Thursday, February 28, 2019

1949 Jean's Letter -Feb.27

Sunday –
Feb. 27, 1949
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

We received your card, stamps and letter and are so anxious to hear what the doctor in Philadelphia has to say and do.  Please let us know as we are praying for good to come from the trip.

It is nice of Margaret & Scott to offer to lend us or sell us Bobby's buggy or bed.  We happened to see an ad in the Shopping News concerning a carriage – we have been calling & pricing used ones and finally found a very good one in excellent condition that was used for only about a month.  It is a Thayer –aqua and also had a pad which they had bought extra for it – included.  Its collapsible, medium sized wheels.  Today was very pretty so we bundled Katie up real well & took her around the block in the buggy.  Toward the lake it was quite windy but the air did her alot of good.  She's really been sleeping since.  I had to waken her at 4:00 (4 1/2 hrs since last feeding) & then she went sound asleep again before her tummy could have been half full.  I thought the airing might affect her appetite but no signs of that yet.  No doubt that will be noticeable about 9:00 PM.  Last night she emptied both breasts & also took 6 oz of formula – really goes in for a big meal at bedtime – then slept til 4:30 A.M.

We also gave her the first tubbing in the bathinet – she was on the hammock & enjoyed the change from being sponged on the top of the bathinet.  Norma said she'd give her a tub bath to show me how its done – as I was a little leery of trying without some experience.

Jeanne Campbell cave over yesterday for lunch – didn't come Thursday as she had cold – wasn't completely over it but I don't think she gave the baby any.

There was a notice up on the low school bulletin board about a judge's widow who wanted to sell her husband's law books.  Harold went up to look them over – talked to her for three hours and came home with a stack of books 10 feet high – over 60 in all plus a dozen or so oranges which had been sent to her from Florida – also had indulged in a cup of coffee and much family history – hers, that is & plans for the future.

Last week we had a visitor – Rev. Hoke Dickinson who had just heard of Catherine's arrival – through the grapevine system.  He stayed quite awhile and offered a prayer for her.  Says he'll put notice of her birth in the bulletin – hardly anyone knows us but we'll humor him.

Miss Grant knitted a beautiful tiny pink sweater and booties – that will have to be worn soon as they are on the small side.

Marie & George Walmer sent Katie – two blanket pins in the shape of blue ducks – done up very attractively in a plastic box which can be used for jewelry, etc. later.

Elizabeth Sanders, a girl who I was in library school with – Virginia & I stopped to see her on our way back from Boston – in Allentown, Pa. – gave Catherine a cradle gym – toy contraption which fits across crib or play pen – Janie has a similar kind and is very fascinated with hers.  Norma & Jim & Jane went to Jamestown again this weekend – had just gone last weekend  but Jim has Monday off this week before Tenn College opens again.

We are talking about going to New Cumberland either this coming weekend or the following one – preferable the latter (Mar 12) unless you have something on for then.  Let us know please which you might prefer.

Harold has put a coat of flat white on the stool which you brought over & plans to paint it aqua – like the rest of the things soon.

Daddy, was awfully sorry to hear you had hurt your finger so.  I was watching out the window and remember now seeing you & think something like that had happened.

The Independent came Friday much to our amazement – the address should be corrected.  It is not 1296 Lakeview Terrace  25 St. W but is 1296 West 25th Street.  You can leave out the Lakeview Terrace entirely as its only the name of the housing unit, not the street.  Also the zone number is 13 instead of 11.

We have been busy typing up notes for a review Course for the Bar which another law student is taking.  Harold types his notes, keeps one copy for himself & then they study them together one a week.

Do let us hear from you about Bob – also about Mar. 12-13.

Jean, Harold & Katie

1989 Roberta's Letter -Feb.26

Dear Folks,

Just a short note – to send along w/ the JAG letters!  I really heard from the Goodings & perhaps she would enjoy the one on medical care!

I just called Serena – gotta keep my phone bill up to a respectable amount!  She talked of coming S. West for Christmas 1989!  I gave her a blow by blow account of Miss Wendy & I going up South Mountain!  It was quite an experience!

Did I tell you I've been trying to hear Dr. Dobson on Radio during the week 9:00 PM for 1/2 hour.  Then the RECAP is on Sunday night 10-11 PM.  Esp. enjoyed last night's Garrison Keillor – 1st time I'd ever heard him.  Last week was good w/Charles Colson – on power!

Have you been following George & Barbara Bush in CHINA – did you see where they were given bikes!?  That Republican Lukens in OHIO is sure making the headlines – that's in the AZ Republic – not the supermarket tabloids!

We have a big inspection coming up – thanks to Sid we are in great shape for it!  The people who conducted it last year said they wish they could have Sid give in-services to all the other facilities about the "how to's."

I ordered my new checks thru the mail – intro price much cheaper than the BANK –

OK – gotta go – –

Much Love,

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

1979 Roberta's Postcard -Feb.27

[postmarked 27 Feb 1979]

Hi!  Got sewing machine working Saturday – cleared off table in my room & have it there – for now – will get fold-up table for it though.  Of course – found more of Mary's 'things' on table, in laundry basket, etc.  2nd pkg to follow.

Got letter (not c.c.) from Aunt Mary ––

Saturday's test was a humbling experience – it will be offered 28th April – in Tempe – I'm thinking of signing up for it again – get out the books again & see what I can do!

Special Ham Dinner at Church tomorrow – $1.50 – we plan to go & Williams.


1979 Roberta's postcard to John -Feb.26

L.D.S. VISITORS' CENTER, 525 East Main, Mesa, Arizona.
This majestic building nestled in the heart of the beautiful Temple gardens is frequented by more than 200,000 visitors annually.  It is located immediately north of the Arizona Temple.  Free guided tours 9:00 to 9:00 daily.  Color photography by Bob Petley.

[postmarked 26 Feb 1979]

Hi – thought you might like a change from John Hancock!  At supper at Village Inn w/Stubbs – shame you couldn't been here - really a circus between them & Marion – Buffy didn't get to come –

– Now Monday - 26th – GRE over – 5 weeks of waiting – I sure thought it was hard & a humbling experience!

