Sunday, January 31, 2021

1991 MV's Letter -Feb.4



Dear Mom & Dad --

It was good to talk to you the other night and hear that Grandma is at least a little better.

Since the weather was so beautiful today, we took both cars to the car wash in town; I thought it interesting that the line for the automatic was about 20 cars -- self serve was empty.  We washed both cars for $5 -- automatic was $3/car.  This afternoon I left the back door open (off dining area) while I mopped -- it was about 65º.

I think I told you that I will be ALD on Lexington's Spring Walk.  Don is doing music for the boys.  Chrysallis (3/+3), plus he is Chrysallis Registrar.

You and/or the Hortons are always welcome to visit, if you can get away.  Wish we could get away to see you all!

Mary Va & Don

1981 Catherine's Letter -Feb.1

Sunday, February 1, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad & Mary,

Hi!  Sorry I didn't get a letter off to you last week.  It seemed like an extra busy week perhaps just because of my birthday!  This next week looks like it is going to be busy also.  Later this afternoon I am going out with Patty (dentist's wife) to collect for March of Dimes.  We have the same area we did last year -- a four block area south of us.  It is just outside the city limits -- half mobile homes and half houses but no street lights or paved roads so we decided to do it on Sunday afternoon this year instead of Monday evening which we did last year.  Hopefully we will catch people at home and we'll be able to see the mud puddles and snarling dogs!

Tuesday the library board is having a meeting to approve the budget.  Hopefully I won't get too much flak on my salary demands!  The budget has to be turned into the county by February 13th.  They have never had any trouble getting the budget approved by the county -- mainly because they stay within the 6% increase allowed.  Last year in fact the library requested 1500 to repair a crack in the wall and the county sent over a contractor to check it out and on his recommendations gave the library 6500 instead of 1500.  A little under 2000 has been spent with alot of that money going to paint the inside of the library which has all been redone.  The rest will be held in reserve for repairs that may be necessary later.  The library does not have to account for how the money is spent other than library expenses.

Ladies of Elks are having a meeting on Wednesday night.  They are in the midst of getting new officers as their year starts April 1.  I declined from being an office holder but did agree to serve on the auditing committee.  We have been going to the Elks more since Day Care extended its hours.  It is much easier to go when we feel like going and not have to worry about finding babysitters, etc.  And Wendy loves to go to "school".

Five weeks from today we will be traveling through Utah, Wyoming, Colorado & Nebraska.  We can hardly wait.  We talked to someone yesterday who had a friend that came from Florida to Oregon via Amtrak over the Christmas holidays and what a "horrible trip" it was.  It turns out that the person was a very inexperienced traveler and thought the train was too crowded, the food terrible, etc.  He flew back to Florida.  We won't be traveling over the holidays and we know what to expect from the food service so we are all set to have a great trip.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Saturday, January 30, 2021

1981 Roberta's Postcard -Jan.31

 Saturday PM [Jan. 31, 1981]

Hi!  Thanks for your letter -- you know where Mrs. Black lives -- FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE -- the place we went over to visit & I gave them your address so I could get that $6.95 book free!!  Remember -- they called you all up!

Buffie is doing much better -- his shots (2x a week) cost each $18 -- plus blood tests -- & his pills!  He has up to 16 more shots!  That is ALOT OF BEADS!!

We've been eating at Piccadilly Cafeteria -- they have a good deal -- meat (¾ of reg. serving) + 2 veggies on same plate -- $1.79.  Really reasonable -- all the winter visitors go in for the bargains!!

Mesa -- esp. our end of town is really growing -- both housing/commercial -- It's gotten to be a continuing thing -- Mesa/Chandler.

I'm going to take JAZZ exercise classes at 1st Methodist in the old church.  $1.50 per class --

Marion is walking real good now -- tho still has trouble w/ RIBS/shoulder.

Mary Va -- Thanks for your letter -- glad to hear you arm is much bette!  How were the music contests?

Love, Roberta

Friday, January 29, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Feb.1



Sunday Evening

Dear Family:

We have had a busy weekend in Newark with Carol and John, who gave us a big feast yesterday evening.  For dinner today we ate in Granville at the Buxton Inn, which is their local type of Golden Lamb Hotel.  In fact, the Buxton Inn, the GLH and another place are the three places listed in the "Inn" tour book for Ohio.

The bank there is in the midst of their remodeling program, which they are doing in a big way.  John is happy of the fact that he only used two of his six sick days last year.  With his walking to and from the bank twice a day he gets in four miles of walking, which is keeping him slim.  He is really TOO THIN & wish he'd gain some.

Had an estate sale Saturday morning, a "basic" three room house on an alley behind Harold Baker that had been appraised for six thousand and it brought $6800.00  Luckily we did have a great day for the sale, for this morning it was 32º with mixed snow and rain.

Friday evening we went to a potluck supper over at the college, for the sponsors want to "butter up the commissioners" for more funds.  There were far more people there than we had dreamed, such as Betty Carter and Donnie Achor.  These type of get togethers makes one realize how many things we take for granted.

Thursday night we took the Harners to the Square Dance, where we had a caller from the Columbus area.  One number was a hoedown and wth us being the fourth couple we could watch the other three couples doing the "right things" which broke the ice for us.  There are still so many calls in the western stype [good combo of style/type] square dancing that we are at a loss as to what to do.  Some one said "if in doubt just turn right".   Next Saturday the Club is having an exhibition at the Dayton Mall, which we understand will also be on TV for some 30 seconds.  The TV reporter from Dayton stops in the office in Wilmington about every week . . . hoping for some action story.  Think that would be a pressure life with all the deadlines.

Our Mayor has been promoting a dinner for our local Senior Citizens for last Saturday at the Lion's Club Bldg.  I'm old fashioned in thinking there are too many free lunches in this country already.

Again we really enjoyed our visit with John and Carol and glad that they live fairly close.  We were amazed at their record-keeping -- something we have endeavored to keep track of for the last 35 years but their accuracy really puts us to shame.

[Love, etc.]

1981 GHU Letter -Feb.1

 Feb 1 - '81

Dear Family --

Hope you were all able to visit John & Carol this week end.  It was good that Mary V. was improving.  Rob came home Thurs. evening not feeling too good but he went to school Fri. not feeling good so went to bed when he returned home that afternoon but seems to be about normal to-day.  He said it was no need to stay at home for fear some one would catch whatever ailed him for so many of the pupils were ailing & teachers not able to come.  Several schools were dismissed for several days for the lack of pupils & teachers.  If only our weather could be more normal everyone might feel different.  At least it is a little warmer to-day.  You still need a sweater & a little heat.  The electric bill here was over $130 for Jan. so you may know we have had heat & light etc.  

