Tuesday, May 30, 2017

1967 Roberta's Letter to CJU/GHU -May30

Tuesday morning

Dear Grandma and Grandaddy,

Hi!  Sure hope you don't mind the paper too much but at the time this is all I have so I guess it will just have to do.

It's hard to imagine that I'll be home in less than 5 days!  I've just started my packing and have so much I want to get done by Saturday!

I just got done taking my algebra exam, it was really pretty rough!  I spent too much time on some of the problems so wasn't able to finish it as I should.  This afternoon we will have our Bible exam.  Most of the questions on it will be essay so it's useless trying to study for it.

I got a real nice letter and card from Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill & rest of their family last week-end.  Their family sure is growing up but isn't everyone now days?

Do you have your garden planted yet?  What all do you have in it?  When I get home this summer I'm going to eat all the tomatoes I can get a hold of!  Helen and I go to Binns every once and awhile and get some but they are so expensive and they really aren't that good!  Lately we have started buying dried apricots again.  They sure are good!  (and expensive!)

Well, got to go for I want to look over my Bible notes before this afternoon.  See you Saturday and if not then Sunday morning for sure!


P.S.  Sorry this is so messy!

Please tell my family I said "Hi," I doubt if I'll be writing them very soon!  (lack of time and energy!)

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