Friday, February 28, 2014

1964 MV's Arrival -Feb28

Our favorite youngest sister. . . .
1964 MV birth announcement and hospital bracelet -Feb28

1964 MV's birth announced in Wilmington News-Journal -Feb. 29

Thursday, February 27, 2014

1964 Serena pictured

1962 Serena back of house photo
Photo is undated but she appears to be about seven years old – she and KC could be contemporaries if one of them could time travel!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

1974 Roberta's letter -Feb24

February 24, 1974
Dear Family,

Hi!  It's almost eight o'clock and the Apple Family is on, Grandma and Aunt Mary and Rob are all watching it.   It's good--tonight it's about them and the zoo.

I'm really behind in my letter writing, since I didn't work last Sunday and this Sunday I was so darn busy.  I did forty dollars more than what two of us did yesterday . . . . and that with Jennifer working from ten till five thirty and me from ten thirty till five yesterday.  Originally they cut my hours form eleven till three but then they changed them . . . . . . but I've got a feeling they will be back to eleven to three next Saturday.  I sold a thirty dollar badgammon [sic] game, three ten dollar picture frames to one woman, two sets of cross pens to a couple . . . . a few really good sales!!!!!  I had one woman really give the devil to me because we didn't have our Easter cards out yet!  Gee--Valentine's Day just over, St. Patrick's Day cards just out . . . . and people complaining about not having Easter cards yet!!!

We got your letter yesterday Mom.  Thanks.  I'm glad you all enjoyed Maine.  I wrote you all a letter and sent it up there but I doubt if you got it.

I just got back from Mrs. Ogden's, the woman who has done alot of altering for me.  She took in three more of my dresses and two pair of pants and a top and only charged me five dollars . . . .I would never work that cheap!!!!  On top of that she gave me a big bag full of grapefruit . . . ones from her own trees.  I'm taking her out to eat on Thursday, probably to the cafeteria downtown.  I took her out in August to eat and she is still talking about that so I thought she would enjoy going out again to eat.

Last week was a bad week . . . . . . I don't think I told you but my (well, the) blender completely broke down.  That was the big disaster of the week.  HA!!!  We finally got it back on Friday though and now it works as good as new??!!!

Yesterday Rob played a solo for the band contest and he got a "1" on it, so now he will go to St. Petersbury [g?]  in about six weeks and play for the state something or others.  Remember how he talked about the possibility over the summer about going into the army band?  Well, he got a letter from them this last week about how he should come in and talk to them about it.  He got the letter because he was a member of the ALL STATE BAND.

Last night five of us from school all went to the circus.  It was alot of fun . . . . .it's been a long time since I've been at one!!!

Mary Virginia I hope you feel ok by now.  AT least this way you got to meet the new doctor in town.

Oh.  Mrs. Moore called up Grandma the other day . . . . . from her sister's in West Palm Beach.  Poor Grandma's legs are still really swelled up . . . . . she hasn't been able to wear shoes for weeks now.  But you never hear her complaining about it all.  I'm sure you've heard but they have had her to two doctors and both of them just say that she is disgustingly healthy.

Did I ever tell you about our bus trip to Florida State?  We really saw Florida.  We went up by way of Tampa and when we came back we came through Orlando.  Remember Mary V. our bus ride form Orlando to West Palm Beach???  I really liked Florida State alot.  But I still haven't decided yet on whether I want to make the move up there to finish up school.  I couldn't get over the "southerness" [sic] of the whole town . . . . . I guess because they don't have all us Yankees up there as tourists for the winter.  They say that it really gets cold there in the winter, but the week-end we were there a sweater was enough.

After I get back from vacation we are going to try to get a "teen-age" weight watcher group going, and if so I'll be in charge of it.  Alot of young ones . . . . . all girls have started coming to my Thursday night class at Lantana.  It's really been a growing class, which I', happy of.  One girl joined about three weeks ago who is just sixteen but weighted [sic]  296!!!  That's no typing error!!!!  Mary Virginia I hope you never have to attend a weight watcher meeting!!!!!  But, back to the sixteen year old . . . . I think she has lost 23 pounds so far . . . . . alot of that her first week.  She's doing good -- I just hope she doesn't quit or give up. Mondays and Thursdays at Lantana are always good . . . . . but oh my Friday mornings!!!  Last week the supervisor was there visiting the class and you would have thought I had never ever gone over food program with them!!!!  They all managed to come up with the dumbest things . . . . like how much peanut butter would they be allowed if they didn't eat any meat one meal, or if and why they couldn't switch one food for another if it was equal to the same amount of calories.  Oh, the week before that they all got to arguing that a tomato was a fruit and not a vegetable.  You will be hearing more about my Friday morning people when I get home . . . . . .

Well, I've got to go and study.  Social Psych final is a week from tomorrow and I've sure got the reading to do between now and then!!!  John-- hope you got everyone straight in Washington D. C.  Did you take any pictures . . . . or didn't you want to look like a tourist!!!!

Love, Berta

1983 Lunch Menu -Feb26

1983 Gulf Stream Hotel and Villas Luncheon Menu -Feb26

* * * * *
There is a description of the 1983 trip to Florida in a family letter date March 6, 1983, which can be found at this link:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

1984 Roberta's Letter -Feb25

Dear Folks,

Hi!  Here is lots of good reading for you – does give a better background to Sara, Cynthia, & Judy.

Judy's daughter Sally has been in the hospital this past week – severe case of the flu.  Guess doing OK now.

Serena left early AM – off to shopping Center to open up Bank Acct., etc.  We plan to go to spa this aftn swimming.  Sid's busy redoing phone systems – now have both office & personal phone on table near eating table – where just personal one was before.

