Tuesday, July 05, 2016

1966 Serena's Letter to Catherine - Summer

[June 1966]
Dear Catherine,

We got new paneling at the church with a cross in the middle of the sanctuary (the front).  It really looks different! (for once)

I'm in beginners swimming (same as John) ! ! !  I learned how to do the jellyfish (it's something like floating.)  We've been swimming over at the J & R several times since you have left.  I've jumped off the high diving board once (I used up all my nerve then.)  I've also jumped off the low board several times.

Rev. Beers prayers are a lot shorter than Rev. Kuntzman's prayers (they couldn't have gotten much longer.)  He came here for lunch.  (His family wasn't here.)

We went shopping last night at Krogers.  (John's company) and got a real nice cheese grater and some other stuff.  Then we went to Wilmington Park.  Opps! [sic] Forgot to tell you went swimming before that.

My slumber party was great even though we only got 3 (three) hours sleep.

Oh, I got a big surprise for you I've only forgotten one person! [on the paper route]  Except I forgot the wrong person.  Self-Armstrong.  (groan)

We're going to have a barbecue tomorrow at Girl Scout Camp.

Has it rained?
Do you go in the woods often?
Do you have much free time?
Do you miss your paper route??

Your sister,
Serena (U.)

P.S. Kathleen: Can you stand Catherine????????

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