Love, Berta

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -February

 [undated, February 1979]

Dear Family,

Was good to talk to you all yesterday . . . I forgot to mention the 79º weather we are having.  Fredly called us yesterday after Church -- he seems to have come down with a cold and thought it was better for him not to go to the nursing home.  So we went down on the bikes to let Angus know what was happening.  Mary Va., I'll be keeping the orange one in shape while you are gone.

I am at Saguaro -- came over and had lunch with Marion, and am pecking away at the old typewriter in her office.  Have been studying GRE but a little of it goes a long way.  I don't look forward to the three hour coming up this Saturday in Tucson.  It won't be offered in Tempe until April -- since they can't make a decision on acceptance or not until test scores are out about 5 weeks after test) I wanted to take it now.  Test in April is also end of month.

Mary Va. you might be interested in knowing that the dishwasher over flooded again last night.  This time I was also downstairs.  It was quite something.

Oh, Charlene was not at Church yesterday.  What is her address and I'll send her your letter.  We are collecting your things, and will try to get them in the mail soon.  I'll be sending them by slow boat [what is 4th class?] – – so please don't hold your breath.

Mother, perhaps Mary Va. has told you than Marion has convinced me not to set up the sewing machine till after this Saturday.  It's true there is lots for me to study.

Did you get my letter in Israel??? We – as of yet – have not gotten any cards from you all while on your travels,

Oh, I called up the dept. of Recreation – this was while Mary was here – talked to the head man.  He remembered my name – from the application – in that I had gone to school in Florida and that I had done extensive travels.  I had lots of help from Marion in filling it out, it did sound good – if I say so myself.  Anyway, he strongly encouraged me to apply for an assistship – that there were lots available.

Monday evening – 8:15 – just got done studying for over an hour – will take about half hour rest – then study for my lst half hour of the day.

Bobbie & Dan (owners of the store) are leaving tomorrow night for San Francisco – his parents live there.  I'll be doing little extra while they are gone – just more paper work mostly.  Am now authorized to sign the checks – both payroll & C.O.D. orders – we sure get our share of those!

Tomorrow will sure be busy at work – Mondays are usually really busy – so this will ust throw everything on  to tomorrow.

OH!  Mary VA – we really didn't have Swenson's Ice Cream Saturday night – the night of your dance –

Did Dad make it to NYC today?  It was a beautiful day here!!!


1969 Catherine's Postcard -Feb.24

Caption: Returning from Swimming.  This bridge crosses the Little Miami River which separates the 4-H Camp and John Bryan State Park.


Hi!  It sure was nice having you all come this weekend.  I hope you liked Bob because I sure do!  How was your trip home?  Everybody liked the cookies – there are still a few left.  Thanks for them and the apples, crackers, etc.  I got the hardest day of the week over so it's all downhill now!  I got my brown dress in mail today.  It's way too big so I'm helping Linda (suite-mate) take it in.
Love, Cathy

1989 MV's Letter -Feb.26

Dear Mom and Dad –

Thanks so much for the card and check for my birthday  I've already put part of it toward an answering machine and the rest I will use toward the dress for Colleen's wedding.

Thanks, too, for mailing my books down, they arrived on Tuesday, just as I had anticipated.  The notebook is due this Tuesday to Dr. Jay; I was glad to finish the first portion today (4 books), so tomorrow I can begin working on assignments for my other classes.

This weekend was the retreat for the women of ATS at the Kentucky Leadership Center south of Somerset.  I led the Music, so I got to go free; Margaret Therkelson was the speaker, with the emphasis on prayer.  My only complaint is that it didn't last long enough.

Right now I'm working on trying to come home April 6, 7, 8.  It should work since that's the only weekend I'm asking off in April.  Betsye Fowler won't be able to go to the Emmaus Walk until July so I don't have to take off work that weekend.

I also got a nice card (and check) from Roberta & Sid already.  She mentioned going to Florida next month.  J.B. called about a week ago to check on dates for visiting Kentucky and we talked briefly about going to New Jersey together 6/25.  I don't know if it would work for him, but Colleen's wedding reception, I should stay until at least 8-9 PM and it's in Cincy.  I would like to have the company driving though.

Thanks again for the sweet card and money.  Hope all is well in New Vienna.  Always glad to hear from you.  Are you still going to the Atlanta toy show?

Love, Mary Va.

Monday, February 25, 2019

1989 Family Letter -Feb.

[Feb. 1989, hand-written notes to John included]

Dearest Family,

[First paragraph which was not included in the letter sent to John.  Spelling errors not corrected.]  How do you like this new typewriter?  I am tarying to get used to it but not all sure how to use it yet.  Like why are there so may spaces tetweem wprd fpr pme thing.  I still have alot to le arn  Its got far too many newfangled feature to suit me and I'll take my old typewriter with a few new features at least for now.

[Second start]
Dear Family:

We have talked to all of you on the phone recently, but perhaps in writing a letter it will bring some mail in our mail box.  You know it is always nice to get mail besides bills.

Going back a COUPLE SundaYS AGO (I hit the cap key by mistake) they presented Gene Williams with a plaque showing all those who made the Eagle rank, including John, who tells us that he is going on the missionary program this June.  Perhaps he and MV can get together for his departure from NYC and her week at Princeton . . . summer music school.

The BIG NEWS this week is that Serena is going to take medication as a result of her operation for the problem of Hyperplasia, which is an overgrowth of an organ or tissue from an increase in the number of its cells which are, however, in normal arrangement.  (yes, this is a quote from our Medical Guide).  We are certainly glad that she was able to return to the job quickly.

We did make a visit to the new WalMart store in Wilmington . . the place was crowded.  None of the other stores in this new Mall are yet opened, one of which will be a yogurt place.  They have planted a large number of shade trees in the parking area.

New Vienna's new Nazarene Church had their dedication this past Sunday.  Phyllis told me that she went and they had a full house.  They expressed an interest in our UMC old mimeo . . . hopefully they can reach people that we don't.

Next Tuesday is another family milestone as MV turns a "young" 25.

Notes to John, one in margin not shown above:

Glad to finally talk with you.  You are very hard to reach.  Ed Johnson's walk is this weekend and Evie is so excited for him.  We're starting a sharing group – Evie, Ann Bailey & I so glad to be in a sharing group.