Serena has been out for quite a few bike rides – etc. – already.  She will be a big help in getting news letter out!  Sr. Village's 1st news letter to be released this coming week.

Talked w/ Aunt Mary this AM – she had note from Joe saying he had enjoyed very much visiting w/you all but he thought Jr. Kintners were spoiled, couldn't get long away from T.V. / usual eating habits.

Still not completely decided on FLA trip to see Grandma.  Would like to go for less than a week – but w/ air fares being so high not really practical.

The Phone Comp here has really got you coming/going now.  After 3 free directory assistance (INFO) calls – for local #'s charge of 50¢ each!  Even worse – charge of $1.50 per Info call for long distance #'s.  I'm going to start using pay phone for info.

Happy Reading!

Much love, Roberta

Monday, February 24, 2014

1994 Hawaii postcard -Feb24

Hawaii Flower postcard - mailed 1994. Captioned: White Plumeria blossoms ... are one of the most popular of all varieties of plumeria family for stringing a garland of flowers ... the Hawaiian lei.  Phototgraph by D. Young
1994 Harold & Jean to Morgans postcard Hawaii -Feb24
Wish we could have been able to bring back leis we were given upon our arrival here – so fragrant but didn't last long enough.  Another one we received was little orchids.

They also showed us how to make them, how to use their musical instruments, etc.
Much love, Dad & Mother

Sunday, February 23, 2014

1983 Mary Postcard Feb 23

I had originally thought this postcard was dated 12-22-83 and had it filed with the Dec. "3" items but on closer inspection the date I had read as 12-22 was !2-22, and the postmark clearly reads FEB 1983, therefore it is a year late from when it should have been posted.  Being addressed to Grandma and M/M HH and the Hortons, must indicate that Roberta and Mom and Dad were visiting in Florida at that time.
Garfield "Miss Me?" Postcard mailed 1983
1983 Mary Post Card Feb 23
Greetings from warm Ohio!  The weather has really been pretty and "springish" since Sat.  Lots of kids trying to get a tan.  Got my schedule for next quarter ok'd today - Will be taking Crises in Christian Hist., Public Speaking, Accounting, New Testament Studies, Golf and Soccer, which is a total of 14 hours, and the same time schedule as this quarter.  Karen Hewitt & I are discussing the possibility of Florida over Spring Break???  Not much else new.  The car will be in good condition by the time yo people come home Monday – Long Story –

See you then.  Love – M.V.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

2004 Catherine's postcard -Feb22

Butterfly Man postcard - mailed 2004.  Captioned: Salvador Dali (1904-1989).  Illustration for Tres Picos, 1955.  Watercolor and ink conversion of a print 10.75x7.25 inches. 
2004 Catherine's postcard to Wendy -Feb22
Hi, Wendy!  Happy 23rd!  What's happening?  Have you seen this picture before?  I talked to Mary Va. & Ginny last night and Ginny wanted all the details on your wedding – she is very excited for you.  Your grandparents left yesterday for a 4 week elder hostel in Australia – should result in some post cards for us!  [Wonder where they are?] Hope you have a productive, industrious and not too stressful week.  Be kind to yourself!  The first ra photo radar ticket was dismissed with prejudice.

Love from our ever-loving, Mom

Friday, February 21, 2014

1984 Roberta's letter -Feb

2/  /84 [date added later]

Dear Folks,

Hi!  Thanks for calling this PM –– glad to know you had a safe return from the Big Apple!

I'm enclosing a picture taken at the Kesler's – friends of Sid's from South Bend – who live in Scottsdale.  Of course – I was cold – so Sid had given me his jacket.

We got some nice canvas type pictures for the living room – really look nice.  Arizona type scenes – sunsets / Indian baskets –

Thanks again for the Valentine's present – we enjoyed our meal out –– probably average now eating out once a week – often talk of all of our dining experiences over the holidays & how much we enjoyed!

Last of the wedding food will be used up next weekend at the pig hunt.  10 pounds Sausage going to have a group brunch ––

11:30 pm – going to dentist in AM – 4th visit this year –– getting mouth into good shape!

Much Love, R–––

Thursday, February 20, 2014

1974 MV's NYC postcard -Feb

If this postcard from MV to Grandma was mailed, it didn't get postmarked.  Though I had assumed it was written in Feb. 1974 (possibly en route to New Hampshire and Maine), we have evidence in other correspondence that Roberta did not go on that trip, and John did.  Therefore, this card was not written in February 1974 but we will look at it now and appreciate Mary's postcard to her grandmother, Gladys Hiestand Uible.  

The 8¢ postage rate for postcards was valid from March 2, 1974 until September 14, 1975 when the rate was reduced to 7¢ until December 31, 1975 when it went up to 9¢.  Transcription follows.
New York City skyscraper dining at Top of the Six postcard - mailed 197?
Captioned: Dining atop a New York skyscraper is exciting by day and by night.  TOP OF THE SIX'S world famous restaurant affords a panoramic view of Fifth Avenue and Central Park and features fine foods and wines [on the] 39th floor.

[undated and not postmarked]

Dear Grandma,
Hi!  We are in New York, eating at Top Of The Sixes.  (Mom, Bert & I)  We went in F.A.O. Schwartz & Hallmark this morning.  Dad is Fine.  Tell John Hi!
Love, Mary Va.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

1994 postcard from Hawaii -Feb.19

Postcard from Jean and HH to Wendy.  Transcription follows.
Sea Kayaking Hawaii postcard - mailed 1994.  Captioned: Sea kayaking is a favorite sport in Hawaii, especially along Lanai's scenic coastline, where giant sea turtles and colorful tropical fish can be spotted in the clear blue waters of secluded coves.  Photo by Ron Dahlquist.

