[about end of November 1967]
Dear family,
Here is some papers I though you would like to see.
Got my little green note-book i the mail today. Pretty fast, huh? Also your letter with money. Gee – thanks.
Really got to go. The two exams I missed are also here Took them "EARLY" MONDAY MORNING. ICK! I got 81.5 instead of the 79.5 as marked on the one. On the other one a 59. Highest grade was 89 on it. Still doesn't make mine look good.
Love, Roberta
P.S. Teacher Jody's mother died last night. Teacher Bill is still sick. Biology is going (downhill).
Thursday, November 30, 2017
1967 Catherine's postcard -Nov.28
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Lakeview Motel, Nicholasville KY postcard -mailed 1967
Hi! Got Dad's card this morning, and one from Dayton yesterday. After almost 2000 miles the tire on the bike just wore out. I thought you were going to send the yearbook when it came – but never mind now. Almost 1-2 inches of snow last night. Art test tomorrow. UGH! Any particular day you want me to come home? Like Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday? They feed us through Monday, December 18.
Love, Catherine
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
1967 Jean's Letter to Catherine -Nov.29
Nov. 29, 1967
Dearest Catherine,Thanksgiving weekend is over and things are beginning to settle back to normal again. We did miss you so much but hope you enjoyed your day in Battlecreek (or is it Battle Creek?)
We did enjoy our visit with the Bruces though Mary Virginia was so full of cold. Then we stayed all night at the Sheraton Dayton almost caddy-corner from Rikes. But it was so crowded that day (Friday) that we were glad to get out of there.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that because Roberta hadn't been feeling too well she got permission to come home with J.N. Careys and called us from Interstate 71 and 72 Wednesday evening and we picked her up there. We had been conferring back and forth with Barnesville but didn't know she was actually coming until she called. She went back with them last evening – we took her to 71 and 35 to meet the Careys there. She was feeling much better and hope all goes well with her from now on.
Patty had her Hawaiian girl friend with her at church yesterday – she evidently had spent the weekend there. She is a most attractive girl. I spoke with Weegie briefly. She looks real cute with her hair cut real short. Her mother was moved to a private room and is allowed visitors so will try to get over this week. They have removed the trachea tube so it takes some getting used to breathing normally again.
Romeo and Juliet was put on Friday and Saturday evening but things just didn't work out for us to go. Serena and John went Friday and Serena was going to baby-sit when we went Saturday evening but then she had her Sunday School Class Party at Rupps on Saturday night and had to take all the refreshments out for that and various other reasons just didn't make it.
We saw Greg, Carolyn, Marlena and Sybil at church too. They have tentatively set the Post High Christmas party for the Thursday after Christmas which would be Dec. 28, I guess.
Mrs. Bees called and wanted to know if Roberta would baby sit Saturday evening (she told her she was busy as she and Nancy Walker had tentatively planned to get together) so then she asked for Serena and of course she had plans to go to Rupps so Mrs. Beers said that she guessed she would take the boys to the play so another reason to stay home.
Mary Virginia left her blanket at Bruces so she has been lost without it. I told her she would probably get it in the mail so she keeps wanting to go out to the mailbox (Fife's) to see if it has come.
We wonder if Joe was able to get in touch with you. Roberta had a letter from Mrs. Schamaun and she said that Greg is working at some real fancy restaurant in Daytona and has to wear black fancy suit (perhaps tux) and cummerbund (sp? – wide fancy belt). He has waited on one of the Rockefeller family.
Really nothing new around here but counting the days till you get home. (How?)
Love and Kisses,
Glad to receive your long letter and 2 cards.
1967 Catherine's postcard to MV -Nov.28
Hi! Gee, it is cold today! Not long now until Christmas. Have you seen Santa Claus yet? The Christmas decorations are up here in Kalamazoo. How are Mark and Jeff? Are you still delivering papers?
Love, Cathy
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Nov.28
[about 11/28/67]
Dear Family!
Hi! Just got done flunking two tests! Wow! They were both for English. One a Vocab & Grammar and the other one on Kim! I sure am glad we are done with that junkie book. Anything can't be as bad as that.
We got back about 10:20 last night. Everyone was quiet and the whole place dark. One of my room-mates met me at the door. I guess they had tried to call; but while they were talking to the operator Leslie came down and told them to get in the room because the bell had rung. They told her they were trying to call me and I guess she told them I was on my way back already.
Scott – the boy from Cinn. left school this morning for good. (Yes, John, that's the hippie!) Rick – the boy who got off the bus in Dayton and then was found in Chicago is now back at school after being gone over three weeks. There are two boys that will be leaving soon and also a girl. The boys might stay till the end of 1st semester but from all I hear I sort of doubt it.
Well, I really should be going. Got something that needs done – for instance studying – Ick! I hate to study! Catherine finally admitted it too!
Thanks alot for the past weekend. Remember my prescription costs $6.00 – which is a pretty big hunk out of the $10.00 (HAVE THE HINT!?!) I'm going to look downtown Satudray for a TALL navy blue skirt. They had some in Kirks for half off – that's about $5.00 or so. and $5.00 & a little more for a skirt and $6.00 for pills really does a good job of using up $10.00. Hint! Hint!
Thanks for the food. John, the cookies were great! Helen's picture too John please send it; she is looking forward to it.
Dear Family!
Hi! Just got done flunking two tests! Wow! They were both for English. One a Vocab & Grammar and the other one on Kim! I sure am glad we are done with that junkie book. Anything can't be as bad as that.
We got back about 10:20 last night. Everyone was quiet and the whole place dark. One of my room-mates met me at the door. I guess they had tried to call; but while they were talking to the operator Leslie came down and told them to get in the room because the bell had rung. They told her they were trying to call me and I guess she told them I was on my way back already.
Scott – the boy from Cinn. left school this morning for good. (Yes, John, that's the hippie!) Rick – the boy who got off the bus in Dayton and then was found in Chicago is now back at school after being gone over three weeks. There are two boys that will be leaving soon and also a girl. The boys might stay till the end of 1st semester but from all I hear I sort of doubt it.
Well, I really should be going. Got something that needs done – for instance studying – Ick! I hate to study! Catherine finally admitted it too!
Thanks alot for the past weekend. Remember my prescription costs $6.00 – which is a pretty big hunk out of the $10.00 (HAVE THE HINT!?!) I'm going to look downtown Satudray for a TALL navy blue skirt. They had some in Kirks for half off – that's about $5.00 or so. and $5.00 & a little more for a skirt and $6.00 for pills really does a good job of using up $10.00. Hint! Hint!
Thanks for the food. John, the cookies were great! Helen's picture too John please send it; she is looking forward to it.
Love, Roberta
1977 Roberta's postcard to John -Nov.26
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Disneyland Country Bear Jamboree postcard -mailed 1977
[postmarked Nov 26, 1977]
Welcome bak to school! What a way to spend my vacation – with 9 teenagers. What a change from HG senior citizens.
