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1967 Jean, MV, John, Serena -Feb.28
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
1967 Dave's postcard to Cathy -Feb.28
Catherine's boyfriend, met at SIU in the summer of 1966, became known as "one-a-day" due to the frequency of correspondence arriving in P.O. Box 50. Here is a sample. [Dave will appear "in person" in May 1967 as a prom date. Stay tuned!]

Hi! I saw this and thought of you. I know how much you like him so I figured you'd want it to put this next to Goldwater. Took NMSQT [National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test] today – ugh – was it hard – Didn't finish one section – Are we ahead of you in English – we studied the gods in 9th grade. Dave.

Feb. 28 [1967]
Dear Cathy,Hi! I saw this and thought of you. I know how much you like him so I figured you'd want it to put this next to Goldwater. Took NMSQT [National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test] today – ugh – was it hard – Didn't finish one section – Are we ahead of you in English – we studied the gods in 9th grade. Dave.
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.27
Dear Family,Thanks for sending the hose, it took about 15 minutes to get the thing open! I already got two pairs last Saturday but can always use them.
If you want to bring any food up (which we would appreciate) I'd love to have some carrot cake, brownies, or anything else as far as that goes.
I'll wait til after the mail comes in to mail this and I'll also check with teacher Mae before I mail it.
I just checked with teacher Mae and it can all be worked out for another night.
I sent two things to the dry cleaner with Peggy (the girl that always takes the stuff) and they should be back tomorrow. If we want stuff dry-cleaned we have to have them in her room on Sunday night.
Now in recess and I just got letter from Janice Carroll so being seeing you all Friday night about 5:30 or so in the Main.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
1987 Flowers from MV -birthday
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.26
Dear Family,Thanks for the post card and I got me 2 pairs of hose at Murphy's Saturday. They are extra tall size 11 1/2 stretch, they fit real good and plenty tall. Cost 98¢ per pair (ugh).
My cooking group will be cooking this Friday night but I'll check with teacher Mae about it. We could have it Thursday night, I would think so. I'll write post card later in week.
The seniors just got back from Cleveland last night, they left Friday morning. Another new girl came last week from Cleveland, she's good friend of Clark's, she is very nice, also Negro. There have been 5 new kids that have come since beginning of this semester.
They have got the plans for the new dorm and they have been approved! It will be where the barn is now and they start building the first of March! It's "suppose" to be ready by Sept. 1st of next year.
I could use some government postcards, if you could bring some up. Hope all is fine.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
1987 Catherine's postcard -Feb.25
Wed. evening 2-25-87
Hi! We are spending our 2nd night in Lake Havasu City enjoying our "vacation" before heading to Phoenix tomorrow. Visited the London Bridge and played golf today. Only a few sprinkles here this evening compared to flooding in Phx area. Wendy has enjoyed swimming.
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Friday, February 24, 2017
1967 GHU postcard to John -Feb.23
Thurs. [postmarked Feb 23, 1967]
Hi John! It was just grand of you to be able to deliver papers in the Lions Division while Catherine was away. Would like to see your new book case. You just keep up your good works. Robbie hopes to go to school to-day. He still has spots. We had a big rain yesterday. Love, Grandma
Thursday, February 23, 2017
1936-37 HH Report Cards
Interesting that only one signature was recorded by CJ on the New Vienna report card, at the end of the first grading period. This was the year of the family trip to California and other western points, so perhaps didn't come back to New Vienna after the 2nd period, until the last 6-week segment. The Lake Worth report card for the same school year includes only the 4th period (or first period of the 2nd semester). Meaning the 3rd and 5th periods were spent traveling, or were not sufficiently attended to justify ranking.
Best subjects include Citizenship, Reading, History, and Geography. Lake Worth includes a lot more subcategories for each subject than New Vienna, and also a whole section on "Habits and attitudes desirable for good citizenship." Weight at age 11 was 89 pounds.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.24
[Written on the envelope: "Bad News! Beware!]
[postmarked 2-24-67]
Dear Family,
I need food, stamps and money.
Your needy
P.S. Now this is what you would call a "to the point" kind of letter! But seriously, I will need stamps by the time you come up, I am already starved to death, and all I have done since I got back was pay dues! I have a total of $8.00 in my envelope here! If you will send me a check I'll look for a bed spread or maybe when you come up you can help me look down-town for it, I don't care!
For office work I clean out sinks on 1st floor in the bath-rooms. I traded with this other girl.
This Saturday night we will have this bunch of people to come and talk about "Peace Corps" and that kinda stuff.
Got another post card from Mrs. Hinerman.