1994 postcard from Hawaii -Feb.19

Sat. 2/19/94
We enjoyed seeing alot of the coast of Maui as well as drive to the top of the Volcano Haleakala – There were over a hundred that had left their home or hotel at 3 AM by van to coast on their bikes, all the way down – about 43 miles – think G'Dad would have like to have done this but couldn't talk him into it today – Much love, G'dad & G'ma Uible

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

1994 Hawaii postcard -Feb19

Aloha from Maui Postcard - mailed 1994.  Captioned: Silversword - This mysterious plant grows nowhere else in the world except on Mount Haleakala on the island of Maui and in Volcanoes National Park on the Island of Hawaii.  The curious plant grows 4 to 20 years before it produces one single 1 to 9 foot flower. Photo by B. Abraham.
1994 Harold and Jean to Kings postcard 02/19
Feb. 19, 1994
Most interesting day – Left motel about 5 AM as body hasn't changed to Hawaii time – drove to top of Haleakala - dormant volcano – to see sunrise there – Dad has friend from Wilm who told him he'd ridden bike down & there were many there today doing it.  Much love – Dad & Mother

Monday, February 17, 2014

Roberta's Tallahassee postcard -Feb

Ponce de Leon Motel postcard mailed c1974.  
Captioned: 1801 W Tennessee St., Hwy 90 West. Color Cable TV - Combination Tub & Shower

1974 Roberta's Tallahassee postcard to MV - unmailed

Hi – this is where we stayed – right next door to a Frisch's Big Boy – we had breakfast there this morning.

I like Tall. – it's really hilly and the soil is RED like it is in GA.

How did you like Maine in the winter?  Write –––

Love, Berta

Sunday, February 16, 2014

2004 Catherine's postcard -Feb 15

Boyce Arboretum State Park postcard - mailed 2004. Captioned: Arizona.  Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park was established in 1920 by botanical enthusiast William Boyce Thompson as a center for plant research.  Stroll through these high desert gardens, picnic or enjoy the exhibits.  This oasis in the desert is located three miles west of Superior along US Route 60.  Photo by Princely.
2004 Catherine's Boyce Arboretum postcard -Feb 15

Hi, Wendy!  How was the trip to Flagstaff?  Would you recommend the hotel? (Monte Vista?)  We had a quiet, private (after taking your grandparents to the airport) and of course romantic Valentine celebration.  Hope yours was memorable for lots of good reasons.  A new holiday to celebrate is Vegantine Day – any day is a good day to be a vegan!  Be kind to yourself and be proud of the uniqueness of you!  I'm proud to be your Mother.  Love, Mom

Saturday, February 15, 2014

1964 Linda Hughes Peace Corps Ethiopia -Feb15

A 1964 aerogramme letter from Linda Hughes, serving in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, has a space removed where the stamp would have been.  Lines of the letter in which these missing words have been written are marked by [...]

Additional information about Linda Hughes Wilson and an October 1963 letter was published in the New Vienna Memories Blog on Oct. 26, 2013 and can be found at this link:  Transcription follows.

1964 Linda Hughes Peace Corps letter from Ethiopia -Feb15

February 15, 1964
Dear Uibles,
Thank you for the Christmas greetings, and now it's almost Easter.  Here in Keren it is definitely like Easter with afternoon temperatures up to 100º and the hot season isn't here, yet.  I'm sorry that I haven't been able to find out the name of the author or publisher of the history book.  Rather hard to track it down that way, isn't it?

I wish all of you could have gone visiting with my roommate & I yesterday.   We went to the homes of several of our students and celebrated their Moslem holiday of "Ed-El-Fatar" – the breaking of their 30 day yearly fast.  All the girls & women were dressed in vivid colored nylon dresses, their black hair was shinny [sic] with oil, their pierced ears held gold dangly earrings and I couldn't help but noticed the air of pride which they carried as we walked through the dirt alleys to their houses.  The father was out visiting his friends, the mother always eat in the back room, and we were entertained by the school girls.  Always they brought in the baby of the house usually [...] 6,7, or 8, and we begged to hold it.  The babies under [...] were the best for us, because if they were older they [...]ry at the strange white face staring at them.  Even the  [...]t babies had on eye make-up; that is a black line [...]g the entire shape of the eye.  It's purpose – beauty.  The same as the circles of gold hanging from their mother's ears & nose.  For the same reason the redish [sic] brown tatoo-like markings on the women's hands, feet, neck's & throats.  And those 3 lines on the side of their faces made by cutting the cheek with thorns when they were very small children, these are partly as a tribal marking, but also beauty.  We were served hot spiced tea, peanuts, dried dates, cookies, and hard candies wrapped in cellophane.  As we left each home the girls took a bottle of strong smelling perfume and poured it into our cupped hands.  You can imagine how we smelled after 3 houses & 3 different perfumes!

They are always so kind & gracious; usually the set the things on the table then sit back and watch us eat.  "Eat, Miss Linda.  You must have another sweet – More tea – Please take more!"  So I came home last evening at 7 P.M. much too ful to eat any supper.  I enjoy doing these simple things just as much as last year and perhaps more, because now they aren't strange customs.  There is a reason & purpose for all ways I once found so strange and backward.

Goodness, how will I recognize your grown children?  Maybe I'll be teaching one of them, as I'm hoping for a position in the New Vienna School next year.

Until September....

