Thursday, October 24, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Sep.3

Monday - Labor Day
September 3, 1979

Dearest Roberta, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy,

Things are gradually getting back to normal but we do miss all of you for it was nice having you at home - even briefly.  John and Carol came Saturday afternoon and stayed til about 2:30 this afternoon.  And the Hortons left yesterday.

We had them all up Saturday evening for supper and then got to see John's pictures he took in Europe.  The wedding pictures which we took down to the NV Pharmacy to be developed Wednesday were back so enjoyed seeing those too and picked out some that thought you would enjoy having copies of and will send them when we get them.  John took them up to Newark to have prints made there.  Since they will be gone for a week don't expect to get them too soon but hope to have them soon after that.

Sunday after Sunday School and church we went to the Golden Lamb to have dinner.  It was good but too much to eat as both appetizer and dessert are included and none of us needed that dessert at all but everything was good.  Dad and Grandma went on down to Cincinnati to take Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill to the airport only to find that their flight had been cancelled a half hour before due to the hurricane DAVID.  They were given $13 to have dinner (but weren't too hungry for some reason) and sent to the Howard Johnson motel nearby.  Dad talked to them alter and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.  Aunt Mary had called Melissa Holbrook      ?      who lives in Madeira and has two little boys.  She had hoped to have time to call her so things worked out for that.

We took Mary Virginia over to Sabina this morning as the band was marching in the Labor Day parade there.  We backtracked to Debbie Haines' house where we left her and her things as Debbie was going to take her to the parade and then back home for some lunch.  Grandma went with us and stayed for lunch.  Had our own corn on the cob and tomatoes as well as some turkey patties we had gotten at Bernards.  John and Carol were invited to another cookout this evening so they didn't stay too long after we ate.  They dis take some apples, tomatoes, and green beans as well as cabbage & got some of Grandma's grapes.  They didn't want too much as they will be leaving Thursday for their honeymoon.  Hope hurricane or storm Frederick doesn't get too intense to spoil their trip.

John and Carol said they really enjoyed the go-getters Class as they had  just started a new series on the Family lead by the minister so glad they had something of substance.

We washed both the Mercury and the Chev this afternoon and they both look alot nicer.  The Chev has gotten quite a bit of tar on the sides.  Dad parked the Dodge Dart down in Grandma's garage until we see who needs it or and / if we sell or get ride of the Mercury.  At least it is still insured and is usable.  Last year we were in need of another car often and this year we have three.

Serena told me to tell you, Roberta, that Allen Haines asked about you.  He is going to go to Ohio University this fall and get or work on his masters in Photography.  I hardly knew him under so much beard and all.

Have a pile of things to go back to you that we found after you left, Catherine.  Nothing of great importance but did find Wendy's light blue shirt with the kitten on it and a couple of little things she had left plus the blue washcloth.  Do hope that the navy purse of Wend's shows up - hopefully the motel in Kent will know something about it and send it back.

Had our own corn for the first time today - one of my farmer friends told me that I needed some nitrogen additive for  a better crop.  Saturday afternoon hauled in a pick up load of manure from a friend's farm and put that around our rhubarb, asparagus and berry patches - so hopefully they will do better in 1980.  Hardly seems possible that this year is ⅔ gone.  Grandma had a card from Joe Horton from Japan - he is there for two weeks - visiting a friend "Tak", who he knew at UC.  Joe is due in the states in October.  Still have had no work as to the Hortons getting to LW today.  Uncle Bill says he is going to retire the end of this year.

[Love, etc.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not that it matters but interesting to read Mother's letter and last paragraph obviously changes to Dad's "all business" narrative....

Items from Uible photo album