See Ya!
Bring up with you
bike (new)
Typewriter (electric?)
Food (carrot cake would be great)
Girl Scout cookies (I ordered them from Serena)
This list will be continued later! I can't think of anymore now!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
1987 Catherine's Letter -Feb.22
[written while moving from Washington state to Arizona]
Sun. 2-22-87
Dear Mother & Dad,Hi! We got off at 4:00 on Friday as planned and spent Friday night in Boardman and then got into Madras late Saturday morning. Our house seems to be doing fine. We ran into some friends, Tim & Jody [she's been my more recent travel partner, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Peru], at the grocery store. They moved to Portland the year before we left Madras but they still own a house on Round Butte – sort of recreational property so it was good to see them. Wendy ended up spending part of the evening at their house while we went to a party.
The temperature was around 60º when we got here in Willows this p.m. so Wendy went swimming in their "heated" pool. It is heated by the sun so was fairly chilly.
Tomorrow we head further south to Bakersfield and then to Barstow.
Wendy's been working on a post card to you so may include it in this. We put batteries in her keyboard so she can play it in the car. She really likes the shirt [or skirt] you got her in Phoenix.
Bedtime now!
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Monday, February 20, 2017
!987 Family Letter -Feb.22
February 22, 1987
Dear Family:
Being in NYC sure makes one appreciate life in NV . . . the absence of crowds, traffic, noise and much lower prices. Part of the show was in the Javits Center which is huge. It is the same story that the customer wants lower prices, better quality and delivery yesterday.
Last night the Harners invited us to go to Falls Creek Friend Church (east of Hillsboro) for their annual pancake supper. They served the meal, plenty of variety of food, etc. plus peanuts in the shell on the table and relish. The charge was a free will contribution. Afterwards we went square dancing in Hillsboro.
The Carrs had invited us out to dinner today. They brought us up to date on all the Hiestand Clan. Hopefully we can invite them up here as our guests when the Hortons are here. June 22? They are going to take time off for a ten day trip to Florida this week.
We have been thinking of the Morgans as they head to Arizona this weekend. Fortunately the Kings are there to make the transition to Arizona life easier.
Serena has been to the doctor about herfeet ankles, for she has tendinitis in her ankle . . . so she is using the crutches more. She will be home 3/14 for Spring break.
John is in Washington this weekend, tho we are not sure of the details. Certainly this country needs more people like John in the decision making process.
Thursday is Mary Virginia's day for New Vienna business for the News Journal so she has lunch with us that day. Asbury wrote her that they wanted a tape of her singing before finalizing her application.
[Love, etc.]
Dear Family:
Being in NYC sure makes one appreciate life in NV . . . the absence of crowds, traffic, noise and much lower prices. Part of the show was in the Javits Center which is huge. It is the same story that the customer wants lower prices, better quality and delivery yesterday.
Last night the Harners invited us to go to Falls Creek Friend Church (east of Hillsboro) for their annual pancake supper. They served the meal, plenty of variety of food, etc. plus peanuts in the shell on the table and relish. The charge was a free will contribution. Afterwards we went square dancing in Hillsboro.
The Carrs had invited us out to dinner today. They brought us up to date on all the Hiestand Clan. Hopefully we can invite them up here as our guests when the Hortons are here. June 22? They are going to take time off for a ten day trip to Florida this week.
We have been thinking of the Morgans as they head to Arizona this weekend. Fortunately the Kings are there to make the transition to Arizona life easier.
Serena has been to the doctor about her
John is in Washington this weekend, tho we are not sure of the details. Certainly this country needs more people like John in the decision making process.
Thursday is Mary Virginia's day for New Vienna business for the News Journal so she has lunch with us that day. Asbury wrote her that they wanted a tape of her singing before finalizing her application.
[Love, etc.]
Sunday, February 19, 2017
1977 Pictures from Ruth, MV & Jean's trip to San Diego -Feb.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
1977 Ruth Shoemaker postcards from CA -Feb.
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Indian Elephant San Diego Zoo |
Fri. [postmarked 18 Feb 1977, to John]
Lunch is over, we are at Kathy's apt. went to the zoo this A.M. Gee, I've been having the time of my life, really getting sun tan. We are going to Mexico tomorrow. Berta really has been showing us around. I went up to Burbank at noon Mon. they all came up on Wed. & went to Universal Studios, then ate dinner at Knotts Berry Farm that eve. Then next day Disneyland so we all are beginning to drag a little but still more to see.