How was Thanksgiving at home? I missed all the traditional this year. I.T. came in Tuesday night – said hello to you.
Love, Berta
Monday, November 27, 2017
1967 HH letter to Catherine -Nov.27
Dear Catherine –
Thanks for the letters & post cards. Glad Joe made it, we were afraid to say too much in fear he wouldn't make it.
Don't worry about the grades, just do the best you can. Saw several of your class at Church yesterday – as Patty says "It is hard."
We are sending you a pkg today. John is responsible for the home made part.
– Dad
P.S. Left my pen at home. [written in pencil]
1967 GHU postcard to Catherine -Nov.
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Florida Spanish Moss postcard - mailed 1967
Mon. [November 1967]
Dear Catherine
Just to let you know that we are all settled once more in Fla. & had a nice trip down. Enjoyed seeing Marianne's school & talking with her. Said she would like to hear from you, but supposed she should write to you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Grandma & Granddad
1967 Jean's postcard to Catherine -Nov.24
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Sheraton Dayton Hotel postcard - mailed 1967 |
11/24/67 2:15PM
Dearest Catherine,
Stayed here last night after Thanksgiving at the Bruces. We missed you! Went shopping at Rikes today and it was a MAD HOUSE. Hope you had a nice day. We're counting the days til the 16 or 17?
Waiting now for Dad to come from Springfield & then home to the papers.
Love, M, D, R, S, J & MV
Sunday, November 26, 2017
1967 Catherine's Letter -Nov.25
November 25, 1967
Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John and Mary,
Hi! Got a letter from you all this morning, and I'm glad to hear you all survived the virus or whatever.
I have spent maybe a half hour studying since Wednesday. Maybe I should have gone home for Thanksgiving to get caught up on my homework. The worst part is that I have nothing really pressing to be done but before the end of the quarter . . . .
- ART – Not much better than it ever was. I have made a little progress on my term paper. J.F. Peto's wife was from Lerado, Ohio which has since gone out of existence I think. Last week we finished studying sculpture and we are now on architecture which is 100% improvement. However, it has come too late in the quarter to help my grade average much and I'm still maintaining a D average. I just hope I can do well enough on the final to keep the D.
- PHYSICS – keeps getting more difficult and as the difficulty increases my grade decreases. On our second hour exam which we received back yesterday out of a possible 100 points the grades in the class ranged from 0-82. The average was 51 and I got 57 which is probably a C. My average at the moment is pretty unstable and could fluctuate either direction depending on the final. I am therefore, hoping for a C.
- MATH – is about the same. After two tests, I still have a B average and unless something drastic happens which I am certainly not looking forward to, I may pull out with a B.
As for the chem test, I did well enough so that I won't have to take it next quarter. However my grade was below average which means I'm going to have to study that mach harder.
Wednesday night I went with Tom W. to see the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" which was downtown at Carver Center. We doubled with Sarah and Greg and had a great time. Tom is from Chillicothe and Greg from Hamilton so except for Sarah from Colorado we had a convention of Southern Ohioans.
We had a great time at Gertie's on Thursday. Counting Gertie and her parents there were seven of us: Alice, Susan, Sarah and me. Gertie's mother must have spent hours fixing all the food! Her father sells farm equipment or something in that line so they live out in the country. Gertie did take us in and showed us around Battle Creek for awhile We saw Kellogg's. Rah!
Yesterday we came back to the dreary old classes with about 20% of the students present and attending. Big thrill! Good old Miss Wood never gives up and she kept eight of us who were stupid enough to go to class 25 minutes late. How disgusting! When we finally got out of class I was rushing over to Saga to eat before the line closed when I walked right by this unfamiliar looking boy who obviously was not a K student. I really didn't think too much about it though since a lot of people's families are here. However, when this "strange" person said "Hi! Catherine." I just about fell over. My very own cousin and I didn't even recognize him!
Joe thought it was really funny but I must say I was really embarrassed. When we walked in Saga everyone immediately jumped to the conclusion that this was my "boyfriend from home" and why hadn't I ever told anyone. Things finally calmed down when the word got around that he was only my cousin!
Tom and I gave him an extensive tour of the campus which lasted a record 45 minutes. We kind of had to drag it out though! It certainly was a surprise to see him (I didn't get your letter until today saying that he might call.) and that dear kind lady, Aunt Frances, sent the mot delicious cookies and a little pumpkin pie. Of course, they are all gone by now.
Last night I had really good intentions of settling down and really getting some studying done. What a joke! Tom came over and we were going to watch TV or something when I remembered that those library books which I took out when you all were here were due yesterday. So we trotted down to the library instead.
Tonight I have a date with John. This afternoon I am planning to work some more on the art paper, and study math. And tomorrow with the exception of going to church with John the whole day is going to be dedicated to physics lab and physics.
I don't know how this roommate bit is going to work out. Nothing new has happened in the last week or so.
It is almost lunch time so I think I better be signing off now. Only 21 days until those horrid exams will be finished!
1967 Catherine's Naples Florida postcard to John -Nov.24
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Hunting Camp, near Naples, Florida postcard mailed 1967 |
[postmarked Nov. 24 1967]
Hi! I want to thank you for that nice letter I got last week. I have been pretty busy or I would have written sooner. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? I hope you didn't eat too much! Has it rained much lately? How are the newspapers? Any more trouble with the dogs? Your picture was very good. I got a post card from Roberta today. It's not long until Christmas. Love, Cathy
1967 Catherine's Postcard -Nov.20
Hi! 26 days until exams are over! Spent $5.75 on bike – good thing it only has two wheels! Got letter from Mom this morning. Sounds like home is a sick ward. Hope everyone is better. We had open house Sat. night. I invited Bruce Morgan, a very nice guy from Illinois. The play Fri. night was fantastic! John's dorm had open house so we had a great party afterward. He (John) also went to church with me yesterday.
Nothing new on the roommate situation. Sarah and I may move as we seem to be the main cause of all the fuss. Not much news on the grades. All of my classes meet on Friday but most of kids are going home anyway. They did cancel all the Thursday classes!
Whatever happened to my yearbook? I stuck most of my post cards up on the wall – makes the room look really fancy!
The boys have started pledging societies. I was really shocked to see Charley all dressed up at breakfast this morning. Thought maybe he was going to a funeral! It's about time for art class now – keep me posted on events in N.V.
Love, Catherine
Saturday, November 25, 2017
1977 Catherine's Letter - Nov.23
Wednesday morning
November 23, 1977
Dear Mom, Dad, Mary and John (?),Hi! I doubt that I will do much letter writing tomorrow so I thought I'd get this off to you today. We were disappointed that Roberta won't be coming for Thanksgiving but I can understand her wanting to go to San Francisco. We'll miss her. We decided not to eat out for Thanksgiving and also not to go in with the "community" for dinner. Instead Frank and Elma are coming over here for dinner. They are fixing the Turkey and the stuffing and we are supplying everything else – cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, rolls & pie. I forgot salad – I'm making that kind with lime jello, pears, cream cheese and nuts. We have ordered two pies from House of Pies – pumpkin and cherry. I went down there yesterday to sample the pumpkin to make sure it was good enough to go with our dinner. It passed the test! We should have a real feast. DeeDee was sick yesterday – flu, I guess – but we are i hopes she will be fully recuperated by tomorrow so she can enjoy dinner with us.