Sincerely, Linda

Friday, February 14, 2014

1953 Calvin Smith Paris postcard -Nov.18

This postcard from Calvin is included at this time to serve as a prelude to the Europe trip coming up in March 1954.
Paris Book-stores along the Seine postcard -mailed 1953
1953 Calvin Smith Paris postcard -Nov.18
18 Nov [1953]

Dear Harold & Jean,
I always seem to forget the most important people when I start shipping out cards by the dozen!  but, really, I haven't forgotten you & must thank you for your tho'tfulness in seeing me off so royally.  I'm having a wonderful time, not doing a bit of work.  Although I'm auditing 5 courses (which meet once a week) I do only what reading I please.  I've spent a day at Versaille, one at Malmaison (Napoleon's home); have visited several museums, been to the opera once, the Folies Bergere (!), Pigalle, Bois de Boulogne.  Have a very charming room with an elderly couple, just a few doors from the Seine, within shouting distance of Notre Dame, & I can see the roof of The Louvre.  Don't forget that you're to come over next summer.  Love & Kisses to the girls.  And drop me a line.  Sincerely, Calvin

Thursday, February 13, 2014

1984 Catherine's postcard -Feb10

Valentine Snoopy Postcard -mailed 1984
1984 Catherine's Valentine postcard -Feb10

Hi!  Thanks for the Valentines and the $$ which arrived today - 2/10/84.  I also got a belated birthday card from Mary V.  It was the fourth one I've gotten this week which included one from Serena and two from Maine.  I appreciated them all just the same!  It helps stretch out the celebration that way.  Wendy and I have been reading the Betsy - Tacy - Tib books by Lovelace.  She really likes them.  Right now we are on Betsy & Tacy Go Downtown which is the 4th in the series.  Maybe next we'll read the Betsy books by Haywood - just to keep with the same name!  In this Betsy & Tacy book we're reading now Betsy makes her first visit to the "new" Carnegie Library.  We are going to celebrate Valentine's Day by cooking Chinese food.  Gerry & I went to a Chinese restaurant in Portland, Maine on Valentine's Day in 1976.  Gerry is in hopes of playing golf again this weekend.  The weather has continued to be mild with lots of sunshine although the wind has picked up the last few days.  Love, C, G & W

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

1974 John wins Washington DC trip -Feb

1974 John wins Washington DC trip -Feb. Clipping from the Wilmington (Ohio) News-Journal

Take Washington DC trip

Winners of the Tecumseh Council Boy Scouts of America,Washington, D. C., trip were announced and include John B. Uible of New Vienna and David G. Sturgeon of Xenia, left and right center with their advisor who will accompany them on the trip Feb. 21, Gary Dabe, Order of the Arrow advisor.  John 16, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Uible, at left, and David, 18 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturgeon, at right, Frank Warbington of Cong. Clarence J. Brown's office, seated pointed to points of interest that the Boy Scouts would see while in Washington as the Congressman's guests.  This is the sixth annual Washington trip made by Scouts in the Tecumseh Council area, it was reported.

2004 Catherine's postcard -Feb9

Hearts & Flowers postcard - Feb. 9, 2004. 
Text: The Likes of U Create a World of Sun Shine

Hi! Wendy!
Hope you are feeling on top of the world, looking forward to your weekend in Flagstaff.  We saw snow yesterday between Prescott and Wickenburg.  Maybe (hopefully) we can get to the VNSA booksale next year – consider it a pre-wedding must.  Happy Valentines Day!  I wish you & X love, laughter, health, strength, resolve and faith.  Destine and fortunate to be your Mom!
Love, Mom

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1974 Roberta Letter -Feb

Roberta must have written this letter about Feb. 10, 1974, due to the subject matter being a continuation to a letter she wrote on Feb. 8.  That coincides with a visit by Mom, Dad, John and Mary V. to Maine which included a visitation to Exeter Academy in New Hampshire where John would later attend.  The letter was most likely sent to Maine to be shared with the family.  Transcription follows.

[February 1974]

Dear Family,

Hi!  Well, does [do] Catherine and X have you all lugging rocks to help them build their new house???  I can just see you all out there now??

We got your letter today Catherine, thanks.  Maybe you have already heard but my exams came out amazingly well.  Like I got an A in Manpower Development and a B in Social Psych.  Last week I was ready to drop Social Psych. I, this week I'm ready to register for Social Psych. II!

I imagine you've already been told, but I went last week to see the Hinermans.  Mrs. Hinerman will NEVER forget your wedding!  She introduced me to her friends s the sister of the girl that got married at 5:30 in the morning, etc., etc.  I got the idea that they knew all about your wedding!!!

I'm going this weekend to check out Florida State Univ.  I've been told that as long as you stay in the same major you can switch from one state univ to another without losing anything, so I might as Fla. State does have a good criminal justice program.  Drive back and fourth [sic] to Boca is getting me down, especially now with the problems of getting gas.  I'll keep you posed as to my plans. . . . .

I had a very trumatic [sic] experience with the medal monester [sic] (the scale) today!!  I have gained a pound and a half, since last week.  I've been over a month trying to lose one pound, so now I have two and a half pounds to lose.  My cold this past week hasn't helped the situation as I've been taking cough syrup, cough drops, etc.  My VERY POOR EXCUSE . . . . . but I wish you could hear the excuses I hear from some.  Well, I better be closing . . . . . . I'll be up to see you all when the house is all built and either in July or August!  (ha)  We look forward to the next scene . . . . . as to the stationery!!!

Love, Berta

PS  My hours at Burdines have really been cut –– cause business is so BAD, only 4 hours on Saturday & Sundays.

