A sampling of the birth congratulations that arrived at the Uible house after Serena was born, including one that misinterpreted Serena's name . . . .
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
1955 Mary & Harry Hiestand letter -Jan. 30
Mary Olive Cope Spence Hiestand, 1883-1971, is the primary author of this letter. Her handwriting and style is not the easiest to interpret but she obviously means well. Mary was the second wife of Harry Clarence Hiestand, 1872-1967, oldest brother of Gladys Hiestand Uible, and thus great-(step) aunt to the Uible-Horton cousins. Harry's first wife, Ella Gabriel Hiestand, died in 1925 at the age of 49. Harry and Ella had three children: Lina (or Luna?) Ruth, 1903-1919; Joseph Franklin 1906-2004; and Paul Bryan 1909-1980.
They lived on the corner of South and Elm Streets and I believe the new school mentioned in the letter has now been demolished.
The beginning of the letter is slightly confusing with three lines written upside down in two different handwritings, between the date and the body of the letter. For transcription purposes they will be considered a postscript and added at the end.
Dear Folks,
We rec your card and glad every thing is O.K. We had been waiting for the news. I love the name of Serena. The fifth will be Harold Jr. – Now I am afraid to come over. I'll sit close to the door. Mr. Birch Riber [?] had 4 girls and the fifth was a boy Birchie – he is in college now. Girls are so much nicer when we are old – Boys are just as nice when we are young, and combine them, – They are the most prized and precious possession God ever gave to us humans.
Grandad [sic] & Grandmother will be flittering back in a few wks, to see their new offspring.
We will be over soon as the weather moderates. – I think we have your spoon. – will bring yours over choose two. I hope. – I just blunder off and forget things I want to do.
I wonder what kind of weather they are having in Lake Worth?
Mr. Carr (Wilbur Parr) father went home with his daughter to Augalia [?] Fla, that is 150 mi + maybe north of Lake Worth and he stayed 1 wk & flew back. – He said it was to cold to fish. I was not to cold to fish when we were there. We just pulled them in and had meat plates piles high. – The Kids say we are going again this summer. – I am not saying. Their bones are not so close to the surface.
Mr. H has his tobacco gone – and now he is out of imployment [sic] – He has a wonderful view from the window and never seems to tire of the varied and many sights that pass. Our new school building is in plain view.
Our oil burner, so far, never seems to tire. Every body is well and thankful and grateful for the many blessings.
I go to Cinci next Friday to Dr. Heidleman, [?] I am better, and not near as nervous – or not so silly.
We do our own work and by summer time you will think we are a couple of birds much past 16.
[Written in at the top of the first page P.S. from Mary]
Harold – see if Mr. H and I can get Farmers Compensation Social Security.
[from Harry] I hired lots of men to work for me – [from Mary] carpentry work, etc.
They lived on the corner of South and Elm Streets and I believe the new school mentioned in the letter has now been demolished.
The beginning of the letter is slightly confusing with three lines written upside down in two different handwritings, between the date and the body of the letter. For transcription purposes they will be considered a postscript and added at the end.
Hillsboro O
Sunday Jan 30 1955
Dear Folks,
We rec your card and glad every thing is O.K. We had been waiting for the news. I love the name of Serena. The fifth will be Harold Jr. – Now I am afraid to come over. I'll sit close to the door. Mr. Birch Riber [?] had 4 girls and the fifth was a boy Birchie – he is in college now. Girls are so much nicer when we are old – Boys are just as nice when we are young, and combine them, – They are the most prized and precious possession God ever gave to us humans.
Grandad [sic] & Grandmother will be flittering back in a few wks, to see their new offspring.
We will be over soon as the weather moderates. – I think we have your spoon. – will bring yours over choose two. I hope. – I just blunder off and forget things I want to do.
I wonder what kind of weather they are having in Lake Worth?
Mr. Carr (Wilbur Parr) father went home with his daughter to Augalia [?] Fla, that is 150 mi + maybe north of Lake Worth and he stayed 1 wk & flew back. – He said it was to cold to fish. I was not to cold to fish when we were there. We just pulled them in and had meat plates piles high. – The Kids say we are going again this summer. – I am not saying. Their bones are not so close to the surface.
Mr. H has his tobacco gone – and now he is out of imployment [sic] – He has a wonderful view from the window and never seems to tire of the varied and many sights that pass. Our new school building is in plain view.
Our oil burner, so far, never seems to tire. Every body is well and thankful and grateful for the many blessings.
I go to Cinci next Friday to Dr. Heidleman, [?] I am better, and not near as nervous – or not so silly.
We do our own work and by summer time you will think we are a couple of birds much past 16.
Love to all
Mary & Mr. H
[Written in at the top of the first page P.S. from Mary]
Harold – see if Mr. H and I can get Farmers Compensation Social Security.
[from Harry] I hired lots of men to work for me – [from Mary] carpentry work, etc.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
1985 Catherine's letter - Jan. 29
Jan. 29. 1985
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Just a quick note to send off with this airline article.
Thanks for the check and the call. Both are appreciated. Thanks for the life – that has to be the ultimate gift!
Gerry made stuffed pork shops for my birthday dinner. Delicious! Do you ever have them anymore? Now I'll have to try not to eat too much cake!
Wendy gets her report card today. She has been studying dinosaurs lately
We're all looking forward to spring and of course your visit!
Thanks again for everything!
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
1975 Roberta's Letter to MV - Jan.27
January 27, 1975
Dear Mary Virginia,
Hi! Right now I'm in school – wait till you get to college – then you can write letters in class too.
We all enjoyed your last letter. How many girl scout cookies die you sell? What kind were the most popular? I bet it was the mint ones – they were always my favorite.
Friday Grandma, Aunt Mary & I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Hinerman. Mrs. Hinerman, Grandma & Aunt Mary are really a riot together. You should have been there – we could have had some good laughs. Of course if J.B. had been there too it would have really been funny!
I had a nice letter from Aunt Ruth – next time you see her tell her thanks & be patient. Remember when you told me to be patient about hearing from J.B. – well, I didn't have to. He wrote me right back.
I've been trying to let my finger nails grow – so far it isn't working!
For my statistics course I have had to learn a little about playing cards, because we have to be able to figure out the probability of picking an ace, or a king so on and so fourth. Sometimes it gets pretty complicated because they ask you about what the probability of getting this on the 1st try, 2nd, or 3rd try given you got it for the try before.
On our way to the Hinermans we stopped at Jonathan Dickinson (sp?) Park. It was kind of disappointing. 1st it cost us just to drive in the place. Then I had a list of trees, plants, etc. I was suppose to identify but nothing was marked. We did see a bald eagles next.