Love, Ruth
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Victoria Station Restaurant postcard -mailed 1977
Hi! We have had a super time in Calif. I like San Diego but Los Angeles, is to smoking for me. We are heading back to Ohio tomorrow A.M. in the snow banks. Kathy has new owners and he is here fixing the door. They are looking for a two bedroom apt. They are so happy about the newcomer. Uncle John, how does that sound. Well I must go as we are to meet Gerry for lunch & do a little shopping and then do packing for back home. Love, Ruth
Friday, February 17, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.15
[2/15/67 postmark]
(enclosure) missing
Dear Family,I will be coming in Wilmington on the bus at 7:15! I could have ridden home from Columbus with a girl but when she called her dad, he told her that Wilmington was to far out of the way and that he would take us all to Cinn. and then our parents could come after us! I decided just to take the bus and I'll call you when we get in Columbus bus station. I won't have to wait to long in Columbus and I'll probably get home faster this way, so I meet you at 7:15 (in the evening) at the bus station in Wilmington.
Thanks for the valentine, it was cute and I hung it up on the bulletin board. Oh yes and the school is putting on the "Mikado" on March 11th and I invited the Hinermans to see it. I asked Mr. Brown about it and he said that it would be just fine and told me that I could invite them for dinner, too, which I did.
I get to go to Pittsburg week after I get back to see an art exhibit! It's going to cost me $1.75 to go. Do you think it's worth it? Remind me to get your permission to let me go while home.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
1977 HH Letter -Feb.13
Ruth Shoemaker, Jean, and MV are visiting San Diego at the time this letter was written.
Sunday, February 13, 1977
Dear Family:
After leaving you all yesterday my first stop was:
(choose one)
a. A restaurant for some colored water
b. A public library
c. A store to look for neckties
Actually while you were jetting down to Dallas I was enjoying the Troy Public Library – dedicated July 4, 1976 an extremely modernistic building and a real layout for the periodicals – they had different shelves for this weeks NYT, another shelf for last weeks, etc. etc. and another shelf for the past six weeks of the Sunday issue. In the past two issues (Sunday) they had an interesting article on MP in Peru and on a trip to Hong Kong.
Lunch location was in Xenia at Ponderosa – their noon bargain is no more. Tried their fish fillet ($2.19) out of curiousity, which was okay, but you know my aversion for fried foods. Glad to report that Edna and Raymond Walls were there to check up on me. Came down 380 via New Burlington, but didn't really see any changes there.
Americare was as usual, Mrs. Matthews told me that she had tired [tried] to call you to thank you for the strawberries and how much she had enjoyed them. Said she had a call from her gr-daughter in Yemen on her birthday.
The next library stop found the NV regulars there, did get a book on New Burlington, Ireland and the Rockefellers and did read about 100 pages last night. It was about 6 last night when I got back to N.V. and hope that at that time you were all enjoying your initial happy experiences to that California living.
Yes, M.V., DD.S.S. is fine – gave him both supper and breakfast so far. There is so much good food in the refrigerator that I don't know where to start and just hope that you folks fare as well out west as we Easterners do . . . . they say that California yogurt is great stuff.
Enjoy yourselves and tell everyone "Hello".
DD - SS temporary guardian and your handy man
Happy Valentines Day to all you sweet people.
Sunday, February 13, 1977
Dear Family:
After leaving you all yesterday my first stop was:
(choose one)
a. A restaurant for some colored water
b. A public library
c. A store to look for neckties
Actually while you were jetting down to Dallas I was enjoying the Troy Public Library – dedicated July 4, 1976 an extremely modernistic building and a real layout for the periodicals – they had different shelves for this weeks NYT, another shelf for last weeks, etc. etc. and another shelf for the past six weeks of the Sunday issue. In the past two issues (Sunday) they had an interesting article on MP in Peru and on a trip to Hong Kong.
Lunch location was in Xenia at Ponderosa – their noon bargain is no more. Tried their fish fillet ($2.19) out of curiousity, which was okay, but you know my aversion for fried foods. Glad to report that Edna and Raymond Walls were there to check up on me. Came down 380 via New Burlington, but didn't really see any changes there.
Americare was as usual, Mrs. Matthews told me that she had tired [tried] to call you to thank you for the strawberries and how much she had enjoyed them. Said she had a call from her gr-daughter in Yemen on her birthday.
The next library stop found the NV regulars there, did get a book on New Burlington, Ireland and the Rockefellers and did read about 100 pages last night. It was about 6 last night when I got back to N.V. and hope that at that time you were all enjoying your initial happy experiences to that California living.