DeeDee is really excited about going to Canada. It is still a month before they leave but she knows what she's going to wear, when the plane leaves, when it gets there, what they are going to do when they first get there, and then what they are going to do the first day, the second day, etc. I don't know if she has what they are going to eat planned out too or if she is leaving that up to her Grandmother!
Wendy has been sleeping more lately and eating less. She falls asleep in the middle of her breakfast and sometimes during her lunch too. She has been sleeping all night without any trouble and taking 3-4 hour naps in the morning and the afternoon. Then at night she has a tremendous amount of nervous energy and it takes awhile to get her calmed down enough to go to sleep.
I got a six month subscription to the Sanford Star so we'd hear more news of Sanford. It comes out once a week – on Wednesday. the Nov. 2nd issue came on the 16th and Nov. 9th issue arrived on the 17th. We usually hear from someone in Gerry's family – usually his sister – every two weeks or so but she doesn't keep us up on the local news too well.
Well, I better finish this off, I want to try to get the apartment cleaned up a little today so it looks a little less cluttered for the big holiday!
I'll probably be talking to you before you get this but hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy
1967 Roberta's Postcard -Nov.22
[Nov 22 1967 postmark]
Hi! Well, I'm still around but that's about all!
Nothing new – just the same old stuff.
Biology teacher is still sick – has been since last Monday (a week ago).
Love, Roberta
Friday, November 24, 2017
1977 Roberta's Letter -Nov.21
November 21, 1977
Dear Family,
Here I am at work – w/ a broken type writer – the letters (some – not all) just won't print – can't figure out what's gone wrong!
It's hard for me to believe that this is Thanksgiving Week – when I made my airline reservations it seemed so long till November 23rd.
Yesterday I had a call from this guy who had seen my name up on the A.S.U. bulletin board for wanting a ride to go to San Diego. It was really weird – he wanted me to come over to ASU to meet him & give him the $ (30.00) – $10 of it supposedly refundable. So I told him I didn't have a car – & I would not pay ahead of time anyway. In about 15 minutes the guy calls back & told me to forget it. I wouldn't mind saving $ – but it will be nice just to fly it – since the time is so short!
It got down to 47º this morning – mighty cold! I'd like you all to bring out my lined green coat, mittens, & a scarf. Also the brown wool sweater sometime – like the one Aunt Mary gave me.
The winter visitors are sure beginning to arrive – Marion & I have been gong to the Methodist Church on the East side of town (she lives on the West side) & yesterday we got there at the same time & had to be seated in chairs at the very front of the church. There are three services 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 – we attend the 9:45. the parking lot was full of out of state cars – and lots of Canadian cars.
After church Marion started her ballgames and I got out on my bike & went 9.4 miles – I was on the roads that I had been on w/ the car before – but it was surprising what all I saw. First I went to see the Meades' [?] new home – the bath tubs are now in. They say once the dry wall goes on – it will be a month. (Which isn't on yet.)
Mesa is rally growing – especially the West side – no high rise buildings but alot of town house type apartments being built. The freeway is almost finished now to Alma School Rd. the entrance/exit will be about 1 mile from Marions. Right now you have to go about 2 miles to get to it.
We went bowling on Saturday night – there are two places here in Mesa – one is about a mile from us – brand new – all computerized, charge $1 for shoes + $1 per game. The other alley is about 3 miles away – older – not computerized – charges 40¢ for shoes + 75¢ a game. Can you guess which one we go to? (The 2nd one!) A Saturday night ritual is to go to the Chinese restaurant – where you can eat all you want for $2.15. The food is really good – though you would be in trouble if you were looking for big pieces of meat! We've also noticed business picking up there in the last couple of weeks.
Again – I don't want the Granada brought out – winter out here may be hard on it –
We are having a party here at work – just the office people – each of us is suppose to bring in a dish on Wednesday
Dear Family,
Here I am at work – w/ a broken type writer – the letters (some – not all) just won't print – can't figure out what's gone wrong!
It's hard for me to believe that this is Thanksgiving Week – when I made my airline reservations it seemed so long till November 23rd.
Yesterday I had a call from this guy who had seen my name up on the A.S.U. bulletin board for wanting a ride to go to San Diego. It was really weird – he wanted me to come over to ASU to meet him & give him the $ (30.00) – $10 of it supposedly refundable. So I told him I didn't have a car – & I would not pay ahead of time anyway. In about 15 minutes the guy calls back & told me to forget it. I wouldn't mind saving $ – but it will be nice just to fly it – since the time is so short!
It got down to 47º this morning – mighty cold! I'd like you all to bring out my lined green coat, mittens, & a scarf. Also the brown wool sweater sometime – like the one Aunt Mary gave me.
The winter visitors are sure beginning to arrive – Marion & I have been gong to the Methodist Church on the East side of town (she lives on the West side) & yesterday we got there at the same time & had to be seated in chairs at the very front of the church. There are three services 8:30, 9:45, & 11:00 – we attend the 9:45. the parking lot was full of out of state cars – and lots of Canadian cars.
After church Marion started her ballgames and I got out on my bike & went 9.4 miles – I was on the roads that I had been on w/ the car before – but it was surprising what all I saw. First I went to see the Meades' [?] new home – the bath tubs are now in. They say once the dry wall goes on – it will be a month. (Which isn't on yet.)
Mesa is rally growing – especially the West side – no high rise buildings but alot of town house type apartments being built. The freeway is almost finished now to Alma School Rd. the entrance/exit will be about 1 mile from Marions. Right now you have to go about 2 miles to get to it.
We went bowling on Saturday night – there are two places here in Mesa – one is about a mile from us – brand new – all computerized, charge $1 for shoes + $1 per game. The other alley is about 3 miles away – older – not computerized – charges 40¢ for shoes + 75¢ a game. Can you guess which one we go to? (The 2nd one!) A Saturday night ritual is to go to the Chinese restaurant – where you can eat all you want for $2.15. The food is really good – though you would be in trouble if you were looking for big pieces of meat! We've also noticed business picking up there in the last couple of weeks.
Again – I don't want the Granada brought out – winter out here may be hard on it –
We are having a party here at work – just the office people – each of us is suppose to bring in a dish on Wednesday
All for now – Have I got good news though!
Love, Berta
Thursday, November 23, 2017
1967 Jean & HH's Letter to Catherine -Nov.21
Nov. 21, 1967
[From Jean] Dearest Catherine,Glad to receive your cards – two came Monday which were written Friday and Saturday, Just how did the Chemistry test turn out? You said you had gotten the results but no mention of the outcome. Do you plan to take it next quarter?