There were canoes you could rent – also there were horse you could ride - for $5.00 an hour w/out a guide or $4.00 w/ a guide. I stopped to talk to the guy & asked him why it was cheaper w/ a guide and he told me that in the long run its cheaper if the guide just goes w/you from the beginning instead of having to send one out later looking for you. Of course Aunt Mary, Grandma & I all took a canoe trip and went horse back riding. (HA,HA!)
We've been having some slow days at work lately. Down here there are so many people without jobs. One of my girl-friends just got laid off from work – but I got her a part time job at Ranch House as a waitress. She worked yesterday for the 1st time – and was making a milk shake (strawberry) and spilled it all over her getting it off the mixer. I had to go to K-Mart and buy her a new uniform.
Karen has never done waitress work before – but I think she will be a good one – once she calms down.
Do you use your calculator very much? Are you allowed to use it at school? We're having our tests (1 theory, 1 actual problems) this week. I'm very thankful we can use the calculator for the tests. My problem is I make little simple mistakes – like decimal points or when I want divide – lets say 3 into 12 I put the 4 in first then I divide by 12 so instead of getting the 3 I'm supposed to have I get .333 – it's all out of habit.
I'm now waiting for statistics class to start – I better quit & get my mind ready for what is coming up.
Write when you can – also did you know Uncle Bill has a birthday coming up the 31st of January? You could send him a belated birthday card. I'm sure he would appreciate that!
Eat a mint Girl Scout cookie for me –
Love, Berta
[at the end in Grandma's handwriting] Mary Virginia if you save me a couple of boxes of cookies let me know so I can pay you. Perhaps Mother doesn't have the room in the freezer for boxes.
We all enjoyed your last letter. How many girl scout cookies die you sell? What kind were the most popular? I bet it was the mint ones – they were always my favorite.
Friday Grandma, Aunt Mary & I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Hinerman. Mrs. Hinerman, Grandma & Aunt Mary are really a riot together. You should have been there – we could have had some good laughs. Of course if J.B. had been there too it would have really been funny!
I had a nice letter from Aunt Ruth – next time you see her tell her thanks & be patient. Remember when you told me to be patient about hearing from J.B. – well, I didn't have to. He wrote me right back.
I've been trying to let my finger nails grow – so far it isn't working!
For my statistics course I have had to learn a little about playing cards, because we have to be able to figure out the probability of picking an ace, or a king so on and so fourth. Sometimes it gets pretty complicated because they ask you about what the probability of getting this on the 1st try, 2nd, or 3rd try given you got it for the try before.
On our way to the Hinermans we stopped at Jonathan Dickinson (sp?) Park. It was kind of disappointing. 1st it cost us just to drive in the place. Then I had a list of trees, plants, etc. I was suppose to identify but nothing was marked. We did see a bald eagles next.
There were canoes you could rent – also there were horse you could ride - for $5.00 an hour w/out a guide or $4.00 w/ a guide. I stopped to talk to the guy & asked him why it was cheaper w/ a guide and he told me that in the long run its cheaper if the guide just goes w/you from the beginning instead of having to send one out later looking for you. Of course Aunt Mary, Grandma & I all took a canoe trip and went horse back riding. (HA,HA!)
We've been having some slow days at work lately. Down here there are so many people without jobs. One of my girl-friends just got laid off from work – but I got her a part time job at Ranch House as a waitress. She worked yesterday for the 1st time – and was making a milk shake (strawberry) and spilled it all over her getting it off the mixer. I had to go to K-Mart and buy her a new uniform.
Karen has never done waitress work before – but I think she will be a good one – once she calms down.
Do you use your calculator very much? Are you allowed to use it at school? We're having our tests (1 theory, 1 actual problems) this week. I'm very thankful we can use the calculator for the tests. My problem is I make little simple mistakes – like decimal points or when I want divide – lets say 3 into 12 I put the 4 in first then I divide by 12 so instead of getting the 3 I'm supposed to have I get .333 – it's all out of habit.
I'm now waiting for statistics class to start – I better quit & get my mind ready for what is coming up.
Write when you can – also did you know Uncle Bill has a birthday coming up the 31st of January? You could send him a belated birthday card. I'm sure he would appreciate that!
Eat a mint Girl Scout cookie for me –
Love, Berta
[at the end in Grandma's handwriting] Mary Virginia if you save me a couple of boxes of cookies let me know so I can pay you. Perhaps Mother doesn't have the room in the freezer for boxes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
1975 Sarah Hinerman Letter -Jan.26
Sunday - Jan. 26 [1975]
Dear All,
I had such a nice visit Friday from Roberta, Mary Horton & Mrs. Uible. Roberta phoned early in the week that she had a school trip up this way, so they all came and we lunched at "The Outrigger," Frances Langford's plush place, near here, I thot [sic] they were my guests but it ended up that we were Mrs. Uible's – very nice but I was embarrassed.
Roberta said she passed all her course and one more semester will see her through. We enjoy her so much. (Young people are so refreshing in a retirement area!) We have nice neighbors though.
Mary brought us up to date re: her family. She is looking forward to a visit from her new grandchild in March.
The weather here has been so nice – especially while watching what the weather is doing up your way – Chauncey says it's too hot for him. He needs a week end back up in W.Va. and he'll be rushing back to Stuart. I'm watching the weather map on TV as I'm writing this and I see snow in W.Va. & Ohio.
It doesn't seem possible that we are almost halfway thru our stay here – that is if we go home last of March (Hope Not!)
I hope the gasoline situation stays in status quo until we get home. We worried about it last year, though, and made it. The auto train is backed up thru June, so I hear, so no hopes of that.
I'm sorry you didn't get down here for Christmas but we will expect to see you in Glen Dale this summer. Looks as if we don't get off the ground up there.
I'm juggling this on my knee –my writing leaves much to be desired at best – do hope you can read this. I told Roberta I would report to you how we enjoyed our day –
Hope all OK with all the Uibles. Chauncey says Hi!
Affectionately, Sarah H.
Dear All,
I had such a nice visit Friday from Roberta, Mary Horton & Mrs. Uible. Roberta phoned early in the week that she had a school trip up this way, so they all came and we lunched at "The Outrigger," Frances Langford's plush place, near here, I thot [sic] they were my guests but it ended up that we were Mrs. Uible's – very nice but I was embarrassed.
Roberta said she passed all her course and one more semester will see her through. We enjoy her so much. (Young people are so refreshing in a retirement area!) We have nice neighbors though.
Mary brought us up to date re: her family. She is looking forward to a visit from her new grandchild in March.