Yes, M.V., DD.S.S. is fine – gave him both supper and breakfast so far. There is so much good food in the refrigerator that I don't know where to start and just hope that you folks fare as well out west as we Easterners do . . . . they say that California yogurt is great stuff.
Enjoy yourselves and tell everyone "Hello".
DD - SS temporary guardian and your handy man
Happy Valentines Day to all you sweet people.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
1967 Catherine's NYC & DC trip postcards -Feb.
Although I am writing this at the kitchen table, you will get the message. HI! Hope the paper routes are going OK. My sympathies to all! Love, Catherine
Hi! Today we leave for Wash. Have seen "Funny Girl" and "Barefoot in the Park". Cookies are almost gone. Last night we ate at Tad's and then walked around for a couple of hours. Yesterday it was pretty warm – quite a change from Monday. Love, Catherine
Wilmington News-Journal, Feb. 4, 1967, p.10 |
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
1967 Sarah Hinerman letter -Feb.13
A three page letter of which only the parts pertaining mostly to Roberta are being transcribed. . . .
Mon. a.m. [Feb. 13, 1967]
Dear Jean and All,We rec'd your letter this a.m. and I intended to get at least a card off to you to let you know Roberta had 'made contact'. She seemed quite happy, seemed to love the school so far as she had found out in such little time. I was thinking of the one here (S.J.) when she went off to High School in Wash. D.C. and how homesick she got and I was surprised to find young ones who like to go away to school. S.J. never did get over it, not even in college and as you recall got married half way tro the year, without even finishing at Marjorie Webster.
I asked Roberta as to her visiting permissions, etc. and she said she had not been there long enough to find out for certain. I told her to find out when we could come over there and take her out to dinner and when she could get any time to visit here. Since receiving your letter it looks they have a rather austere program over there for letting the students go away but I do hope she can come over on some forced week end, whenever she gets one and does not want to go home. I take it she will use that week end for your trip to N.Y. She told me would be going home this coming week end. At least, I hope the rules are not so strict but that we can go over and take her out to dinner, some time, as aforesaid.
. . . . .
I don't know much about the Friends' School at Barnesville except there were a couple of girls from here attending there when S.J. was in High School. They were fine girls, – serious type. I told Roberta about the only contact I had ever had with Barnesville was going to Kirks' furniture store over there which is widely known in these parts. We bought the carpet for this house there.
I'd better quit this and rustle up some lunch. You tell Roberta if she ever needs us for any reason or has any time she can take a day or two off and wants to come over here to be sure and give us a ring. We will look forward to her planning to visit us when her visiting schedule permits.
Regards to Harold and all,
Sarah H
Monday, February 13, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.11
[February 11, 1967]
Dear Family,Just got the letter from you all with the paper clippings in it. Why won't the Carey's be happy about the wedding? Also got a post-card from Mrs. Hinerman. I will include it with this letter. I just got done writing her a letter and told her to come and see me if possible.
To bad about Robyn Streber, but are they sure what's the matter with her? Tell Mrs. Wallen I am fine, for me.
All I have done so far today is gone to church, oh excuse me, it should be "meeting" first you go to "pre-meeting" and that lasts an half of a hour. Then "meeting" and that lasts an hour. (ugh) More details later.
Last night was the Valentine supper put on by the seniors. It was really good! We each had a menu and had a couple of choices, like vegetable appetizers, and beverage. I'll bring the menu home with me over forest [?] weekend. Thanks so much for writing the note for me!
Thursday night I had a chance to got o Pittsburg and hear this orchestra. But didn't really want to pay $2.50 to go. Everybody thought it was a big bargain and thought it was dumb not to go.
I'm in the dorm, and Sylavia [?] (the one you wrote about) is putting up curtains. They are burlap with a bunch of threads going this way and that. (Sorry about being so messy.)
Went to Binn's Saturday with Zeneta Zichobisk [total guess] (the one that showed us around the library) and got some cheese and some stuff for the other kids.
The Indian girls got in at 2:00 in the morning, I guess they should have gotten in Pittsburg about 8:00 but plane was late due to bad weather and all.
The washer and dryer took off most of my name tags so please order some "sew on" ones.
Tell everyone to write and for now had better start doing my history. Algebra is pretty easy (to my surprise ) and Susan Rockwell teaches it. Do you remember the girl we met up in Cleveland that had graduated from here last year? That was Teacher Susan's sister!
Sunday, February 12, 2017
1977 Clipping about Serena "Student's Feminism Boosted"
[Clipping from the Kansas City Star, February 10, 1977, explains why Serena was in Washington DC in January 1977.]
