Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1983 Family Letter - Jan. 30

The weekly letter on the last Sunday of January 1983.  Transcription follows.

Sunday, January 30, 1983

Dear Folks:

This has been a great week for mail and phone calls from the family, which we appreciate. We also had news from the Goodings that they have made reservations for the four of us to go white water f rafting in West Virginia the last week in May, plus lodging at the "Bankers Club", which we understand is an 1890 vintage hotel... the name does ingrigue us.

Your Mother's Sunday School Class has gotten a block of tickets for LaComedia for April 23, for "Sound of Music",  Also in April I have been putting some thoughts together for a talk on, "You are your own most important dependent".  Reading between the lines on Social Security, the program does not sound too secure.

 Yesterday, was a beautiful "Spring" day, cleaned up the yard and also the car.  This has really been a mild winter todate.  Serena, read in thepaper that snow elected Mayor Byrne, when her opponent in the last election could not get the 80+ dn inches off the road, and this winter they have had about 5" of Isnow to date.

Since John and X had some last minute company plans we changed our plans to go to Newark until this next Saturday, Feb. 5th.  MV can also go with us that day.  In fact, we are to meet X and John in Columbus for lunch.

Last night we went to a hoedown dance at Clarksville, sponsored by a group from their Methodist Church to raise money for choir robes.  It was a fun time for the level was really basic and was slow enoughth that we did not get dizzy.  Some were disappointed that it wasn't more difficult but others needed it VERY slow to learn.  The caller is in this year's western lesson class and was even able to callb both types of squaredancing.

Mie Young just called and told us that her sister is coming to the US the end of February or les part of fMarch and plans to stay with the Hannahs.  Her mother hopes to accompany her (and bring some orphans this time too tok help pay her way).  XIn Young hasn't had much if any English so it will be much more difficult for her to adjusdt than it was for Mie Young and she isn't too fond of American food but hopefully it will all workas out well.  Having Mie Young and Dr. Kims family here willk help but she will have to work alot harder than Mie Young did when she first came.  Iam sure the Hannahs will do all they can to help her.  They have two daughters, one a senior in high school and the other an 8th grader and a son a junior in High school as well as their oldest son who goes to Case Western Reserve.  Mie Young has a younger brother a year younger than IN Young but she says he doesn't want to come to the U.S.

Talked to Catherine on her birthday - Gerry had to work but they were going to go to the Elks last night - they will have alot more free time after Gerry gives up his position as Secretary of the Elks.  They have had so much bookkeeping, etc. but his other duties besides that like getting out the news letter and on and on.

Roberta was sent to a meeting in San Diego this weekend and planned to see the Bruces as well - hope the flooding didn't upset her schedule.  She is going to Florida around the 16th for a week and combining that with business too.

[Serena --(bottom line is cut off on this copy – then continues on the left margin)]  both in the mail and person so hopefully there will be a great need for legal assistants, aids, researchers, etc. but luckily in the meantime she is able to help out at Roosevelt University during their registration time, etc.

John is taking a course in computers every Tues and Thur. morning before the bank opens.  We hope to hear more about it when we seem them this Saturday.

Mary Virginia is busy and doing well at WC & also taking piano and voice lessons privately.  She liked Asbury College when she visited there a couple of weeks ago and now making plans to go there next fall.   [last line is totally indecipherable]

Love, etc.]

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1953 World Book Purchase - Jan. 28

The purchase of a new set of World Book Encyclopedias was a great addition to the Uible home library in 1953.  Whether these were purchased in honor of my birthday or if the timing was coincidental is unknown, but they were an integral part of my reading and future reference needs for many years.  I currently have the 1977 World Book, which is interesting historically but dated for current history, as part of my home reference library.  Apparently the cost in 1953 was $125.77 as shown on this New Vienna Bank check.  The penciled reference to Holmes WB (Bill Holmes?) is unknown.
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According to ebay the 1953 set of World Book was 19 volumes.  There is a set offered for sale on ebay for $44.96 plus $26 shipping.

Monday, January 28, 2013

1983 Catherine's letter - Jan. 27

January 27, 1983

Dear Mother and Dad,

Hi! Well, here I am almost another year older, or another day, depending on how you look at it. We will be having cake and ice cream for Wendy’s sake. I certainly don’t need it. Gerry has to work on Saturday but we will probably go out to dinner if we can decide which one of the many Jefferson County restaurants to honor with our business. Last night was the Birthday Dinner at the Elks so I got a free dinner there in honor of my membership in the lady Elks.

