Saturday, May 12, 2012

1942 Letter from Jean to her parents - January 9

In January 1942, Jean would have been 19, a sophomore in college at West Virginia University.  The stationery shows her address as 506 N. High Street, Morgantown, West Virginia.  According to the street view on Google Maps, this is part of the WVU-Downtown Campus and is on the corner of North High St. and Prospect Street.  Appears to be an older building, the front part of which has been turned into a canteen/lunch place, across the street are more modern university buildings.  Transcription follows.
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January 9, 1942
Dear Mother and Daddy,

I suppose you got my card and know I got here safely enough. It won't be long now 'til exams.  They begin a week from today and are over on the following Saturday, January 23rd.  Classes don't begin until January 28th, Thursday – so I might drop in again for a few days.  I can hardly believe I was home now it seems so long ago.

I haven't called the Langers [?] but plan to very soon.

We can pre-register again this year so I'm trying to work out a schedule.

I got your letter and the only thing I can think of that I left was my blue scarf on the bookcase (I believe).  Of course, I left those 2 pair of pajamas.

I tried to get Harriet a nightgown at the same place I got the other one but they only had size 40's.  I finally found another at the Quality Shoppe but it was only 34 so if she doesn't think that will fit I can exchange it.

I've already sent for Fortune so you'll just have to try it for a year.

We had a shower for Millie Ferrell (another Chi O) who plans to be married Jan. 24th.  She's from Spencer.  Virginia may know one of her sisters that were here a few years ago.  We had the shower at 12:00 and all the pledges and other Chi O's stayed all night.  They were all over the house 3 to a bed and the downstairs was full – looked something like the flood only they didn't even have cots.  Millie got some awfully nice things.  We (Mary Ann, Louise and I) gave her a pair of white kid gloves (short) and she seemed real pleased with them cause she had just written her mother to buy her a pair.  It was a personal shower so she got some lovely slips, gowns, panties, comb and brush set, cologne, soap, etc.

Bette Downs Barrister, the girl who got married during Christmas didn't have such a wonderful honeymoon.  They had a fine time in New York but on the way home he got pneumonia (not awfully bad), had to go to the hospital and have his leave extended for a week more.  So they really got to be with each other longer.  She didn't come back until Monday.

I just finished Moby Dick.  I didn't have to give a report on it 'til tomorrow.

Give my love to everyone and I do hope Blaine is much better - also that you are taking your medicine and I do mean REGULARLY.

Love, Jean

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