Good Luck in reaching M.V., she is like you – on the go

1939 Nat & Lucie in Cuba -Feb.

1939 Lucie & Nat Ballantyne in Cuba
Lucie is last woman on the right in back row, Nat kneeling with hat in hand in front.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Feb.20

February 22, 1979
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia

Hi!  Received your second card from Israel and the March issue of Sunset magazine in yesterday's mail.  Now I'll have to mail them off the change of address card and we'll be all set as far as everything being changed over to the new address I think.

So far we have rented one apartment – only 24 more to go.  I have gotten maybe 5 phone calls since the ad came out in the paper and three or four people have been around to see them.  I just now had a young couple who was very interested until they told me they had a waterbed and we don't allow waterbeds so that was the end of that.

Wendy did fine last night with the babysitter.  Tina said that Wendy only cried for a few seconds after we left and then she went to sleep at 7:30 which is earlier than she usually goes to sleep for us.  Tina is a junior in high school but said she has been babysitting since she was 13.  Her boyfriend is in the army so she has plenty of free evenings.  We asked her to come again on Saturday night.

The Elks indoctrination was very interesting.  They had a slide show about the history of the organization and the kinds of charitable work they do.  Also showed quite a few pictures of their headquarters in Chicago.  Have we been there?  It looked to be an octagonal (or round) structure located on north shore drive or Lake Shore Drive whatever it is.  Here in Oregon they sponsor an Eye Clinic for children in Portland in connection with the Univ. of Oregon.  Joan's daughter, Shade, has an appointment to go there next month.  They also have a Ladies of Elks organization but I don't think I will join right now anyway.  It is mostly older ladies and their primary purpose seems to be to fix and serve dinners for the men.  I told Gerry I can fix his dinner at home.  Maybe after we know more people who are in it I will feel more like joining.

I had to get a prescription from the Dr. yesterday to dry my milk up as it didn't seem to be happening on its own and was getting very painful.  Wendy is drinking more milk with her meals now and she has slept through the night in her own bed for almost a week now.  That make it easier for us to get a good night's sleep.

Well, I have some phone calls to make regarding the apartments so I better close.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

1979 Catherine's postcard -Feb.21

Tumalo Emporium postcard - mailed 1979.  Captioned: 64619 Highway 20 - Bend, Oregon 97701

Feb. 21, 1979 Wednesday

Hi!  The apartments are all finished now – they turned all the keys over to us yesterday.  The ad starts in today's Madras paper so we'll see how it goes.  Tonight Gerry & I are going to indoctrination at the Elks – a high school girl is coming to babysit Wendy.  Tomorrow is Gerry's initiation.  Also have Lisa (9-yr-old daughter of Sally at the Co-op) coming twice a week after school to "learn" to be a babysitter. 

Got your 1st card from Israel yesterday.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Saturday, February 23, 2019

1899 Letter to Lucie -Feb.21

Lucie Sarah Brown, born May 23, 1880, would have been 18 at the time of this letter when she was a (freshman?) student at West Virginia University.  This letter appears to be from a suitor (or only a good friend who wants to say good-bye?) who is pressuring her to fulfill her promise, though maybe that is a misinterpretation!  Lucie married Nathaniel Wallace Ballantyne on December 4, 1906, when she was 26 and he was 37.

New Cumberland
Feb. 21, 1899
Miss Lucie:
    My dear friend –

Many a time and oft in the bright and pleasant school-room my thoughts wander from the page in front of me, and stray far away.  Well this afternoon, fond recollections came to my mind, scenes of the past two years, remembrances of enjoyable occasions, I tell you of these, because you know thinking of them would naturally recall to my mind that sweetest of all names, Lucie.  The inevitable result of all this, is this epistle.  You are well aware that "the time has come for the parting," is rapidly approaching, and you also are aware that you promised me, you would surely come to Cumberland at that sacred time.  You will I am sure be kind and considerate enough to write me, and say that you have not changed your mind, but will fulfill your promise; do this I beseech you.

How did you keep warm this cold spell; I do not mean the times you were out sleigh riding for I well know, you would never suffer from the cold there.

Is Morgantown just as dear to you now as it ever was?

No doubt you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of that young and fine looking boy, who expects to leave Cumberland in a short time for Mor.

This is a b. . . town, if any one should ask you; and it keeps getting worse and worse.  I fervently thank the Lord, I have but a few more months to live here.

Just think of it, I nearly forgot to say something about Miss King.

She is just as sweet as ever and we were never better friends than we are now.  Talking about you the other day, she said, "she had not heard from you, for about  – months; but supposed I heard from you every other day."  Well, my dear girl, (Pardon me for using this expression but I cannot help it) please answer this immediately and by doing so you will be performing a good act.

Please read this, without criticizing the penmanship.

I am, and will continue to be, now and forever more

Your friend,
John B. Loekey [sp?]

1969 Catherine's postcard -Feb.19

LELAND STANFORD JR. MUSEUM postcard - mailed 1969.
Captioned: Stanford University, Palo Alto California.  Contains a collection of mementos of the Stanford family, also numerous collections of historical and artistic significance.  Among them the Ikedia collection of Oriental Art, and original "Golden Spike" driven in 1869, to join the tracks of the Nation's first transcontinental railroad.

2/19 [1969]
Glad to get your letter today.  Bob and I will meet you at the Windermere Sat. afternoon.  We may go Friday as he has some other stuff to do there.  Depends on the weather, too.  Sorry Roberta's not coming.  It's been just like Spring the last few days but it's bound to snow any minute.  Bowen Hall is almost completely demolished now.  See you soon.

Love, Catherine

Friday, February 22, 2019

1949 Jean's Letter -Feb.20

Feb. 20, 1949
Dearest Mother & Daddy,

It was so nice having you surprise us last Wednesday and we only regret you didn't stay longer.  We have wondered if you got home all right and if you went to Pittsburgh the next day.  We said tonight we ought to send you some postal cards so you would inform us as we have received cards for such purposes so often.

After you left, we found the "candy" you left in the dish, Daddy & it was really sweet of you but you shouldn't have done it.  We are entirely too spoiled by such wonderful and generous parents.

Catherine was quite awake until about 11:00 after you left & kept wanting attention all the next day.  Too bad her grandparents don't come more often.  Right now she's hoping to be picked up but I just fed her (7:00 PM) and hope it will last her until 10:00 & that one for the night.