It has been a fairly quiet week for me as I didn’t have any meetings. Gerry went to Bend on Tuesday night with the other Elks officers to a meeting. That made for a late night for him. xx It looks like Gerry will be running for “Leading Knight” which is a step below Exalted Ruler next year. That means he might be Exalted Ruler the following year. The person who would have moved up to Leading Knight is not able to go on and Gerry is about the most qualified person to step in. Gerry really enjoys his involvement with the Elks so it is fine with me. I certainly won’t have to work as hard when we get rid of the bookkeeping part of it so I am looking forward to that. Three more months and I will be done.

Wendy sure likes the “property of Wendy” stickers you sent. She gave some of them to her friend (also named Wendy) who was visiting us last weekend. They both thought they were really neat.

Sorry, time’s up! To be continued next week!

Love, C, G & W
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

1983 MV's letter - Jan 27

MV writes about her upcoming college deadlines. Transcription follows.

Jan. 27, 1983

Dear Mom and Dad –

I kept waiting today for Dad to drop my boots off this afternoon . . . . Suddenly I realized that the boots sitting in the hall that every I had to keep walking around were mine; the girl next door has a pair exactly like them.

Cyndi Amen told me tonight that “my mom” had called her Monday night . . . she told me that she had wanted to do it, but she just didn’t have the energy. She would be a good prospect the next time you need someone.

Georgialia told me today they will be taking Mie Young’s sister when she comes, which is supposedly the end of February. Then Mie Young says she will get an apartment next year and In Young will live with her.

My big paper for state and local Govt. is due next Tuesday, so I went to the library tonight to check out some books and Gordon Beasley gave me several magazines. My topic is “Religion Public Schools,” 5-8 pages, plus a 15 oral presentation. My “commissioner’s” research paper is due Feb. 17, and we will begin the presentations then . . . . Please let me know whether you would like to speak or whether I should get Dave Bailey. The presentations will drag on for weeks, since they are supposed to be 30 minutes, so I’m sure that you’ll be back from Florida. When should I tell Kirk (Halliday) to schedule you?? The classxx meets Tuesday and Thursdays from 2:00-3:15.

Karan is coming over to spend the night tomorrow night. Karan Hewitt, Carolyn Tolliver’s daughter. Not much else is new. Thanks for the boots.

Love, MV
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Saturday, January 26, 2013

1993 Family letter - Jan 23

Familiar looking letterhead on which this letter was printed.  Transcription follows

Dear Family,

Yes, we are trying to do this on the computer, it may take us longer than on our old typewriter. At least the errors are so easy to correct that I can only blame my eyes.

Today has been a beautiful day, up in the fifties and also lots of sunshine for a change. We drove part way to Hillsboro and then rode the bike the rest of the way. Neither one of us was in shape for the hills and the wind, But lunch there did taste very good.

Mother still has her very good days as well as those days when she is “out.” Leahadell, her roommate is in the hospital.

Your mother has been busy, for in the past week she and Marg Hale gave two talks about the Far East trip, plus telling stories at school on Thursday AND having to teach the Sunday School class tomorrow.

We leave for New York on February 11, return to New Vienna on the 14th and right now plan to go to Guatemala on the 16th and return on the 27th. One of the couples on the Far East trip are leading a group of twenty and they have been in the area number of times.  [Hinshaws]

While in Hillsboro today, we also bought some garden seeds and some rubber boots for Dad. His last pair goes back to 1980, as as Pres. Bush said, “there is a time to go".

Your bread maker gift is doing great, the aroma is terrific and the end product is delicious. Plus it is so easy to use. Now lets see if we can activate the printer to get this off the screen.

Love, Mother and Dad.
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Friday, January 25, 2013

1983 Family letter - Jan 23

Thirty years after trying to find shoes to fit almost 4-year-old Catherine, the subject matter has switched to MV's college experiences.  I like the image of "sifting" by the fire, even though it appears to have been typed over to be "sitting."  Haven't figured out how to type over letters on the computer to make this a truer transcription but the strikethrough format works for some errors.  Transcription follows.

Sunday, January 23, 1983

Dear Family:

Mary Virginia and a friend, Leslie, have been here for a weekend. We all went over this PM. to the movie, "Tootsie", which did have an unusual twist as well as some humorous moments.  We ( we are now down to two people) went to the college library to look around and then had a snack at Wendys.  The college library has a micro film screen from which one can take pictures of the adtilces articles.  This past Sunday there were several articles on Florida.

Leslie is one of five girls who are spending a year in Wilmington as a Quaker Volunteer and leads a weekly prayer group at the college, where MV met her.  Her home is in Whittier, CA. and plans to go back to college next fall as a Junior.  The girls have other projects in the community such as driving a school business  for the mental health school, visiting shut ins, etc. etc.

Last Friday evening brought an ice storm and a power outage for a good hour.  A number of limbs came down, but by noon the next day all the ice was gone.  It was a nice evening to be sifting by the fire.