Saturday, February 11, 2017
1977 Roberta's Letter to John -Feb.9
February 9, 1977
Dear John,Hi! Thanks for your letter – do plan on taking the Buick – whenever its best for you to go. I might go w/ you & stay w/ some people in NYC – till the Season starts. Have you hard from Mr. Ream?
Today was my last day of work – as I wanted to do a few things before "they" come on Saturday. I'm looking forward to them coming. [Mom, MV & Ruth Shoemaker]
I have some news to tell you – you're the 1st family member to know – plan to write Grandma soon, & tell Mom in person. I'm being baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – sometime next week – maybe on Friday or Saturday. John, I've read, studies & prayed about this more than anything else and I have such a good & happy feeling about it. I'm sure you have your doubts – as I did too just weeks ago – but I've got my head together and through alot of search & prayer, my decision was made yesterday.
My one regret is that you won't be here for the Baptism – Fred, Pauline & Family will come – if the "green wagon" makes it – as now Pauline's car is not performing right!
The Buick has had a good going over – to the tune of about $250 and 2 days of work missed. Had to have a whole new muffler system – brake job, then the routine stuff. But I don't begrudge it – it's been good to me.
I called Liz – she is still planning on coming Feb. 26th – we'll go to Phoenix – then she can fly from there. My plans are still up in the air about going home – I'd like to go home in March – but then I don't want to leave San Diego that soon. (want the cake & icing too!)
Hope school is going A-OK. I'll keep you posted as to my plans. But you can definitely count on the Buick end of May.
Friday, February 10, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.9
[Postmarked February 9, 1967 – mailed separately from previous letter postmarked same date.]
Send Food
Dear Everybody, I have to know the bus schedule and fast! Cause they are figuring something out or something to that order I checked with this girl from Cinn. and they don't have room. She is the girl who both Donna Lord and Eleanor Haines are going with. The girls father is going to pick them up at the bus station in Columbus! I will go to Columbus with them I guess by bus! FIND OUT COST (I'll go to Wilmington by bus.)
Called Mrs. Hinerman tonight she said she'd write me and would come over sometime she also said she always wondered what it is like here but never had good excuse to come! I told her that you had tried to get in touch with her (social lie) but then I said I wasn't sure then she couldn't remember if she had been at home so . . . (more details later but this must go out before recess. Have only got four more minutes till end of recess. Recess lasts 15 minutes it's when we get the mail. Oh golly, I was only going to write one little sentence and oh well, see ya, but I gotta have the bus schedule!
(Don't need to pick me up in Columbus, cause I'll take the bus to Wilmington.)
Send Food
Dear Everybody, I have to know the bus schedule and fast! Cause they are figuring something out or something to that order I checked with this girl from Cinn. and they don't have room. She is the girl who both Donna Lord and Eleanor Haines are going with. The girls father is going to pick them up at the bus station in Columbus! I will go to Columbus with them I guess by bus! FIND OUT COST (I'll go to Wilmington by bus.)
Called Mrs. Hinerman tonight she said she'd write me and would come over sometime she also said she always wondered what it is like here but never had good excuse to come! I told her that you had tried to get in touch with her (social lie) but then I said I wasn't sure then she couldn't remember if she had been at home so . . . (more details later but this must go out before recess. Have only got four more minutes till end of recess. Recess lasts 15 minutes it's when we get the mail. Oh golly, I was only going to write one little sentence and oh well, see ya, but I gotta have the bus schedule!
(Don't need to pick me up in Columbus, cause I'll take the bus to Wilmington.)
Thursday, February 09, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.9
[Postmarked Feb. 9, 1967]
Last night I went skating, only 15 people skated, every Tuesday night is "skate night" starting at 8:10 lasting till 9:10! (got out of study hall)
Dear Family,
Here I am in study hall and we got English next. Wednesdays are real confusing because then we have worship service, no home ec, 2 periods of English (no Algebra) and I'm not sure what else!
Three of the five of us in the room I stay in are Methodist. Besides Quakers, there are more Methodists.
Leslie Kendall from Michigan is my "big sister" She's real nice and a "nut". Catherine ask Rick K. if he knows her.
This morning they had "meeting" but I didn't stay for it we have our choice whether to go or to go outside and walk all over the place. They said it was real exciting cause some Friends church wanted to join another yearly meeting and all these old people kept arguing then they announced that this old lady died and everybody (all the old people), a whole bunch of old ladies in shawls and real long dresses were here too.
In Algebra I am studying polynomials, its sorta easy and kinda hard! In History we don't have a book, we use the books in the library reference section, which can't go out of the library. The have 5 copies of "The Wide World and 5 of "Geography and World Affairs." These are the ones that are used the most. We are studying about Nigeria now.