It was nice of Gertie to invite you girls to her home for Thanksgiving and glad that you accepted. We feel a little better about not getting to be with you that day. Just getting out of Kalamazoo for a few hours should be refreshing.
Your mention of Sarah – your best friend was your first mention of her. Hope things work out for you all to change roommates. Will you or Gina be keeping your room? Does she have someone she wants to be with for a roommate?
Any regrets about inviting Evan to the Girl Bid? There seems to be much more mention of John S. now so curious to know the outcome.
First Serena had the 24 hour virus plus touch of flue; then Mary Virginia took sick on the way to Columbus and she kept it up all evening. Our plans to have a nice dinner and do some shopping sort of fell by the wayside and we were happy to be fairly near a ladies room when the urge came for Mary Virginia. Daddy's plane was 20 minutes late and we sat and stared at a map of Lake Central Airlines which showed Kalamazoo but didn't make any reservations for you at Christmas but was surely tempted. If you didn't have a very long vacation would have though.
John filled up at MYF and about 11:00 regretted it for the rest of the night for he had the 24 hour virus then. He missed school Monday morning but went yesterday afternoon.
Elizabeth Johnson was in this morning and brought us 2 gallons of milk. They are having more than they can use so told us to bring the bottles back and they would be glad to refill them. They are switching over to grain farming so should take less physical work.
Love, Mother
[From HH]
No wonder we could not find anything on Mr. Peta. Keep us posted on his developments – like a fellow from outer space.
We plan to stay overnight in Dayton Thursday and I'm (Dad) will be going to Springfield Friday morning on a deal to hep screen applicants for the military academy for Congressman Brown. Have read the applications for four boys so should be an interesting experience.
The folks NJ [News Journal] service in Fla. got off with a bang, the first mail they recd two papers – but they were both of the same issue. Mother wrote that the sun was too bright to be outdoors. So there are advantages to being in air conditioned Michigan.
Love, Dad
P.S. We talked to Joe on the phone and he may try to call you when he is in Michigan visiting his Aunt Frances; he's leaving for Cincinnati Saturday so it will no doubt be Friday as we told him you wouldn't be there Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
1907 John Freeman Obituary -Nov.21
John M. Freeman (1829-1907), third-great uncle of the Ballantyne-Dailey-Uible cousins was born in Pittsburgh in Feb. 1829, died in Toronto, Jefferson County, Ohio in November 1907. He married Cyrene Peggs in August 1864 and they had two daughters – Lucile Freeman Rogers (1873-1920?), and Cyrene "Rena" Freeman (1872-1952).
John, who owned and operated a Sewer Pipe Manufacturing company, was a Civil War Veteran and was the younger brother of James L. Freeman (1809-1892). James was the maternal grandfather of Nathaniel Wallace Ballantyne (1868-1949).
Following is the obituary from the (New Cumberland WV) Hancock County Independent, published November 21, 1907.
- - - - -
Pioneer Brick and Clay Manufacturer
Answers Death's Summons
John M. Freeman, one of the pioneer brick and sewer pipe manufacturers of the Ohio valley, prominently identified with the fire clay industry for nearly half a century, died at his home in Toronto, Sunday morning.
Mr. Freeman had not been in good health for two or three years, but was not confined to the house except for a few weeks prior to his death. He was in the 88 year of his age at the time of his death. He was born in Pittsburg, being a son of Thomas Freeman, who came to this county with his family in 1833, and settled at Freeman's Landing. There the senior Freeman embarked in the clay and brick business and is said to have been the pioneer of that industry west of the mountains.
The business was conducted there for many years, and the family was honored and respected among the most prominent residents of the county.
There were fourteen children, all of whom but two have answered the final summons. Among those were James, William B., Samuel, Charles A., and John M., the survivors being Miss Virginia of this place and Mrs. Mary Trusdale [Truesdale], of Iowa.
In 1846 John M. Freeman went to Cincinnati and there engaged in the brick, coal and cement business, which he conducted for ten years, and subsequently engaged in similar business i Madison Indiana and after devoting some years to that field, returned to this neighborhood, and embarked in the brick and sewer pipe business at Freeman's station, with his brother, Charles A., which business was continued until it was merged into the American Sewer Pipe Co., in 1901. The death of Charles Freeman followed about five years ago.
Mr. Freeman [indecipherable: who had recently lived?] in Steubenville with his daughter, Mrs. Lucile Rogers, moved to Toronto, and the days he spent there were days of real enjoyment, because he always seemed glad to get back into the vicinity in which he spent his boyhood days, and here he enjoyed meeting his old friends, the rugged river scenery, the sight of the old factory operated so many years by his venerable father long since dead.
Mr. Freeman was a man of genial social qualities, which made for him many warm friends. The news of his death therefore will be learned with sadness by all who knew him. He was a man esteemed in business circles for his honor and integrity. He was a member of the Second Presbyterian church of Steubenville. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Rodgers [Rogers], of Toronto and Miss Cyrene Freeman, of Steubenville.
The funeral services were held at his late home in Toronto at 1 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon brief services being conducted by Dr. Robinson and Rev. Hodil and the remains were conveyed by trolley to the Steubenville cemetery for internment.
1987? Roberta's Disneyland postcard -Nov.
Happy Thanksgiving from Mickey Mouse & all the gang. We leave today at 3:00 for San [Fran? or Jose?] getting in late tonight, actually staying in San Jose tonight. Last night we stayed at Santa Anna YMCA – in gym – I'll have lots of stories when I get back to tell – like trying to go on 2 hours sleep!
Love, Berta
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
1967 Serena's Letter to Catherine -Nov.21
Dear Kathreen, (differentish)
I am now in Mrs. Mires study hall. (Friday)
To start you off I will tell you my new classifications.
Reading Aok ** (B)
Spelling Aok * (A)
History Ick (B)
Band Ha *** (B)
Science HaR **** (B)
Lunch Ick & Aok (nothing)
English Aok (B)
Music Ick & Aok (B)
Math Aok (B)
Phys.Ed Ick (A)
** = bit better than so-so
* bit bit better than so-so
*** Half hard
**** 3/4 hard
How is Jena? How is Alice? How is Charlie? How is whats his-name?
I am now in Mr. Briggs study hall. Dad, Grandma and Granddad left yesteday (today is Monday).
Tell Jena I wrote her a letter – but forgot to mail it so it is "outdated."
Well to continue my "How is" column – I remember whats-his-name-its EVAN. How is DAVE?
Our Sunday-School class is having a PARTY !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm in a committee to get refreshments!?
Grandma said I was a very good singer. (BIG JOKE?)
Your beautiful, smart, lovely, charming sister,
(If you have time – you owe me a letter (remember you promised)
Dear Kathreen, (differentish)
I am now in Mrs. Mires study hall. (Friday)
To start you off I will tell you my new classifications.
