December 11, 1961
Dearest Catherine, Mother & Daddy Uible & all the Hortons,
Thanks so much for the nice cards, money and the earring holder -- all of which I appreciated very much and will put all to good use.
We just got back from the program at the school -- the Christmas operetta with all the grades and the High School Glee Club participating. They had a huge crowd -- we sat on the bleachers so we could see as well as hear better. They brought Bobby Curtis up in an ambulance and elevated a stretcher so he could see the program.
We visited the rooms afterwards and they are all decorated for Christmas and look real nice. Roberta's room have new desks with laminated tops and they are so proud of them -- want a new one for Mrs. King, their teacher now.
Shirley & her mother were in Mrs. Laughlin's room with Barbara and Shirley says she plans to write to you tomorrow.
Last night was the Redeemer's meeting -- potluck supper with the families. There were 23 adults there and about 30 children. The Garrisons and the Williamses were there for the first time. The Intermediate MYF Christmas party was at 7:00 at the parsonage so just as soon as we had eaten Helen & I left to be on hand for their meeting. Laura Hughes was also there.
They read the story of many of the Christmas carols, showed a film concerning same, had some games and the gift exchange and refreshments (punch and Christmas cookies). Peggy Fawley said she had received some stationery so now she could write to Catherine (I overheard this) so you might send her at least a card when you have a little free time. (Maybe when it's not your turn to shuffle or deal). Do keep up your studies and not be the cause of Joe or Marianne not getting on the honor roll.
This morning the Home Ec classes invited some to see a demonstration given on Christmas cooking and decorations by the Dayton Power and Light demonstrator from Washington Court House. They had neglected to mention that refreshments would be served so at 9AM we were served punch, cookies, candy and caramel cake with very few of us with appetites for such at that hour. John stayed with Serena's class til they had to go practice for the operetta.
Wasn't that a good picture of someone you know in last Friday night's paper? I was real surprised although Daddy had said that a photographer had been there -- he had said it in such a joking manner we thought he was just kidding.
We are to meet tomorrow morning to pick out gifts for the Kuntzmans and Wilsons from the church -- have an idea it will be a waffle iron - sandwich grill for the parsonage but no idea what will be chosen for the Wilsons.
We had quite a large snow Saturday morning but turned to sleet and rain toward afternoon and was all gone by Sunday except for a few patches that the sun finally melted today. But a very cold spell is in the offing and is to arrive by tomorrow night.
I am now the proud owner of a real pretty watch -- a Gruen which I received today and had been wanting for ever so long. Daddy had a time shortening the strap -- really needed jeweler's tools but its just right now.
Don't forget to send us the detailed route of the shortcut around Knoxville if you have not already sent it. I'd like to go down by way of the West Virginia Turnpike to break the monotony of Maysville, etc., but will probably go the same way. They are not having the luncheon like they had last year inviting the school board the last day so will probably take off as soon as the girls get home from their school Christmas parties. Lets hope it isn't quite as cold as last year.
We've been reading with interest the temperature readings for Florida. Our heavy snow that was expected has been diverted so we'll think of you enjoying your new suit. Anxious to see it. Have you bought any gym shoes yet?
Hope to do some Christmas shopping tomorrow and haven't written a Christmas card yet so have plenty to do in the next week.
Glad to hear you are being a help to the Hortons -- it is certainly wonderful of them to take you into their fold and look after you so well.
Thanks again for the cards with such pretty messages. I'm anxious to put my earrings on the new holder -- the other one was such a nuisance.
Love to all --
[The following is on the back]
Received your Friday's letter this morning. Wonder if you are getting in any piano practice yourself. Brought John's bed down to the shop this morning for he has stretched out beyond it. Sounds like you are having a busy time. Are you ready to move to Lake Worth?
P.S. John is getting ready to go to see you, for let him out this morning and he got a haircut.