In "Bible Class" we went over the main differences between the books of Matthew and Luke, Then we read this thing in Isaiah (53 chapter) about the suffering servant (unless I'm confused, I think I got the right chapter.)
In Home Ec we are cooking. Yesterday afternoon we fixed sausage, turnovers, eggs, and a bunch more stuff. Boy was I ever full, everyone else too.
I'm going to need some paper back books (they sell them here) should I buy them now or wait until I get home and look for them. Should I buy them with my own money or use that in the office?
Yesterday we had sports. It lasts for an hour and a half 3 times a week! If you don't move you freeze in that gym.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown sit at my table! (got to use my good manners)
This is your conscience SEND FOOD
School vacation starts at 1:00 instead of 3:00 (in the afternoon on Thursday) (should be able to get home at decent hour)
Catherine, get Vanessa's address cause I left it at home! (or lost it) Quick or she will kill me.
P.S. Thanks for the post card (got it yesterday). (Send me some stuff to eat cause all we do is eat off of Susan and her supply is almost out)
Have had applesauce every meal (except for breakfast) Had apple dumplings twice. Bread is good (homemade)
Excuse my writing but I wanted it to go out before 10:30, it didn't make it cause it is now ten till one oclock and class starts real soon.
Last night I went skating, only 15 people skated, every Tuesday night is "skate night" starting at 8:10 lasting till 9:10! (got out of study hall)
Dear Family,
Here I am in study hall and we got English next. Wednesdays are real confusing because then we have worship service, no home ec, 2 periods of English (no Algebra) and I'm not sure what else!
Three of the five of us in the room I stay in are Methodist. Besides Quakers, there are more Methodists.
Leslie Kendall from Michigan is my "big sister" She's real nice and a "nut". Catherine ask Rick K. if he knows her.
This morning they had "meeting" but I didn't stay for it we have our choice whether to go or to go outside and walk all over the place. They said it was real exciting cause some Friends church wanted to join another yearly meeting and all these old people kept arguing then they announced that this old lady died and everybody (all the old people), a whole bunch of old ladies in shawls and real long dresses were here too.
In Algebra I am studying polynomials, its sorta easy and kinda hard! In History we don't have a book, we use the books in the library reference section, which can't go out of the library. The have 5 copies of "The Wide World and 5 of "Geography and World Affairs." These are the ones that are used the most. We are studying about Nigeria now.
In "Bible Class" we went over the main differences between the books of Matthew and Luke, Then we read this thing in Isaiah (53 chapter) about the suffering servant (unless I'm confused, I think I got the right chapter.)
In Home Ec we are cooking. Yesterday afternoon we fixed sausage, turnovers, eggs, and a bunch more stuff. Boy was I ever full, everyone else too.
I'm going to need some paper back books (they sell them here) should I buy them now or wait until I get home and look for them. Should I buy them with my own money or use that in the office?
Yesterday we had sports. It lasts for an hour and a half 3 times a week! If you don't move you freeze in that gym.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown sit at my table! (got to use my good manners)
This is your conscience SEND FOOD
School vacation starts at 1:00 instead of 3:00 (in the afternoon on Thursday) (should be able to get home at decent hour)
Catherine, get Vanessa's address cause I left it at home! (or lost it) Quick or she will kill me.
See Ya
P.S. Thanks for the post card (got it yesterday). (Send me some stuff to eat cause all we do is eat off of Susan and her supply is almost out)
Have had applesauce every meal (except for breakfast) Had apple dumplings twice. Bread is good (homemade)
Excuse my writing but I wanted it to go out before 10:30, it didn't make it cause it is now ten till one oclock and class starts real soon.
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
1987 Family Letter -Feb.8
Sunday, February 8, 19987
Dear Family:
It was good to have talked with all of you within the past few days AND to hear of your activities.
MV has finished her first month with the News Journal during which she saw her boss fired because he would not sign a non-competitive agreement if he quit.
John is not going to run for office but is going to help the incumbent Mayor in his reelection efforts. Hopefully he and X will get to NYC while Joe is still there.
Library School and the activities seem to be growing on Serena. She even has activities scheduled as far ahead as November. Luckily, she is a great reader.
The Kings showed us a great time in Phoenix . . . that three hour non stop flight from here makes it seem like next door.
The Morgans will be moving in about two more weeks . . . . we feel sure that they will find more employment opportunities there [Phoenix] than in Colfax.
Next Saturday is Nancy Henderson's wedding. She was presented with a tray from the Church and a bell from the bell choir. They are going to San Juan etc. on their honeymoon.
