Monday, August 15, 2011

August 16, 1989-99

Dreaded Mayonnaise

HH's Diary 1988-1999 [lightly edited]

Wednesday 1989 - Pastoral Relations Committee meeting

Thursday 1990 - [Roberta visiting] We met the Goodings at Kim's restaurant near Hara Arena for supper at 6:30.  Serena also came from Greenville.  We were there for 2 hours.  Bob is quite a talker.  They had been to Virginia on vacation.  Visited Salem Mall before hand.

Friday 1991 - Went to Cincinnati for CLE Meeting, Jean spent the day with the Sankers, then we went to Hamilton to meet Serena at the Academy for supper.  Tickets for USSR trip came, there are 17 in the group.

Sunday 1992 - We took Rev. Charles and Edith Jenkins out to lunch at Friendly Village Inn, for four of us it was $28.  The Leesburg UMW had given Jean a gift certificate for $20 for speaking at their church.  The Hortons came up and we watched their anniversary video for 1¾ hours, very interesting.  The Jenkins plan to retire to the Jackson area.

Monday 1993 - 94 South in Wilmington is closing.  Sent in application for UMC Cuba trip in November.

Tuesday 1994 - Been reading John Grisham's book The Client, a great novel about the attorney Reggie and her client, Mark, an 11-year-old who witnessed a suicide. 

Wednesday 1995 - Had Mary Ruth Young  [291 W. Church St NV in 1991] hearing at Probate Court.  Took a load of stuff to CMH rummage sale.  Also Lions Club having refreshment stand at the Fair Grounds.  Then Leadership Clinton "open house" from 5:30-7, took fresh fruit.  Had plenty of snacks there.  Still up in the 90°'s in the PM.  Article in WNJ about Damon's breaking ground in Wilmington.

Saturday 1997 - [Lima Peru] Met Tom and Emily Salisbury at noon, they had car, quite a large compound for Wycliff Translators.  Had a nice meal and visit with them and also a stop at a deluxe ice cream place.

Sunday 1998 - [Mohican State Park to home] Left about noon, went back to Malabar to get a video, to Mansfield where John and Julie are "thinking" about John's taking a job at the PNB there.  We had a picnic in the park in Lexington OH.  In Newark they had torn down the building where the new library will be.  Coming home we ended up at Taco Bell as service was very inefficient at Wendy's/Tim Horton's.  Honda turned 55,000 miles.

Monday 1999 - [Newark to home] Visited John at the bank.  The bank had their annual picnic at Cedar Point yesterday and a breakfast tomorrow at 7am.  They can go informal for a week on their wardrobe.  Finally got to Lithopolis, the restaurant is closed, not much left in town except for the very nice library.   Ate at the Roundtown on North Court St. in Circleville.  The coleslaw was 120% mayo.  Went to the library there, same old building.  They are building a new library in Ashville.  In WCH library got looking up Hiestands who came from Botetourt County in Virginia in 1804.  Librarian is Duane Powells ex-wife.  Ate at Memories, a year ago was a former downtown drugstore.

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