Monday, February 11, 2019

1949 Jean's Letter -Feb.10

Thursday –
February 10, 1949
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

This was the official day set for Catherine's birthday but we're just as happy to have her twelve days sooner.  Your long letter we received yesterday and the postman just brought the box you sent to the hospital which they forwarded on to us.  The pink sweater, booties and bonnet are adorable as well as the cute little pink panties.  I'm so anxious to see her in them  Its just as well we didn't have them to wear home from the hospital.  She had quite a bowel movement on the way and nearly everything she had on was hit.  Harold really stepped into his duties in a hurry and never flinched at the sight.

Catherine has been very good at home but has decided to make 12:00-3:00 AM and PM her "shining hours."  She doesn't want to sleep and insists on eating and struggling for food the whole time.

Dr. Bowen called Monday afternoon to say that there had been a death in her family but would be over Wednesday morning (yesterday).  She came about 11:15 and thought Catherine was just perfect.  She wanted us to start her on orange juice and cod liver oil right away and also gave me a formula for supplementary feedings in case I need it (5 z. Carnation, 10 oz. water, 1 scant tablesp. dark Karo).  She thought she ought to go on a 3 hour schedule during the day and only feed her when she wakens at night.

The cod liver oil (Mead's Oleum per-comorphum - concentrate - 10 drops) she took very well yesterday and today we gave her the first orange juice (1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon) which she spit up a little but on the whole took it very well – considering it was her first time with a teaspoon.

Harold has been so wonderful and won't let me lift a hand.  The meals he prepares are fit for a King – so much variety and tastes so good too.  Monday evening we had pork chops, brussel sprouts, buttered corn, waldorf salad, milk & chocolate ice cream.  Tuesday he prepared hot cereal, grapefruit, milk for breakfast, soup, celery, molded fruit & vegetable salad, muffin cake – for lunch.  For dinner we had hamburger patties, baked potatoes, asparagus, stewed tomatoes and butterscotch pudding.

Last night just as he was fixing dinner Linn Zook called & so we invited him over – to see the baby & for dinner – adding a little more to each pot – brussel sprouts, carrots, weiners, more molded salad (and Harold & Linn had Sauerkraut which H. started on Sunday).

We have gotten so many nice cards and gifts – every mail seems like Christmas.

  • Cousin Maude sent a pretty card and $2
  • Mrs. Campbell  "         "         " and $1
  • Harold's Aunt Vertie  "         "   and $1
  • Jane Cochran Bosnick's Children -  pink comb and nylon brush set
  • Nell Eikenhout Carter - yellow knit dress & pantie set
  • Catherine & Dook Foster - pretty white dress with blue ribbon and little blue slip to go under
  • Molly & Luke Giles - a cute pink rattle
  • Lilian Plotkin - a little night light in shape of horse
Jennie also sent her a Valentine which was real cute and today we received one for her from her Grandmother and Grandfather Uible – marked "Baby's First Valentine – real sweet.

It has been snowing fearfully for over an hour – I do hope it doesn't stick or the weather isn't so bad to prevent your coming.  We're awfully anxious for you to see her.  Harold has gone to the store to buy some necessities to make her formula, etc.  Tomorrow is our wash day in the laundry so Harold is getting all ready for that too.  I hate to see him doing so much.  Thank goodness – he doesn't have school this week or I'm sure it would be too much to handle.  He's more than willing to do both our shares – I hesitate to even begin cooking again after the variety of meals he has put before us.

Louise Gilmore, Mrs. McGonagle, Mrs. Schendel have called.  The latter wants Harold to stop over for little gift which she has for Catherine.  They (Mrs. Schendel & her niece, Laura) plan to leave for Florida next week.

Jeanne Campbell was so nice when I was in the hospital – I asked her to buy me some nursing brassieres and a box of Modess.  When Harold stopped to pick them up she also had a pretty gardenia and a box of Fanny Farmer candy to send too.  She called Tuesday but I was nursing Catherine so just was able to say hello – We hope she'll cover over soon to see her.

Saturday afternoon I had a call from Peggy Ashe – I don't know her but Dr. Phillips of the First Baptist Church had her call me – and we had a nice chat.  Then Sunday I received a big bunch of gladiolas with some laurel (or rhododendron) with a printed card saying they were from the Chancel of the First Baptist Church.  Dr. Phillips called me at the hospital on Monday saying he was so sorry not to get in to see me, etc. so I thanked him for having Peggy call and for the flowers.  It was so nice when we are not affiliated with the church at all.

Norma Anderson who lives across the hall came over Monday & informed us she was going to wash Catherine's diapers for a week but Harold has kept them all clean.  Now we have a diaper pail and he plans to do the rest in the washer tomorrow.  We did borrow her vacuum sweeper which came in so handy.  Our carpets hadn't been vacuumed since they've been here.

I forgot to tell you that we liked Doctor Bowen very much – her whole attitude, the way she handled Catherine – her advice & praise for her.  She must be about 45-50 and handles many baby cases.  She is the same one that Norma takes Jane too and then was recommended by Laura Uible.  She charged $5 for a house visit – I don't know what she'll charge for our office call.  We are to make an appointment in a few days for her 6 weeks check-up.

Catherine is still quite the sleeper – very hard to get awake to feed but when she is awake rolls her great big eyes all around.

I've written eight thank-you notes so have kept up pretty well as soon as they come in.  Oh my, I forgot to thank you for the bathinet – We had just decided to set up things on the kitchen table and bath her her there when a knock came to the door – the man was delivering the bathinet – so we opened it up and used it right away & have been doing so ever since.  It's such a good height to put her on when changing her.  Thank you ever so much.  I had wanted one but felt a tub would work as well for the time being.  We'd be lost without it now.  Its all set up in the kitchen.  As yet we are just giving her sponge baths but will soon start using the tub part.  The shelf beneath is so nice too – we keep diapers and all the necessary little things on it.

I forgot to mention too that Sarah Hinerman sent a plastic sheet and 3 of those long nightgowns that tie up both hands & feet.  

So do hope this reaches you before you come to Cleveland – anxious to have you soon.

Love, Jean, Harold and Catherine

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