Talked with Serena on her birthday and Chicago always always has "tops" in the weather.  We recall the winter night when Serena was born and taking Catherine and Roberta back Johnson's lane.

Maricopa County is sending Roberta on a trip to San Diego to observe some of their Senior Citizen facilities and she plans to visit the Bruces.  Marion and Roberta are taking photography classes and we do appreciate the pictures that they have sent us.

Yesterday we made a couple hospital calls in Wilmington and then went on to the Dayton Mall as our Square Dance Club was participating in a dance there . . . we feel more comfortable in dancing now that we have some familiarity with at least the basic calls.  The show is sponsored by the local radio station.  Afterwards we had supper at Morrison's Cafeteria.  Last year we went with the Harners and Melba bought a wig and that was one of the last times that she danced.  The Fawleys have the farm up for sale.

[Love, etc.]
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

1973 Joe's letter to MV - Jan. 23

Joe writes to MV in answer to a letter she sent to him.  Transcription follows.

January 23, 1973
Dear Mary Virginia,
I write letters as often as it rains in Senegal. We’re in the dry season now. I enjoyed your letter. Thanks a lot.

Roberta and Julie were thoughtful guests. I loved entertaining them. Our trip to Mauritania was wonderful. I just got back my pictures. The ones of Roberta riding a camel were funny!

Last week I was sick. My stomach was upset and I spent many hours in the bathroom! But fortunately all that discomfort is over. I feel well now.

Aliou, my Senegalese friend, and I went to a “Lambb,” a Senegalese wrestling match. Before they wrestle, they pray to their Moslem god, Yalla in order that he help them. They also put on various leather cords to keep the other wrestler from winning the match. There was a lot of dancing before and tom-toms sounding loud and clear. The wrestling only takes 2 or 3 minutes. It’s all the ceremony before that’s interesting to watch. Well, hope you and your family are well. Hope to hear from you soon. Love, Joe
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1953 Jean's letter to her Mother - Jan. 23

Where would Jean have bought this new stationary?  Don't recall hearing about a "stationary" shop in New Vienna - but maybe while shopping for shoes in Hillsboro or Wilmington?  Later Washington CH became the place to fit my "expensive" feet.  Page 1 and 3 on first scanned image below, followed by pages 2 and 4.  Transcription follows.

Jan. 23, 1953
Dearest Mother,
Finally bought some stationary to tide me over til my other comes that I ordered.  We went to Hillsboro this afternoon and tried to get Catherine a pair of new shoes but it seems impossible to fit her – tried in Wilmington Monday.  Her foot is long, narrow and expensive.

Just finished baking a cake out of Swansdown Yellow Cake Mix with Chocolate icing – not bad but not as good as Betty Crocker's. [See ad for 1950s Swans Down cake mix here.] 

Harold said a package arrived for Catherine and is over at the shop.  We decided to keep it there til nearer her birthday lest I get too curious.

We did get Catherine a cute pair of bedroom slippers with Mickey Mouse on them which were incidentally on sale $3.50 regularly today for $1.95.

Harold law business has really kept him busy this week.  He's been busy day & evening with it & has to be in J.P.'s court [probate?] in Wilmington tomorrow.

Wells has now equaled  their last years record for the whole month of January ($24,000 worth of business).  This past week has slowed up considerably so Harold may go to Detroit next week.

I dyed five of the girls fitted sheets about the color of this paper since they have gotten so off-white – its different for a change.

I sent a card to Cousin Maude this week – the day I received your letter.

I bought two hyacinth (sp.?) at the 5&10¢ store today – one purple and one red so would like for them to bloom about the time I have the Womans Club (Feb. 25).

Several people have mentioned that they think Roberta looks like Daddy Uible, and I an see it in some expressions.

Betty McElwee came here Tuesday and gave me a permanent and we watched the Inauguration off and on.  Stayed up til 12:45 to get to see Ike and Marmie at the two balls in their honor.  Television made us really feel a part of it – I think its wonderful for things like that.

I had a letter from Jane Cochran Bossick & she says her mother is planning on finding something to do.  Their children had mumps at Christmas time.

Am enclosing some snapshots we took in New Cumberland last summer before Mary Ellen came home with us – You're taking a better picture all the time.  Will probably have some more for you later.  If you wish to send them to Virginia so Mary Ellen can see hers – its OK but we would like to have them back eventually or know which ones you might like duplicates of.

All our very best love, Harold, Jean, Catherine & Roberta

Haven't received any tickets yet for any TV shows we wrote for.  [Presumably in NYC during the annual March toy show.]  Hope to get tickets for some plays – Betty Davis in "Two's Company." [Opened on Broadway in Dec. 1952, ran for 90 performances.]

No one has heard anything about Mrs. Runk's* estate – her son's hasn't settled yet cause his uncles isn't finished yet.  Several people have put in requests for some of her things as if he will get it.