Bill had a Birthday party fixed for him by the In-laws & Frances which thy had planned at the Club House at their Trailer Park.  We were invited along with several friends.  For once we didn't cook anything to take.  He was glad to receive the cards but if you receive an answer I would be surprised for writing does not seem to be his line.  But he enjoys reading & receiving mail like all of us.  

That is certainly a coincidence that Mie Y. would hear a student from the country where her uncle is working.  Marianne phoned her Dad Sat. & little Robert had climbed up on a chair fell backwards cut his chin which had to have 4 stitches & of course blood came forth along with nose bleed.  So the Dr. has given him tests about the nose bleed and has found him anemic.  It seems as if he can have his share of problems.  M. said she was about to pass out after she got him fixed up.  Larry had quite a round with his Flu but was now able to go back to work.  They felt better now for he had received a nice raise in salary.

As to what I have pd. I.R.S. for '80 estimate I hope Harold you mean the $800 I have pd. 3 times (2nd, 3rd & 4th voucher) & I notice by my bank book that Apr. 8th '80 I had given out a check to I.R.S. for $588 marked 1st voucher. Maybe you know or may have a copy of the figures.  I must begin to mark things better because I don't remember as I should these days.  Seems to me I also had sent a check for $200 & also to I.R.S. buy my bank book does not seem to show it.  I wish a person could have a few dollars without doing this & that about same.  I wonder if Pres. R. can do much to help.  

We know the parents of one of the Hostages -- a Mr. Graves.  His father was a good friend of Dad's & I often worked with his Mother in social affairs at Calvary Meth. Church.  I think they both have passed away.  Mr. died several years ago.  They had a home on North L St in the 4th block several years ago.  

Mrs. Wise evidently has had quite a time.  Hope she is improving.  Wondered what happened that Marion fell.  I had a nice letter from Roberta but before the accident.

Love to All

Thursday, January 28, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -Jan.29


January 29, 1971

Dear Family,

Thanks alot for your letter today and also for the newspaper articles.  There is a girl here with the last name Hinshaw and I want to ask her if there might be some connection.

Today about three o'clock I got ready to go down town and got out what I thought was a check for 6.75 from my stock in Colorado.  It turned out to be from Sears and for tax purposes.  When I got it -- I think it was Monday of this week I thought it was a check and put it in my bill-ford [sic].  Did you all send me a check?  Or was all that stuff tax return stuff?  I was thinking that I could have lost a check -- that is if I ever had it.  I was quite shocked today when I realized it wasn't a check . . . .

This week has really been a great week weather wise.  You would never know you were in Oregon.  It has been pretty warm -- at least forty and hasn't even rained much.

Happy Catherine's Birthday!!!  I have had two letters from Catherine lately.  She told me about her two part time jobs and all.

I also had a letter from Aunt Mary today, along with a copy of Joe's last letter.  It does make a little more sense to me to drink in Africa where there is such bad water but it seems just senseless to drink here in the United States where we have such good water, etc.

I am taking part in the reading program that is here at George Fox.  If I'm not wrong there is a little about it on the other side of this.  It really surprised me -- the school doesn't charge us anything for it.  That was almost too much for me.  I will get extra credit in English for taking it plus the fact that it should help me.  I have to go for three hours a week, one hour at a time.  I believe I am to go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays but I want to change that because on those days i am so busy already and then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I only have one class and that is at nine in the morning.  That is not counting my Criminal Investigation class on Thursday evenings.  I really like that class . . . I just hope it transfers ok and that they have a class there Spring Term.

I still haven't hard from University of Cinn.  I have written them twice and if I don't hear from them pretty soon it will be a hopeless cause.

Wednesday morning when we went to breakfast there were no chairs.  Some of the boys here had taken them all out and hid them up in the fourth floor of one of the old buildings around here.  It was pretty funny.  But, by lunch most of chairs had been moved back, and by supper all of the chairs were back.  It was written up in the Portland and Salem newspapers.  Even made the front page of one of the papers -- they must sure be desperate for news . . . .

I have written the Bruces a post-card, but haven't heard from them yet.  I wonder what I'll be doing over Spring Vacation . . . .  I have been trying to type this too fast and this paper isn't exactly erase-able typing paper.  I have sure been using my type-writer.  

I still haven't heard from J and W about my income tax W-2 form.  I wish they would get on the ball or I am going to need some you-know-what for spring vacation.  (MONEY -- in case you had any doubts)

Thanks for the pretty stamps included in your letter today.  I found about ten Christmas stamps in my drawer when I cleaned it out today looking for another check since I found out that what I thought was a check wasn't a check -- I never found a check so either I was confused from the first or I threw it away.

I also heard from Phoebe Zavitz today.  She is still planning on going to Wilmington College but she hasn't heard from them yet.

Have you heard anything about Cris going to the AF Academy in COLORADO???  Aunt Mary said something about it in her letter today that he had been interviewed and also had taken a test or something.  Aunt Mary also had met some people that knew about George Fox College because they had spent some time here in Newberg.  I don't blame them leaving Oregon and going to Florida -- especially during the flood season here.

How long will you all be gone in April if everything works out that you all can go?  When will you be leaving?

Well, I better be closing off . . . I have alot more to do tonight . . . .  Hope my picture comes in ok.  Remind me about the seven dollars when my income tax money comes in . . . ok???  I am taking too much History . . . Civilization is pretty hard . . . very time consuming if I would do all that I should . . . right now I am app. a week and a half behind on my notebook that we are suppose to keep and hand in at the end of the term.

Hope all is fine and write when you can . . . .


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

1986 GHU Letter -Jan. 28


[1986 or possibly 1985? -- date on the envelope is blurred]
Jan. 28 --
Dear Harold & Jean --

I can say the sun is shining brightly but it sure is cold.  I have the one dark dress which makes one think it is warm so I am wearing it most of the time.

We received "News & Views" from Ariz. yesterday & noticed where your visit was given and Mary V. had given a program which I no [know] was enjoyed by the folks.  She is young & that makes a change for the people for I know they get tired of seeing older people all the time.  It is good that Roberta is in the younger class & Sidney does not look his age I don't think.