The weather here has been so nice – especially while watching what the weather is doing up your way – Chauncey says it's too hot for him. He needs a week end back up in W.Va. and he'll be rushing back to Stuart. I'm watching the weather map on TV as I'm writing this and I see snow in W.Va. & Ohio.
It doesn't seem possible that we are almost halfway thru our stay here – that is if we go home last of March (Hope Not!)
I hope the gasoline situation stays in status quo until we get home. We worried about it last year, though, and made it. The auto train is backed up thru June, so I hear, so no hopes of that.
I'm sorry you didn't get down here for Christmas but we will expect to see you in Glen Dale this summer. Looks as if we don't get off the ground up there.
I'm juggling this on my knee –my writing leaves much to be desired at best – do hope you can read this. I told Roberta I would report to you how we enjoyed our day –
Hope all OK with all the Uibles. Chauncey says Hi!
Affectionately, Sarah H.
Monday, January 26, 2015
1955 Harriette Ballantyne postcard -Jan. 26
A (two) penny postcard from Jean's sister-in-law, wife of her brother Bob, in response to the news of Serena's birth.
Dear Harold and Jean,
Our congratulations and best wishes. We were so happy to hear that the baby had arrived and all was well. Girls seem to run in your family and boys in ours - that is life.
Bob is in the hospital again for treatment - he is doing nicely and should be out the last of the week.
We have been having very cold and slippery weather - will be glad to see Spring come.
Love from all of us to all of you.
Wednesday [January 26, 1955]
Dear Harold and Jean,
Our congratulations and best wishes. We were so happy to hear that the baby had arrived and all was well. Girls seem to run in your family and boys in ours - that is life.
Bob is in the hospital again for treatment - he is doing nicely and should be out the last of the week.
We have been having very cold and slippery weather - will be glad to see Spring come.
Love from all of us to all of you.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
1975 Catherine's letter - Jan. 25
January 25, 1975
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,
Sorry that I haven't written in so long. I got laid off my factory job two weeks ago but it seems like I get less done now than I did when I was working double. I keep putting things off now because I know I have plenty of time. Hopefully I will get readjusted to working less soon so that I will be able to get other things done.
Things have been rather depressing around here. The ten year old grandson of the Children's Librarian (he lived with his grandmother) was hit by a car and killed. Then a week ago one of our best friends in Sanford committed suicide. He had helped us quite a bit last spring and early summer with our house. And then right after that the girl I was closest to at Miann - her father died. This was especially sad since she has a 13-year-old brother and their mother died 10 years ago.
It also seems that our marriage is falling apart. I seem to have become very bored, restless, and dissatisfied, especially since I lost my other job. The situation is further complicated by the fact that I have developed an attachment of sorts for another guy. It is nothing serious but it does make matters more complex. We don't plan to do anything rash but things are rather up in the air at the moment.
We took Kuman to the vet's for her yearly shots, etc and he said she would be best off losing 10-15 pounds so we have put her on a diet which she doesn't appreciate at all. So far she has lost 3 pounds but it may drive all of us crazy.
We haven't done much on the house at all. As soon as we get a little more money together we will probably start working on it again. X has signed up to take a wiring course in adult education so that should add to what he already knows about wiring. I signed up to take bookkeeping do that should add a little more to my rounded education.
We have been going out more often and seeing more of our friends now that I am not working double. Tonight we're going to the Kiwanis "Presidential Reception," dinner and dance to the tune of $15.
It's almost time for the mailman to come now so I'll try to get this off so it will go out today. Will try not to let so much time go by before I write again.
Love, Catherine & X
Friday, January 23, 2015
1975 Roberta's Letter - Jan. 23
January 23, 1975
Dear Family,
Hi! Received your last letter - Dad – thanks alot. This has been a good week for mail – got your letter, plus one from JB and Serena.
You will never believe this – but FAU is broke and one of the ways they are planning on saving $ is to cut out the graduating class of 1975 graduation ceremony! If they knew how hard I'd worked for this they would have a special ceremony for me – HA!
It doesn't really make that big of deal to me – but alot of kids are making a big ruckes (sp?) about it all – so I imagine there will be a little bit of something happening. Of course you know unless I pass statistics I won't have to worry about any graduation ceremony!
For my ecology class I'm to make a trip to Jonathan Dickinson Park which is near Jupiter. So Grandma and I are planning on going tomorrow then are to meet Mrs. Hinerman for lunch. (I guess Mr. Hinerman will be watching the stock market – HA!)
I thought my ecology class – well its called environmental conservation – would be so interesting. But thus far it has been very technical. But it's kind of good in a way because the prof. talks alot about South Florida.
Hey – we were curious (esp Grandma and me too) what kind of grades J.B. got. No matter what he got he's lucky to be going there if you ask me.
I'm doing my independent study on shy a police dept should have a psychologist – and what all he would do. I haven't gotten started on it yet.
We are eating good grapefruit and oranges.
Where was Ron staying that had the fire – his dorm? I hadn't heard anything about it? Did read in the paper about Gary Sharps house being burnt down.
Better eat my breakfast & get something done today!
Love, Berta
For my ecology class I'm to make a trip to Jonathan Dickinson Park which is near Jupiter. So Grandma and I are planning on going tomorrow then are to meet Mrs. Hinerman for lunch. (I guess Mr. Hinerman will be watching the stock market – HA!)
I thought my ecology class – well its called environmental conservation – would be so interesting. But thus far it has been very technical. But it's kind of good in a way because the prof. talks alot about South Florida.
Hey – we were curious (esp Grandma and me too) what kind of grades J.B. got. No matter what he got he's lucky to be going there if you ask me.
I'm doing my independent study on shy a police dept should have a psychologist – and what all he would do. I haven't gotten started on it yet.
We are eating good grapefruit and oranges.
Where was Ron staying that had the fire – his dorm? I hadn't heard anything about it? Did read in the paper about Gary Sharps house being burnt down.
Better eat my breakfast & get something done today!
Love, Berta
Thursday, January 22, 2015
1975 Gladys Hiestand Uible letter - Jan. 22
Wed. Jan 22 [1975]
Dear Family -Our warm weather continues & we hope it may get a little cooler soon. People who live here rather look forward to a few days of coolness now & then.
Your letter received yesterday also my tax form last week which is on a shelf. I did look through the booklet & wonder why something more simply can't be made so an ordinary mind might be able to cope with it. Harold I am enclosing a check for the Drs' fund or whatever you may call it as I have been one person wanting a Dr. in N.V. so will try to help the cause. I have wondered what amount might be expected from people & for how long a time help might be needed. Of course that depends on many things. I declare Dr. prices around here are too high. I pay $15– & get $8 back from Med. – They base refund on $10 for an office call. I had to pay $66 – for Blood tests which is out of reason. I don't know whether there will be a refund on that amount or not. While in hospital, yes, but out patient there is nothing said in booklet.