She sleeps through pretty well from about 11:00 to 4:30 or 5:00 but she is extra hungry about 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning then.  Also before she goes to bed we nearly always have to give her a bottle plus breast feeding.

Friday we received a very pretty pink plastic quilted bottle holder with zipper opening in it to keep bottle warm – from Mrs. Blaine Cochran and a Utility Bag - Red Koroseal [?] trimmed in Black with should strap from Bob & Harriette.

We got a very clever birth announcement from Hester and Henry "Hawk" [?] Thrasher – They had a 7 lbs. 7 oz. boy – John Allen born at 1:57 PM, Friday, Feb. 4.  It was a picture on one side of Hester holding the baby obviously taken in the hospital when only three days old.  Then on the back was all the vital statistics.

Harold went up to the Placement Service last week to see about job possibilities for lawyers in & around Ohio.  They have four firms who want to take on graduates and there are over 60 in the class – doesn't look too bright for all.

Saturday was a real nice day & Harold painted the stool which you so kindly brought over – and plans to put another coat on it tomorrow.  He also scrubbed the bathroom cleaned the whole apartment and made oatmeal cookies.  After Catherine was fed at 4:00 we bundled her up in her pretty pink sweater, bonnet, booties, bunting & drove up to the Market.  Katie and I waited in the car while Harold did the weekly shopping.

We finished up the cake & found it very good to the last bit and still are using the cream – we feel quite like plutocrats for its so seldom we have it on hand.  I'm sorry we didn't realize that the other half pint was in the market bag until after you left.

Jeanne Campbell is coming over Thursday for dinner.  She was to come over on Monday but then we called & cancelled that as that is are only night to wash.

Mrs. McGonagle called the next morning (Thursday); it was a coincidence for I had planned to call her & tell her you had been here.  She was very understanding about your not getting in touch with her.

We had a nice card & note from Marie & George Walmer.  If you recall, she told us that we had been married on their 30th wedding anniversary.  In the note she said we were keeping pretty close to their dates  as their first was born on Jan. 28.  (Is George, Jr or Dot the oldest in their family?)

It's hard to believe Catherine is already three weeks old.  I don't have too much time while she's on a three hour schedule as I just put her to bed when its time to get her up again.  (She's really beginning to cry now so it look I'll have to end this.)

This morning I made formula – thinking two bottles would be plenty – one for tonight & one for tomorrow morning but she was quite dissatisfied with the little I gave her at the 11:00 feeding that I had to give her a bottle then – and after I put her to bed 1:30 – made up three more bottles – hoping to run her through tomorrow morning.  I don't know whether to ask the doctor to change her to bottle feeding entirely or not.  She nurses for quite a long time & then never seems too full.

I've got to go now for she's not kidding about the crying now.

Love, Harold, Jean and Catherine

Tried to measure Catherine & it look like shes 22 inches long now – 2 1/4 increase!

1969 Catherine's postcard -Feb.17

Swimming Pool. METHODIST CAMP GROUNDS. Sabina, Ohio

2/17 [1969]

Hi!  I'm postponing the weekly letter until I hear from you re this weekend.  Thanks for the Valentines.  I've been having a good time.  We register for summer quarter tomorrow.  I haven't gotten the pictures developed as I still have one or two more to take.  Hoping to see you soon, or at least hear from you.
Love, Catherine

Thursday, February 21, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Feb.19

Monday –
Feb. 19, 1979
Dearest Family,

Think that I am gradually getting back to normal after a wonderful trip – the best of any conducted tour that we have ever taken – not just for the money but for the value received.  The worst part was the going and coming when we were herded around like sheep but other than that, we really enjoyed it.  Eight of us went from New Vienna – Carol, Jim and Lori Wise, John and Marie Cooper, Carolyn Thornburg, Homer and Jo Williams, Robert and Audrey Terrell and with us that adds up to not eight but 12.  The minister from the Church of God in Wilmington and his wife also went and a mother and daughter from Jim's former church near Ansonia and we were all most congenial.  We were part of a group of about 48 that more or less rode the same bus and stayed at the same motel/hotels.  Paul and Maxine Steele were also part of the 540 that were there at the same time.  We only saw them one evening when we went to the same concert and ended up sitting in the same first row.

Each morning we had someone from Israel speak to us on what we would be seeing that day – they were all outstanding specialists in their fields.  I thought that 7:30 for a lecture would come awfully early but they really held our attention.  In our same group was a very nice young fellow who will soon take his CPA exam.  He is formerly from Germantown and we found we had relatives in common.  Hi name is Mark Hiestand and he wants to bring his parents and come and see us and meet more of the Hiestands.

The first three nights we were in Netanya and had a beautiful view of the Mediterranean from our balcony.  Two days we took trips out from there – one day to the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan and visited the towns of Tiberias, Capernium, and the former cities of Caesarea and Megiddo.  The third day we left for Jerusalem where we stayed at a beautiful Inter Continental Hotel which is located on the Mount of Olives and overlooks the old city of Jerusalem – a fantastic view.  We stopped for a bite to eat at two different kibbutzes (plural?) and would have liked to have a tour of one of them but arrangements have to made much ahead of time.  We also went down to Jericho and to the Dead Sea where I went wading and saw where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls (also the museum where they are kept) and the Masada where over 900 committed suicide rather than surrender to the Romans in 73 A.D.. Herod had built a palace on the site of this Jewish fortress and had very elaborate water system on top of the mountain with pools and saunas for his soldiers and his family as well.

I am sure we will have some pictures to show you eventually – some we took and some we have ordered.  Two Catholic nuns went out of their way to show us around in Old Jerusalem which made our visit that much more memorable.  We did a little shopping but wish that I had done more.  Our guide on the bus did an excellent job as well as the bus driver – one was Jewish and the other Arab but an excellent combination.

We got back to Columbus Thursday morning around 5AM – about five hours late and home by 8.  Dad had a hearing that afternoon so only got about an hour's sleep for he had to get ready for it.  John surprised us that evening but we weren't very good company either then or Friday night for we were still so sleepy.