Today Bill thinks his cold is much better.  At least he sounds better & we hope so.  He has charge of a "Pony Express" affair to raise money for the church pledge affair.  It has been on for 2 weeks the first week he was fine & then he picked up the Flu, which has been bad for him.  But they have done well & that is over.

Mrs. Marks (Morgan) has been asking about you folks.  She sure has aged the last year.  I expect that is what folks say about me.  Of course that is true.

Sun. we went to West Palm to see & hear a group of young boys from Fort Lauderdale at Pres. church to sing & they were very good.

With Love,

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

1991 MV's letter -Jan.28



Dear Mom & Dad --

We appreciate the phone call tonight, sorry time had gotten away & I hadn't written!  The weather here has been very cool but no snow.  It's nice to have both cars in the garage.  The man who sold us the Lincoln came & picked it up and sold it for us.

The new "Guideposts" came today and I especially enjoyed the article on Dave Thomas & the one on the Polish family.  I didn't have the stomach for the chainsaw one, tho.

Tomorrow we are having Jack Brewer for lunch -- his wife has gone to Wilmore as one of their children is ill.  We had originally invited them to be polite and because she had not seen the house.  Guess we'll have them over again!

Got a nice card from Julie this week with what she wants me to sing.  I'll probably wear my black dress from my recital.  

By the way the Superbowl is the Giants vs the Bills in Tampa -- in case Uncle Bill didn't tell you!

Thanks again for calling; keep us up to date on Grandma.

With much love,
M.V. & Don

Monday, January 25, 2021

GHU Letter -Jan.27


Fri. evening Jan. 27th
[1980 or 1985?]
Dear Harold & Jean --

It hardly seems possible that the first month of the year is just about gone.  Bill has a birthday coming up next Tues. & I guess the Hortons are planning a dinner here.  Mary is going to fix the meat & salad & every one is bringing something.  

I have been taking a few water pills to get the swelling down in my legs which has come up during my Phoenix trip.  I supposed caused from the lack of not keeping my feet up enough & not the right diet for awhile.  I went to the Dr. mainly because I have had several places that look like insect bites on my right leg but the Dr. said he simply didn't know what to say.  A red spot then 4 dots in a row beside the spot [small diagram]  So unsolved.  My blood pressure & pulse alright.  He suggested using the capsule Feldene [used to treat inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis] for a month & see if it would do more for me than Motrin for it is considered very good by some folks.  It is 90¢ a cap. but I am using one every other day.  I feel as if I am holding about the same.

I have written to Roberta that I have decided the time has come for no more trips.  The girls will be disappointed for I had . . . if I went again that Serena & Mary V. could go but I think the time has come for trips perhaps nearer about from home or just home.  Has Serena anything in view that she may do in Phoenix?  What did she do with all her things in Chicago?  Hope it all works out nicely for her.  

I received a letter from Contin. Steel Corp & I decided to do nothing about it.  But I thought perhaps I had better ask Bill about it.  His answers to me are never very good.  In substance he said to ask Harold for he has some stock, see what he does.  As you know I am interested in dividends which the Steel Corp. has passed up for years.  Steel may come into its own again as time goes by.  Are you ready for my income work anytime?  I have my figures about lined up for you Harold.

When I started on this paper I didn't realize it opened up & I would have as much writing space [the writing on the inside is much less crowded!].

Mary began to get some frozen things out of the frig. & brought forth mulberries & mangoes.  Both very good.  It is about time for the mulberries to come forth with the new crop.  But to date not even a new leaf.  They were very late last year.  Noe before I left as in past years.  Dad used to pick them in Feb. when we lived in the Decker Apt.

I would like to have some of Mrs. Lambert's fish.  She was quite a person.

We had a nice shower this evening.  The air has been nice & warm for several days.

Love -- Mother

P.S. Dr. M. now charges $35 for an office call -- that sounds like too much.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


Tuesday --
Jan. 27, 1981
Dearest Family --
We have been having beautiful weather -- it has melted all the old dirty snow and it looks like spring may come eventually -- although it is to get down in the 20's tonight.  Mary Virginia woke up feeling badly and was soon vomiting -- had a temperature of 102º so obviously didn't go to school today.  Mie Young went by herself for the first time and seemed to get along fine.  MV has slept all day and seems to be feeling a little better -- finally wanted some 7-up to drink and so far has kept it down.

It was good talking to you Catherine on Friday and Roberta last night following the letter we had just gotten from her.  We were sorry to hear of Marion's accident on the bike but do hope that she is beginning to feel much better and glad to hear that she is able to be back in school as of this week.  She did pick a good time to be home as far as the inauguration and freedom of the hostages is concerned.  I just finished watching the ceremony at the White House and it was all a very moving experience.  Looked up Neffs, Ohio that the man Charge'd'affairs at the American Embassy in Iran referred to and found it just due east of Barnesville between Bridgeport and Bellair -- a little town of 800 that he found worthy of mentioning.

To get back to Marion and Buffy -- do hope that they are almost completely well -- I never heard of valley fever -- in dog or human but it must be rather serious.  I'm sure Marion will be sore for some time with her cracked rib(s) not to mention the stitches but know Nurse Berta will have everything under control.

We have been planning on going to Newark this Saturday to see John and Carol but it all depends now on how quickly Mary Virginia recovers.  But hopefully we will be able to go ahead with our plans.

I know this will be getting there too late to wish you both (Carol and Catherine) a very happy birthday but hopefully the cards got there in good time.  And then Uncle Bill's day is also coming up soon -- maybe some day we can celebrate them all together.

Sorry that the Everett Penns weren't able to make it down to Lake Worth for know that they were looking forward to seeing all of you and getting some good golf in too.  Imagine it is not the best winter that Tafares [Terrells?] has had as they are so much further north.  I haven't seen Mildred to ask her how her family is now for none of them ever come to church.  

Carol Wise is home from the hospital (had an abscessed lymph gland) but I haven't seen her for ten days.  Took some things over to them but they weren't home and I haven't been able to reach them by phone.

Serena, we will be in Chicago on March 19th (hopefully for supper) which will give the Morgans a night rest before leaving the next evening around 6 P.M. for the west ward trek.  We plan to stay thru till Sunday.  Have you had anymore news on the summer bike trips?

Sunday evening we went to Wilmington College International program night -- a student from Austria showed pictures of her country and they also had a native dance and native refreshments.  Mie Young's Uncle is the Ambassador to Austria, so she had a special interest.  Saturday night we had supper at the hospital then visited people there and also Mrs. Matthews at Extended Care.  Thelma Holmes* was in SS and Church Sunday -- said it was hard to move her membership after 67 years at NV, but we all realize the reality that with her Dad's passing she will be making fewer trips here.  She did bring (rather ordered) two floral displays, complete with the yellow motif for the hostages celebration.  Thelma and her Dad are both "one in a million".