Roberta said she could see cookies or rather the boxes stacked in the T.V. room. Sorry Mary V. but there is no way to help the cause this year unless they move slowly & you put a couple of boxes in the "deep freeze" for grandma. Wonder if the price is more this year. I can just see John moving around when he is home. Wonder what his height is now. Hope he has gained a couple of pounds. He has a lot of vacation.
We have been buying very good fruit & wish the grape-fruit from the tree on the lot was sweeter. Bill is no fruit grower 8t seems & several of the trees are gone. I notice where the mulberry tree is putting forth leaves, but it needs water. Hope it has a few berries this spring.
The visit we use to make in Liberty, Ind. was to see Grandma Uible [CJ's step-mother, Andelia Eglantine Hudson Shull Uible 1845-1937, married David Uible in 1892] who went to make her home with her son William (I believe) Schull a brother of Mat. S. who lived in Wilmg. before his death. Aunt Martha S. was the one living in Wilmg. but I simply can;t think of the Aunt's name in Ind. who passed away years ago. They had one daughter but I don't know what became of her.
Rob is having a forced vacation. He got up sick yesterday & is not too good to-day. Said his head was in a whirl, with sore throat & a little fever. Hopefully the rest of us don't take over with it. Of course his studies take some effort & he simply will have to work away at it.
Too bad about the boys at school having fire trouble. They were fortunate that they were not hurt.
Cris phoned the other evening & was quite happy. It seems as if he had drawn up some plans for his company some time ago for expanding or new buildings & they have been accepted. He is still down hearted about Donna.
Marianne phoned Sun. & said they would try to come to L.W. Easter time for Larry can get 2 weeks vacation then. That will be nice if they can come while I am still here so I can see the little fellow. He is not going to be little long, for he now weighs 14 lbs & is 24" long. Where we will all stay is going to be a ? Marianne though the 2 grandma Ks could come over at that time & be here.
We had Cris [Uncle Bill's brother] & Laura for dinner last Sun. They have had guests & were expecting some friends to stop by any day for a call or short visit.
The cereal article was interesting. Seems as if we had better use more oats for nutrition. I never have used the sweetened kind. We do try to have oats during week at least once or twice.
Our tourist class meeting was last Fri with our teacher showing slides from her trip to the Holy Land.
It will be nice for you all to come to Fla.
Love - Mother
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
1955 Lucie Brown Ballantyne letter - Jan. 20
Jan. 20 - 1955
Dear Jean Harold & girls:I was so glad to receive the good news of the arrival of Miss ? Uible and give her a most cordial welcome into the Ballantyne Uible clan and everything was alright. Virginia kept saying over the phone to write you to name her "Virginia" but I think that is for you to decide just so she is a dear little girl like her sisters that is all we shall ask.
I received the lovely pictures yesterday with "Santa Claus" and every one raves over it that I have shown. Mrs. Atkinson had get [sic] a nice frame for it. I would like to see them when they see their new sister. If Harold hadn't named the boy "Herman" before his arrival but he never could have stool that title.
I wish I could drop in and see you this evening but I am thinking of you and all your dear ones.
I am ashamed o say that I don't know what hospital you are confined but I feel sure it is the Wilmington.
Dr. Fullerton just made it on his last date the 20th.
Much love and the best of everything for the darling grand child, and all the family.
"Grand-mother Lucie"
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
1955 Serena's Birth News Clippings
Don't believe everything you read – the Wilmington News-Journal, in their rush to publish the news of Serena's birth, got one detail wrong. Her name is spelled correctly in a later issue of the paper which announced the dismissal from the hospital. The New Cumberland Independent clipping on the left is the most faded, has the most details, including the fact that her father is an Attorney and that she is the third daughter.
Monday, January 19, 2015
1955 Serena's birth hospital related -Jan.
A variety of items related to Serena's arrival at Clinton Memorial Hospital in 1955. Not scanned was a $70 check to Dr. Fullerton and a "prescription" – more like a recipe – for Serena's baby formula, which consisted of 13 oz milk (condensed most likely), 20 oz water, 1¾ T Karo, to be taken in 4 oz bottles.
A list for Catherine and Roberta, who stayed with Oscar and Elizabeth Johnson during the week that Mom and Serena were in the hospital, is also included.
A list for Catherine and Roberta, who stayed with Oscar and Elizabeth Johnson during the week that Mom and Serena were in the hospital, is also included.
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1955 Serena's Birth Hospital Statement - Jan.
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1955 Serena's Birth Hospital Statement of Charges - Jan.
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1955 Mommy & Baby (Serena) list for items needed while at the hospital.
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1955 Catherine & Roberta list for while Mom & Serena were in the hospital.
They stayed with Oscar & Elizabeth Johnson.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
1975 Roberta's Letter - Jan. 19
January 19, 1975
Dear Family,
Hi! Just wrote Vanessa a letter – so thought I would write you all too while I have my pad out! She had sent me a letter saying I owed her 3 letters! I guess she has a little bit more time on her hands than I do!
Statistics is really giving me a run for my money. Besides the political science course I had last quarter – this is the most challenging course I've had in my entire college career! Right now we are deep into probability We went from whats the chance of picking an ace, etc. from a deck of cards into this really complicated stuff like:
- Four gift wrappers are employed in a large dept. store at Christmas time. Betty, who wraps 30% of all packages, fails to remove the price tag 1 time in 50.
- Jean, who also wraps 30% of all packages, fails to remove the price tag 1 time in 40.
- Pat who wraps 20% of all packages, fails to remove the price tag 1 time in 10.
- And Rose, who also wraps 20% of the packages, fails to remove the price tag 1 time in 20.
- the toy was wrapped by Betty
- the toy was wrapped by Pat or Rose
I told you about getting stuck w/ that one bad check – well I got stuck w/ another one! Except that one is of one of my girl-friends – and hopefully it was just a "book-keeping" mistake.
Lois – the cook at Ranch House that wrote all these bad checks – well the police are after her. Did I tell you that she took all these Avon orders – w everyone paying her in advance – and she didn't ever sell Avon! The Avon people had never heard of her. She owes the bank for a loan on a car, she owes the land lord 2 months rent, and so many other people & businesses! But to talk to the woman – you wouldn't have met a nicer sweeter person. People can sure fool you!
Tomorrow is Serena's birthday – I'm going to have to send her a belated card. How does she like school this quarter? I'm glad she made the Deans List – I bet she went back to school full of zest!
Did I tell you that Vanessa is taking 2 courses at the vocational school – typing and a course in computers. She says her days of working as a "laborer" are over!
