Monday, September 20, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -Sep.20

Sunday, September 20, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Wendy was using this as her practice sheet so thought I would use it since it is already in the typewriter.  I thought about getting her a typewriter (toy one) for her birthday but since she is used to using the real thing I don't know if she would be satisfied with a "toy" one.

I think fall has arrived here.  We had our first rain in almost three months on Friday night and since then it has been on the cool side and overcast today.  We played golf today for the first time since late in July.  All this Elks business has eaten up our extra time.  After we played golf we worked at the Elks for a couple hours.  We took Wendy with us both to the golf and the Elks.

As I mentioned on the phone, we have a busy week ahead of us.  Tomorrow night I have an AAUW meeting.  They are having a speaker on women writers so that should be interesting.  I am taking a guest -- a woman lawyer who recently went into practice here.  I would like to see more non-school teachers in the AAUW as that is what most of the women are.  Tuesday is the Open House at the Library.  I need to make cookies for that -- hopefully after I finish this letter I will do that.  Wednesday of course is Wendy's birthday and also the monthly birthday dinner at the Elks.  We ordered Wendy a western Barbie along with a horse and a jeep for her birthday.  Thursday the District Deputy and another dignitary are coming to inspect Gerry's records at the Elks and I get to help entertain their wives during the evening.  Also the Library Board is having a luncheon at one of the members houses that day.  And Friday I am going to the library meeting in Hood River.  Then Saturday is Wendy's birthday party at the Grizzly Bear.  Also we should be getting the Bulletin back from the printers on Monday or Tuesday so we can start putting the addresses on them.

I just got the first batch of cookies in the oven -- snickerdoodles.  Hope they turn out OK as that is all I am planning to make.  Wendy loves to help -- but mostly her help consists of licking the bowl.  She is good at pouring the measured ingredients into the bowl also.  We asked her today what kind of birthday cake she wanted as she has been discussing this for months.  Her answer was a "yummy" kind.  Hopefully whatever we get will be OK.

We got a nice letter from Elizabeth Johnson a few days ago.  She said that after Grandma has seen everything maybe she will hire Roberta to take her a few places!  The cookies are all done now (they came out OK) and Wendy is in the bathtub washing the grime of the day off of her body.  Sure hope you have a good time in Fontana -- or had a good time in case you don't get this until you return.  I don't know if I would recognize the place or not -- has it changed much in 20 years?

Debbie's [Gerry's sister] fiance is not reenlisting in the service after all so she won't be moving out this direction.  Sounds like they will be staying around Sanford.  Although I guess he is originally from Alabama but his mother is presently living in Sanford.

Better close now.  Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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