Also talked with your Grandmother on the phone and as your Aunt Mary says she is sharp. Yes, we will have a celebration this June 22nd for her 95th birthday.
Gradually getting back in routine here – found the pounds went on very easily in Phoenix – thanks to the good cooking of Sid and Roberta plus the restaurants we patronized. We did do some hiking but not enough on my part. We were sorry to miss Joe by just a few hours.
Thursday we leave for theToy Show and will be coming back Monday – missing Joe [remainder of letter was not copied.]
[Love, Etc.]
Dear Family:
It was good to have talked with all of you within the past few days AND to hear of your activities.
MV has finished her first month with the News Journal during which she saw her boss fired because he would not sign a non-competitive agreement if he quit.
John is not going to run for office but is going to help the incumbent Mayor in his reelection efforts. Hopefully he and X will get to NYC while Joe is still there.
Library School and the activities seem to be growing on Serena. She even has activities scheduled as far ahead as November. Luckily, she is a great reader.
The Kings showed us a great time in Phoenix . . . that three hour non stop flight from here makes it seem like next door.
The Morgans will be moving in about two more weeks . . . . we feel sure that they will find more employment opportunities there [Phoenix] than in Colfax.
Next Saturday is Nancy Henderson's wedding. She was presented with a tray from the Church and a bell from the bell choir. They are going to San Juan etc. on their honeymoon.
Also talked with your Grandmother on the phone and as your Aunt Mary says she is sharp. Yes, we will have a celebration this June 22nd for her 95th birthday.
Gradually getting back in routine here – found the pounds went on very easily in Phoenix – thanks to the good cooking of Sid and Roberta plus the restaurants we patronized. We did do some hiking but not enough on my part. We were sorry to miss Joe by just a few hours.
Thursday we leave for theToy Show and will be coming back Monday – missing Joe [remainder of letter was not copied.]
[Love, Etc.]
Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Monday, February 06, 2017
Sunday, February 05, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.8
[postmarked Feb. 8, 1967]
Dear Mom & Dad, family,
Well, how is everything? As for me I'm not really sure yet!
Here's my schedule:
1st - Study Hall
2nd - Algebra
3rd - Geog Lab (study climate and plant life of different areas) Is only on Monday and Friday
3rd - Bible - is only on Tuesday and Thursday
2nd - Algebra
3rd - Geog Lab (study climate and plant life of different areas) Is only on Monday and Friday
3rd - Bible - is only on Tuesday and Thursday
4th - Geography
5th - Study Hall
6th - English
7th - Home Ec (7th period is a double period)
8th - Study Hall
Also have study hall from 7:10 to 9:10 of an evening.
For "office work" this other girl and me have to sweep and dust the library. (ugh) Every four weeks these jobs change, if you don't put down what you want to do then they will draft you.
The food here is pretty good (I've only eaten supper and breakfast so far), Last night we had chicken noodles, peas and I can't remember what else. This morning we had soft boiled eggs, cereal, milk. Oh yes, we also had applesauce and apple dumplings. (not bad). Please check into the bus schedule for me send me the details. Should I get the money out of the office to buy my bus ticket?
Had "collection" last night and this morning. Freshman sit on front row, then 10th graders, next 11th and so on. Boys sit on the left and girls on the right. Wil have church at 10:30 Wednesday for 45 minutes then for an hour on Sunday!
Do you remember Sylvia Thomas? She's my roommate. ONLY - FIVE - PEOPLE - ARE - IN -THE - ROOM. Talk about being crowded! We made a sort of a pry - - - -(can't spell it and couldn't find it in the dictionary) two on the bottom then mine on top, it sure is different!
Well, I suppose I had better be going got algebra next (ugh).
(every-one calls me Bobbi) I'm just now getting used to it!
Saturday, February 04, 2017
1967 Roberta's Letter -Feb.6
F.B.S. [Friends Boarding School] NEWS BULLETIN - Monday [2/6/67]
Dear Serena, John, Mary Virginia, and Mrs. Shoemaker,
How is everybody? I am fine ? ? ? What's new? I got a post-card from Mom today, said everything was fine and all that stuff.
How's the paper routes coming along this week? Has it snowed very much? It sure has here. The rumor is going around that we might get out of School tomorrow afternoon to go sledding! I sure hope so!
I only have Algebra, Geography, English and home ec to do so I had better make like a scholar. See you all in 17 days!
Serena, will you ask Mrs. Baker for Patty's address and then send it to me, I sure would appreciate it.