Rob seems to like it at the junior college. Besides a basic math course he is taking all music courses this time. He comes home between all his classes – weather [sic] he has a 20 minute break or a 2-hour break! It's a good thing the school is close!
After I supposedly cut my hours at work I still got in 38 hours last week. But w/ my tutor & inflation & all I need the $. I'm trying to save some for my vacation coming up. (after I graduate)
Right now I'm beginning to realize what a good deal I have because I get 2.25 straight pay – then I get 75¢ an hour out of the drawer – called "contract labor" that the gov't doesn't get to know about. Also it keeps our payroll down too. I guess all the stores use this type of deal. George – the district manager knows I can "chop the wood." He told me I could get the employees to do more than the manager could – and then they still don't be [sic] mad at me.
I think I'd like to manage a business while I'm young – so when I get old I can sit back & laugh about it. I'm very thankful I got the job at Ranch House – it has taught me alot about running a business – I've seen people get mad & walk out – I'm referring to employees. I've learned I can handle a situation under fire. (heat) I've also had to deal w/ dishonest people – customers & employees both which I find very upsetting. Well – enough!
I've got to study –– Hope you all stay warm –
Love, Bert
Answer to problem:
- 12/87
- 60/87 (my calculator is a real life saver)
Thursday, January 15, 2015
1975 Roberta's Letter - Jan. 17
January 17, 1975
Dear Family,Hi –– enjoyed your last long letter – now that everyone is leaving you all have to start writing letters again –
How was Chicago? Know it must have been a lively trip w/ Nicky along. Had he ever been there?
I'm really busy this quarter with statistics. I've got to pass it. I did get a tutor – there's no way I could do it alone. Right now we are in probability – I lack the basic skills so everything seems double hard to me.
The tutor is really good – she helped Rob through Algebra – she is young – but only problem is she is expecting March 19th and our final is March 17th! Now that is timing it close. She had me buy her a book, work book, etc. She had the same course I'm taking at FAU too – except then it was a graduate course!! (Try to imagine me in a graduate math course)
I've got to leave for work – wasn't suppose to work today – but when they asked me figured I could use the money ––
Will write more –– have been getting lots of mail lately – mostly concerned w/filing income tax!
Love, Berta
[Note from GHU written on side margin.]
[Jan. 17, 1975]
Fri. morning
Found this on the table when I got up at 7:30 so will enclose with the other letter. Roberta has left for work & said last night she might write a note. –
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
1905 A.W. Brown letters - Jan.17
Two letters from A.W. Brown to his family 1n 1905 indicate that he was in Charleston WV and had something to do with the senate. According to biographical information (which follows the transcriptions) A.W. had retired as editor of the New Cumberland Independent in 1903. Perhaps he was in Charleston as a reporter? We can also infer that he was not in the best of health. He died 16 May 1906 in his early 50s. A list of other blog posts about the Brown family follows the biographical information.
[Hotel Ruffner]
This is a beautiful day charming sunshine and I spend a great deal of time walking in the open air. I have not done any work of any kind yet, not lifted my hand, but I hope to be strong enough to draw my pay. The senate so far has simply met at 10 each day for a few minutes and adjourned until the next morning. The committees will soon report some bills and get down to work in a day or two.
I am feeling very much better and am looking better. If the scales are right, I have gained two pounds in the past 12 or 15 days. I was weighed on depot scales at home and weighed 135. Was weighed here last night and weighed 137. However I had a heavy pair overshoes on, which would weigh a pound, that I did not have on at Cumberland. But if I have gained a pound, I am doing well. If weather continues so pleasant, think I will get a livery horse & take a horse back ride every day for a half hour. They say it is the best exercise.
[Hotel Ruffner]
Wish you would go to [East] Liverpool [Ohio] and order a 100 piece dinner set not to cost over $10.00 and have them ship from the factory by express to Mr. Richer,Gen'l Pass District Passenger Agt. There is probably some correspondence whereby you can get his full name. I wrote to him I would have it made & sent by express. Anyhow, go right up and see Harry. You can select the combination for $10.00. I selected for decoration a sort of border of flowers, but you may find something prettier. I will leave it all to you. I would suggest you put in coupier [coupe] soup instead of the shallow soup plates.
Bert, if you have not sent rollers yet, I guess you had betterput have the boy put in the two big rollers back of old job press, also.
* * * * *
Biographical Information about A.W. Brown
Adrian Wilmer Brown was born at Wellsburg, Brooke County, Ohio, in 1854 [24Nov1855 per other sources], his parents being John Danforth and Lucie (Hewlett) Brown. John D. Brown, who was born in what is now West Virginia, was a merchant for some years at Wellsburg, where he died aged thirty-nine years, while his wife who survived him to the age of sixty-three years; was born at Richmond, Virginia. Adrian W. Brown passed his boyhood at Wellsburg, where he received a public school education and as a young man secured a position with the Wellsburg Herald. In 1877 he came to New Cumberland, where he founded the New Cumberland Independent, the first issue of which appeared January 10th of that year, from the same building in which it is now published. This republican weekly, published on an old-fashioned Washington hand press, at once gained a good circulation, due to its general worth and excellence and to its championing of all worthy movements in the way of modern progress and advancement. Mr. Brown remained as editor of this newspaper until 1903, when he retired from active affairs and turned its management over to his son. He died three years later, greatly mourned by those who had come to know his numerous fine qualities of mind and heart. Mr. Brown was circuit clerk for Hancock County from 1890 to 1896. He was a member of the Episcopal Church at Wellsburg, and services were held in his own home at New Cumberland once a month. At Pughtown Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss Mary Virginia Morrow, daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Wilson) Morrow, of Pughtown, Mr. Morrow having been proprietor of the old Virginia House at that place when it was the county seat. He was also a justice of the peace for many years. Mrs. Brown died in 1890, leaving two children: Robert Morrow; and Lucie, now the wife of N. W. Ballantyne, a sketch of whose career appears elsewhere in this work. Later Mr. Brown married Ola M. Moore, who survives him, but they had no children. --History of West Virginia, Old and New; published 1923, American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York p.253 (Hancock County section)
Other blog posts about the Brown Family include:
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1905 A.W. Brown Letter to family - Jan.17 page 1
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1905 A.W. Brown Letter to family - Jan.17 page 2
[Charleston, W. Va] Jany 17, 1905
Dear Ola, Bert and Lucie,This is a beautiful day charming sunshine and I spend a great deal of time walking in the open air. I have not done any work of any kind yet, not lifted my hand, but I hope to be strong enough to draw my pay. The senate so far has simply met at 10 each day for a few minutes and adjourned until the next morning. The committees will soon report some bills and get down to work in a day or two.