Mary Virginia came in Saturday evening.  We had arranged her flight so she wouldn't have to change but due to mechanical difficulties she did change even airlines but got in earlier than finally scheduled so was waiting at the airport when we made our 2nd trip but were able to get her luggage as she changed too quick to get it on with her.  She really enjoyed school and church and being with Roberta and Marion and first thing she wanted to know if she could do it next year only stay longer.

One time we were going back to the hotel on the city bus and the driver announced "End of Line" and we were still about a half a mile from the hotel.  Then he said I'll take you on down there – this is just another incident where we found the people hospitable.  The bus even took American coins for the fare.

The shepherds are still out there on those Judean hills tending the flocks and the bedouin tents made it seem so realistic.  Just east of Jerusalem the rainfall drops to virtually nothing and naturally there is the big change in the plant life – a half hour later the altitude has dropped over 3000 feet and the weather is HOT.  Jericho is an oasis full of outdoor restaurants and fruit stands.

Today has been a static day for Dad . . . he and John left here about 7 this morning and found out in Columbus that the flights to NYC were off because of the bad weather in NYC, so he came home on the bus and plans to go back tomorrow.  The toy show is on this week.

[Love, etc. . . .]

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Feb.16

Friday morning
February 16, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  Nice talking to you this morning, Mother.  I just wanted to send you a short note to mention the things I forgot to talk about and to send you some more pictures of Madras in flood stage.

I went to the dentist earlier this morning and had half of that gum work done.  My mouth doesn't hurt too much now but the anesthetic hasn't worn completely off either.  I have to go back on Tuesday to check on the stitches.  And then in a couple of weeks I'll have the other side done.

Do you have the address of Sunset magazine as I haven't received any copies yet and I thought I could write them a note about the change of address.  Or do you have something else I should send in?  I'm sure I could get the address easily enough from another copy of the magazine.  The mailman has been good about bringing all of our mail regardless of whether it says G or H (street) so I don't think the problem is here in Madras.  I haven't received any Book Digest's either but I figured maybe March would be the first one.  Probably I will get copies of both in today's mail right after I have written to you.

I finished the first container of rhubarb and now I'm working on the plums.  They sure are good.  I've had plums and yogurt, plums and ice cream, and just plain plums.  I imagine the ice cream will have pretty good taste this afternoon after being to the dentist.

We are anxious to hear more details about your trip.  Glad to hear you had a good time.  Did going with a bunch of people from New Vienna make any difference?

We went to dinner last night at Sonny's – the Chinese restaurant here.  We weren't sure what to expect since we had heard some very contradictory reports regarding the food.  It wasn't bad though.  They even gave Wendy a complimentary dish of ice cream.

Next week we are all going to the monthly birthday dinner at the Elks and then Gerry has his indoctrination after that.  More on that later . . . .

Love, Catherine, Gerry and Wendy

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

1949 Congratulations Letter -Feb.15

Michael A. Feighan (1905-1992), from Lakewood, Ohio, served as a Democratic Party U.S. Representative from Ohio's 20th congressional district from 1943-1971.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

1989 Wendy's Letter -Feb.

[Feb 1989]

Dear Grandma + Grandpa

How are you?  I'm rad.

What have you been doing lately.  do you want me to visit you in the summer because I want to visit.

on Feb. 15 Pioneer Girls are going to Senior Village we made them valentines last week.

have you been on any long bike rides lately?

thank you for all the nice Christmas presents and for the Pockets Club House magazines. 

we had to write Choose Your Own Adventure storys for school  I got a 1 pretty good huh.

are library is having a book fair, mom's helping out isn't that hip.

I bought a new bathing suit.

When are you gonna come to Arizona in 1989 I hope you do.  If you do you can stay at our house isn't that cool.

Ya know something I'm your smartest [and then only] grandchild. 

We rented two movies on Saturday.  I got Three Men and a Baby and Mom & Dad got Biloxi Blues isn't than tubular dude.  say hi to everybody for me keep your napkin in your lap and stay cool.

Love your narli 

PS Write Back

Friday, February 15, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Feb.13

Tuesday, 2/13/79
Dear Mom, Dad & M.V. (?),

Hi!  Here are half of the flood pictures.  Sorry you all weren't here to see it!  Everything seems to be back to normal now.  It is nice to see the bare ground again.  Wendy and I are going out for a bike ride this afternoon as it is 50º and sunny – quite windy though.  Hopefully winter is over – everyone seems to think so.

We have been enjoying the cheese and I got one of the rhubarbs out of the freezer this week.  Think of you with every bite.

Wendy had two molars come in on the bottom.  She had been having trouble sleeping so perhaps it will get better now.  She got a black eye at the Laundromat last week (the laundry facilities aren't ready here yet) when she tried to climb on the carts they have and it fell on top of her.

We went swimming at Kahneeta Sunday.  Air temp. was 32º and water 97º and 99º.  Maybe 20 people in the pool but still plenty of room.  We took Judy's son, Justin.

Got to go . . . .

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

1979 Roberta's postcard to John -Feb.15

[postmarked 2/15?/79]

Hi!  Thanks for your letter – I am in the midst of applying for ASU-Graduate program in Therapeutic Recreation – have put in all the necessary applications & paper work.  Have now to take GRE test on 24th February – I've been studying – but it's overwhelming – MATH, VOCAB, LOGIC, ETC!  It's scary – but I've been studying every day & Marion has been helping me lots – please!! Keep this quiet – I'm not telling anyone – not even the folks yet – will probably be April-May before I find out –

I think Mary V has mixed feelings about going – she has met lots of people here – we are going tonight to see Aunt Alice – at the School House Restaurant – the one who promised us those biscuits –

We're riding the Hondas – Lots – wish you were here & ride w/us to go to biscuits tonight ––


Thursday, February 14, 2019

1989 Catherine's Fax -Feb.10

Friday, February 10, 1989

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  Wendy had a letter she wanted me to Fax to you earlier this week but the xerox didn't come out well (it was handwritten so I put it in the U.S. Mail and you should be receiving it in the next day or two.

I had a nice birthday although it seems far in the past now.  Thanks for the "beeping" key ring and the pewter vase.  I'll have to buy a dried flower or something to put in it.  Gerry got me some new golf shirts.  Wendy gave me a sun-catcher.  Roberta & Sid gave me an Entertainment 1989 book which is identical to the one we gave Sid for his birthday.  it has lots of two for one coupons good at restaurants, movies, etc.  One of the places listed is Pier d'Orleans so we were able to get two of the meals free since they had brought theirs also.

