Sunday, December 30, 2018

1968 Catherine's Letter -Dec.30

December 30, 1968

Hi!  glad to get a letter from Serena and one from you all today.  I'm enclosing the write up of since I left to the middle of yesterday.  I'm waiting for January 1 so I can use my new diary.

Thanks for forwarding the mail.  I guess I'll be leaving here Wednesday afternoon on the bus.  If I go straight through I'll get in Kalamazoo on Saturday so I'll have a whole extra day if I decide to stop over somewhere – like Salt Lake City.

I'm really pro VW – they're just the right size, not bad driving, the gasoline does go a long way, they don't require any antifreeze and they squeeze into small spaces.  However I'm anti bad weather: snow, sleet, rain, fog, etc.  Ugh!

Hope I don't have too much trouble readjusting to the time change!

I was really pleased with the grades.  I was a little worried about the studying, working, and social combination but it came out better than I expected.  Next quarter is going to be rougher though.  German will probably require alot more time – especially if I get into the honors class.  And I doubt if history and psych (if that's what I end up with) will be easy.  Only 70 some days until finals!

I'll send you some post cards – I still have some stamps.


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