly drop me off at the Wilmington airport.  Or is there an airport any closer?  He would drop me off Wed night Nov. 23rd between 8:30-10pm and then return Thursday night.  I hope you don't mind my inviting him down for Christmas.

Have you purchased any compact discs for Mary yet?  I might check with you before I buy any so we don't duplicate.

I am enclosing a copy of the recipe from the Bed and Breakfast along with our October Buy List.

I speak to the Newark Noon Lions Club today on Trusts.  Even if I don't fly down Wed. night 11/23, you can expect me sometime between 9-10pm.

I'll see you soon.

Love in Christ,

P.S. Ruth Shoemaker writes that she doesn't see much of you anymore.  Maybe I can visit her while I am down either Thanksgiving or Christmas.

P.S.S. I have an interview Friday morning with MB?? Maintenance Services in Coshocton for Their Business Director opening

Sunday, November 11, 2018

1948 Jean's Letter -Nov.9

Tuesday –
Nov. 9, 1948

Dearest Mother and Daddy,

We had a very nice weekend with Harold's mother and father and the wedding was really beautiful.  We left Cleveland about noon on Friday and arrived in New Vienna just at six.  Mary and Bill and Joe came over Saturday and we did our washings.  That afternoon we left early so we could visit Harold's Aunt Verta who is home recently from the hospital with a broken hip.  She seems to betting along fine.

From there we went over to Frankfort where Melvin has his store but he had gone so went to Williamsport where the rehearsal dinner was to be.  I think they had as large a crowd as we had – 20 or 25.  Helen – the bride is a very tall girl (Melvin is over 6 ft.) so they make a very nice looking couple.  She is the Home Ec. teacher at Frankfort.  Her sister was her maid of honor, a girl form Denver and a girl from Madison, Wisc. were her bridesmaids – both these girls she had been in school with – she went to Ohio Wesleyan and to Wisconsin for a summer session.  A girl from New York also a school friend played the organ so they came from all over every place.  Melvin's best man was a friend who goes to Wilmington College – the ushers were Harold, a cousin of Melvin, another friend, and the maid of honor's boy friend.  Also at the rehearsal dinner was the soloist and two of the aides for the reception.  The dinner was excellent – tomato juice, pineapple and cheese in mold salad, sweet potatoes, ham and peas, hot rolls, strawberry jam, coffee and cherry pie ala mode.

Afterwards we went to the church (Methodist) in Williamsport to practice and were there til 11:00.  It was an odd church for everyone enters from the front – no center aisle.  Helen and Melvin had decided to have an usher and a bridesmaid go down each aisle at the same time so that's the way it went off – unusual but nice.  We got home about midnight.

Sunday morning we went to Sunday School and Church – Mary and Bill and Joe came over for dinner then we left about 3:30 as Harold had to be there at 5:00 – the wedding was at 5:30.  The setting was very beautiful with candles all around the church – one in every window which were lighted early and four sets of 7 in the front of the church with ferns and chrysanthemums.  The bridesmaids wore a lovely shade of green taffeta (I think) and carried rust chrysanthemums and wore the same in the back of their hair.  The maid of honor wore rust taffeta and carried yellow ch. & wore the same in her hair.  Helen wore a very plain gown – white with a long train and sort of a lace stole in her hair held in place with orange blossoms and carried white chrys.  She made the gown herself.

After the wedding, the reception was held at Helen's home and there were almost 150 there for that.  They served ice cream molds, mints, nuts, cake & coffee.

They finally got away about 7:30 and of course they had tied up the back with tin cans, put gravel in the hubcaps, a pumpkin at Helen's feet and unloosened the spark plugs.  They headed toward Columbus so we followed them – they stopped down the road apiece and Harold & Calvin Smith (whom we were taking back to Columbus) helped Melvin untie the cansThey turned around & went the other way – where we don't know yet unless they didn't want us to follow them any further.

We reached here about 1:00 Monday morning but luckily Harold's first class didn't begin until 10:00.  I had to work Monday night & was pretty tired by the time the day was over for we went downtown in the afternoon and I ought different materials I needed for my Prenatal Class.

By the way, I forgot to mention I had my 6th and 1st lessons last Thursday & will have my 7th & 2nd tomorrow.  They are very good and I'm looking forward to the rest.  Several other girls are also doubling up if their babies are to be born in 3 months or less.  There are 30 girls all together & it's funny to be with so many pregnant women at the same time – all in different stages.  Two girls that sat across from me last week were discussing how much time they had yet & here the one who is the largest is only 4 1/2 months along while the other – not even noticeable is 6 1/2.  The 3 months mothers were all complaining of nausea, sleeplessness, etc.

The first class was taken up wth registration – introduction to the course & early care of the mother – She showed us huge pictures of different stages of pregnancy, twins before birth, etc.  Very interesting.  Also recommended reading various books and gave us forms to send into the gov't for pamphlets I've already gotten – By sending in their form – I could have gotten them free – I paid 70¢ altogether for mine but I got four others besides.

Yesterday I didn't work at all – in fact I don't work any more this week as all the times they want me to work I'm already busy – Thursday 10-3:30 with Pre-Natal class & Friday morning I've an appointment with the doctor at 10:30.

Last night we had Mary Moore up for dinner – she's the girl who used to work part time at North Branch while in library school & I helped her & another librarian get an apartment here on the 2nd floor.  We brought back a chicken with us from New Vienna & as Harold is not too fond of chicken I invited her to help us out.

Today we had a combination of rain & snow – miserable outside.

Mary & Bill are coming up this weekend to visit us.  We have gotten tickets for a hockey game as Bill is very fond of that sport.  The doctor wasn't too anxious for Mary to come unless she travels by train but they plan to come in their car – leaving Joe with Grandmother Uible.

If it's OK with you we will be going to New Cumberland the 20-21 of Nov. that's the Sat. before Thanksgiving as we have made rather tentative plans to go to New Vienna for Thanksgiving & will plan to spend Christmas with you.  Harold's mother & father are going to Florida but not until after Christmas & will be back in March in order to take care of Joe while Mary's in the hospital. [pending Marianne's birth]  We really felt this to be the best way to share the holidays under the conditions and everything.  Do Virginia & Jim plan to be back before Thanksgiving?  Do you have any plans for them?  I hope this is agreeable with you.

Harold got his grades last week and did real well for he had a heavy course last summer – 15 hrs when most of the fellows took only about 12. 

We've had more conversations with the Housing Authority & are waiting again for their next move.  We're to hear whether they'll consider us again as we had a letter last week saying we were making too much & to apply in Feb. when our income will be divided by three instead of two.  We went down that same day & also last Monday so hope to have news soon.

We also had an invitation to Dr. Phillips home next Sunday eve. but we had to call our regrets as Mary & Bill plan to come Sat. noon & stay til Monday morning so perhaps something will up again.

Sorry you won't receive this earlier – All our love, Jean & Harold

[written in the margins]
I had a letter form Jane today – she has heard the news so I must write to her soon.  I had planned to tell her earlier but time just slips by.

Do you have any suggestions for gifts – I've bought just a few things but would like suggestions if you have any to offer – for Va. & Jim – Bob & Harriette – the children.  We may not be putting much into the gift but any ideas would be appreciated.

Items from Uible photo album