Sorry I missed getting a Fax off to you last week.  There was a summer reading program workshop held in the library's auditorium all day Friday last week so that kept us pretty occupied.  This week I've been busy getting flyers and confirming forms to those groups and agencies which will be attending our second annual Early Childhood Information Fair which is to be on Saturday, Feb. 18.  About 40 groups have signed up to have representatives attend.  It will be from 9-noon, hopefully outside the library if the weather cooperates.  Last year it rained.)

We had some almost winter weather here earlier this week.  The wind chill got down into the 20s although the lowest I saw the temperature listed was 34º. 

Wendy is going to go to church and a pot luck following with Roberta and Sid this Sunday.  Gerry and I are going to play golf over near South Mountain on 7th St.

Cecelia and I did booktalks this week for 3rd and 4th graders at the school in her neighborhood, located near 75th Ave. & Bethany Home.  They had 8 3rd grades and 7 4th grades.  The total school enrollment (K-6) is 1460 students. 

Anne, Linda & I were taped for a television show called "Get Acquainted with Glendale" yesterday.  It should be aired next week.  We'll try to tape it and send you a copy.  Not that I was all that terrific but you'll be able to see me on video!!!

Hope you have a good week.  Are you headed south (or any other direction) soon?  Are your phones working any better yet?  We could hear you fine that time you called us last.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

1930s HH Valentines to GHU & CJU -Feb.14

1959 Roberta's Valentine -Feb.14

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Feb.13

This letter was mailed to the Inter Continental Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel, where it was returned to sender.  The aerogramme is dated received by the Hotel on 14 Feb 1979, which indicates it was written prior to Feb. 13.

Tuesday AM

Hi!  How are all the tourists doing?  What type of hotels are you staying in?  Inter-Continental sounds pretty ritzy!

We are having some beautiful weather – Sunday esp. – sky was blue, not a cloud in sight.  Sunday night there was special music group at the church – we took Angus – she enjoyed it alot!  As to the Saturday night dinner – it is an annual affair – was very good – food was good – quite an affair – was quite different – a salad, pork chops, chicken dish – and mixed fruit for dessert.

Mary Va is still busy working on her term paper – last night Marion & her went & got music for her to sing on Sunday – she is singing a song from the Honeytree album you all gave me last year.

Last night was class night – M & M came & picked me up at work – we went to Wendy's – then off to class.  Last night we were on foods – how to order – in restaurant – teacher had some menus there in Spanish & it was fun.  There are about 12 in our class.

Mary Va. seems to be enjoying her voice class – she is the baby of the class – Tonight she is in a band concert at school – we plan to go.

My sewing machine was supposed to be in 5 February – I called down there – it came in on Friday.  We were just in Chandler on Saturday – Marion picked up her OAK table at the antique place.

I've had these around awhile – oh!  We called up Hortons & G'ma – all sounded good – I was thinking Joe would be in Salt Lake City in March – but instead he is going to Japan.  Bargain fare between here & SLC – & thought I could go & see Joe –

Hope you all are having a good trip – will be anxious to hear about it all – Oh!  Hortons will be anxious to hear about it all – OH! Hortons say they have bought tickets for Europe!  Sounds serious!

Love, Berta

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

1969 Catherine's Letter -Feb.10

Monday, February 10, 1969
Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta, Serena, John and Mary,

Hi!  It was nice talking to you all the other night and then I did get the letter the next day.  I'm really excited about Career-Service.  Which reminds me, how would it be if you met me in Chicago that weekend the 21.  Gerti and I want to see about getting a place to stay and Bob has to find a place plus check with the University of Chicago about his German course.  The problem arises though that unless Woody (Gerti's friend) takes us all only Bob and I will be able to come because Bob only has room for one other person besides himself in the car.  So Bob and I can come for sure if you want to go to Chicago.  If not, you can still come here and we'll go to Chicago some other weekend. 

Gerti's parents are a little worried about us finding a place to stay.  They'd rather we paid more and got a 'safer' place.  I've got about $300 in the bank up here so I guess I could swing it.  We make $208 a month which certainly is no magnificent sum.  One nice thing is that we're furnished with uniforms to I won't have to worry about clothes.  Her mother suggested we check at the Windermere and the Del Prado.  There was a guy from K who worked at the museum two years ago but his report only says that he lived in a "gray-haired" hotel near the Museum.

Yesterday we decided Spring was officially here.  We went for a bike ride then got his car washed and put the top down.  It was a really lovely day but today the temperature has dropped about 30º, the sky is gray again and the wind is blowing.  It was a short Spring.  Hopefully it will come back soon.

I'm doing reasonably well – average, I guess – in all my classes, I'm having a a good time, I don't have any serious problems, or even minor ones that I can think of.  On the whole I'm extremely happy and obviously abnormal.  That is one thing that kind of bothers me.  Almost everyone else seems to have so many problems, I wonder what I did to deserve not having any.  Greg (who you may remember from previous quarters) didn't get a job for Career Service, the employer fizzled out at the last minute and there weren't any others he was interested in, he also can't go where he wanted to for Foreign Study because his grade-point isn't high enough so he is going to Miami U (Ohio) in the spring and if he likes it he's staying there. 

Joe F (Dad, you might remember meeting his parents at the banquet last Spring) decided last week that his chemistry and German courses weren't getting him anywhere as he's interested in film and TV so he went home yesterday.  He's coming back next quarter to finish up his sophomore year and then he's transferring out.  Gina is dropping her major course because she's getting D's in all her courses and she will have lost the whole quarter if she doesn't do better in something.  Carole is really swamped with her four courses (I can't see taking four courses to begin with) but she can't decide which one to drop so she is continually getting further behind in them all.  Rich's (who transferred out last year and then came back this year) parents are getting divorced which upsets him even more than the fact that he didn't think either one of them loved him anyway.

We have to declare majors by next week so I'm declaring history.  That probably won't be permanent but for the rest of this quarter it will satisfy the school.  I'm still really uncoordinated in modern dance class but it's fun and I enjoy it even if I never will become a great dancer.