I am feeling very much better and am looking better. If the scales are right, I have gained two pounds in the past 12 or 15 days. I was weighed on depot scales at home and weighed 135. Was weighed here last night and weighed 137. However I had a heavy pair overshoes on, which would weigh a pound, that I did not have on at Cumberland. But if I have gained a pound, I am doing well. If weather continues so pleasant, think I will get a livery horse & take a horse back ride every day for a half hour. They say it is the best exercise.
You don't say who you collect money from to live and run the paper.
Better watch supply of news print. I should think you should order some right away. I forgot order the 5,000 laundry slips, better have them sent and such other goods as you need.
I won't need to have second check cashed. Have plenty of money to do until I draw some.
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1905 A.W. Brown Letter to wife - Jan. 17 p1
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1905 A.W. Brown Letter to wife - Jan.17 p2
[Charleston, W. Va] Jany 17, 1905
Dear Ola,Wish you would go to [East] Liverpool [Ohio] and order a 100 piece dinner set not to cost over $10.00 and have them ship from the factory by express to Mr. Richer,
Bert, if you have not sent rollers yet, I guess you had better
I rec'd invitation to Gov's reception Thursday night. I will mail the invitation. It is for A.W.Brown & wife.
* * * * *
Biographical Information about A.W. Brown
Adrian Wilmer Brown was born at Wellsburg, Brooke County, Ohio, in 1854 [24Nov1855 per other sources], his parents being John Danforth and Lucie (Hewlett) Brown. John D. Brown, who was born in what is now West Virginia, was a merchant for some years at Wellsburg, where he died aged thirty-nine years, while his wife who survived him to the age of sixty-three years; was born at Richmond, Virginia. Adrian W. Brown passed his boyhood at Wellsburg, where he received a public school education and as a young man secured a position with the Wellsburg Herald. In 1877 he came to New Cumberland, where he founded the New Cumberland Independent, the first issue of which appeared January 10th of that year, from the same building in which it is now published. This republican weekly, published on an old-fashioned Washington hand press, at once gained a good circulation, due to its general worth and excellence and to its championing of all worthy movements in the way of modern progress and advancement. Mr. Brown remained as editor of this newspaper until 1903, when he retired from active affairs and turned its management over to his son. He died three years later, greatly mourned by those who had come to know his numerous fine qualities of mind and heart. Mr. Brown was circuit clerk for Hancock County from 1890 to 1896. He was a member of the Episcopal Church at Wellsburg, and services were held in his own home at New Cumberland once a month. At Pughtown Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss Mary Virginia Morrow, daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Wilson) Morrow, of Pughtown, Mr. Morrow having been proprietor of the old Virginia House at that place when it was the county seat. He was also a justice of the peace for many years. Mrs. Brown died in 1890, leaving two children: Robert Morrow; and Lucie, now the wife of N. W. Ballantyne, a sketch of whose career appears elsewhere in this work. Later Mr. Brown married Ola M. Moore, who survives him, but they had no children. --History of West Virginia, Old and New; published 1923, American Historical Society, Inc., Chicago and New York p.253 (Hancock County section)
Other blog posts about the Brown Family include:
1752 Capt. Oliver Brown
1934 Thomas Stephen Brown Obituary includes story of Capt. Oliver Brown -Feb 1
* * * *
The letters are written on stationery from the Hotel Ruffner which was located in Charleston on the corner of Kanawha and Hale Streets in 1885. At the time it was the biggest building in the city (180 rooms) except for the state capitol which was also built in 1885. The Ruffner was demolished in 1970. -- Charleston History Through Postcards, The West Virginia Encyclopedia
East Liverpool, Ohio became known as "Crockery City." During the early twentieth century, the Homer Laughlin China Company was the largest pottery manufacturer in the world. --Ohio History Central
East Liverpool, Ohio became known as "Crockery City." During the early twentieth century, the Homer Laughlin China Company was the largest pottery manufacturer in the world. --Ohio History Central
Monday, January 12, 2015
1985 Picture of HH
Thursday, January 08, 2015
1975 Roberta's Letter -Jan.8
January 8, 1975
Dear Family,
Hi! Wanted to at least write you all a note - saying thanks for the pills and the [audio] tape! I too was shocked on how Bob Gooding didn't really have all that much to say.
School started on Monday - as planned! Statistics is as bad as I thought it would be. I need a tutor now - but @ $10.00 an hour - the price through the school - I've been trying to figure out some stuff on my own!!
Between statistics & my science course this quarter by March I'll really have a deflated (sp?) ego! I hate these courses that make you feel dumb!
Today I met w/ this woman selling life insurance – Fidelity Union Life. If I "joined" up now and paid $32 a month till I'm 43 (20 years) then when I'm 58 I would get $13,546.00 – or if I wait till I'm 65 I'd get $17,864.00. She really had me confused talking about all those numbers.
This Insurance Comp. has a special deal for college graduates (soon to be) – because as a group we are supposed to live longer, buy at an earlier age, etc.
I really don't like the idea of life insurance – you either have to die – and then someone else gets the $ – or you have to wait till you are old to get it! I don't think I'm going to worry about it – if I die – let the state pay for it!
I've just about finished my Christmas shopping – for 1974! I got Catherine's & Serena's in the mail yesterday – and John's & X's are ready to be mailed.
I ate at Lums tonight you know they are owned by the same company that owns Ranch House. They have alot of stuff we have – except we have a bigger menu. I had a chopped steak (8oz) w/ a salad & cole slaw for $2.25 – we have the same thing for the same price. (Ours is better – HA!)
It's now 9:15 PM – just got home from school – home early as class (statistics) is suppose to last from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. I think our class is driving our prof. crazy. The class is taught by a man & woman. We had the man for the 1st time tonight. We were going over Chebyshev's theory & all about statistical deviation. These 2 boys kept asking ?'s – finally the man (prof) just threw up his hands & told us all to go home! I sure didn't know what was going on either – but I wasn't about to answer ASK any ?'s.
G'ma is listening to your latest tape – right now Ted West is talking. The article in WNJ on him was very interesting.
I'm already getting alot of good use out of my calculator. It's a real time saver (and paper saver) when it comes to dividing & multiplying big numbers – also nice in doing square roots.
Thanks again for all the tapes & for sending the pills. So far the desired effects (affects) aren't happening – but I haven't been taking them all regularly – but now I'm going to try to.
J.B. –– when is your vacation over?
Love, Berta
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
1985 Catherine's Letter -Jan.7
January 7, 1985
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Thought I'd get a letter off to you before you leave for the warmer climate. We have been having a cold spell here so I envy you. There is alot of snow and ice which has made walking especially treacherous. Moscow had about 8" more snow than Colfax so it is piled up all over town there. Should we have a sudden warm spell they should probably have flooding problems. At least the library sits on fairly high ground.