The Hinermans might take me out to dinner this Saturday, I hope so!
Hope all is well, do WRITE!
Friday, February 03, 2017
1977 GHU Letter to John -Feb.6
Feb. 6 [1977]
Dear John – are you trudging through the drifted snow these days? I haven't noticed any thing about the colleges being closed but many public schools seem to be having trouble with roads being drifted with snow or not enough fuel for heat so are closed for a time.The latest word from N.V. your Mother & Mary V. are thinking of going to Calif. while your Dad takes in the Toy Show. Perhaps you know more about their plans than I do. Roberta rather thinks she may be in Fla. for a short visit next month.
The cool air still lingers with us in Fla. although we hare having more sunshine so warmer weather may be with us soon.
Yesterday Aunt Mary & I attended a luncheon & dress show at the Breakers Hotel Palm Beach, sponsored by the Exchange Club in Lake W. It was real nice but mostly Women's Pant suits which doesn't interest me too much. It was hard to eat, watch the show, clap hands all at the same time. Seems to me like a slip up in plans.
We had a nice service today as it had been announced Canadian Sunday. A number attended making a full church. The choir sang the C. anthem & one song – What a Friend we have in Jesus which was written by a Canadian. This month will be the largest attendance at services.
Aunt Mary & I drove out to the beach this afternoon but since the air is still cold not many in water. A man was feeding a number of sea gulls with bread and they were interesting to watch.
The Bride & Groom [Cris] are now settled in the trailer home but that is one step you must think hard & long about. (If you remember what you wrote in your last letter.)
Love, Grandma
Thursday, February 02, 2017
1967 Roberta's letter from Barnesville -Feb.3
[postmarked 2/3/67]
Dear Mom, Dad and everybody,
Now in study hall (last period of the day) tomorrow I only have 3 classes : Algebra, Geography and study hall. I got my homework all done in them.
I got 3 letters today! One from daddy (which included Aunt Mary's and Grandma's), Janice Carroll and Debbie Abdon. It took me all recess to read them.
I just got back from Home Ec. Yesterday we made cream puffs and meat loaf. Today it was French toast and vanilla custard. We are making stuff with eggs in it.
Don't worry about the bus schedule or nothing cause I already got a round-trip bus ticket from here to Columbus ordered. See you gotta fill out this little piece of paper saying what you want and then the school gets them ahead of time and you buy them from the school. This one girl from Cinn. was going to bring this other girl home with her but they changed their mind and the girl from Cinn. is going to go home with the other girl so they got room for me.
Guess What ? ? ?
You know I told you that I was on library clean up this time, well I'm on FARM WORK for next time! I about died when they announced it! This will start the week I get back! (sorry about being so messy)
The two Indian girls are coming tomorrow night!
Since this is Friday night we only have study hall for an hour, and then the social, every week one class has the social. This week the freshman have it, we are going to have a "babysitting" one. Usually everybody babies the freshman so tonight for a change we are going to be babying them. We got all sorts of baby games picked out, for instance: musical chairs, drop the hanky, and then we will say the first line of a fairy rhyme and they will have to finish it. It should be different!
By the way, the only time you are allowed to wear slacks is when you have sports or on Saturday afternoon! (double ugh)
This afternoon we all went to Binns (Roi, Sylvia, and myself). Right beside Binns is this discount drug store and dry cleaning outfit, hair place, and that's about it. We messed around awhile, bought some stuff, nothing major and then we saw Teacher Nan (Teacher Tom's wife) and she drove us home.
We are only allowed six town trips, but if we want to go to the library and nothing else they don't count.
everybody write I sent Grandma and Granddaddy a letter today.
Don't get me a ticket for the game on Friday night (or a bus seat) I changed my mind and don't want to go!
Was nice to talk to you last night but cost me 55¢
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
1967 Catherine's Philosophy -Feb.3
My Philosophy on Life
I try to live my life by hoping for the best, expecting the worst, and being satisfied with whatever happens.
By hoping for the best I set my goals high. This makes living a much bigger challenge, as there is always something urging me onward. I am constantly working to attain my goals.
I realize that no one is perfect and I am just one of a mass of people. By expecting the worst I am prepared for anything that may happen. Although I try not to set my goals so high that it would be virtually impossible to attain them, I find that even with something fairly simple it is possible to make mistakes. It is also necessary to consider there are millions of people in this world, and I am indirectly competing with each one.
The most important factor in my life is being satisfied, regardless of what happens. If I find I cannot reach a goal which I have set, I simply re-evaluate the facts, set a new goal, and keep striving for perfection. But I must have faith in myself, and be satisfied.
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