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* Hazel Runk (1895-Jan. 1953); her husband Heber Dorsey Runk (1897-1948) and their son Robert E.  Runk (1927-1951) all buried in NV IOOF Cemetery.  Robert graduated NVHS in 1945.  Heber is listed as a feed dealer in the 1930 census and as a proprietor of a feed store in the 1940 census.  Their address is listed as Main Street, New Vienna, possibly Bernard Road, as not far from the Elmer Pages who lived in the house featured as the Historic Hause House in New Vienna's 1953 pilgrimage of historic homes.  "Bobby" Runk's name appears in the Dec. 1942 Vienna Viewpoints.

Monday, January 21, 2013

1983 Catherine's letter - Jan 20

Life continues in Madras, Oregon in January 1983.  Transcription follows.

January 20, 1983

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi! I thought I’d see if I could get a letter off two weeks in a row! Do you believe it? We have had a very busy week but now it’s Thursday and things are calming down at least for me.

Monday night we went to a Chamber of Commerce dinner. Gerry was the representative from the Co-op as his boss was unable to go. It was their annual meeting with installation of officers and a dinner speaker. It was a nice dinner with our choice of Chinese food or steak from Wong’s. We both had steak as their Chinese food is questionable sometimes good and sometimes not so good.

Tuesday night Gerry had an Elks meeting and I went to Redmond with two other people from Madras to a COLMA (Central Oregon Librarians & Media Association) it is a combination of public and school library people. We meet about every two or three months – very informal and more social than business. We had a program on computers in libraries which was interesting. Most of the school libraries have computers and Deschutes County has a computerized circulation system. It will be awhile before Jefferson County gets that far.

Last night we had to work on the Elks Bulletin. I went home after a couple of hours as xxx too many other things to do also. Tonight Gerry will have his regular Elks meeting and I have Bunco but I called earlier in the week and said I wouldn’t be able to go as I need a night to get caught up at home plus all the Elks work I still have to do. At least the weekend is coming and we’ll have some more time then. All the end of the year payroll things takes alot of time. Only a few more months.... and at least I won’t have the bookkeeping still to do. I’m pretty sure Gerry xis going to run for some xother office but it won’t require near as much from me and not as much x of his time as he is devoiting now.

My time is up but I see I haven’t mentioned Wendy yet so I better say xhrough that she is doing fine. She seems to enjoy her pre-school but wishes it were everyday. I don’t know what she will do in the summer when there isn’t any. Hopefully DeeDee will be here to give her some diversions.

Love, G, C & W  
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Saturday, January 19, 2013

1993 Catherine's postcard - Jan. 19

Arizona Golf Resort, Mesa AZ postcard - Postmarked Jan. 19, 1993
1993 Catherine's postcard - Jan. 19
Hi!  This is the resort we went to over Labor Day – just takes me awhile to get the post cards written!  We got our LincTl dividend check on the 11th – such efficiency!  We really appreciate your generous donation to our assets!  Wendy now checks the NASDAQ listings daily to keep us updated on values.  Mette leaves for a ski trip on 2-2.  We're all going to Las Vegas on 2-9 and then Wendy leaves for her trip on 2-24.  I'm glad we're not too far from the airport!  Are you going to NY?
Love, C,G&W

Friday, January 18, 2013

1983 Gooding's letter - Jan. 19

The Goodings send a letter confirming a late spring rafting trip on the New River in West Virginia. Transcription follows.

Wed., Jan. 19, 1983

Dear Jean and Harold,

Just a line to let you know that the reservations are confirmed, both for the Banker's Club and the raft trip with Wildwater Expeditions Unlimited. We've sent the retainers-- we will be staying at the Banker's Club May 30 and 31st.  The trips will be on May 31 and June 1, after which we will come home that evening.
We're really looking forward to it, as it will be quite a lot of fun, especially with you two!

Lisa is back to work and doing pretty well.  All of her test data is not back yet, but at least, it doesn't seem to be anything really serious.  Thanks so much for your concern.

We'll be talking to you later, but just wanted you to have this confirmation.

Love, Bev & Bob
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

1943 Jean's WW2 Ration Books

The exact dates of these books are unknown but since Book Two lists Jean's age as 19, and Book 3 has her age as 20, so would have been prior to December 1943. There are no coupons remaining in Book Two, but samples of Book Three coupons are on the left below, and Book Four on the right.  According to the Ames Historical Society, referenced below, Book Two was issued in January 1943. [Perhaps she had to apply before she turned 20?] Book Three issued in October 1943 and Book Four in late 1943.  War ration Book Five was prepared but never issued.
1940s War Ration Books Two, Three & Four - Jean Wallace Ballantyne
Book 3 (middle) provides the most personal information about Jean, telling us her weight was 135 lbs., height 5'4", and that she was a student.
1940s War Ration Books Coupons from Book Three & Four
There are no coupons remaining in Book Two, but samples of Book Three coupons are on the left above, and Book Four on the right.  The Book Three coupons in green have letters (N-Y and numbers 1, 2, 5 and 8.  The adjacent page has been removed so presumably the numbers 3, 4, 6, and 7 could have been located there with similar letters.  The coupons above the green ones are samples of the four other types located in Book Two.  Each page has a distinctive war picture on each coupon: tanks, boats, airplanes, and cannons with 48 numbered coupons on each page.  Very few of these were used.