1962 Valentines from Serena to Mom

1962 Serena Valentine to Mom -Feb14
Envelope for card pictured below

Back of Card pictured below
1962 Serena Valentine to Mom -Feb14

2003 Jean's Inn on Mt. Ada postcard

Postcard to Wendy from her Uible grandparents, circa January 2003.  Postage rates for postcards was 23¢ from 2002 until January 2006.  Harold, Jean, Catherine and Gerry went to Catalina Island and stayed at the Inn on Mt. Ada in January 2003.  The year and day are unreadable on this card, but the month does appear to be January.  Transcription follows
Inn on Mt. Ada postcard - mailed 2003. Captioned: The Inn on Mt. Ada, built 1921, is a classically restored Georgian Colonial home listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  the magnificent view from the inn overlooks the blue Pacific, Avalon and Santa Catalina Island.  The care staff, elegant rooms, fine cuisine and your complete relaxation in a very special place will linger in your memory long after your return to the mainland.
2003 Jean's Inn on Mt. Ada postcard

Really enjoyed this place and hope you get here some day.  It would be a nice place for a reunion if they would allow children overnight.  Not as easy to get to but worth the trip.  Certainly enjoyed being here with your parents.  They are great travelers.  Much love, G'dad & G'ma Uible

Monday, February 10, 2014

1984 Sid's Letter -Feb10

Friday 2/10/84
Dear People:

AT long last I take typewriter in hand to let one and all know what is going on down here in sunnay [sic] Arizona.  And sunny it is - we have had really marvelous, warm weather for the last couple of weeks while the rest of the country is freezing and slipping off the roads.  Roberta - if you don't know who Roberta is, keep reading - has been sunning herself and is beginning to accumulate some tan.  Last weekend, the temperature was over 80 and the thermometer in the sun registered over 200.  But you could have read this in the paper ; some of the events recorded below were not in the paper.

Let me introduce you to Roberta Uible-King!  She is also known as Mrs. Hayes S. King.  In the event  that you think me a bigamist, let me assure you that I am not.  Fannie and I separated last year and were divorces later in 1983.  We were not particularly compatible individuals, could not get along together, and parted by mutual consent.  Fannie did the actual filing but I was not unhappy that she did.  We are till on speaking terms and, in fact, I spent last Wednesday at her place in Mesa, working on the horse trailer and the Cadillac.  Roberta and I had known each other for about 5 years.  She had been Director of the East Mesa Senior Center for several years.  Marilyn had spent considerable time at the East Mesa Center and I had done some volunteer work for the Center.  A couple of years ago, when Senior Village (fact sheet enclosed) was first formed, she became the Resident Manager and is still so employed.  I had also done some volunteer work in the past for Senior Village.

We were married on 12/31/83 in the Bethany United Presbyterian Church in Phoenix.  Both of us are Methodists although we had a Minister from the First Christian Church officiate.  Roberta's grandmother, age 91 and in a wheelchair, was the Matron of Honor.  My two oldest daughters, Sara and Cynthia, were the "best persons".  Roberts is originally from New Vienna, Ohio.  I am enclosing an account of the wedding from the Wilmington, Ohio (the county seat) newspaper.  The "honeymoon" consisted of one night at "The Pointe"; a very fancy resort not too far from here.  We figured with all the relatives here (my two girls and Roberta's father, mother, grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother and wife, three sisters, one with husband and 6 year old daughter) it would be more to the point to enjoy visiting with them and honeymoon later on.

The last relatives left on 1/10 and since that time, we have been trying to combine "his" and "hers" furniture, put away the junk I moved from Mesa, etc.  I am continuing to do volunteer work at Senior Village, and, in fact, keep exceedingly busy.  The house are just about that age where things are beginning to go wrong.  This last week, for instance, I did such little items as tightening toilet seats, fixed leaks in plumbing, hung pictures and mirrors, cleaned and oiled bathroom fans, fixed dishwasher doors, fixed kitchen cabinet doors, etc.  Nest week, I must build shelves into a closet for the cook and we are now working on a newsletter for Senior Village.  The first issue will be out 3/1.

I am the Editor for a Newsletter of Chapter 1469 of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees and just got out the latest issue Wednesday.  Senior Village has a number of its residents in either the hospital or a nursing home and we spend quite a bit of time visiting them.  I answer the office phone when no one is around.  It is great to be busy.  I am exceedingly happy with the events that began on 12/31/83.  I feel Roberta and I are very compatible.  I hope that all of you will have the opportunity to meet her at some time in the future.  We hope to get back through the Midwest in August.  Roberta, as a working person, does not, of course, have unlimited time off so the trip will not be as leisurely as we might like.

Roberta and I are living in a house on site, which is part of the Senior Village complex.  The address is 3645 W. Vogel, Phoenix, AZ 86021.  I sold the mobile home in Brentwood West very quickly and then lived in the fifth wheel trailer until 12/31.  I hope to get out a letter similar to the Christmas letters of a few years ago, complete with pictures, to the Xmas card list.  You probably noted that there were no Xmas cards from Mesa this year.  Hope this letters explain to some extent the great silence from the South West.

Regards, Sid

1974 Roberta's Letter -Feb8

February 8, 1974
Dear Family,

Hi!  Just finished watching the new T.V. program "Good Times"  Did you all see it?  Grandma thought it was funny though I'm not sure if she got very many of the lines!

It was good to talk to you all last night – John that is really dynamic about your winning the trip to Washington D.C.  I'm going to the Florida State Capitol next week-end but here you are going to the Nation's capitol!!

I really had a good time going to Stuart and seeing the Hinermans.  Mrs. Hinerman drove me all around showing me where all the super rich people live, etc.  We ate out at the Outrigger Restaurant – really good – but it wasn't in the Mobil Tour Guide book – I checked.

Mrs. Hinerman really seemed to be in good health to me – she said that she wanted to come to New Vienna again and spend some time.  She laughed about how she cut her stay after Catherine's wedding short by a day because she was worried about her husband eating right.

