There are an plethora of emails in the files which have been ignored for awhile. Here's one Mom wrote in 1992:
From Uibles @db9565...
Sent: Tuesday, Oct. 01. 2002 2:15 PM
To: Family
Subject: Re: Morgans in NV
Dearest Family:
The Morgans called this morning from the airport getting there in plenty of time after spending the night with the John Uibles.
We were just ready to leave for my last therapy lesson
[after hip replacement in Dahlonega, Georgia during July reunion] and I hated to hang up on her but Dad was sure we'd be late. (We weren't cause I had to wait for Lisa for a few minutes admitting I hadn't been using my cane but she said I had been doing well, considering I had improved on each of the things she had been working with me on.)
Anyway the time went so fast when the Morgans were here and we didn't do all the things we had hoped to do while they were here. But they will have to come back with more ideas either for the next class reunion or before would be better.
Enjoy hearing from Roberta and Mary V. but their letters don't come often enough I've thought how much Serena would enjoy meeting the
[David?] Uibles when we get together with them a week from Saturday. So far we haven't been able to talk any one to go with us but the Buffalo farm should be interesting. Were any of you here when they were here before? It's not too late if she should decide to come, I'm sure.
We ran into the Walter Nichols at lunch today and they told us they have moved into the Cape May – they still have their house at Westbrook and stay overnight there so don't miss church there. Think we could commute from Sun City to New Vienna? We really aren't serious but glad they can work it out. Walter Nichols is the one that had the orchestra when the Hortons had their 50th anniversary and we recall some of the grandchildren being a "pest" to the orchestra. He was classmate of Mary Horton and Grandma always had to send him home.
We had a committee meeting last night – trying to buy 10 acres for a new church site, rather than rebuilding on the old site.
[Original church destroyed by lightning/fire in July 2002.]
* * * * *
From Roberta
[slightly abridged]
To Family
Sent October 1, 2002 8:19 PM
Re: Morgans in NV

Hi, thanks for the email Mom and Dad, WE are now the proud owners of a new-to-us double joyrider. Its a cross tandem. Looks like a golf cart but pedals. I saw an interesting bike shop on the way to the Peoria library when we went with the folks. Then Sid and I stopped there the other day on a whim and after three visits and test rides and doing some research on the web we brought it home today. Took it out for just a spin in the neighborhood and know we will enjoy using it.
[Something like this picture.]
We had had a big day. Alarms went off at 4am to get Shirley to the airport. She was plenty nervous so hope the flights went well for her.
Sid's doctor now wants him to have physical therapy twice a week for at least six weeks for walking, etc. Sure is great that you came through the PT in flying colors, Mom. Just don't do anything that might land you back on a hard -- or a soft surface.
I have to go to Kinko and blow up the activity calendar for work before tomorrow. Also it is right across from Costco. More later. Love, Roberta
* * * * *
From Don & MV
[slightly abridged]
To Family
Sent Tuesday Oct. 1, 2002 10:20 PM
Subject: Tuesday night
Welcome to Geneva, Donny's Mom, who has been added to the family list! Hopefully I've got ehr address correct and she will get this.
Good evening, and welcome home to the Morgans! Hope your trip home was uneventful and your stay in Ohio was good. Who picked you up at the airport? Was Weegie at the reunion as well? I can't say that I remember anybody from your class except Linda
[Eltzroth] Compton, who was my 5th grade teacher.
J.B., are you ready for your birthday? How old will you be this year? Is this #50??!!!
[not] What are you doing to celebrate -- maybe a trip to the Cloister? What are Kate and Andrew into besides the nutcracker and preschool at church?
Mother, glad to hear you are the star pupil with your P.T. Congratulations! Wish I could be there to see your progress but we will see you looking even better when you visit shortly. Did you folks say you would be here for Thanksgiving and stay through Valentines Day? I am trying to think of some projects that Dad can work on and there are several outside. Lots of trees to trim and landscaping that needs some maintenance – very different from our other yard!
RUK, what is this about Sid and P.T.? and what is the $5 bag thing – like a yard sale of what? Wish we could live in Sun City and enjoy all the Sunday concerts that sound excellent. Is there a website where we can see one of these tandems you just bought? I have never heard of such a thing!
Ginny is participating in the Missoula Children's theatre program this week. If you are not familiar with it, there are two (male/female) that go to "smaller cities who don't have a children's theatre program and produce a whole program in less than a week. This year the theme is "Tales of Hans Christian Andersen" and they are doing three of them. The idea is that everybody who shows up gets a part, as long as they have costume to fit you! Ginny asked to be one of the Assistant Directors (I thought for sure she would want the spotlight!) and got that part.
Christian is enjoying the time without her, I think! We played and watched videos this afternoon before hand bell rehearsal. We tried to play hide-n-go seek but he didn't want to hide or seek by himself so that kind of put a damper on that. He is VERY ANXIOUS for the new Veggie Tales movie to come out on Friday about Jonah and the Whale.
Love to all, MVUC
* * * * *
From Catherine
[also abridged]
To Family
Sent Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2002 9:51AM
Subject EDT to MST
Yes, we have returned from Ohio but our internal clocks have not yet totally adjusted from Eastern Daylight to Mountain Standard time. It was a long day yesterday but I didn't feel all that tired at work last night. Today may be a more tiring day as we woke up early and I need to work the whole 8 hours today!
Enjoyed our time in Ohio, thanks to the senior and junior Uibles for their hospitality, and the reunion activities. We stopped by to see Wendy on our way home from the airport, talked to Roberta on the phone and read the emails from MV, now all we need is communication from Serena to complete the family circle!
Love, C& G
* * * * *
From MV
To Family
Sent Thursday, Oct. 3, 2002 11:32 PM
Subject: Good night...
Just returned from our weekly pilgrimage to Vidalia to sing in the community choir and we are having a lot of fun doing that! Donny has moved from singing tenor to baritone (or bass) and I'm just having lots of fun getting to sing instead of directing. It is past my bedtime and wish all of you sweet dreams! Love, MVUC