I got two skirts dry-cleaned last week.  I also gave a pint of blood to the Red Cross.  I used the permission slip you sent me for K's blood drive.

Write soon and let me know about Chicago.  Does your coming the 21 mean that I shouldn't expect you to come and get me the end of the quarter?  Let me know so if necessary I can send a bunch of stuff home with you this time.


How soon do you need the copy of my dividends?  I guess I can send them now, I've got them all here.  The way I figure I've got $230.52 in dividends, $112.38 in interest, and $639.59 in wages.  And I'll get $34.60 back.  After deducting the $100 from the dividends it comes to a total of $882.49 – at least it's under $900.  I hope you don't have any more forms to send me, as I've sent in the form.

We start work March 31 and work for 11 weeks.  My last exam is about March 20.

I'll also get $3.28 back from state taxes.

Monday, February 11, 2019

1949 Jean's Letter -Feb.10

Thursday –
February 10, 1949
Dearest Mother and Daddy,

This was the official day set for Catherine's birthday but we're just as happy to have her twelve days sooner.  Your long letter we received yesterday and the postman just brought the box you sent to the hospital which they forwarded on to us.  The pink sweater, booties and bonnet are adorable as well as the cute little pink panties.  I'm so anxious to see her in them  Its just as well we didn't have them to wear home from the hospital.  She had quite a bowel movement on the way and nearly everything she had on was hit.  Harold really stepped into his duties in a hurry and never flinched at the sight.

Catherine has been very good at home but has decided to make 12:00-3:00 AM and PM her "shining hours."  She doesn't want to sleep and insists on eating and struggling for food the whole time.

Dr. Bowen called Monday afternoon to say that there had been a death in her family but would be over Wednesday morning (yesterday).  She came about 11:15 and thought Catherine was just perfect.  She wanted us to start her on orange juice and cod liver oil right away and also gave me a formula for supplementary feedings in case I need it (5 z. Carnation, 10 oz. water, 1 scant tablesp. dark Karo).  She thought she ought to go on a 3 hour schedule during the day and only feed her when she wakens at night.

The cod liver oil (Mead's Oleum per-comorphum - concentrate - 10 drops) she took very well yesterday and today we gave her the first orange juice (1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon) which she spit up a little but on the whole took it very well – considering it was her first time with a teaspoon.

Harold has been so wonderful and won't let me lift a hand.  The meals he prepares are fit for a King – so much variety and tastes so good too.  Monday evening we had pork chops, brussel sprouts, buttered corn, waldorf salad, milk & chocolate ice cream.  Tuesday he prepared hot cereal, grapefruit, milk for breakfast, soup, celery, molded fruit & vegetable salad, muffin cake – for lunch.  For dinner we had hamburger patties, baked potatoes, asparagus, stewed tomatoes and butterscotch pudding.

Last night just as he was fixing dinner Linn Zook called & so we invited him over – to see the baby & for dinner – adding a little more to each pot – brussel sprouts, carrots, weiners, more molded salad (and Harold & Linn had Sauerkraut which H. started on Sunday).

We have gotten so many nice cards and gifts – every mail seems like Christmas.

  • Cousin Maude sent a pretty card and $2
  • Mrs. Campbell  "         "         " and $1
  • Harold's Aunt Vertie  "         "   and $1
  • Jane Cochran Bosnick's Children -  pink comb and nylon brush set
  • Nell Eikenhout Carter - yellow knit dress & pantie set
  • Catherine & Dook Foster - pretty white dress with blue ribbon and little blue slip to go under
  • Molly & Luke Giles - a cute pink rattle
  • Lilian Plotkin - a little night light in shape of horse
Jennie also sent her a Valentine which was real cute and today we received one for her from her Grandmother and Grandfather Uible – marked "Baby's First Valentine – real sweet.

It has been snowing fearfully for over an hour – I do hope it doesn't stick or the weather isn't so bad to prevent your coming.  We're awfully anxious for you to see her.  Harold has gone to the store to buy some necessities to make her formula, etc.  Tomorrow is our wash day in the laundry so Harold is getting all ready for that too.  I hate to see him doing so much.  Thank goodness – he doesn't have school this week or I'm sure it would be too much to handle.  He's more than willing to do both our shares – I hesitate to even begin cooking again after the variety of meals he has put before us.

Louise Gilmore, Mrs. McGonagle, Mrs. Schendel have called.  The latter wants Harold to stop over for little gift which she has for Catherine.  They (Mrs. Schendel & her niece, Laura) plan to leave for Florida next week.

Jeanne Campbell was so nice when I was in the hospital – I asked her to buy me some nursing brassieres and a box of Modess.  When Harold stopped to pick them up she also had a pretty gardenia and a box of Fanny Farmer candy to send too.  She called Tuesday but I was nursing Catherine so just was able to say hello – We hope she'll cover over soon to see her.

Saturday afternoon I had a call from Peggy Ashe – I don't know her but Dr. Phillips of the First Baptist Church had her call me – and we had a nice chat.  Then Sunday I received a big bunch of gladiolas with some laurel (or rhododendron) with a printed card saying they were from the Chancel of the First Baptist Church.  Dr. Phillips called me at the hospital on Monday saying he was so sorry not to get in to see me, etc. so I thanked him for having Peggy call and for the flowers.  It was so nice when we are not affiliated with the church at all.

Norma Anderson who lives across the hall came over Monday & informed us she was going to wash Catherine's diapers for a week but Harold has kept them all clean.  Now we have a diaper pail and he plans to do the rest in the washer tomorrow.  We did borrow her vacuum sweeper which came in so handy.  Our carpets hadn't been vacuumed since they've been here.

I forgot to tell you that we liked Doctor Bowen very much – her whole attitude, the way she handled Catherine – her advice & praise for her.  She must be about 45-50 and handles many baby cases.  She is the same one that Norma takes Jane too and then was recommended by Laura Uible.  She charged $5 for a house visit – I don't know what she'll charge for our office call.  We are to make an appointment in a few days for her 6 weeks check-up.

Catherine is still quite the sleeper – very hard to get awake to feed but when she is awake rolls her great big eyes all around.