We are back into our regular routines now after long weekends and no school. Wendy has a day off from school on Monday, January 21 so that is nice that it coincides with my day off. I will get a comp day in February as the library will be closed on Presidents Day.
We got our VCR last week (you can tell Grandma for me, I told her in our thank you note that we planned to get one). It is a Penny's. We have borrowed some movies from the local video store as well as from the library. Today I got Sleeping Beauty and a Smurf movie at the library.
Our tenants in Madras informed us that they are moving out the end of this month. We had two other couples call us, one of which wants the lease-purchase option. He works for John Deere so Gerry knew him. I think we are going to have one of our friends in Madras handle the transition of tenants so we don't have to make at trip down there at this time of year. We are thinking of going back to visit in May or June.
We appreciated your letter which came last week. With the holidays plus Christmas cards I'm sure it's been awhile since I last wrote.
The motor burned out on our washing machine yesterday so I took the rest of our clothes to the laundramatte this morning after my exercise class. We think we will buy a new washer since this one we bought used from the lady who sold us our house in Madras. We will probably wait until spring or until we move (whichever comes first) as the hook-up here is on the unheated back porch and I don't think all that cold would help. At least our drier is still working fine.
April sounds fine for you to come and visit us. The weather is bound to be warmer by then anyway! We haven't heard anymore from Gerry's folks so don't know if they are still planning to come and visit us this month or not.
I did booktalks at one of the elementary schools in Moscow last week going to K-5th grades. I got lots of requests on the books I reviewed so guess I did OK. I reviewed two books by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, The Headless Cupid and The Famous Stanley Kidnapping Plan, A Smart Kid Like You by Pevsner, Man in the Woods by Rosemary Wells, Diary of a Frantic Kid Sister by Colman, Dark Horse by Doty; and for the younger grades I did Freckle Juice by Blume, I Was a 2nd Grade Werewolf by Pinkwater, and Hound and Bear by Gackenbach. I've got two more elementary schools to do yet this month and another lady from the library is doing the remaining two schools.
Have a nice stay in Florida. Tell Roberta, Grandma, and the Hortons hello for us.
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Thought I'd get a letter off to you before you leave for the warmer climate. We have been having a cold spell here so I envy you. There is alot of snow and ice which has made walking especially treacherous. Moscow had about 8" more snow than Colfax so it is piled up all over town there. Should we have a sudden warm spell they should probably have flooding problems. At least the library sits on fairly high ground.
We are back into our regular routines now after long weekends and no school. Wendy has a day off from school on Monday, January 21 so that is nice that it coincides with my day off. I will get a comp day in February as the library will be closed on Presidents Day.
We got our VCR last week (you can tell Grandma for me, I told her in our thank you note that we planned to get one). It is a Penny's. We have borrowed some movies from the local video store as well as from the library. Today I got Sleeping Beauty and a Smurf movie at the library.
Our tenants in Madras informed us that they are moving out the end of this month. We had two other couples call us, one of which wants the lease-purchase option. He works for John Deere so Gerry knew him. I think we are going to have one of our friends in Madras handle the transition of tenants so we don't have to make at trip down there at this time of year. We are thinking of going back to visit in May or June.
We appreciated your letter which came last week. With the holidays plus Christmas cards I'm sure it's been awhile since I last wrote.
The motor burned out on our washing machine yesterday so I took the rest of our clothes to the laundramatte this morning after my exercise class. We think we will buy a new washer since this one we bought used from the lady who sold us our house in Madras. We will probably wait until spring or until we move (whichever comes first) as the hook-up here is on the unheated back porch and I don't think all that cold would help. At least our drier is still working fine.
April sounds fine for you to come and visit us. The weather is bound to be warmer by then anyway! We haven't heard anymore from Gerry's folks so don't know if they are still planning to come and visit us this month or not.
I did booktalks at one of the elementary schools in Moscow last week going to K-5th grades. I got lots of requests on the books I reviewed so guess I did OK. I reviewed two books by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, The Headless Cupid and The Famous Stanley Kidnapping Plan, A Smart Kid Like You by Pevsner, Man in the Woods by Rosemary Wells, Diary of a Frantic Kid Sister by Colman, Dark Horse by Doty; and for the younger grades I did Freckle Juice by Blume, I Was a 2nd Grade Werewolf by Pinkwater, and Hound and Bear by Gackenbach. I've got two more elementary schools to do yet this month and another lady from the library is doing the remaining two schools.
Have a nice stay in Florida. Tell Roberta, Grandma, and the Hortons hello for us.
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Monday, January 05, 2015
1975 Catherine's letter -Jan.5
January 5, 1975
Dear Mom, Dad, Serena (?), John & Mary,
We made it home in plenty of time with our luggage and picked up Kuman on the way. I must have gotten too much sleep in NV for I didn't sleep much the two days after we returned. Things at Miann have slowed down considerably. They have two assembly lines and lat week they filled the one I work on to capacity and shut the other one down. This puts three people out of jobs but they haven't been laid off – yet anyway. I even heard one rumor that the whole place was going to close down.
I gave a pint of blood to the Red Cross on New Years Eve. The Red Cross just recently took over the blood donation program in Maine.
Business at the library has been quite brisk now that the holidays are over and school has started again. X has been putting in extra hours trying to get the addition plans finalized. We have also been receiving quite a few gift books & records, plus the new books and compiling statistics for 1974 has been keeping me busy.
Kuman went to the Vet for her shots so she could get her 1975 license. The Vet said she should lose about 15# (she now weighs 83) so we have her on a diet. She isn't real happy about it.
We really enjoyed being in NV for Christmas. Thanks also for the use of your car.
Catherine & X
Friday, January 02, 2015
1975 Roberta's letter -Jan.3 & Restaurant Inventory
January 3, 1975
Dear Family,Hello, and a Happy New Year to all of You!!!! I didn't start the New Year out with much vigor this year. After not being able to get four days off together from work to come home on . . . . . I manage to come down sick at work on Monday and haven't been back yet!!!! I guess I've just had a cold and couldn't throw it off!!!!

We got another welcomed tape today. I've been teaching G'ma how to use my tape cassette. It was especially interesting to hear the new Doctor and his wife. I could have used him this past week. By the way, how much does he charge for an office call? I wish I could have seen (or better yet tasted-ha) the gingerbread house. What did you all do New Years Eve? Did you go out to Hughes?
