Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 24, 1989-99

Mati Hari, Pete Rose, Chautauqua

HH's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Thursday 1989 - Went to Hillsboro, saw Quill [Orville?] Purtee at Oakland Nursing Home.  Brief visit to the Hillsboro Public Library, open 8 to 5.  Visited Harners on way back from ⃞ dancing, got green beans.  So much publicity about Pete Rose and his resignation.  [from Cincinnati Enquirer Pete Rose timeline:  Aug. 24, 1989: Rose agrees to lifetime ban from baseball following a six-month investigation of his gambling, a deal announced by Giamatti. A five-page document signed by Rose and Giamatti has no formal findings. However, Giamatti says he believes Rose bet on baseball, while on the same day Rose denies it.]  Dow Jones Index hits a record high.

Friday 1990 -  To Murphy Theater to see Greta Garbo in "Mata Hari" [1931 World War I spy movie] and "Ninotchka" [1939].  She was a serious comrade (no smiles) but did warm up.  Pic & Save special on Honeydew for 99¢ each.  Don Isaacs 22nd Anniversary.

Saturday 1991 - Went out to Apple Tree Apartments open house, rent is 30% of your income up to $16,000 maximum.  Cleaned walk at Wells.  Ox Roast at Lions Club.  Planted asparagus seeds.

Tuesday 1993 - [Wendy visiting]

Wednesday 1994 - [to Richmond IN via Columbus]  Went to Columbus to file Probate papers for Elsie Fullerton, and had reservations in Richmond IN at Best Western Motel where they had a combination microwave and ice box.  Had supper at Taste of Town, 1616 E. Main St., fair.  Drove by the Adam Bartel wholesale place, across the street from the abandoned RR Station.

Thursday 1995 - [Chautauqua NY with Aunt Mary] Went to Economics program at Kellogg Hall, charting stock market action.  We had lunch at St. Elmo's.  Afternoon program was too deep for us at the Hall of Philosophy.  Had supper at the place next to the PO.  At the bookstore NYT are $1.25.  Band group in the evening.

Saturday 1996 -  Cleaned out play house and restacked wood pile.  Went to Wilmington.  Bob and Carl's had bananas at 19¢/lb.  Had supper at Donatos, veg. sub and Hawaiian pizza.  Still looking at stoves at Lowes and Steinbergs.

Sunday 1997 - [Naples to Coral Gables FL]  Went to church at North Naples UMC on Seagate, plan to move to a new location in 1999.  Emerson Colaw is the Bishop-in-Residence.  Had buffet lunch at the Biltmore in Coral Gables for $39/each, a big spread.

Monday 1998 - Lots of rain.

Tuesday 1999 - Randy Thompson over re Victor Thompson will.  He is having a time re his Mother who is 72.  Can't take care of herself and doesn't want to be in a nursing home.  Doris Martin is having same trouble with her aunt from Florida who is now with Doris.

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