[Love, etc.]

*Bill Holmes, most famous men's clothing salesman in New Vienna, was born 1 Oct 1883, died 25 Oct 1980.  His daughter Thelma, who was most famous (at least by younger generations) for her liberal use of bright lipstick, visited New Vienna frequently from Columbus.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

1971 Catherine's Letter -Jan.25


Monday evening
January 25, 1971

Dear Mom, Dad, Serena, John, and Mary,

I was really overwhelmed with mail today!  A letter and a postcard from you plus one of those "quality" income tax ones from Saga (they paid me $10.44 last year of which 50¢ was deducted), birthday cards from Roberta and Grandma and a letter from Darrel.  Thanks for the check.  We are enjoying the stereo tremendously.  I have the speakers here in the kitchen right now since Dick and Mrs. Hall are both asleep.

Tell Serena I made up for her not getting her permit yet.  On January 20 I took the written test and I now have a temporary Michigan drivers license.  The permanent one takes 30-45 days.  I missed one question on the test.  It was about how long a person must have a permit before he applies for a license.  I put 7 days and the answer was 30.

Dick got a nice but disappointing letter from the scholarship people.  I mailed my application to Western's library school so now I wait and see.  I had to enclose a one page handwritten letter about why I want to be a librarian so I mentioned that my mother was a librarian and my father a library enthusiast!

I finished my translation of The Tiger, Joseph and have started on Dreams although I still have some smoothing and all the retyping to do on Joseph.  

After one day at my new jobs, I really enjoy the library.  It think it is about the most "on my own" job I have ever had.  The job at Ambassador makes a nice contrast.  All I have to do is key punch (sort of like a very fancy and light touch electric typewriter) card after card after card after card!  The pay scale on both jobs has changed since last week.  I am getting $2/hr at the library and $125 for 20,000 cards at Amb.  I only did 150/hour today so I am going to have to improve my speed or I won't be making any money.  

Dad, I am sort of confused about my Foremost stock.  They sent me four copies of "Copy B" information return.  Each of them reports that they paid me $40.  Tow of them are in just my name and the other two are for you as Cust.  I assume that they paid me $40 which I report.  But why do I get so many copies?  Or did they pay me $80 or $160?

Dick got his wisdom teeth pulled today so he isn't feeling extremely chipper.

I found a recipe for real German-type poppy seed cake so I am going to make it for myself as a birthday present.  It is a really strange recipe and sort of complex but I decided I would attempt it.  It is made from a yeast dough but after letting it raise once you pound it down, pour cold water over it and let it rise again until the dough emerges from the water.  Did you every hear of such a thing?  The poppy seed filling is spread over the dough and then it is rolled up like a jelly roll.  I will let you know how it turns out!


Friday, January 22, 2021

1986 GHU Letter -Jan.23

Joe Horton's drawing of Calvary United Methodist Church in Lake Worth, Florida

Thurs. evening Jan. 23 --
[postmarked 24 Jan 1986]

Dear Harold & Jean --

Bill had gone to bed & Mary to choir practice.  Bill has not been feeling very well the past week.  Has has had more or less cold & trying to get rid of it.  He finally decided to go to Dr. DeMaric this afternoon.  I just hope Mary & I don't come down with it, for it acts like the Flu.  

I now have new hearing aids I hear much better for I find that my hearing is less than it was & by the word test it is 60% gone.  But at my age what do I expect?  

The weather is still cloudy & showery & cool.  Certainly not the SunShine state as claimed.

Bill had told me about the stock C-M & I asked him about Control D.  It seems as if they have passed up the dividend this month.

Yesterday Joseph left for an Island town . . . his teacher & 12 other students for a month to study art.  I hope it will be worth while.  That is a long ways to go for a month.  It will be interesting to hear form him.

Time for sleep.  Mary just came in.

Love, Mother

Thursday, January 21, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -Jan.24


January 24, 1971
[partially abridged]

Dear Family,

Thanks alot for the post-card.  It is now about ten after ten and we just got back from Tigard which is a pretty fair sized town about ten miles or so from Newberg.  We went to a Fred Meyer which is a store like Swallens and I bought the record Jesus Christ Super-star.  Does that sound familiar?

Friday night I got my stereo fixed . . . I about went broke paying for it . . . actually it only took about two minutes to fix and didn't cost me anything.  The whole trouble was that the dealie by the needle was moved to play 78 records and not lps or whatever.  The lady told me that there was a difference between 78 records and other records . . . what made me the maddest is that it sat around and then finally I took it down and took time and all.  That is as bad as calling a t.v. repair man to fix a T.V. that isn't plugged in and that is the reason it isn't working.

Friday when I took the stereo down I bought a cassette tape and I have been in the middle of taping a tape to Julie Wiget since about ten thirty Friday night.  I got a sixty minute tape . . . I really should have gotten a thirty minute tape.  This afternoon I got Pam and Mary Ferguson in here talking and I just turned on the tape player.  I am using Mary's tape player.  Pam got one for Christmas but she was gone this week-end so I just used Mary's, hers is easy(er) to operate. 

Yesterday we went into Portland, and we went into the worst part of Portland -- at least that is what they told me.  About eight of us on this poverty group in the class Social Problems had to go in (but only seven went).  The funny part was that we couldn't find it for anything and finally we asked a man after we drove around for a long time and asked him where we could find a slum.  He told us to go up about a block and then turn right and go till 3rd avenue.  That was where Pam and I walked all around till the time that our train left right before Thanksgiving.  We got out of the car and there were seven of us.  Four girls and three boys.  One of the boys said he thought we better all stay in one group to be safe, oh, brother.  I think those boys were half scared . . . after about ten minutes we broke up in two groups.  Our group went to the Salvation Army drop-in and got to talk to one of the officers there and he took us on a trip through the soup-line, chapel etc.  We were able to see the recreation room where the men on the alcoholic cure program are.  The recreation room had one of these fancy big wood colored T.V. set and also a very nice pool table.  I guess the officer realized I was looking at them very closely and he told me that men who had been on the program but are now out successfully working have bought that for the men.  Their program is financed half through United Good Neighbors and the other half by men on the rehab program.

I haven't heard from University of Cinn.  -- it has been two weeks from tomorrow since I wrote to them.