OH, I spent all my Christmas money . . . . . well, almost all of it, all at one time too. I sent Rob into Sears yesterday to buy a calculator for me . . . . . they had them advertised in the paper yesterday morning. I guess I had told you all that I had to have one for statistics. Either that or I could rent one from the school for 25.00 a month and for 3 months that would cost me 75.00 . . . . . so instead I bought one for 72.80. (that's tax and all) It's a Sears model 10M ----- if you are ever at Sears or something. It does all the basics, plus has a memory and also does square roots, percents, reciprocal, automatic constant, automatic squaring, and change sign. (I just took all of that from the insturcution manuel [sic]) It has a guarantee for one year. The battery is rechargable [sic], it's (the calculator) really small. Only weights [sic] 9 ounces. I thought it to be a good investment. Mary Virginia, tell me about your calculator????? Also about your digitial [sic] clock . . . . or rather watch??
Yesterday my girlfriend stopped with a New Years present for me . . . . . my statistics book that I'll be using this coming quarter. It's a good thing I had planned to hire a tutor. I have been going through the book some, alot of it is sorta like Algebra, but then other parts of it . . . . . its like it's written in a language completely unbeknown to me.
I'm happy Serena got such good grages [sic] last quarter (?) I'll have to write her and congratuate [sic] her. (I know I misspelled congrulate [sic] The house must be getting quieter with everyone going back to school etc. Of course John still has some vacation time left. What is he doing with himself now? John, did you hear that I got a 'c' in my political science course, and I struggled for that. I could never be a lawyer. The law really confused me. I never knew it could be so complicated.
Our business down at work is really picking up. I'm only going to be working two days a week now . . . . . Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to miss not working more (also the money) . . . . . but I'm taking eighteen hours this quarter and I knew I couldn't handle anymore than that. Monday when I made up the bank deposit we had 450.00 dollars worth of travellers [sic] checks!!!!! Of course alot of those were 20.00's and a few 50.00's so they add up quick; but that is lots more than what we've been used to having. They had had big days down there all week. Tonight is inventory night. It's the first time I haven't helped with it for a LONG time!!! Oh, I found an old inventory the other day, I might send it to you all (if I can find it) . . . . . you might find it interesting. [Inventory is partially scanned below.]
Am running out of space . . . . . also getting late.
Love, Berta
Thursday, January 01, 2015
1975 Uible Florida history
The following is presumed to have been written by Gladys Hiestand Uible in 1975 about the early years of the CJ Uible family in Florida, approximately beginning January 1934. Though written by GHU, some of it is from the perspective of one of her Uible grandchildren. Written on stationery from the Inn on the Park hotel, London, England with "Hotel of the Year" in Egon Ronay's 1971 Guide at the bottom of the page. Transcription, with paragraph breaks added, follows.
42 years ago last Jan my grandparents came to Fla bringing my father along who was 8 years old at that time. They wanted to see what Fla was like so they drove down the west coast staying a few days in several towns.
The diving for sponges was interesting along the gulf, very large turtles were on display & fish was [sic] was plentiful. Naples was a small village known for its good fishing along the coast.
Indians had several interesting places to visit along the Highway from Naples to Miami & was then known as the Tamiami Trail. The highway in places were not too good & not very wide in the Mt. district which made it dangerous driving if traveling fast. There were many curves & it took 3 to 4 days coming from Cin to L.W.
Coming up the East coast their [sic] were a few towns with Ft. L being the largest. When we arrived in L.W. the weather was perfect & being near the beach we like [sic] it very much & since our boy liked to swim & the town not large at that time we thought it safe in later years to let him get out on his own with a bicycle.
The next year when we came back for 3 months we lived in a cottage on 3rd Ave. No. between J & K sent our son to North grade [school] . At that time tourists were especially welcomed to L.W. with no tuition charged. As time went on parents were asked to buy Fla. license plates if a child entered school. Extra teachers were often hired to help in the school during Jan, Feb, March.
From 3 St North on the west side of K many lots were like a forest. My grandmother didn't like the idea of my Dad following a path & sometimes playing with others among the trees as growth for snakes had been seen there. Even west from town this side of Congress was simply a Fla growth with little cottages here & there with the families raising vegetables.
Many houseswere or rather small cottages were built on a lot with only 25' frontage which was too small for comfort. That happened when the town was first laid out & as time went on people would buy 2 lots to build a home. Before this time there had been a very bad tornado which destroyed many homes & buildings so they began to build more substantial homes.
At first when homes were being built it was thought that no provision for heat was needed but in later years people found that it can get real cold in the southern part. But as a rule only lasts for a few days to a week. Now heat has been added to school & churches before when too cold no school for a couples of days or more.
We were told that Feb 22 was about the height of the tourist season & people always began to leave in numbers after the Heilea [Hialeah] horse racing closed. You would hear the natives say that the business section of towns was looking like the Fair grounds looked after the fair was over. In other words not many people around.
42 years ago last Jan my grandparents came to Fla bringing my father along who was 8 years old at that time. They wanted to see what Fla was like so they drove down the west coast staying a few days in several towns.
The diving for sponges was interesting along the gulf, very large turtles were on display & fish was [sic] was plentiful. Naples was a small village known for its good fishing along the coast.
Indians had several interesting places to visit along the Highway from Naples to Miami & was then known as the Tamiami Trail. The highway in places were not too good & not very wide in the Mt. district which made it dangerous driving if traveling fast. There were many curves & it took 3 to 4 days coming from Cin to L.W.
Coming up the East coast their [sic] were a few towns with Ft. L being the largest. When we arrived in L.W. the weather was perfect & being near the beach we like [sic] it very much & since our boy liked to swim & the town not large at that time we thought it safe in later years to let him get out on his own with a bicycle.
The next year when we came back for 3 months we lived in a cottage on 3rd Ave. No. between J & K sent our son to North grade [school] . At that time tourists were especially welcomed to L.W. with no tuition charged. As time went on parents were asked to buy Fla. license plates if a child entered school. Extra teachers were often hired to help in the school during Jan, Feb, March.
From 3 St North on the west side of K many lots were like a forest. My grandmother didn't like the idea of my Dad following a path & sometimes playing with others among the trees as growth for snakes had been seen there. Even west from town this side of Congress was simply a Fla growth with little cottages here & there with the families raising vegetables.
Many houses
At first when homes were being built it was thought that no provision for heat was needed but in later years people found that it can get real cold in the southern part. But as a rule only lasts for a few days to a week. Now heat has been added to school & churches before when too cold no school for a couples of days or more.
We were told that Feb 22 was about the height of the tourist season & people always began to leave in numbers after the Heilea [Hialeah] horse racing closed. You would hear the natives say that the business section of towns was looking like the Fair grounds looked after the fair was over. In other words not many people around.
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