Book Four coupons, on the right above, have several pages completely used, and the pages remaining show unused "spare" coupons, 12 unused coffee coupons, and three unused sugar coupons.  The red ones are similar to the green ones used in Book Three.

According to Learn NC Multimedia, sugar was the first food to be rationed, in the spring of 1942 and Ration Book One contained stamps that could be used to purchase sugar.  Sugar rationing continued until 1947.
1940s War Ration Books Back Cover of Books Two (bottom) and Books Three & Four (identical)

The back of rationing Book 2 states:
United States Office of Price Administration
IMPORTANT:  When you have used your ration, salvage the TIN CANS and WASTE FATS.  They are needed to make munitions for our fighting men.  Cooperate with your local Salvage Committee.

Books Three and Four were wordier:

  1. This book is valuable.  Do not lose it.
  2. Each stamp authorizes you to purchase rationed goods in the quantities and at the times designated by the Office of Price Administration.  Without the stamps you will be unable to purchase those goods.
  3. Detailed instructions concerning the use of the book and the stamps will be issued.  Watch for these instructions so that yo will know how to use your book and stamps.  Your Local War Price and Rationing Board can give you full information
  4. Do not throw this book away when all of the stamps have been used, or when the time for their use has expired.  You may be required to present this book when you apply for subsequent books.

Rationing is a vital part of your country's war effort.  Any attempt to violate the rules is an effort to deny someone his share and will create hardship and help the enemy.

This book is your Government's assurance of your right to buy your fair share of certain goods made scarce by war.  Price ceilings have also been established for your protection.  Dealers must post these prices conspicuously.  Don't pay more.

Give your whole support to rationing and thereby conserve our vital goods.  Be guided by the rule:

  • "If you don't need it, DON'T BUY IT."
* * * * *

Rationed Items during WW2
Tires  - January 1942 to December 1945
Cars  - February 1942 to October 1945
Bicycles - July 1942 to September 1945
Gasoline - May 1942 to August 1945
Fuel Oil & Kerosene - October 1942 to August 1945
Solid Fuels - September 1943 to August 1945
Stoves - December 1942 to August 1945

Rubber Footwear - October 1942 to September 1945
Shoes - February 1943 to October 1945

Sugar -  May 1942 to 1947
Coffee - November 1942 to July 1943
Processed Foods - March 1943 to August 1945
Meats, canned fish - March 1943 to November 1945
Cheese, canned milk, fats - March 1943 to November 1945

Typewriters - March 1942 to April 1944

A good description and more information about World War II Rationing on the U.S. Home Front can be found at the Ames Iowa Historical Society website.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1983 Family Letter - Jan. 16

This copy of the letter shows a personal touch with the greeting to Mie Young added as well as a note on the margin. Transcription follows.  A picture of the Homer Thompsons and D. Stricker at the MYF progressive dinner also follows.

Sunday, January 16, 1983

Dear family: Mie Young –

We left Friday evening about 5 P.M. with Don and Barbara Isaac for the Fxll Gospel Busimess Men’s Retreat at Kings Island and returned late yesterday evening “all charged up”. It was very inpspirational and full of testimonies of what prayer and praise can do for people. Quite a contrast to the typical Bar meeting. While there we had our first snow of the season, which was really only a skiff. It was a pleasant contrast to swimming in the indoor pool. We were surprised to find the pool open to midnight. The meeting was a “Couples Advance” with about 250 people there. There was a lot of emphasis on loving your spouse.

Oh yes, the meals were part of the package and they had quality as well quantity. Surprised to meet the dining room hostess, who use to be an employee of the Bank in Wilmington.

Thursday evening we had Orville Harner in for supper and then we went Square Dancing. Orville left for Florida Friday morning in his own car along with two other couples fxr om our Square Dance Group. We have to admire Orville after having lost two wives in such a short time.

Wednesday was Prayer Night meeting at the parsonage where the group is studying Romans. In fact this seems to be “Religious Week” as Tuesday your Mother went to the Church Ladies Meeting and Dad went to Wilmington Methodist Church for that was the first night of four meetings in our Clinton County Churches on various topics. NV Church had the largest attendance of any church there, beside Wilmington.