Mom – do you have her address? I'm sure she would enjoy hearing from you – It's 2000 East Ocean Blvd, Apt. 9M, Stuart Fla 33494.  She called me Jean more times than Roberta!

We got a letter today from Catherine w/ a small picture of her & X included.

W.W. this morning was about the same – those women are something else.  The big problem is that most of them just have between 10 and 20 pounds to lose – and don't want to give up anything to do it – but want to do it in a couple of weeks!  One woman asked me if she could bring her cook next week to talk to me – I said sure but I'd be gone so she could talk to someone else – but the woman said she would wait till the following week!  That should be interesting!

Our plans are all worked out now as to going to Fla State.  I have an appointment 2/ a man in the criminal justice department for Friday afternoon.  I can't believe I'm finally making it up there – it's taken enough time!!  We have reservations at the Ponce De Leon Motel – it's a place the school recommended – also it's 2 stars in the Mobil Tour Guide Book.

I'm going to bed – I've got a small cold – my own fault – I was bragging to someone the other day that I hadn't had a cold since I joined W.W. – so the very next day my nose starts running!

Now Saturday morning – 8:30 AM I just got done eating my breakfast – French Toast and a juicy Florida Orange!!

I've still got my plane reservations – the problem w/ getting a ride home is that the boys exam are over before mine – which means that (1) they would have to wait on me or (2) I would have to talk to 2 of my professors about taking the exams early.  So I'll let you know what happens.  I was supposed to pick up the airplane tickets by yesterday but I called them and asked them if I could wait until the end of the month.  They told me all the longer they could hold my ticket was till the 20th of the month.  Hopefully by then I'll know exactly what's up.

Tonight is the All County Band program that Rob is in.  It's to be held at a high school north of WPB so after work I'm going to go & meet Nancy & Barbara then we're going to eat out at Bonanza (like Ponderosa) and then go to the band program.  It's the 1st time I've heard Rob play since the 4th of July when you all were down.

I'll have to write Serena about when & how she is going to PA?!  Grandma thinks it's something the way we "always are on the go."

I'm going to look today for a raincoat 2/ a zip in lining.  I want to buy one before I come up "NORTH" in March!

Well, I better go –– keep the mail coming –––

Thanks for making the appointment w/ Dr. Schnebly.  I'm sure happy to say that I'm much thinner since he saw me last!

Love, Berta

Sunday, February 09, 2014

1984 GHU Letter -Feb6

– Mon – [2/6/84]

Dear Harold & Jean,,

It really is cool this morning.  Mary was going to do some laundry this forenoon & has decided not to.  Yesterday Mary & I & also Frances attended evening service or rather Vesper service for it begins at 5 P.M. to 5:45 or a few mins. later.  Subject more on Wesley family.  John & Bill were watching a golf tournament, then we had some supper after our return.  Mary had charge of music because the U.M.W. had charge of part of the service.  A fair turn out.   There seemed to be more people at morning service than usual.  Perhaps more tourist have arrived.

We have had our share of cool weather & wind this winter so far.  Not good beach weather.

Cindy's mother is here for a week.  They had invited us to go with them Sat. evening of dinner.  But I declined & Mary & Bill said they didn't like Mexican food & that is the kind of restaurant they planned to attend.  So they went & came here for desert [sic].  Rob had evidently eaten too much for he was complaining of a pain as if he had indigestion so Mary gave him soda water.  He didn't feel too good while here.

Rob has taken on another job working by showing how to use health equipment in a new place that has opened in W.P.B.  I believe his hours are 5 to 9 PM.

Mary& Bill don't know as yet when they are taking off for N.Y.  I wonder if they will go until warm weather.  May be when they take off for the golf tournament in Ga. about Easter time.

Harold I sent my tax papers Sat. so please take care of S etc. & Co. also I can pay same.

Love to all, Mother

Saturday, February 08, 2014

1984 GHU Letter -Jan.

Mon. evening [Jan 1984]

Dear Harold & Jean

We are back in L.W. safe & working.  Took down the Christmas tree & boxed up the ornaments to-day.  Seems as if it takes quite a time to get back to normal routine.We had a nice time with Sid & Roberta & all the family as they came & went.  By this time I expect there are different reports about the wedding.  I have told no one.  But we heard from Roberta that Mrs. Moore in P. [Phoenix] wrote to Mrs. M. in New V. about attending & Mrs. F.M [Fannie Moore] read the letter to the Sun. S. class.  It would have been interesting to have heard the comments & letter.

Rec'd your note to-day & card last week, so will sign & return to-morrow.  It seems as if there are cards & cards to sign.  They might save that money for a better cause.  Paper & postage.

There has been several church meetings to attend & Wed evening there is to be an evening dinner at the church.  The attendance is fairly good at service.  The air was quite cool Sun but nice to-day.  John & Fran brought us 2 qts of beautiful strawb. they picked for us Fri.  There are plenty in the fields.  It seems as if the owners run water in ditches that save them during a cold spell while we were gone & before we left.  We are getting good oranges.

I am going to bed on time for a change so will sign off.

Love, Mother

Friday, February 07, 2014

1984 Catherine's Letter -Feb7

The Flying-E-Ranch stationery was probably obtained on our family trip there in 1979-80. I know we went at Christmas time but was it after the New Year?? Transcription follows.

Tuesday, February 7, 1984

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi! Please excuse my tardiness in not writing sooner. The days seem to go by without my getting any letters written.

Thank you for the birthday $$ and for calling.  I spent $10 on a microwave coffee pot but I haven't found anything else yet.  I was hoping to buy a new light weight jacket/raincoat but I can't find anything around here that I like.  We may go to Portland in March so perhaps I cand do some shopping then.