I've written eight thank-you notes so have kept up pretty well as soon as they come in.  Oh my, I forgot to thank you for the bathinet – We had just decided to set up things on the kitchen table and bath her her there when a knock came to the door – the man was delivering the bathinet – so we opened it up and used it right away & have been doing so ever since.  It's such a good height to put her on when changing her.  Thank you ever so much.  I had wanted one but felt a tub would work as well for the time being.  We'd be lost without it now.  Its all set up in the kitchen.  As yet we are just giving her sponge baths but will soon start using the tub part.  The shelf beneath is so nice too – we keep diapers and all the necessary little things on it.

I forgot to mention too that Sarah Hinerman sent a plastic sheet and 3 of those long nightgowns that tie up both hands & feet.  

So do hope this reaches you before you come to Cleveland – anxious to have you soon.

Love, Jean, Harold and Catherine

Sunday, February 10, 2019

1979 Catherine's Postcard -Feb.10

Caption: Holiday Inn Plaza Hotel, Beach Blvd. at Riverside Fwy. - Buena Park, Calif.
Lion Supperhouse, Eagle Lounge, Doodles Country Kitchen, The Den Lobby, Wine Mine, Travel Center, Electric Game Room, Year-round Pool & Atrium Courtyard and FREE special in-room movies are just some of the places that will capture your interest for hours.
Sat. 2/10/79

Hi!  Got your Valentine yesterday.  Thanks for thinking of us.  Sorry you didn't get hold of us last weekend.  They weren't able to get our phone working until 2/8.  We're still waiting for the cable TV.  Madras had a flood last week.  We made the headlines of the Portland paper.  I'll send the clippings next week.  They think now the rest of the apts. will be ready around 3/1.  Several people have been around out of interest and curiousity.  Our apt. serves as a "Model Apt."  We're meeting lots of "interesting" people.  This coming week we have a blood drive and my dentist appointment.  Wendy has stayed with Georgette twice – with success but hasn't taken to the church nursery yet.  She seems to like the new apt.  Lots of room to pull her dog around.  She is talking more and more and some of it even sounds like English!  Hope you had a good trip to Israel.  We're waiting to hear about it.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Friday, February 08, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter to John -Feb.5

February 5, 1979
Dear John,

Hi!  Thanks for your letter which arrived Saturday and also for the birthday card.  As you probably heard it arrived right on my birthday despite the incorrect address.  I still have not recovered from the shock of the check.  I rushed it right to the bank so as to cash it before you changed your mind.  I know it was my birthday and everything but I certainly wasn't expecting a check from you of all people!  I don't want to sound ungrateful because I'm not – I was just very surprised.  I am going to buy some things for our new apartment with it – shower curtain (I picked out a real fancy one in the Sears catalog), waste basket, dish rack, etc.  We'll see how far the money will go.

We'll be anxious to see your pictures.  You could have kept the ones I sent you.  I usually only send pictures that I have duplicates of because otherwise they might never get back to me.  We sent Gerry's sister two rolls of film worth of prints which we didn't have duplicates of two years ago and we still don't have them back.  It wouldn't be so bad except we sent her the negatives also so now we have nothing.  They were pictures of DeeDee and Linda's son, Robbie, from the summer that Robbie spent with us in San Diego.

We got all moved into our new apartment on Saturday and I have almost everything put away somewhere – not necessarily where I want it though.  The furniture fits fine in all the rooms except the living room which is very cramped.  We had to put the bean bag in Wendy's room and it is still crowded in the living room.  We're going to try rearranging it with the sofa on the north wall and see if that makes any difference.  I like the kitchen better than our old apartment.  Except I miss the dishwasher.

Does it make you feel older to have a 30-year-old sister?  Just think, when you are 30, I will be getting close to 40.  40 seems pretty old to me right now but I'm sure each year that I get closer to it it will seem less old!

You are welcome to come anytime for more cooking lessons.  Gerry gave me a Mexican cookbook and a Oriental cookbook for my birthday so we are going to be trying some new things.  Write again soon!

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

PS Thanks again for the birthday money!

1979 Roberta's postcard to John -Feb.8


Hi John!

It's turned really nice here – sun shining – up in the 70's today!

How's school progressing?  Did you save all the easy stuff till last?

John!  I talked to someone today on Exeter Board of      ?       I forget – they were so impressed my brother went to Exeter!  They asked me where I went I said Friends Boarding School – & E.C.!  Does Lynch in Math ring a bell?

Marion & 'Baby' are sure riding the bikes lots after school while I have to work till 5:30!  We've started this new thing – eating at home 2 nights a week!  That's when I'm glad I do work late!

OK!  Write!


Thursday, February 07, 2019

1979 GHU's Letter to John -Feb.4

Feb. 4 - 1979
Dear John -

A few minutes ago the phone rang & it was Roberta & Mary V. who had called.  A surprise.  It seems as if Mary V. will be coming home in two weeks.  They are all pepped up over their Spanish lessons they are taking.  As to the picture you will find one enclosed.  Would have sent it sooner but was waiting until you were back in school for when you were floating around I didn't know where you might be from one week to the next.  So hope you will recognize who it might be.

The house has quieted down some what since the Kintners left.  Larry flew in & after a few days they left to spend a couple of days with Larry's folks on the west coast then last evening Uncle B. & Aunt M. phoned Cris & M. & the Kintners had arrived at 4 o'clock in Hickory.  It seems as if Cris has been looking for another job & he was in N.Y. state the first of the week & some how he slid (car) on the highway crossing the median into the opposite highway & just missed 2 cars & was still nervous over his close call.  No damage, he was driving a rented car.  That was what might happen to anyone during snowy weather when striking an icy spot.  So do be careful.  Cris is still with his present job, but feels as if he wants to make a change with another (?) Co.

We ate dinner with Uncle Bill's sister Frances & John today by picnicking in their trailer park.  A very nice day but a sweater felt comfortable.

As to my driving home don't think about coming to Fla. when you are busy as you will have many hears (hopefully) to come to Fla. & I can easily fly home by plane when the time comes.  In fact I haven't thought about it yet.  Since you will be graduating it will be a busy spring time I expect.

We have missed a couple of Wed. dinners but plan to go this Wed.  It will be a turkey menu so announced.

This last week Aunt M. had a bad cold so far the rest of us are fine.  What kind of a grade did you get on the paper you worked on while in Fla.  We have wondered.  I know you are used to making good grades.