Reading Aok ** (B)
Spelling Aok * (A)
History Ick (B)
Band Ha *** (B)
Science HaR **** (B)
Lunch Ick & Aok (nothing)
English Aok (B)
Music Ick & Aok (B)
Math Aok (B)
Phys.Ed Ick (A)
** = bit better than so-so
* bit bit better than so-so
*** Half hard
How is Jena? How is Alice? How is Charlie? How is whats his-name?
I am now in Mr. Briggs study hall. Dad, Grandma and Granddad left yesteday (today is Monday).
Tell Jena I wrote her a letter – but forgot to mail it so it is "outdated."
Well to continue my "How is" column – I remember whats-his-name-its EVAN. How is DAVE?
Our Sunday-School class is having a PARTY !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm in a committee to get refreshments!?
Grandma said I was a very good singer. (BIG JOKE?)
Your beautiful, smart, lovely, charming sister,
Serena Uible
(If you have time – you owe me a letter (remember you promised)
Monday, November 20, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Nov.19
November 19, 1967
Dear Family,Hi! Glad to have spoken to you last night. As I'm writing this I don't know what I'm going to write but I do know how I feel & that's pretty rotten.
It's now about 3:00 & I really should be studying but to be truthful it doesn't seem to matter anymore. As I said on the phone – all my grades are going down. I just don't seem to care and it's pretty hard for me to do something or a good job if I don't.
I really don't want to have to say this and I realize you all aren't going to want to hear it – here goes. (I'm afraid it will take me awhile to say all what I want to say – and I doubt if I can.
I can't seem to relax around here anymore. After spending a long time thinking about this I finally decided I need to get away from here to think & to start all over again caring about school and everything else too. I've really thought on this matter seriously and I do think it is what I need the most (for now) maybe later after I'm back to my natural self again I could come back.
For natural reasons I can't tell Teacher Tom or Teacher Nan this. It would be hard to tell any teacher this. In fact it's hard having to admit this to you all.
So many people seem to have me wrapped up in a little box that is always happy with no problems at all – well – I can't go on acting that way much longer without sort of quietly going insane or something. I'm tired of acting happy when I'm really not. I want to be able to let my emotions out too. Instead they are all bottled up inside of me which (to me) isn't too good.
I got your letter today that you wrote Thursday I guess.
I'm planning on calling you up Tuesday evening or if you want to call sooner it's fine. I want to give you all a chance to think about it & also myself a chance to do the same.
I suppose you have called Teacher Tom or someone of some "authority" around here by now. I'll speak to anyone before I speak to Teacher Susan. She treats me like a "thing" without any feelings and then she expects me to come crying to her when I got a problem. Same with everyone else too except for about 2 people.
Well – I've got pride. The other teachers are too nice & busy to bother.
Please think about what I've said. 'll call Tuesday night unless you call before.
Love, Roberta
Sunday, November 19, 2017
1977 Catherine's Letter -Nov.17
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,
Hi! I haven't gotten a letter from you all in quite awhile so I'll probably get one today after I mail this. Roberta called us – I think it was Monday – I guess I spilled the beans about the Buick but you were right about it being Marion who bought it.
Mother, do you remember the girl upstairs who was pregnant? She had a 7 lb. 14 oz. boy on Monday. She was two weeks overdue. I guess she is supposed to come home from the hospital today. So now Wendy will have a playmate. Supposedly they are to move out within a month but they are not anxious to move so we'll see how it turns out.
We went to an open hose at DeeDee's school last night. She has a really nice school – it was built about two years ago. We got to meet some of her friends, her teacher, principal, etc. They also had packets of their school work fixed up for the parents to look at. DeeDee was kind of hurt though because the teacher had put pictures of pilgrims that the children had drawn around the room but she didn't put DeeDee's up. Wendy didn't seem too impressed with her first visit to a school classroom.
Wendy is eating three meals a day now with cereal & egg for breakfast & supper and meat and vegetables for lunch. She is nursing about five times a day and is also taking her juice and water much better. I bought a different kind of nipple – playtex natural action type – and maybe that has made a little difference. So far her favorite kinds of juice are orange and apple-cherry. She isn't so wild about apple-grape. Today she is having prune-orange. She had a little before breakfast and seemed to take it real well. She's had corn, peas & green beans – and corn is definitely her favorite although she ate the others OK. The only kind of meat she has had is chicken so I can't say on meat yet. We did buy her some turkey & sweet potatoes so she can have a real Thanksgiving dinner.
Speaking of Thanksgiving dinner I think we will be eating at home and getting together with some other people here at the apartment so we can share in the cooking and eating – makes for more variety and more of a holiday spirited meal. We had thought DeeDee would be spending the day with her Mother but her Mother doesn't seem to have anything planned so I guess she will be coming over here after all.
Wish we had more of those Ohio golden grimes apples. Ever since Grandma was here and made apple sauce I haven't been able to live without it! I make a batch every week and eat it on toast, in yogurt, on oatmeal, cookies, etc. I'm not so gung-ho on cottage cheese anymore or I'd be eating it with that too.
The whole letter seems to be about food! I've been watching the scales so I can try not to gain back the weight I lost!
Hi! I haven't gotten a letter from you all in quite awhile so I'll probably get one today after I mail this. Roberta called us – I think it was Monday – I guess I spilled the beans about the Buick but you were right about it being Marion who bought it.
Mother, do you remember the girl upstairs who was pregnant? She had a 7 lb. 14 oz. boy on Monday. She was two weeks overdue. I guess she is supposed to come home from the hospital today. So now Wendy will have a playmate. Supposedly they are to move out within a month but they are not anxious to move so we'll see how it turns out.
We went to an open hose at DeeDee's school last night. She has a really nice school – it was built about two years ago. We got to meet some of her friends, her teacher, principal, etc. They also had packets of their school work fixed up for the parents to look at. DeeDee was kind of hurt though because the teacher had put pictures of pilgrims that the children had drawn around the room but she didn't put DeeDee's up. Wendy didn't seem too impressed with her first visit to a school classroom.
Wendy is eating three meals a day now with cereal & egg for breakfast & supper and meat and vegetables for lunch. She is nursing about five times a day and is also taking her juice and water much better. I bought a different kind of nipple – playtex natural action type – and maybe that has made a little difference. So far her favorite kinds of juice are orange and apple-cherry. She isn't so wild about apple-grape. Today she is having prune-orange. She had a little before breakfast and seemed to take it real well. She's had corn, peas & green beans – and corn is definitely her favorite although she ate the others OK. The only kind of meat she has had is chicken so I can't say on meat yet. We did buy her some turkey & sweet potatoes so she can have a real Thanksgiving dinner.
Speaking of Thanksgiving dinner I think we will be eating at home and getting together with some other people here at the apartment so we can share in the cooking and eating – makes for more variety and more of a holiday spirited meal. We had thought DeeDee would be spending the day with her Mother but her Mother doesn't seem to have anything planned so I guess she will be coming over here after all.