Wendy is anxiously awaiting her proposed trip to Ohio.  She asked me tis this morning if I would let her know when it was "a few days before June" so she could start packing.

How lond [sic] was Serena in New Vienna?  I assume that she has probably left for Arizona by now.  Was she driving her car out?

We have had some very nice weather here.  The warmest was when I talked to you around my birthday but we have had all sunny days except one since then.  Gerry played golf this past Sunday, I walked up to the golf course and met him and then we hiked for about an hour in the area north west of the golf course (toward the airport).

Wendy got her hair trimmed on Saturday and Darlene (who cuts Wendy's hair) put in pony tails for her.  Wendy was thrilled and has been wearing them every day since.  I can fix them OK since the parts were already there but I don't know how I will do after we wash xxxxxxxxx her hair again.

Things at the library are moving along.  We are about to make the purchase of an Apple computer with donated funds.  Today is the every-other-month Board Meeting.  We are going to discuss such problems as whether to re-roof the building (the back part has been leaking heavily this winter) and should we buy a new gas heater to replace the one that is acting up.  I am in hopes of hiring a new part time person to be the Children's Coordinator if I can find someone who wants to work only 6 hours per week as that is all the extra hours we have.

I saw an interesting article in the March 84 issue of Science Digest about new discoveries at Machu Picchu.

Thanks again for the birthday!

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

1974 Sarah Hinerman letter -Feb7

Thurs. 2/7/74

Dear Folks,

We had such a nice day with Roberta today.  She phoned last week that she had today off and we looked forward to her trip to Stuart.

We ate lunch at "The Outrigger" (Frances Langford's place in Jensen Beach) and she enjoyed the boats, scenery, etc.  She kept within her weight watcher bounds (chicken chow mein).  It's a lovely place & she had seen it advertised on TV.

We haven't done much since arriving in Stuart (12/16/73).  The Kingrees' were here week after Xmas – they stayed at the Sheraton but ate here – Those boys (girls too) had good appetites but we managed to fill them up.  Sarah Jane came back to a meeting with Ben Jan 18th.  They flew down and while Ben worked we visited.  They were just here one day & over nite, left next a.m.

Roberta filled us in on all The Uibles' activities, etc.  We went up to The Mall & looked around (32 shops within sight of our apt.).  She located Wells Jacks in a novelty store.  After that tour she left for Lake Worth.  She had a class tonight.

I certainly was surprised to see that svelte young lady.  She looks terrific and that course has given her so much poise.  She is quite an attractive girl – She has so many irons in the fire but keeps up with them.

We lead a quiet life & the gas situation keeps us in Stuart but plenty to do (and eat, alas!) here – Hope we can get together some time.  Roberta said she would come again ––

Love to all, Sarah

Thursday, February 06, 2014

1974 Roberta's Letter -Feb5

February 5, 1974
Dear Family,

Hi!  Goodness – you all are sure spoiling us w/ all the mail we've been getting!  Mary V. we always enjoy hearing from you – I guess John is too busy tutoring & all to write!!

Yesterday was a very shocking day at school – we got 2 of the midterms back.  On the one – Manpower Development I got a 94 and on the Social Psychology one I got a 86!!  I was really surprised as to the Social Psych one.  In fact I had gone to the trouble before class to go and get a drop slip from the Registers office so I could drop it if I had gotten an F on it!!  It was all essay and he gave each of us a copy of it yesterday.  I'll try to remember to enclose it.  [Scanned below.]

Terry and I are making final plans now as far as going up to Fla State.  We're hoping to go next weekend – that is if I can get off from work.  I've got to cal W.W. & Burdines both later today.  We were going to drive up – but have decided not to either take the bus or maybe a train.  I've also got to call them up later today.

Right now I'm at the doctors office – waiting.  It's 10:25 and my appointment was for 10:00.  Seems like all I've done so far today is wait – as I went & got gas this morning and had to wait about 20 minutes there.  But really so far not too much time wasted as I've done some W.W. planning and now writing this letter.

Tonight I'm spending the night w/ Nancy – one of the girls I "car-pool" w/ down to school.  We were going to get together last Tuesday night to study but didn't so thought we would all get together this wee, and mess.  Dorothy joined W.W. e weeks ago and Nancy is to join tonight.  Nancy is quite heave – about 220 pds – and only 5'2".

It's something that the Riders are both W.W.'s  I'll have to talk to them when I get home.  It's really going to be a W.W. block w/ Doris, the Riders, etc.

I got a letter yesterday from the w.W. Camp man saying that the camp workers had already been filled for this summer but that they would soon be working on the 1975 Camp people.  Gee – that seems like a long time away.

Got a post card yesterday from Mrs. Hinerman giving directions on how to get to their place.

Spring Quarter class schedules came out yesterday – it won't be long now till we have to register for it.  It looks like Mondays & Wednesdays will have it again!!

Oh – yesterday we went to the Royal Dame de (sp?) plaza in Boca to eat.  It reminds me of Palm Beach – all of these small shops, etc.  Well – in one of the shops on the front window display there was Wells jump rope, jacks, chinese jump rope, etc.  It was all small toys.  I wish I would have had my camera – I would have taken a picture of it all.  Imagine Wells toys in a front window – of Boca Raton – no less!!

––– Now at home – just filled out my forms as for us going to F.S.U. next week-end.  I don't think I said earlier but they are having a special week-end deal for transfer students.  We are going by bus – leaving 8:00 p.m. Thursday night will get there 8:00 a.m. Friday.  Then coming back we leave at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning & get back here 8:45 p.m. Sunday evening like good ole Greyhound (slow Greyhound).  I'd fly – but that's more than double the bus fare.  Bus fare is $31.55 – Round Trip!