Roberta sent us some nice pictures from our visit last mongth, which brings the memories back to life. MV and her Mother went to the Church Women Mtg. Wednesday noon and sent homel of her Economic Papers which I’m sure we would have flunked. On Tuesday MV and some others went to visit Asbury College in Wilmore, Ky. with the Port William Methoidst minister. MV was very impressed and hopes to go there next fall. . . . it is more conservative than Wilmington College.

Dad has covered most of the news – in fact I think everything. I didgo to see Grace Long this past week. She has just finished a series of treatments for cancer and goes back in 3 weeks for a cat scan.  The news isn’t very good. She said the treatments did get rid of the pain she had been having but she just lay on the couch. I feel sorry for her and Gleason. She apologized for not making us a fruit cake this year,P The weeks ahead many birthdays for the family beginning with Serena this Thursday AND we wish her the very best and will be anxious to heark how everaything is going with the resume, interviews, etc. We sorta cleaned house while Serena was home and took over five boxes of books to the library. We have been reading a book “Auto Mecanies Repairs for Dummies.”

Note to Mie Young – Always glad to hear from you. Darren S. asked about you & M.V. The MYF had a progressive dinner with the 1st course here. With much love – J&H

* * * * *
Rev. Homer Thompson, Darren Stricker, Rona Thompson 1983 at HH Uibles house for MYF progressive dinner

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1973 Catherine's Letter - Jan. 15

Stationary left over from college, used after a trip where we met the family (plus Angela, minus Roberta?) in Chicago over the weekend and stayed at the John Hancock building.  Transcription follows.

[Monday] January 15, 1973
Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John, and Mary,and Angela,

Hi!  I hope you all got home OK.  After you all left we gathered up our stuff.  I found a gold scarf about six feet long which I figured must belong to one of you.  Shall I send it?  We turned in the key and checked the pack while we hiked down to the Field Museum of Natural History and we also went to the Aquarium. After hiking back to the apartment and then to Union Station we were kind of xtired.  The train left on time and we got back to Kalamazoo and hiked up to K. College where we had left the car.  We were home by 9;00.  There was the same amount of snow on the ground as when we left so it must not have gotten too warm here.  It snowed some more last night but we're supposed to have warm spell tomorrow.

Sears is sponsoring this contest today where you call up their catalog department and you can either m just p give them your name or place an order.  Tomorrow they will have a drawing and the winner will either get $50.00 worth of catalog merchandise or all that he ordered today free, whichever is greater.  I didn't order anything, but I wouldn't mind having the $50.00 worth of stuff.

We got a letter from Grandma this morning.  X is working some more on the backroom this morning.  He has gotten a drill from Penney's and a saber saw from somewhere else since Christmas.  (Thanks for the $)  I made some white bread this morning and have been writing letters since lunch.  We don't have class until 6:30 tpmight but we have some errand to do so we will have to leave here by 4:30.  It is certainly nice to have time to do things around the house instead of rushing to classes and work all day, all week.

Thanks for the boots and the plastic bags.  I would appreciate it if you would continue to save the plastic bags.  It takes alot to make a ruga and I might want to make more than one, or Mary Virginia might want to make one!

We may try to get a few more letters of application off today.

Love, C & X

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Monday, January 14, 2013

1963 Kyung Ho Kim - Wedding Announcement

Fiftieth wedding anniversary in 2013 for Mie Young's parents.  This is the wedding invitation which was postmarked in Cincinnati on January 17, 1963.  Kim's address at that time was 2667 Highland Ave. Apartments, Cincinnati 19, Ohio.  Transcription follows.
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The honour of your presence is requested
at the marriage of 
Miss Sang Won Suh
to Mr. Kyung Ho Kim
on Saturday, the second of February
Nineteen hundred and sixty-three
at half after seven o'clock in the evening
Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church
101 Wm. Howard Taft Road
Cincinnati, Ohio

immediately following the ceremony
at the Church

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1973 Jean & Angela Costa - Jan. 13

Jean & Angela Costa (Lions Club Youth Exchange) at Golden Lamb - January 13, 1973

* * * * *
Angela Costa, of Brazil, stayed with the Uible family for four weeks in January 1973 as part of the New Vienna Lions Club Youth Exchange.  For a clipping and a picture of Angela with Dr. Hause see this post on the New Vienna History blog.

Friday, January 11, 2013

1983 GHU Letter - Jan. 9

Grandma writes a letter from Florida and even mentions one of Uncle Bill's favorite restaurants.  She also includes a page (from the church bulletin or newsletter?) that includes the following notice:

  • CHOIR ROOM - The air conditioner in the choir room can no longer be repaired. It has to be replaced at a cost of $1,925.00. Anyone desiring to donate to his cause, please mark an envelope "Choir Room". GHU's comment:  When the Tourist season begins is the time for the church to need repairing.  Mary said the room was plenty cool this morning as if the air system was still working & not needed to-day.

