Tuesday, May 22, 2018

1978 Roberta's letter to MV -May 9

May 9, 1978

Dear Mary Virginia,

HI!  It's 7:00 a.m., just got to work and thought I would at least start a letter your way.  How many other people write you at 7:00 in the morning?????

Thanks alot for your letter . . . . . it is always good to hear from you.  Yesterday's letter was especially long and good!!!  You sound like you are really doing good in your swimming lessons.  You should plan on coming out here this summer and putting your lessons to use.  Did I tell you that the Mandes are having a swimming pool put in???  It's not all that big, but it takes up the whole back yard.  It's already been dug, and is suppose to be poured or whatever today.  I keep telling them that my doctor says I need to be in a private pool three times a week.  Their boys are really excited about having the pool.  Last week sometime was Muryl's birthday, and we finally celebrated yesterday by having a mud pie.  That was the first mud pie we have had since your birthday . . . golly that seems like a long time ago.

We really had a busy weekend.  There were alot of things that Marion wanted to get done before she goes in the hospital.  Part of which is helping me decide about what all I want to do with the truck.  In Grandma's note I mention how we came about getting the shell on the back, now we are trying to find remnant carpet for the bed of the truck.  Do the Morgans have carpet in theirs???  I've seen some really nice jobs done.  For sleeping in it, or just for sitting the carpet would really be nice.

As of this letter, you all now officially know of Marion having cancer, and her going in the hospital this Thursday.  Now you are more than welcome to call or write her.  The address of the hospital is 1400 S. Dobson Road, Mesa, 85202.  She will be in there for five days or so . . . . depending on how she gets along.  The doctor will be doing alot of exploring once she is opened up.  Her surgery is for Friday, and after that I'll be able to tell you all more.  DO NOT LET ON THAT YOU KNEW AHEAD OF THIS ABOUT IT . . . ok???  Thanks!!!

Dorothy had us over for cake and homemade ice cream this last Sunday.  It was to celebrate my birthday, she wanted to do it early so that Marion could enjoy it too.  We go over there quite a bit . . .maybe once a week or so . . . or they come over to visit us.  Usually everytday I eat lunch with Dorothy now.  Sometimes we eat in the school cafeteria or sometimes we bring lunch and then go to Pioneer park to eat.  Or sometimes just go to McDonalds or Jack-in-the-box.  If we eat in the school cafeteria it costs 75¢ – for a full meal, or a big chef salad.

Starting the end of this week – or probably last week, I'm going to start taking off for 1.5 to 2 hours for lunch, then work just a little later.  That way I can visit Marion in the middle of the day.  Either that or might just skip lunch and them come home earlier.  It won't be all that serious until her sister leaves.

I've been thinking that maybe you would be able to come out this summer and then drive back with me.  It would be cheap . . . we could sleep in the back of the truck.  Marion bought a round-trip ticket from here to Denver, even though she would only be able to use it going from here to there.  The one-way ticket cost $77 and the round-trip cost $92.  I talked her into the two-way telling her she could try to sell it in Denver and make $40 or so by selling it.  I need to figure up how much it would cost for you to fly on your own to Denver, and then pick up there being Marion Magill.  There are alot of possibilities.  In a way it would be alot easier if she could sell her ticket, or maybe you would like to come out on the bus.  They have a special price for something like $59!!!  Check it out on your end . . .ok? 

I'm trying to let my finger nails grow long.  Marion will pay me $1 for each nail I let grow.  So far I haven't made any money!!!



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