Monday, January 21, 2013

1983 Catherine's letter - Jan 20

Life continues in Madras, Oregon in January 1983.  Transcription follows.

January 20, 1983

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi! I thought I’d see if I could get a letter off two weeks in a row! Do you believe it? We have had a very busy week but now it’s Thursday and things are calming down at least for me.

Monday night we went to a Chamber of Commerce dinner. Gerry was the representative from the Co-op as his boss was unable to go. It was their annual meeting with installation of officers and a dinner speaker. It was a nice dinner with our choice of Chinese food or steak from Wong’s. We both had steak as their Chinese food is questionable sometimes good and sometimes not so good.

Tuesday night Gerry had an Elks meeting and I went to Redmond with two other people from Madras to a COLMA (Central Oregon Librarians & Media Association) it is a combination of public and school library people. We meet about every two or three months – very informal and more social than business. We had a program on computers in libraries which was interesting. Most of the school libraries have computers and Deschutes County has a computerized circulation system. It will be awhile before Jefferson County gets that far.

Last night we had to work on the Elks Bulletin. I went home after a couple of hours as xxx too many other things to do also. Tonight Gerry will have his regular Elks meeting and I have Bunco but I called earlier in the week and said I wouldn’t be able to go as I need a night to get caught up at home plus all the Elks work I still have to do. At least the weekend is coming and we’ll have some more time then. All the end of the year payroll things takes alot of time. Only a few more months.... and at least I won’t have the bookkeeping still to do. I’m pretty sure Gerry xis going to run for some xother office but it won’t require near as much from me and not as much x of his time as he is devoiting now.

My time is up but I see I haven’t mentioned Wendy yet so I better say xhrough that she is doing fine. She seems to enjoy her pre-school but wishes it were everyday. I don’t know what she will do in the summer when there isn’t any. Hopefully DeeDee will be here to give her some diversions.

Love, G, C & W  
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