Monday, November 04, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Sep.8

Thursday, Sat., September 8, 1979

Dear Mother, Dad, Mary & Serena,

Hi!  Hope John & Carol got off OK today and don't run into any hurricanes.

It's now Saturday so you can see I didn't get too far with this yet.  It was good talking to Mother on the phone yesterday.  Sorry we can't be more explicit about our plans for Christmas.  But it looks now like we won't be going to San Diego.  Also received your letter yesterday.

It is rather cool (60º) and cloudy today but we are still planning to play golf this afternoon.  Gerry has already gone up to the course to play 9 holes and then our friends Bob & Emily are picking me up at 1:00 and we'll all play 9 holes.  Emily is more of a beginner than I am so I won't feel too bad.  Wendy will be staying with one of the tenants.  She is taking her nap right now.  She is still taking her nap around 10:30 and then going to bed around 8:00 which is much preferable than her old schedule.  She really likes her new friend Julie who lives in #21.  They play together about all day long.  Julie will be 3 in December and can talk much better than Wendy but Wendy is about 2" taller.  Wendy is now 2'11" and weighs 29 pounds.  I see from my baby book that I weighed 27½ pounds but no mention of height at that age.

The landscapers arrived yesterday and started revamping the sprinkler system.  They figure it will take them a week to have it working properly.  They are trying to convince Chambers to use sod instead of seed for an extra $2000.  It would certainly be baster and probably easier for us.

Well, I have to iron my pants to wear so better close.  I'm sending the pictures to Roberta today so you should see them soon.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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