Wish we had more of those Ohio golden grimes apples. Ever since Grandma was here and made apple sauce I haven't been able to live without it! I make a batch every week and eat it on toast, in yogurt, on oatmeal, cookies, etc. I'm not so gung-ho on cottage cheese anymore or I'd be eating it with that too.
The whole letter seems to be about food! I've been watching the scales so I can try not to gain back the weight I lost!
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Saturday, November 18, 2017
1977 Roberta's Letter to John -Nov.17
November 17, 1977
Dear John,Everyday I get to work early so I can write one letter and this morning is your morning, Doesn't it make you feel good???? I called home on Sunday trying to find out more about the Christmas holidays and you and the family's final plans, but don't know anymore since I made the call.
I can't believe that Thanksgiving is almost here, a week from today I will wake up and be in San Diego. It seems like a long time since I was there last, and when we were there we were there for such a short period of time.
I have written the family and told them and will tell you the same . . . . I have decided that I do not want the Granada out here. For as little as I would use it, I much prefer to let you keep it. Besides I hear that you got the oil changed on it. Good to hear that you are taking care of the car. If you would like to have car in your name, I'd be willing to make a really good deal for you.
Did Sally and Annie call you? We haven't heard from them, since the Yankees won the world series. What all did they have to say? From talking to them, did you find out how the dogs are doing? You know I got to meet the dogs when I was in New York after the season, and they just seemed like dumb dogs to me.
Did I tell you that we had supper with Ella, remember her from the farm? She really is a neat lady. Her son and his family live out here in Scottsdale, and her grandchild goes to the school that Marion teaches in. They live in a super-duper house . . . . . . kind of like . . . . gee . . . . I can't even think of a comparable house around New Vienna. It's got the sunken living room, and its so big, has swimming pool, etc. Ella says she thinks they are living in debt, which she finds kinda upsetting. We told her that we would not be back, and she said she sure hoped you would be coming back.
Work is going fine. The only thing that bothers me is that I don't have one person I'm really accountable to, but instead I've got six different ladies, and also the vice-principal that keep giving me things to do. Sometimes that gets pretty hectic and it's hard to please all, if you know what I mean. But, then my day is full of variety so I enjoy that. There is a big bond issue to be voted on this coming week, the biggest in the state of Arizona. Our school will benefit the most from it so of course it's discussed alot, and all kinds of people have been checking up on it.
11/21 You will be home! Hello to All! Love, Berta
Friday, November 17, 2017
1967 Catherine's Letter -Nov.16
November 16, 1967
Dear Mother, Daddy, Hi! Greetings from the North Pole! Brrrr! You probably received my last post card rather late as I wrote it on Friday and I don't think it went out until Monday. I just dropped it into the mailbox downstairs rather than carry it all the way down to the big box at Bowen and then I remembered that the next day was Veteran's Day and they wouldn't be picking up the mail here.
The dance was really great! The dress fit fine. I didn't have the shoes died but now they are really a mess after I walked to the dance in the rain they are really muddy. Any suggestions on cleaning?
Afterwards we went to get a pizza. It really turned into a chaotic evening! We put the order in for the pizza and after we sat around waiting for about 40 minutes we decided nobody could be that slow with a pizza. When Evan went to check it turned out that some man had come in and said our pizza was his, and he had just left the place. Of course just as we are running out after him to get our pizza back he zooms off in his car. By this time its is 1:10 A.M. per is 1:30, the pizza is not ready and we are 15 minutes away from the dorm! The pizza place really put out the steam and gave us a pizza (the wrong kind, but nevertheless a real pizza) in five minutes. Somehow we made it back to the dorm and had a few minutes to spare, but how I will never know!
Sarah (my new best friend and comrade) and I decided that Sunday was still part of Girl-Bid weekend so we did some more work in that line. She invited a guy to served dinner which we have every Sunday noon but he said he had too much homework and was planning to skip the served meal. (I can see why he had too much homework, he is in my physics class!) I invited John Schaeffer to go to church with me but it turned out he is a Catholic so he invited me to served meal! Sarah ended up with his roommate and we had a nice foursome.
After supper the four of us (Sarah, Cal, John and I) went to this house where Sarah was babysitting for a five-year-old boy (she brought him to supper.) and played hide and seek for awhile. It felt pretty good to get out of that studying rut!
The whole end of our hall is playing musical beds in an attempt to come up with a roommate for next quarter. Sarah and I want to room together but the total move would involve eight people and there is one girl who is pretty adamant about staying. You can see how one person could foul the whole thing up pretty well! We were supposed to have our slips in yesterday about roommates for next quarter but since our mess is so complicated they gave us an extension to work things out!
Last night Sarah and I went to see "School for Wives" by Moliere which was put on at Western. The Western kids stared at us like we were foreigners or something. What really shocked them was when we pulled carrots, celery, cucumbers, lettuce and marshmallow apricot salad out of our pockets to eat during intermission!
The real highlight of yesterday was when I went to the library to study between PE and math class. Math starts at three and I must have fallen asleep for when I looked at my watch I discovered it was 3:45 and I was still in the library. I grabbed my math book and my coat and zoomed over to fourth floor Olds in record speed so that I was arriving as everyone else was leaving. Dr. Bausch was very understanding when I told him how embarrassed I was, etc. Today we are having a test so he said if I had any questions I could come in and ask him!
We also had a big physics midterm yesterday which I don't think I did too well on. I guess time will tell. Do you know if I ever decided to go to graduate school I am going to have to work triple hard all the rest of my four years here just to bring up my first quarters grades. What an encouraging thought!
The chemistry test was too much! We haven't gotten the results but if I did like I think I did I will probably be taking chem next quarter.
Are you going to Bruces for Thanksgiving? Speaking of Thanksgiving, next Monday night we are having a Thanksgiving fast for freedom which means that for every person who doesn't eat they save so much money which goes to Vista or somewhere like that.
Save this letter it may be the last one you get before Christmas!
(alias Annie Anonymous)
Thursday, November 16, 2017
1977 Roberta's Letter -Nov.14
NOVEMBER 14, 1977
Dear Family,It was good to talk to all of you yesterday, even though I don't know anything more about your Christmas plans than before. I am going to start hinting around today about the week between Christmas and New Year's. As of yet, I'm not sure what I'll be doing that week work wise. If I can't get the whole week off, at least I'll put the day off I have for New Years, and the day off I have for Christmas, and have another day in San Diego. As to goIng to San Diego, I will just go with you all, when ever you all get here. If you are just going to stay one night, I strongly recommend just staying at Marions she has plenty of room and wouldn't mind in the least, yoU all staying. (also she won't be there -- ha, ha)
As to the car, I don't want to have it out here, or should I put it differently, I would rather John have the use of it for now. I kinda like being without a car, of course, having a car to use, when necessary is nice though. Rene, Marion's neighbor, bought this old 67 beat up Datsun, it rides like a tractor they keep teasing me that they got it for John, that they knew how much he would like it. The car is one continuous dent, and the seats all have big holes in them . . . just what John would enjoy driving . . . .