It is now Monday night.  I thought I would wait to mail this in case I heard from you all today.  I did have a letter from you all -- thanks.  And also for the book, immersion coil and government post-cards.

I haven't heard anything about the hippies in James Terrell's tenant house.  Keep me up on the news.  Only 11 months until Christmas!


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

1979 GHU Letter -Jan.23

The assumed year of this letter is based on the clue about the [Flying E] ranch pictures

Jan. 23 [1979]

Dear Roberta --

The last 2 weeks during off time Aunt Mary & I have had a job.  Several weeks ago Aunt Sarah was moved into the nursing department against her will for she didn't think she needed their help & of course the extra cost bothered her no end.  (She can afford, so says Uncle Bill) She is having toilet trouble & the odor was bad besides the cleaning up & the spoiling of furniture & floors.  She has really changed the last couple years.  Uncle B. & Aunt M. had to go down & sort out things etc. for her & the sacks of things brought here we have been going over.  Clothes mostly went to a Rummage sale at the church last week a box or two to Goodwill & more to go.  There is a big box of writing paper but so much of it is old looking & spotted.  This is some of it I am using.  Too bad her son is ill but that is the way things go at times.  

Just as I finished dinner at noon my lower teeth plate broke into [in two].  Now to get them fixed  Aunt M. phoned her dentist & he said I must come to the office for an impression which I don't think is necessary.  Dr. Hause would just cement them back together.  How about your teeth?  Keep after them so they last a long time.  

Rob has a bad cold but keeps going.  Several teachers have had the flu & many children out of school.

We finally got some of the ranch pictures developed & I selected a group that I thought you all would be most interested in & will try to get them to you next week.  They will be for you to keep as I will also mail Catherine & N.V. a set.

Marianne plans to come on a visit next month.  She phoned last Fri & said that Wesley has the chicken pox & now the question will Robert break out about Feb. 1st so there is a question as to the time they may get to leave.  

Had a letter from Carol this week & they had talked a little about coming to Fla. to drive me home.  But have given up the idea as John will not have many days for vacation so decided they would take a couple of short trips which will be better for them.  It will not bother me to return by plane if all is well.  

We are having nice winter not too warm & a little on the cool side with a lot of rain this after-noon.  Hope it is fair in the morning as I am to report at the dentist at 8:45.  Aunt M. & I both will have to get up a little earlier.  

Last Sat. afternoon The Hortons who are in town Frances, John, Len, Mildred, Laurna & a grand-daughter who is visiting for a couple of weeks took the Tourist Boat ride on the Lake for 2½ hrs.  It was a nice trip.  Some one stayed with Uncle Cris.  

Then Sun. we went to service as usual but after dinner Aunt Mary got the extra bed room ready for 2 young people & I made up a loaf of bread into ribbon chicken sandwiches, 32 I believe.  The choir sponsored a concert given by 30 students from Drew Univ. N.J. who are making a 2 week tour.  We had a boy form Korea & one from Ill.  Cookies, sandwiches & punch was served after the concert which was very enjoyable & well attended.  Even though a good foot ball game I was told, caused competition.

I am enjoying the clothes pins & use several every week in the bath room.  I want to change the ties to the apron for when I am sitting they seem to be too low  Will get to it as time goes along.  Thanks for thinking about the hair pins but they are hard to find it seems.  My hair is coming out again badly.  

Please don't ever try to separate dogs in a fight or you will get badly hurt.  Take a heavy stick along.  Throwing water on their head is good but water is not always at hand.  I learned several things when your Dad had Tippie.  Hope Buffy is alright now.  

Aunt Mary now has the Christmas candle centerpiece on the coffee table in the front room with the idea of putting it away soon before it gets too dusty.  Wonder if it can be brushed or use a damp cloth for cleaning.

Two weeks ago Aunt Mary & I went to a program at the Auditorium -- to hear a violinist.  Uncle B. didn't want to go so I used his ticket.  We enjoyed it.  Mr. Garnet goes with them as he has quit driving in a crowd at night.  He has cataracts & will have an operation this spring.  

It is my bed time.  Aunt M. & Uncle B. went to Bert Reynolds for dinner & theater affair tonight.  They have season tickets.

Love, Grandma

1981 Roberta's Letter -Jan.22

Thursday pm
Dear Family,

Seems like a long time since I've written -- but I do have quite a few good excuses!!

Thanks for your last letter -- I'm glad the package got there safe & sound!  It did make good time -- one of the benefits of not getting a package in the Christmas Rush!!

Buffy has a most sever case of Valley Fever -- he's now home -- but taking very strong medication -- plus shots twice a week.  The medicine is so strong there is a great danger of doing damage to the kidney/liver -- He has to have his blood tested also quickly for  8  weeks!  Besides all the medication -- he has to have food supplements -- I feel like a full time nurse!!

For the last week I've also been nursing Marion.  She was on her way home from visiting Buffy a week ago today (1/15/81) when she hit a curb -- (WAS ON THE BIKE!).  The Bike hit the sidewalk & she hit a gravel area -- really hit quite hard.  She had to get stitches in her hand  [or head?] -- her shoulder / arm / leg & other places have bad burn areas on them.  First they thought just sore muscles -- but now idea of broken ribs, etc. --

She is in much pain -- can't even pull the sheet up over her.  Has all kinds of bandages -- one for the ribs, legs, etc.

Yesterday HMO took x-rays -- won't know results till tomorrow -- I really think she should have been in the hospital -- but HMO (since they pay 100%) really keeps their members out of the hospitals!  Marion is some improved -- but much further to go.

As to the bike -- the windshield broke, front alignment out of kilter, right turning signals bent off.  She had me get the bike fixed -- that cost just about $100 -- most of that being the windshield.  The accident happened at Dobson / 8th Avenue.

I've been wearing my helmet lately -- short & long trips.

Marion's worst problem is that she isn't comfortable in any position -- laying down, sitting up -- etc.

I had a letter today from Catherine -- I had sent her a bedspread that Marion had paid $200 for a few years back -- them she decided it didn't go OK here -- (besides she wanted & got a new one) -- Marion had wanted to get rid of it -- Salvation Army -- so I grabbed it up for the Morgans.  It's yellow -- do you remember it?

Did I tell you we went up to Payson actually North of there -- was really pretty -- and very cold!

We are both enjoying the CORDLESS phone -- did I tell you I got one for out at work?  Really appreciate it there more & it just amazes all the seniors!!  Here we get a perfect connection -- but out there it's not as perfect!!  I think I've got to move the wires away from the fluorescent light -- maybe that will help!

