Sunday, February 05, 2017

1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.8

[postmarked Feb. 8, 1967]

Dear Mom & Dad, family,

Well, how is everything?  As for me I'm not really sure yet!

Here's my schedule:
1st - Study Hall
2nd - Algebra
3rd - Geog Lab (study climate and plant life of different areas) Is only on Monday and Friday
3rd - Bible  - is only on Tuesday and Thursday
4th - Geography
5th - Study Hall
6th - English
7th - Home Ec (7th period is a double period)
8th - Study Hall

Also have study hall from 7:10 to 9:10 of an evening.

For "office work" this other girl and me have to sweep and dust the library. (ugh)  Every four weeks these jobs change, if you don't put down what you want to do then they will draft you.

The food here is pretty good (I've only eaten supper and breakfast so far), Last night we had chicken noodles, peas and I can't remember what else.  This morning we had soft boiled eggs, cereal, milk.  Oh yes, we also had applesauce and apple dumplings. (not bad).  Please check into the bus schedule for me send me the details.  Should I get the money out of the office to buy my bus ticket?

Had "collection" last night and this morning.  Freshman sit on front row, then 10th graders, next 11th and so on.  Boys sit on the left and girls on the right.  Wil have church at 10:30 Wednesday for 45 minutes then for an hour on Sunday!

Do you remember Sylvia Thomas?  She's my roommate.  ONLY - FIVE - PEOPLE - ARE - IN -THE - ROOM.  Talk about being crowded!  We made a sort of a pry - - -   -(can't spell it and couldn't find it in the dictionary) two on the bottom then mine on top, it sure is different!

Well, I suppose I had better be going got algebra next (ugh).

(every-one calls me Bobbi) I'm just now getting used to it!

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