I've got to be going as I'm to meet Nancy & Dorothy in about an hour ––––

Will write more later ––

Love, Berta

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

1984 Roberta's Letter -Feb4


Big Day yesterday – finished (FINALLY!) ALL – the thank-you notes!  Got the last in the mail today – THANK GOODNESS!

And got these pictures – happy w/ most of them – esp. since we thought they had all not turned out!

Went to the Broadway Dept. Store – Metro – Huge 1 Day Sale – bought 6 skirts for $45.  Two regularly priced at $36.00.  All really pretty & go with tops I already have.  Tho – of course I could always buy new tops now!

Thanks to the use of credit – got the last (hope) of the wedding bills paid.  The flowers – which were the shortest lived!

Thanks again for all your assistance –– financial & otherwise!!!

Much love, R–––

Looking forward to Serena's Arrival!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

1972 Wells Mfg WNJ Clipping -Jan31

Wells Mfg. Clipping
Wilmington News-Journal - January 31, 1972

Pictures Captioned:
  • Top: MANAGER – Harold Uible, manager of Wells Manufacturing, explains the production of plastic jump rope as tour of factory begins
  • Middle Left: COMPLETE OPERATION – Mrs. Richard (Arlene) Curtis, Mrs. Donald (Geneva) Osborn and Mrs. Floyd (Mina) Crabtree are busily making pinwheels.  They handle the entire operation.
  • Bottom Left: JUMP ROPE MADE – Mrs. Norman (Donna) Brown, foreman of the braiding room, is looking over the different colored spools of thread which eventually become jump rope.  In the far right, you can see the rope unwinding off the big wheel.  Mrs. Brown has been with the factory since it's opening 25 years ago.
  • Middle Right: WORKING RUBBER – David Trenary is working with synthetic rubber, making it more flexible and ready for the transformation into rubber balls.
  • Bottom Right: SHAPING RUBBER – Mrs. Clarice Reed is feeding the treated rubber into a machine which turns it into a cylindric shape; then is cut into sections.

New Vienna's Wells Plant is
Unique Toy Factory
by Mike Graham (News-Journal Staff Writer)
Wells Manufacturing in New Vienna is not just another factory.  Sure, there are machines with assembly lines, and all the smells and sounds that we find in a factory.  But imagine thousands upon thousands of rubber balls, jump ropes, and pinwheels.  That's their finished product.  Toys!

New Vienna's toy factory has been making these toys and many more for 25 years.  Today they manufacture over 100 different small toys that sell all over the United States and some regions of the world.  They even have a customer in Truth or Consequences, N.M.!  It's certainly a big operation and unique from the standpoint that there aren't many factories of its kind in southern Ohio.  Harold Uible, a practicing lawyer and manager of the plan, gave this reporter a first-hand look at their toy-making process.

ONCE BEHIND the office doors, we looked in on the making on pinwheels.  A pinwheel is a hand-made plastic wheel that spins on the end of a wooden stick when held in the wind.  It operates on the same theory as a windmill.  There were no machines in this section and just four women handled the whole operation.  Uible mentioned that the tree women busily cutting and putting together the wheels were from New Vienna; in fact all of the factory's 75 employes are from the New Vienna area.

The first machine seen was in a packaging section.  It was cutting and shaping plastic to be used as packaging for the jack sets.  All the labeling and packaging is done right there in the factory, in fact as Uible pointed out, the entire product is manufactured in the plant and made ready for distribution.

One of the most interesting rooms in the building was the braiding room.  Yard after yard of multicolored jump rope flowed from the dozen or more weaving machines.  To merely glance at the process, it would appear simple.  But to stop and study one machine in action changes your mind, for they are delicate, complex instruments.

We had almost forgotten that there was another large brick building across the street and a walk through it proved to be just as interesting.  There were many more machines making jacks, rubber balls, kickback paddles, and plastic jump rope.  Probably the most intriguing operation was the making of rubber balls, the factory's best-selling product.  Three people and three machines can turn huge chunks of synthetic rubber into 50,000 balls a day.  At full production 20,000 of these rubber balls can be painted in an eight-hour work shift.

We noticed as we continued through the plant that, just as in the other part of the factory, there were many women employes, and in each section there was usually one or two working.  The machines do most of the work but many of the toys, such as the pinwheels and jump ropes, require the feminine touch.

The really remarkable thing about the factory is that it doesn't take many workers to handle the massive production job.

The toy factory stays open year 'round for there is a constant demand for its particular type of toys.  Uible said that business is best the first four months of the year and feels that can be attributed to more people getting outside with the coming of warmer weather.  Like other manufacturers, Wells Manufacturing is not limited to the number and kind of toys it can produce.  Imagination is essential in the toy business.

In recent years, there has been much talk about the safety of many toys.  Uible commented that competition probably has much to do with marketing of unsafe toys.  For example the item which looks prettier, sells better.  One of the safety precautions which Wells is most concerned with is the use of non-leaded materials.

When George Wells of Dayton started the manufacturing why did he choose New Vienna for its location.  Why not the city?  Maybe he wanted to move away from the crowded city and the hundreds of industrial complexes sitting on top of each other.  Labor recruitment would be no problem for there weren't any big businesses in New Vienna.  And instead of drawing workers from all over who-knows-where, he was assured of dependable local help.

It worked for Wells as it as for so many other plants that establish themselves in small towns.  The atmosphere is right.  As Uible said, "I try to know the first names of all my employees."  The people look like they enjoy their work and it shows by the thousands of quality toys the factory turns out each day.