I have been rather depressed -- by some news I got in the mail -- a statement type of thing from the Mortgage Co.  After making these big payments since April 1st of last year -- actually only every other month -- ONLY $65 -- has actually gone toward the house!!  And $3,388.00 went toward interest!!!  I just can't get over it -- now I know why these banks -- etc. have such nice lobbies -- landscaping, etc.  Just can't get over it!!!

Then -- And I'm going to call up the Mortgage Co. over this -- we were paying them extra $40 a month -- and that went into a IMPOUND /UNAPPLIED.  Now at the end of the year -- they say they can a) put it toward monthly payment. b) send you a check or c) apply it toward principal payment.  I (WE) wanted that $ to go toward principal every month -- as it was paid.

Then there are other columns -- taxes, Hazard Insurance, etc.  It still gets me -- $400 BIG BUCKS every other month & I find out I've paid $32.50 (half of $65) toward something concrete!  One good note -- the payments did come down to $347 -- where they had been $360.

I've been told now at work that I could have a 4-day weekend -- Valentines's weekend.  We get that Monday off.  I'd like to go to Florida -- but seems like too much money for such a short time!  Besides I feel like I should stay home & get another door-knob paid for!!  Keep thinking -- what if we had only put down $6,000 & charged the drapes, carpet & new furniture!!

Hopefully by mid February my nursing duties will be to a minimum!!

Did I tell you that they are now in Phase III of building the patio homes -- now the models in our section have been sold.  They were all a horrible mess -- don't know why/or how anybody would want t hem.  Now new models are in Section II.

We're both been watching all the news about the ex-hostages!  We all wore yellow bows yesterday -- Marion has picked a good week to be home -- w/ lots of special TV programming.

I better get going -- by the way -- I'm fine -- tho very busy!


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Photo of CJ, Gladys & Mary in Westboro c1918

Cecil on far left, Gladys on far right, the child is Mary Uible Horton 


1982? GHU Letter -Jan.14

[The best clue regarding the year of this letter is the mention of the 20¢ postage rate which would make it between 1982-1985.]  

Jan. 14th
Dear Harold & Jean,

The New Year is moving right along before we are ready.  At least we have all the Christmas things put away for the year except the tree which is in its box ready to be put up in the attic when Bill gets in the right mood.

Since we have a supply of "C" stamps I may be using them for quite a while for they are worth the 20¢.

Do you have any certain time for me to send my tax list Harold?  I will have to get busy & finish my writing the total etc.  At least I think I am still equal for that.  My leg is feeling more normal & quit taking the pain tablets as they make me feel dizzy.  Mary said the Dr. tried to give her the same thing & 1 was enough.

I suppose you know that Roberta is planning to come to LW in Feb. for a week.  That will be nice to have her.

Does Serena take any college work this semester?  Hope she does get a good job.

Last week we had more rain but real nice this week except it is cold.  Down in the 40's.  I am glad for the electric heater especially in the morning when I first get up.

The VIA is planning to take a cruise in Feb. to Port -- below Miami 40 min or less -- but when I found out there would be steps to the rest room & the elevator did not work well I gave up the idea.  The time was from 9 AM to 12 PM from W.P. Beach for the day.  $59 as the tickets are now sold out.  Mary is not fond of water anyway so we go on some other trip that may come up as time goes along.

Glad to hear your medical check up is good.  Try to keep it good.

Tomorrow Bill is to help collect money at one of the stores for the White Cane Lions Fund.  I think he said his time was 9-11AM.  You give a donation & get a tiny white cane.

Hope you are back to normal after the western trip.  Glad that Wells is starting the New Year in good shape.

Love, Mother

Monday, January 18, 2021

1986 GHU Letter -Jan.8


[postmarked 8 Jan 1986]

Dear Harold & Jean --

This is the day you were to leave for home (Tues.) I believe?  so I hope you are making it alright.  By the weather report it is cold at home.  Not too warm here.

Have received the tax booklet.  Shall I keep it until you come down or send it along with figures when they are made out.  I expect I will ask Mary to help me when I start upon that job.  It is getting to be a job for me.

We went in to-day to see about a new hearing out fit.  These will just go into the ear.

I am enclosing check for the church collection please put in for me.  

It was interesting to receive the cards & letters from you while on your visit in Phoenix.

Time out to hear Pres. Reg. [Reagen]

Wed. morning -  10:30 A.M. We are having a shower.  Mary is baking a cake for General meeting tomorrow of the Circles at the church.

The visitors are now all gone.  Cris & Angela left Fri. morning.  They called at 10 P.M. & had been home about ½ hour.  

Last week Mary, Angela & myself visited the Flagler Museum.  It had been years since I was there.

I was glad to hear from Mary Va.

Good bye for this time.
Love, Mother

1991 Catherine's Postcard -Jan.21


January 21, 1991 / cont'd 1/25

Hi!  Wendy and I are both off today in honor of MLK.  I took the Buick in to Midas Muffler this am to get a new muffler and tail pipe.  Now Wendy and I are at Metro Center where she's trying on clothes.  Gerry and I got our reservations to go to Las Vegas for the RV show Feb. 8-10.  Later this week is the Phoenix Open Pro Golf Tournament.  We're planning to go on Friday.  Thursday night this week we're celebrating Sid's birthday and next Weds. we'll celebrate mine since I have to work on Tues. night.

Hope Grandma is home and doing better.  We'll look forward to an update from Roberta.

Yesterday we went to see Dances with Wolves.

Hello to everyone.  Thanks for the Birthday card and the $ -- I appreciate the note too.

1/25 Sorry this didn't get in the mail earlier.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Sunday, January 17, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Jan.20


Tuesday --
January 20, 1981

Dearest Family --

Just talked to Serena this morning to wish her a happy birthday -- had tried to get her last night but didn't get through and was afraid we'd get her up this morning but she was up and about to leave for work (thought she didn't go in until noon on Tuesdays).  Not only is it her birthday but Inauguration Day for Ronald Reagan our 40th president but hopefully also the day the hostages are released from Iran.  Any one of these are worthy of celebration!!

Mie Young is making a very good adjustment and Mary Virginia as well.  Because there was no school yesterday (Martin Luther King Day) Mie Young and I had some errands to run in Dayton but she wanted to be back in time to see the girls basketball game (MV had to play in jazz band or rather pep band for it).  Mie Young is taking 2 home ec courses -- foods and family living, two history (with MV) and Feb. 1st begins driver's training.  Her command of English is very good and only hesitates when she reads out loud.

