Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1983 Family Letter - Jan. 16

This copy of the letter shows a personal touch with the greeting to Mie Young added as well as a note on the margin. Transcription follows.  A picture of the Homer Thompsons and D. Stricker at the MYF progressive dinner also follows.

Sunday, January 16, 1983

Dear family: Mie Young –

We left Friday evening about 5 P.M. with Don and Barbara Isaac for the Fxll Gospel Busimess Men’s Retreat at Kings Island and returned late yesterday evening “all charged up”. It was very inpspirational and full of testimonies of what prayer and praise can do for people. Quite a contrast to the typical Bar meeting. While there we had our first snow of the season, which was really only a skiff. It was a pleasant contrast to swimming in the indoor pool. We were surprised to find the pool open to midnight. The meeting was a “Couples Advance” with about 250 people there. There was a lot of emphasis on loving your spouse.

Oh yes, the meals were part of the package and they had quality as well quantity. Surprised to meet the dining room hostess, who use to be an employee of the Bank in Wilmington.

Thursday evening we had Orville Harner in for supper and then we went Square Dancing. Orville left for Florida Friday morning in his own car along with two other couples fxr om our Square Dance Group. We have to admire Orville after having lost two wives in such a short time.

Wednesday was Prayer Night meeting at the parsonage where the group is studying Romans. In fact this seems to be “Religious Week” as Tuesday your Mother went to the Church Ladies Meeting and Dad went to Wilmington Methodist Church for that was the first night of four meetings in our Clinton County Churches on various topics. NV Church had the largest attendance of any church there, beside Wilmington.

Roberta sent us some nice pictures from our visit last mongth, which brings the memories back to life. MV and her Mother went to the Church Women Mtg. Wednesday noon and sent homel of her Economic Papers which I’m sure we would have flunked. On Tuesday MV and some others went to visit Asbury College in Wilmore, Ky. with the Port William Methoidst minister. MV was very impressed and hopes to go there next fall. . . . it is more conservative than Wilmington College.

Dad has covered most of the news – in fact I think everything. I didgo to see Grace Long this past week. She has just finished a series of treatments for cancer and goes back in 3 weeks for a cat scan.  The news isn’t very good. She said the treatments did get rid of the pain she had been having but she just lay on the couch. I feel sorry for her and Gleason. She apologized for not making us a fruit cake this year,P The weeks ahead many birthdays for the family beginning with Serena this Thursday AND we wish her the very best and will be anxious to heark how everaything is going with the resume, interviews, etc. We sorta cleaned house while Serena was home and took over five boxes of books to the library. We have been reading a book “Auto Mecanies Repairs for Dummies.”

Note to Mie Young – Always glad to hear from you. Darren S. asked about you & M.V. The MYF had a progressive dinner with the 1st course here. With much love – J&H

* * * * *
Rev. Homer Thompson, Darren Stricker, Rona Thompson 1983 at HH Uibles house for MYF progressive dinner

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