Wednesday, January 27, 2021

1986 GHU Letter -Jan. 28


[1986 or possibly 1985? -- date on the envelope is blurred]
Jan. 28 --
Dear Harold & Jean --

I can say the sun is shining brightly but it sure is cold.  I have the one dark dress which makes one think it is warm so I am wearing it most of the time.

We received "News & Views" from Ariz. yesterday & noticed where your visit was given and Mary V. had given a program which I no [know] was enjoyed by the folks.  She is young & that makes a change for the people for I know they get tired of seeing older people all the time.  It is good that Roberta is in the younger class & Sidney does not look his age I don't think.

Today Bill thinks his cold is much better.  At least he sounds better & we hope so.  He has charge of a "Pony Express" affair to raise money for the church pledge affair.  It has been on for 2 weeks the first week he was fine & then he picked up the Flu, which has been bad for him.  But they have done well & that is over.

Mrs. Marks (Morgan) has been asking about you folks.  She sure has aged the last year.  I expect that is what folks say about me.  Of course that is true.

Sun. we went to West Palm to see & hear a group of young boys from Fort Lauderdale at Pres. church to sing & they were very good.

With Love,

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