Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feb. 20, 1989-99 More Maui

Notes from Dad's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Monday 1989 -

Tuesday 1990 - [Philadelphia to Ohio]  Decided to take train to airport ($4 vs $8 on bus) and senior citizens ride free. 

Wednesday 1991 - [San Antonio TX] Visited Alamo, Rivercenter, Market Square, Public Library, etc. 

Thursday 1992 - [Israel]

Saturday 1993 - [Guatemala]

Sunday 1994 - [Maui, Hawaii]  Went to church across from old court house, 95% visitors, then drove to Hana, 50+ one lane bridges + 600+ sharp curves, went on beyond to Lindbergh's burial place, a flat stone.  Born in Michigan in 1902, died in Maui 1974.  The site was covered with stone.  Had supper at the Pain at the Corner [?] restaurant, a busy place.  We had located a Safeway grocery near our motel which was handy.

Monday 1995 - [Kentucky to New Vienna]  Jean has a nasty cold.  Left Burnside about 8:30 and made a stop at Office Max to look at chairs for new office space.  Had lunch at Boston Chicken.  Got gas for 95.9c.  Kroger's had old milk at 99c/gallon.

Tuesday 1996 - Went to Dayton on legal business (Edna Campbell).  Had lunch at King Cole, a 3-star Mobil rating, most entrees were $8.95.  [According to this article in the Dayton Daily News, King Cole morphed into Olivia's and then in 2009 became Michael's Dining and Jazz.]  Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary election with 28%, Dole 27%, Alexander 23% and Forbes 12%.

Thursday 1997 - [South Africa]

Friday 1998 - [Kentucky to Alabama]  Left for Montgomery about 9:30 with Ken and _________ Comm [?] and Mary Virginia.  He is an insurance adjuster and she is a High School teacher and sings in MV's choir.  We stayed at Suites Plus.  The church has about 7M [7000] members and 4500 attend Church on Sunday.  They have these seminars twice a year on church growth.

Saturday 1999 - Lions Club Pancake day $4 and $2.  Went to Wilmington.  Had long conversation with Rose Cooper, she is 60.  Ate at Bob Evans, talked with Jim Foland [?].


Mary Uible Crowson said...

1998 We went to Montgomery, AL to Frazer Memorial UMC for their semi-annual church training "Every Member in Ministry". The couple, although not sure it's significant, are Ken and Janelle Conn. Group from Somerset UMC went and had cancellation so Dad went along with us as I recall.

Catherine Uible Morgan said...

From Dad: Catherine, on that Hana trip summary, it looks like an extra digit in the # of bridges. No big deal, but people might think that I couldn't really count. [Changed post from 507 to 50+ on 2/24/10]

Items from Uible photo album