Tuesday, July 11, 2017

1987 Catherine's Letter to Dad -July 17

Dad and Roberta were in Iowa, ready to begin the famous RAGBRAI bike ride.

July 17, 1987
Dear Dad,

Can't pass up this opportunity to send you a "postage-free" letter via Roberta.  I understand Wendy held the last letter we sent you "air-mail" until Father's Day!

Good luck on your ride.  We'll be interested in hearing all about it in person.  Are you taking the movie camera so you can film Roberta in action?

I have been trying to figure out a Word Processing program on a Macintosh Computer the last few weeks days – interesting but frustrating.  I keep figuring out things it would have been helpful to know before I started!  I went through an orientation tape & disc but I seem to be learning more by trial and error.

Sunday afternoon is our first chance to show off the new library – open to library employees (which now number around 110 including part time) & their families.  Then Tuesday night is a special preview for city employees (about 1200) & their families.  Then the Grand Opening and "business as usual" combined on Monday, 27th at 7:00 pm.  After that regular hours will be 9-9 Mon-Thurs, 9-5 Fri & Sat and 1-5 on Sun. year round.

Hope you have survived having Wendy in Ohio this summer.  I'm sure it's been good for her to get a taste of life in Ohio!

We're going to Roberta's now – so must close.  See you soon!

Catherine & Gerry

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