The Brumleys have a girl with them for two months from Chile and she is to start at East Clinton today but from the little information we have had she doesn't speak too much English -- as much as Tom speaks Spanish -- which we aren't sure but Deanna has had two years of Spanish if not three so will be able to help her.  This is through the Open Door exchange program.

News isn't good about Jeff Streber or his mother, Joellen -- the have really had more than their share of trouble this year.  They had planned to operate on Jo but gave it up and someone reported that Jeff will not have any use of his legs from waist down.

The Inauguration is now over and the parade about to begin -- as you can guess I haven't gotten much done but keep my eyes glued to TV.  I did make a sick call but felt I was interrupting their watching.  Mildred Terrell just stopped in to tell me we had more Guidepost subscriptions confused -- among them Agnes Williams and Joseph Horton so would appreciate your passing on the word in case they are wondering who Mrs. J. Warren Terrell is who has given them a subscription.  I had already had one inquiry from a friend in Cleveland.  She had gone through her church directory and other things trying to find out about the "Mrs. Terrell".

I enjoyed Linda Lavin in the Tuesday night program, Roberta, and wondered if you and the rest might get to see it -- something about A Matter of Life, a Matter of Death or something similar.  I had heard about the person she portrayed being on Sixty Minutes too -- a real compassionate person.

Victor Pratt was or is marching in the Naval Academy Marching Band unit but wonder if any of us will really recognize him if we do see the group.  His picture was in last night's paper concerning this.  Cooper Snyder told Dad that he is going to Washington for the Big Day.  Bet we can see the events better than the people there.  Do you remember 4 years ago, John, when you were in Washington and got off to see the big events.  Serena was there too but didn't hear her mention taking off for the great occasion.

We are talking about going to see John and Carol this weekend but as usual Mary Virginia has a conflict -- has to go to Delaware to sing (and possibly play) with the East Clinton group at something at Ohio Wesleyan so haven't decided how we will work it all out.

Time is getting shorter for the Morgans trip East and we are anxiously looking forward to seeing them.  Dad thinks we may plan to take them back to Chicago rather than up to Cleveland but it is still a matter of conjecture at this point.  That way they could see a little more of Serena too and she says if she knew ahead of time she could ask for that Friday off (we'd leave here Thursday the 19th).

We did get an invitation to Joe Dailey's wedding Feb. 14 in Gaithersburg, MD and hope we might combine that with the Toy Show in New York City.  Realize the girls can't take off too much school but they do have the 13th and 16th both.  And we can be back the 17th.  So more plans are up in the air.

[Love, etc]

1981 Catherine's Letter -Jan.19


Monday, January 19, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  I thought we might get a letter from you today since we didn't get one last week and I know you mentioned on the phone that you had sent one.  However, it wasn't in the mailbox when I checked before coming to work this morning.  It seems that since we got our P.O. box we have gotten about 1/10 of the mail we previously got.  I asked at the window several times if our mail was going somewhere else but they say we just haven't gotten any.  We did get our National Geographic and Book Digest for February last week and one other piece of junk type mail last week.

We didn't do too much over the weekend as Gerry and I both have colds so tried to rest and get recuperated but they still seem to be hanging on.  There is quite a bit of flu going around so we can be thankful we don't have it worse.  And so far Wendy doesn't seem to have had any problems since she got over the pneumonia at Christmas time.

We did take Wendy out to lunch at the Dairy Queen on Saturday.  They have a salad bar that has quite a good selection so Gerry and I enjoyed that.  Wendy ate most of her "junior burger" and she took a Dilly Bar home which she had after her nap.  She really enjoys going out to lunch so we usually try to take her one day a week -- on Friday if I don't have to work.

The temperature is still staying around 30º here with overcast skies.  This morning there was a heavy fog -- glad we don't have to drive anywhere.  Both Gerry and I walked and I brought some sandwiches so we can have our lunch here at the office to save us walking home.  Also it is warmer here since we turn our heat at home down during the day.

I am enclosing a check for part of the extra money you advanced us for the tickets.  If it is OK we will wait until after our trip to pay back the rest of it.

Better close and get back to work.  We will probably -- the phone rang and I forgot what I was going to write -- oh yes, We will probably get your letter right after I mail this!

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Saturday, January 16, 2021

1971 Roberta's postcard -Jan.19

Jan. 19, 1971

We left about 11:00 this morning.  Will be here just for the afternoon.  

Hi!  I got your letter today -- before I left for Portland that is.  We are now at Portland State Univ.  My typewriter works fine -- wrote Aunt Mary on it last night.  Gov. McCall is on the ball OK.  Hope all is fine!  The Browns left about 10:00 this morning.

Love, Bert


1971 Catherine's Letter -Jan.18

 Monday evening
January 18, 1971

Dear Mom, Dad, Serena, John and Mary,

Hi!  I was glad to get your letter today -- the mail delivery isn't too slow!  Thanks for the clippings.  It will be interesting to see if that guy makes it around the world in 80 days.  If he is starting about now he should be back about the first of April or a little later shouldn't he?

We went to several stereo places in Kalamazoo; found and bought one that we really like.  It is a Sylvania with a Gerrard turntable.  According to Debby (who has a Magnavox) Sylvania and Magnavox are the two best makes of stereos.  The one we got is the best looking one we had seen and won our favor because it combines all the qualities we wanted.  It is portable, the speakers fit on to the back  so that it can be carried; and it has a plug in for ear phones although we didn't get them.  It was originally $179 and was marked down to $140.  I know this is considerable more than the amount you told me but we decided we liked it so well that we would split the difference of what you don't pay.  I hope that meets with your approval.  After one week of service we are even more positive about it.  I thank you for a much appreciated birthday suggestion.

The Mayo Clinic Diet sounds interesting.  How are you all progressing?  

If you change your minds about coming to Kalamazoo come ahead.  It doesn't look like we will be able to make it down.  Just today I got phone calls about the possibilities of two jobs.  One for half days at the library, that is at the College library.  The lady who has been supervising during the days is going back to her old job of teaching -- substitute for the rest of the year.  Anyway Mrs. Pinkham hasn't found anyone to replace her yet so someone is needed for the interim.  This isn't definite yet as the old supervisor is working through this week and possibly next week.  Mrs. Pinkham said she would let me know.