    GHU also asks in a note on this page: Are they still needing money at the church for Bibles?  Will you please find out & let me know for I did not pay anything for same.

Transcription of letter follows.

Jan. 9 – [1983]
Dear Harold & Jean, – I am taking for granted that you are now home without any of the family with you.  Rec'd your card & Mary V. yesterday & both said you were about to take off or were on your way.  Hope you left the ice out west along with the cold weather & had enough money or your credit card good for gas.

This is sue a off season for Fla.  People who came down for a short time have surely been disappointed.  I don't think we have had 6 sunny days since I arrived.  The paper said it has been the rainyiest? season since 1948.  Yesterday we had a deluge come down which lasted about 10 min. or more.  To-day no sun.  Since I don't go to the beach it doesn't bother me.

Wed. night we went to the church supper of Beef stew & Mary & Bill had tickets for a concert at the Aud.- & Mr. Garnet had given me his for he was going to something else.  It rained all evening so I didn't go to the concert.  But getting in & out of car or in some way I evidently hurt my hip or something went wrong, for that was a bad night & Thurs. I could hardly make it so decided to call a Dr.  Fri. we went in & to the tune of $150+ he told me I had 2 poongs [?] which was shown on the xray & need to come off of the wire brace? in hip if pain continued.  But we would try medication for pain first.  We tried it & either the med.- or something I ate caused me to be sick yesterday.  But I was better yesterday afternoon & normal to-day.  So at the present no more pills & I seem to be back to normal at the present.  In the hurry of getting in car I fear I gave my leg too much of a twist & something didn't cooperate.  Anyway I was able to go to Sun. S. & church service & we ate out.  At the Kenedy [sic] Hospital with some people Mary & Bill knew who were going there.  The meal was good and reasonable.  Cafet– style.  Just the thought of eating at the hospital does not sound very interesting to me.  I guess because I have already eaten my share of meals in that place.  How did you 2 come out with your check ups?

The after Christmas routine will begin this week with V.I.A.* meeting.  Last Thurs. was the Circle meeting.  We plan to go tomorrow.

Love, Mother

[Written on left margin of first page]  Hope it will be convenient to put in church collection the enclosed check.  Thanks.
* Topic for the V.I.A. [Visitors in Attendance?? – what do these initials mean?] meeting is also mentioned on enclosed paper about church activities.  Program was to be on the Kirk Hill Country Club - Day Care Center for the elderly and would include a Sing-Song at 10 A.M., program at 11 A.M.  Bag Lunch to follow.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013

1993 John's Letter - Jan. 7

A thank you letter from John in 1993 – fairly modern but it is handwritten! Transcription follows.
Jan 7, 1993
Dear Mom & Dad,
Thank you so much for your generous and thoughtful gifts for Christmas.  The Lincoln Telecommunications stock was quite a surprise and very much appreciated.  We will watch it with interest.

All the items from your trip to Asia last fall were beautiful and we shall cherish them.  Thanks for thinking of us.  And the afghan for the baby was really thinking ahead.  WE love it and I'm sure the baby will too.

Looking forward to seeing you Friday night with Roberta & perhaps Serena.  January will be a busy month at work so we hope to get down to New Vienna after mid-Feb.

We appreciated your visiting our church with Everett and Ann.  Thanks for treating us to lunch afterwords as well.  Hope you had an enjoyable stay at White Oak Inn.

Love in Christ, J&J

P.S  Thank you also for the nice dinner at Christopher's on Dec. 21st.  Both Julie and I really enjoyed your company that evening – especially driving all the way up from New Vienna.
P.P.S  Have a good visit with Roberta
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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

1983 Family Letter - Jan. 9

Home from the trip to Arizona in the borrowed Winnebago and back to regular routines. Transcription follows.

Sunday, January 9, 1983

Dear Family:
We are getting back into the routine after being home for a week.  Hard to believe now that just two weeks ago we were in California and like always wish we had more time to do some of the other things.

Last night we went to a fund raiser Square Dance for the Senior Citizens Van Fund in Hillsboro.  Quite a turn out and they made over a $1,000.00  They had a couple of hoe down dances but we can not take too much of that swinging.  We are the new Secretary of our own Square Dance Club, which means among other things of getting out a news letter to the members.

Friday afternoon we went back to the Doctor to find out about our physical check up.  He said "you are both in great shape".  In fact, we like the new Dr. (for whom Bev Gooding works) better than Dr. Schnebly.  The Goodings had invited us out to their home for supper.  Lisa is in the hospital with some xxliver problem, Bob is looking for a job and Jim is working for Elder Beerman as a window decorator.