It's time I get back to work for now, so will add more later
4:10 PM
We are going out to eat tonight – at Ella's family – they live in the super rich part of Scottsdale – Ella thinks they are super in debt! Mary Va. she wanted me to be sure & tell you HI.
We went to see the move "Oh God" – it was kinda funny. George Burns played God – I guess if anyone could – he could – John Denver was also in it.
I'm watching my usual amount of T.V. – very little. Maybe it's because Marion is such a sports fan (all types) and lately it seems that is alot! (Basketball & football) She has 2 T.V.'s though – I do like Alice & watch it alot. You know it's supposedly filmed in Phoenix.
Your letters came today – Thanks – alot of good reading material – in return I'm sending an article that was in yesterday's (Sunday) Magazine section of the paper – Mesa Central has alot of different things going – Next Tuesday (22nd) there is a 30(0?) million dollar bond levy to be voted on – here in Mesa – the biggest one ($ wise) ever to be in the state. We hope to get a new building for Spec. Education – also alot of remodeling to be done –
Again – I want the car to remain in Ohio – hate to get all those miles on it – bringing it out – plus if John had the oil changed ––
1967 Catherine's Postcard -Nov.16
![]() |
Lee-Hi Motel Cleveland, TN postcard -mailed 1967
11/16/167 P.M.
Just got letter from you all. Thanks. I think you know more about K than I do. You can brief me in a month! J. F. Peto is not too well known – actually I made him up! Ha! I'm going to see whatever play K is putting on (something about Greasepaint & Crowd) tomorrow night with John S. Latest grades: Physics - bad, Math - worse, Art - lower than low. Nick el? [?] Jenna gave me that stationery. Got results of chem test today! Can't leave a blank space! HA! Love, Catherine
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
1967 John's Letter & more -Nov.11
4:00, Nov. 11, 1967
Dear Cathy,
How are you? I am sort of wet. I just came out of the rain and had a bath. Last Wed. and today I got bit by the same dog. I hope I don't have any more dog trouble for another ten years.
On Monday and Tuesday Mom, Dad, and Robert[a?] were the only visitors at school in our class.
I got a haircut today.
Your sweet, smart, lovable brother,
look on back
P.S. Last week was National Education Week and the parents were invited to see the rooms.
[from HH]
P.P.S. Just rec'd the K college Parents Bulletin. Sounds like a good deal on the music – 4 concerts for a $. The opera Carmen is worth $4 itself. They also mention their new students center in Hannover, Germany. Glad to hear about the bank – is it the one near "K" or downtown? Is there a charge for cashing checks? Looked in the encyclopedia for Mr. P--- but found nothing. We are leaving after lunch tomorrow for Fla, Will leave there Wed. P.M. for N.Y. for 2 days & will meet the family Fri. Eve. in Columbus. The Bruces have invited us up for Thanksgiving. ––Dad
[from Jean]
Where did you get the pretty new yellow stationary? Do you still use your pop art envelopes? Enjoyed the Parents Bulletin very much – four full pages plus a list of parents that are representative of each class – Margaret Verdier's parents and Tom Fehsenfeld's represent the Freshman Class. ––Love, Mother
[from Serena]
P.P.P.S Linda Sue Allen stayed overnight with me last night (Friday). We fixed lunch & had meat loaf, baked potatoes, sour cream, ice tea, raspberry jello with black raspberries in it, peas with mushrooms and chocolate chip cookies. We also fixed breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs, grape juice, sausage and toast. Don't forget S.U.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
1977 Catherine's Letter -Nov.10
Thurs. AM, November 10, 77
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,Hi! We were glad to get your letter and the school newspaper with Mary Virginia's poem in it. A very nice poem – we especially liked the subject matter. Wendy likes to push against things with her legs but she hasn't gotten to the point where she is ready to walk yet.
I have started her on cereal (with cooked egg yolk added) in the morning and vegetables for lunch. The first day she fell asleep before supper and slept until 2 a.m. But yesterday she stayed awake long enough to have some cereal for supper. The Dr. said it is important to get more fluids down her – i.e. juice and water – as she tends to go two or three days without a bowel movement and the vegetables won't help the situation. I am having a hard time though because she doesn't like the bottle and I don't have a breast that dispenses juice or water. I try giving her juice or water before nursing her but she still doesn't take too much.
We went Christmas shopping last weekend and again last evening so we have made a good size dent in our shopping. We have to get things to mail to Maine ready to go so they will get there in plenty of time.
DeeDee is sorry you won't be here sooner but she does hope she will get to see you. She will be returning from Canada on the 2nd.
Have you got flowers blooming from all the warm weather you are having this month? Every day we look at the temperatures in Boston, Cincinnati and Spokane and so far Spokane seems to be having the worst weather. However, that is still the area we would most like to be in. It is getting cooler here in the evenings but the days are still warm and sunny.
We got a postcard from Roberta yesterday but she didn't have much new to say. Have you heard anything new from Serena regarding her Christmas plans? I suppose though that you won't know what her plans are until the last minute.
I'm going to have to get Wendy some new clothes. She has out-grown practically all of her original outfits. Yesterday I tried a 15-20# size on her and it seemed to fit fine. It was one of those Sears terry cloth sleep & play type. I'm sure her growth rate should be slowing down a little. If she continued to gain four pounds every six weeks she would weigh almost 40 pounds by the end of year!
Gerry's knee has been bothering him again so he hasn't been jogging but we have been doing some exercises every morning.
Hope to hear from you again soon!
Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy
1967 HH Postcard - Nov.14
Monday, November 13, 2017
1967 Jean's Letter to Catherine -Nov.10
Friday morning,
November 10, 1967
Dearest Catherine,We were really PLEASED to receive a LETTER from YOU this morning. We have appreciated hearing if only a post card but this was a real treat. A real RED, RED, RED letter DAY. Glad to hear that Evan is going to the girl-bid dance and we shall be thinking about you. Wish we had a picture of you that night to see you in your new dress not to mention getting to see Evan too. Just be careful of any Polaroid coater. Speaking of coaters do you have something appropriate to wear over your gown? And how did the shoes come out.
We are interested in other things beside your social life though I have dwelt on that so far. We had been wondering how you made out on your chemistry test but not real sure when you were taking it. Good luck with it, whenever it is or was or will be.
Glad to hear you had a little rest from art – that would be a pleasant surprise. Your comments on Dr. Bausch are amusing. Is there any connection between him and the Bausch and Lambe (?) company and your science medal? You might use it for a bookmark or paperweight in this class to get a little more use out of it.
The 1st Nat. Bank and Trust doesn't sound like the name of the one down over the hill from the college but it must offer some advantages. There haven't been any visible changes at the bank here but Daddy says they plan to move into other quarters this winter during their big remodeling program. Seems he said they are planning to use the mayor's office but not positive about this.