The other job is as a key puncher at Ambassador.  I am to go in tomorrow to talk to the guy about being put on the payroll, at first only temporarily.  They have a regular key punch operator who works during the days so any I do would be after five or on weekends.

Dick's interview in Detroit went pretty well.  He found out that the original 700 applicants had been narrowed down to some 250 who were interviewed.  They eventually award 65 scholarships so we are holding our breath to see how it comes out.  If he has been rejected he may find out this week.  The final selection will not be made until the lst two days in February.  In the meantime I am holding off on sending in my application to library school at Western Michigan and I am checking on the library school at the University of Chicago which is Dick's first choice.  Since the deadline at Western isn't until July 1 I don't it will hurt my chances to hold off until next month if necessary.  I would rather do that than have to refuse an acceptance which probably wouldn't come by then anyway.

My translating is coming along pretty well.  I really applied myself last week and today and all of a sudden I am over half finished with the first story.  Hopefully I can get in to see my advisor tomorrow to find out if I am doing an OK job.  I don't want to do a whole lot more work until I get his approval or find out what is wrong with what I have done.

I wrote a letter to Roberta last week but I haven't gotten any response yet.  I got a letter from Darrel Everman who is in Korea so thanks to whoever passed on my address to Tim Laycock.

The Dr. told me not to worry about the thyroid and I have an appointment to go back to see how my anemia is progressing on Feb. 8.  I have been consistently taking my iron pills.  I have also felt pretty well lately.  I am really enjoying the new coat.  I have been giving both it and the long underwear a workout as I have taken a couple long walks and have not frozen yet!

Love, Catherine

Friday, January 15, 2021

1991 MV's Letter -Jan.18



Dear Mom & Dad --

It's already Friday again!  This is the first weekend we've been in Somerset without company or something on the agenda.  It will be nice to have a quiet day at home.  We have already cleaned the house as they showed it yesterday.  Don was here when they did and I guess the lady who was looking didn't get overly excited.  Maybe we're safe for another month.

It will be an ALD on the Spring Walk in Lexington (May 2-5).  We start team meetings in March & I will be doing the 4th day talk.  My friend ( and accompanist) Leah Davis is the Lay Director.

The church is having weekly prayer services for the Middle East (Sponsored by the Ministerial Association), plus has lenten luncheons on Thursday in Lent, so I've been scrambling to find musicians in the community!

Keep us up to date on yourselves and Grandma.  We're praying for you all.

With much love, 
M.V. & Don

1971 Roberta's Letter -Jan.18

 [Note:  the bottom left shows the beginning of what was written on the back of the envelope and continues on to half of the front of the envelope  -- Roberta got her more than 6¢ worth of the then postage rate.  On the back side of this letter, which you can see bled through is a Faculty Evaluation Form.]

January 18, 1971

Dear Family,

Well, guess what I got in the mail today?  My typewriter, two bedspreads, a pair of socks, and some candy from Vanessa.  WOW!  On my way out of chapel, we were running to go see what Packages I had.  I got a note in my box saying that I had some packages to be picked up.  anyway, I ran into the Tom Browns from Barnesville!  They are here for today and part of tomorrow, and went to several classes with me this afternoon.  I was sure surprised to see them!

I just now got out of class and the mail will be going out in about ten minutes.

I showed the Browns my Ohio book -- the part of Barnesville.  They were impressed.

The bedspreads were not what I had ordered but they do go very well with the curtains and we are planning on buying some material to cover the things above the bed.

I better close now and mail this letter or better say note . . . .  The typewriter is very nice, nothing yet that I can find the matter with it.


[Envelope part:] Now at mail box -- the type-writer did come through the mail not freight.  It was in a box big enough to be a um -- motor cycle or something!  And then 3 other boxes inside of that!

I had a letter today from Aunt Mary -- suppose you all got a carbon copy too.  I appreciate the brown socks & also the bed spread & typewriter very much.  Cost almost $8.00 to mail typewriter!  The typewriter is blue -- now that I've used it I'll have to go & read the directions.  HA!  It was sure wrapped up good!!

Mailman still isn't here -- now 25 till 5 -- supposed to be here by 4:30.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter to MV -Jan.17

Sat. afternoon

Dear Mary,

Hi!  I don't have any "lazy letters" so I guess I will expend some energy and actually write you a letter.

Thanks for the candle.  We really like candles -- yours makes the fourth one on our dresser.  Did you make it?

Wendy likes the shirt, too.  She wore it to school the next day after she got it.  It goes well with most of her pants.  I took a picture of her in it, but we haven't finished the roll of film yet.  I'm sure we will bring it on our vacation so you can see her in it in person!

Wendy is taking her bath right now and I am sitting here making sure she doesn't drown or something terrible.  She still hates to have her hair washed so I let her play in the tub awhile before attempting that.

We are really looking forward to our vacation in March.  See you then!

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

1975 John's Letter to Roberta -Jan.16

 Thursday, Jan. 16, 1975

Dear Bert,

It was great getting your letter today.  My classes start tomorrow so I wanted to be sure to write today while I have the time.

My vacation was so nice, even though it was probably too long.  I watched so much television and I did do some work.  I painted a little at Wells and did some tax returns and office work for Dad.

The Academy Church is interdenominational.  All types of Religions congregate there for services.  My job is to make sure everything is available and ready for the services.  I also keep record of attendance and make sure everything is locked up at night.  I am not a janitor -- they already have one.  I am just to make sure everything is all right.

I got my new schedule this morning.  I have five classes on Tues. & Fr. and three classes on Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Sat.  It will be alot of work.  I am taking English, Math, U.S. History, Religion and French.  In the afternoons I will be cross-county skiing for two hours which will make my day complete.

I did not see or hear of too much news in New Vienna, except Dr. Otterland.  He seems to be a real character and everyone seems to like him.  I hear he is an excellent doctor.  I think you have heard him on some tapes.

On Tuesday, the day before I came back, Jack Walker took me to the Gold Coin where both of us had "Belt Buster" steaks.  Afterwards we went to Hillsboro and he got a battery for their Mustang.  He hasn't changed any -- funny as ever.  He got a parking ticket in Hillsboro, which made me laugh.

Tell the Hortons and Grandma that I said "hello."  I got a nice warm sweater with Grandma's Christmas money.  Thank you.  Bert -- I thank you now for the gift you are sending.  I am sure I will like it.

I had a good time in Chicago last weekend.  It was a riot with Nickie along.

Well, Bert, I wish you the best of luck in your studies and work.  I look forward to seeing you soon.


Items from Uible photo album