Thursday, February 13, 2020

1969 Catherine's postcard to John -Dec.28

Hi, John!  Here it is our 10th day on the road (Dec. 28) and soon I will be seeing the leaning tower of Pisa.  Saw all sorts of interesting things in Rome -- Colosseum, Roman Forum, catacombs, lots of fountains and churches . . . .  Have you seen any pictures of Rome?  Yesterday the highlight in Florence was that we splurged and bought our first meal.  After 9 days of sandwiches it tasted good (I had lasagna and roasted chicken) but I think I get fuller faster on our bread & meat.  I tried to call home on Christmas but the operators in Rome were on strike.  If I meet Joe in France, he will have to find me because I didn't know we were getting together.  (Please pass the hint that I could use a ew BIC pen, this one has its ons a & offs.) It is strange to think I will be soon starting my 4th decade.  Northern Italy appears to be very poor -- mountains, soil not growing much, run down houses.  I can see why they had trouble fighting the war here.

Love, Catherine

1 comment:

Serena said...

Fourth decade? How old was Catherine back then?

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