Mr. Hughes and Tim were here for dinner last night and they are real encouraged about Laura. She may still be on the critical list but they did let her sit up a bit yesterday. It will be a long time before she is well. Karen's baby's name is James Michael (don't know where I came up with Maynard). He was telling us what a time he had getting through to Weegie – tried for hours and always busy and then the switchboard closed and finally got thru by calling the housemothers room. She came home last weekend for the first time but since her mother is better will not be home this weekend or perhaps not til Thanksgiving.
Speaking of Thanksgiving we received an invitation from the Bruces this morning to come to their house for the day. We didn't receive too much encouragement else where but haven't answered their letter or really had time to discuss it yet. Let us know if you have changed your mind or if there is any possibility of your getting home. Mrs. Bruce thought she had heard us say that we were at loose ends and regretted that neither you or Roberta would be able to come.
Donnie Achor is really in bad shape. They were operating on his leg when he went into convulsions and started hemorrhaging so they rushed him to Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati and he has only a 50/50 chance to live. There is rumor that he and Larry Saunders were racing after Larry took Fay McVey home and it happened out by Burch Layman's. Donnie's father has had a stroke and not able to do anything which makes it all the worse on him.
Is Howe's book "The Story of a Country Town" required reading or are you finding some time for recreational reading? Sounds interesting & I'll see if Wilmington has it.
There were no contests in the New Vienna election but Wilmington had quite a few for mayor, council, and board of education. Many were surprised that a man from Martinsville (Barnes) was able to win a seat on the latter. His wife's recipe was in as well as her picture the same night as the results of the election – quite timely (the night the paper was so late) They have six children (three of them are adopted). The Hospital issue passed very favorably.
Sorry to hear you were without a pillow all this time. You had mentioned the mirror. How about an end for your towel rack? What is your usual rising time? Doesn't sound like you have much time to use a pillow for your head. How about your beauty sleep? Could you use another blanket?
We left tomatoes here to ripen before we went away and we are still waiting. We did have alot of broccoli and Brussel Sprouts which Daddy brought in last weekend.
We realized after we left you that we hadn't gone to the grocery to stock you up on the things that had been mentioned including ULTRABRIGHT. Could be you used some other brand when Evan was so indefinite?
Did I tell you that Elizabeth Johnson fell off the back of a chair and has most painful back. Garnet Fisher told me the doctor is quite worried about her – thinks she pulled a muscle or something. She was at the Open House at Blanchester Sunday but was carrying Bufferin with her.
We have had snow flurries but none of it has really stuck to the ground. It is in the 60s today and to stay that way with rain predicted for tomorrow.
Mrs. Wilson came today – the first time in three weeks so you can imagine how much she was needed. I may get a little housecleaning done as the only time she had any extra time is while Grandma is gone. They are still planning to leave Sunday about 1:00. Just dawned on me that I ought to offer to do your job in helping to turn off and close up the house.
This was just to be a short note – but see how your letters inspire me! We'll be most anxious to hear all about the dance, chemistry test, and anything else on your mind.
Love and kisses,
PS Charlotte Hause's sister and Eddie Hiestand & his wife & son were all on the Boeing 707 that crashed on take off from Cincinnati Monday night but none were hurt.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter to Catherine -Nov.9
Dear Catherine,Hi! I got your letter written on gold today. Gee – thanks! Did you really like the pj's? I was going to make a dress out of the material but I didn't want to put a zipper in so I just got something simple. They sure were easy to make. I think I'll make some for Serena for Christmas or something
How was your exam in P.E. Don't exams almost make you sick? They sure do me!
This cute little reading program costs a big $75.00 started yesterday, which dad & mom so kindly paid so I could take it. So far we have just answered all these questions like age, sex, name, parent's name, occupation, what you like to read, what you don't like to read, hobbies, magazines we read, and so on & so fourth. I tell you it's more like the state police. We've had 2 sessions out of 25 so far so boy they sure do rook you! It meets 5 days a week – for 5 weeks an hour each time. Boy – I sure hope this is worth it.
This Friday night the girls ask the boys to the social. It's all pretty dumb because all the girls don't know who to invite and by the time they finally get up their nerve all the good ones are already gone.
I asked Dan Osborn, of course, have you even seen him? He's the tallest boy in the soph. class, a high 6 foot 1 inch and 1/2! Wow! I am 1 year and 18 days older than him but he said he didn't care if I didn't. So! I (of course) don't care.
This one crazy (?) boy didn't come back after forced weekend. He's from Minnesota, but went to Richmond, Indiana for the weekend. Well, on the way back he gets off the bus in Dayton and now 2 days later the police are still looking. He had been in a lot of trouble here at school and was (by no means) an angel. He got caught in the pool-hall (which is strictly forbidden to us) and was also found smoking. In general he was a pretty queer kid. He kept "boasting" of being on drugs and how many times the police have had him. He supposedly is with a "hippie" now which makes him probably feel in cloud #9. Wow. What a kid! Well, got to go. Do write.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
1977 Roberta's Letter -Nov.8
Dear Family,I really enjoy getting to work early and get myself ready for the day by typing one letter – also this way of course I can see what time everyone gets here. Thanks alot for your letter and for the tape. I had almost forgot about sending for it – think I did it sometime in August from the farm.
This week is really a crazy week at work. Most of all because grade cards are going out – and also because Federal Impact Cards are due back into the office. We have to track kids down, and try to impress upon them to bring the cards back in – which isn't the easiest thing in the world to do.
I really do like my job – did I tell you that Litton called me and that I had the job there – but I'm glad I stuck with this – even though the holidays off would probably be about the same !!!! If I decide to stay out here – I'm sure I could find a better job in the school system. Yesterday they passed around a job opening in one of the junior high schools – but shorthand, etc. was necessary – but I'm glad to see that sort of things gets passed around.
I carry my lunch everyday – and also to your surprise (besides selling the Buick) I carry a big container of tea with me everyday. Remember the yellow container we started out on the trip with – I think it came from S&H stamps – I drink that everyday. I was buying soda – but decided I did not want to spend my money on it.
As to getting an apartment – I want to get one after the first of the year. I enjoy staying with Marion –she has a nice big place – but then I don't want to overdo my welcome – and being without a car, I'd like to be closer to work. Her neighbors who are building a house, which is not finished yet – but have sold their townhouse and must move out of it this week found a nice one bedroom apt. furnished about half way between here (the school) and Marion's. It is $150 – but the people are charging them $168 because they want it only for two months. I might check it out – as of yet have not seen it inside – but Rene is very picky so I'm sure it is mighty fine. It is a small building – only three other apartments – all filled with older people.
Mary Virginia that was really a good poem about Wendy Jean . . . all except for the part in there about the cat. I could have done without it!!! I let Marion read it and she really had a good laugh about growing old. She keeps kidding me about being a kid.
I better get started to work – maybe the more I do now the easier it will be this afternoon – but things don't seem to work that way. What do you want to do about the things that I want out here? Do let me know!
Love, Berta
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