Thursday, October 07, 2010

Oct. 7, 1986,89-99 MV gets Somerset job

Dad's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Monday 1986 - [Philippines and Korea trip through 10/10/86]

Saturday 1989 - [to Kentucky, Roberta visiting] John arrived at 2:30 and we left for Lexington, KY to meet MV at the 5th Quarter [Lexington location appears to have closed in 1999, at one time this chain was a Shoney's concept restaurant], just east of Rt. 4 on US-27.  Nice place.  Lorraine and her Mother joined us – MV, John, Serena, Roberta, us, the Hortons and Grandma.  Then to Mall where MV worked.  We had room at the college for $28.

Sunday 1990 - MV called us, she got the job at the Somerset KY UMC.  We made four calls on behalf of the church tonight.

Monday 1991 - [Roberta visiting] Went to Dr. Moran, said I needed a size 13AA size shoe.  Jean and Roberta went to Cincy to meet Jeanne Sanker at a Kroger store deli "near" tri-county.   Serena joined them and they had quite a time.  Serena fell on the floor.  Getting new furnace at Mothers.  Administrative Board voted to rent parsonage for $500/month.

Wednesday 1992 - [Seattle to Far East Trip with Liggitts]

Thursday 1993 - [New England and Nova Scotia trip through 10/10/93]

Friday 1994 - We went to the play in Hillsboro at the Islen [Iden?] Center.  "The Art of Dining," Gretchen Huffman was in it.

Saturday 1995 - Jean had meeting in Columbus.  Got haircut, $6.  Greg has taken this job with the state with Vanessa.  She has been there 20 years.  Trimmed shrubbery at Wells.  Put out two trees at far end of College St, as well as 3 things in our back yard.  We went ⃞ dancing.  Caller was from Marietta.

Monday 1996 - Mothers Club at Ponderosa at noon.  Took the Donald Bernards, they are just back from Mediterranean cruise on the Marco Polo.  Bob Hodson spoke of his recollections of NV, he was with the bank for 30 years and this is their 50th anniversary.

Tuesday 1997 - Had Martha Freeland's granddaughters dissolution hearing (only 20 and her second dissolution).  Calling hour for Norman Brown, age 83.  Went to see Macbeth at Wilmington College, a long two hours.

Wednesday 1998 - Lions Club meeting, got home at 9:20.  Game warden spoke on animal rights, will be on the ballot.  Leon is getting his cataract surgery.  Took books to the library for the book sale.  Greg Betz called about Serena's address.

Thursday 1999 - [NYC for church event] Our group had walking tour of downtown NYC, took NR train to Staten Island Ferry, ended up about noon at World Trade Center, then we walked to Brooklyn Bridge.  We each got a sandwich – they were huge – should be for $7.25 each.  Had supper at Serendipity on E. 60th St.

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