Serena and her Mother went shopping on WedneTuesday and Serena went back to Chicago on Thursday.  We know she will get along fine in getting a job in the para-legal field.  That same evening on TV they showed pictures of theses thousands of people in Chicago who were seeking a few jobs that were available...such as cleaning snow, etc.  It will be interesting to see how Mayor Jane Byrne does in her reelection effort.

This is an active time of year for the County Commissioners for it is budget time and every department thinks they need extra funds more than the other departments.  Always amazed that the governments run as well as they do.

We have had several nice orders at Wells this for 35M and their x credit is excellent.  Still working three shifts on the rubber department.  Had four people at the shop last year who had perfect attendance...then we have bonus days off for them.

It was good talking to most of you all on the phone -- wasn't able to get through to John and X but home to soon and perhaps get together with them before the month is over.  Everyone is busy and slowing down from the rapid pace of Christmas.  Think we have most of the decorations put away but did find some on sale in Dayton 75% off which I couldn't resist.  Saw some big (at least bigger than what Wells uses) balls and wished I knew whether it was what Roberta could use.  This was at the McDonald store (similar to Service Merchandise).   They also had glass fireplace screens drastically reduced but wonder if they were really worthwhile for don't think they had the metal screen as well in them.

Dad had the tree cut down at the corner of the house and it seems strange without it - will be missed even moreso when the leaves will be coming back on the trees but hopefully the little one beside it will soon take its place.

We think of you all often and wish that you were closer but do enjoy hearing from you bet letter, phone or whatever - and in person specially.
Love to each one of you.  Remember you are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

1982 GHU Letter - Dec. 31

This end of 1982 letter was found in an envelope with a letter written in January 1983 so will share it now. Transcription follows.
Dec 31 – [1982]
"Happy New Year"
Dear Folks.
Hope you are about to arrive home safely or perhaps have already.  [From the trip to Arizona in the Winnebago.]  I don't know what day you plan to get home but I suppose before Mon.  Was glad to hear from Mary V. & to receive the card Harold.  We wondered if the Bell ringers [MV's job for Salvation Army] are supposed to take in a hopeful amt. during the day.  Of course they can't help it if the passer-bys don't drop in some money.  I read that collections were better than usual.  But more demands for help.

With Charlie gone Roberta will surely have a little more time for herself.  He was certainly a problem.

I am now getting the Wilm N.J. alright the past week which was certainly time.  I received the gov. letter alright & have filled out the paper with check ready to mail.

The sun is shining nicely this morning for a change.  Seems as if we have had clouds most of the time since I arrived.  No good Beach weather so far.  Not even to sit in the yard for for a sun tan.  The folks from the north were disappointed over the cloudy weather.

I fear I forgot to tell you about our Christmas surprise during the morning Joseph called from Arabia.  It is unbelievable how well we could hear him talk.  Even I could hear him well enough to talk a little.  Mary was disgusted Bill for he stood at the little window & pointed at his watch.  He said it cost Joseph $5 a minute.  If he wanted to spend a little sum that way it was his problem I guess, for he does make a good salary & no tax I have been told.

We were invited to a golden wedding party Tues at the Park were the Horton families stay.  Cris & Larna had it at their trail home.  With help we got in fine, but leaving, Bill slipped or 1 of the men pulled too much on the front of my chair (3 steps with a closed up railing) & things sort of happened.  Bill cut his arm & leg on mail box or my chair (not serious) enough to bleed, I was there in the midst with a little place hurting on my left hand but alright now.  A New Year soon.

Love, Mother
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Monday, January 07, 2013

Cecil J Uible 1883-1969

A tribute to Cecil J. Uible born January 7, 1883, also known as "Dad", Daddy Uible, Granddaddy, and Granddad. What did Grandma call him? She and her generation were much more formal with names, often referring to their spouses as Mr. Would she have had a pet name for him – the masculine of Peaches or Luscious?

CJ Uible 1934, Age 51.  Picture taken in Florida.

June 15, 1939 New Vienna Reporter, top page 1
Pictured: C.J. Uible, Dusty Miller, Mack Sauer, G.C. Wright, James R. West

Wells Manufacturing New Building, C.J. Uible, Leesburg [Ohio] Citizen May 15, 1952

CJ Uible sitting in Lake Worth FL apartment, photo taken by Roberta in January 1964

Pictures below of CJU's store in Westboro and his father's house near Westboro.
Home of David Uible, 1845-1926 (grandfather of HH) - about 1 mile south of Westboro, Ohio.  His widow, Andelia Eglantine Hudson Shull Uible, 1845-1937, may have lived here after his death.
Westboro, Ohio c1963.  Hortons Ford in front of CJU's former store.
HH in front of CJ Uible's Westboro store built 1912, pictured in 2003.