Friday, March 29, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

1989 Wendy's Letter -March

[Easter 1989]

Dear Grandma & Grandpa,

How are you?  I'm fine.  At school we're doing reports for Science. Mine is on Mercury.  I can't wait until summer vacation because I get to see you two.  Isn't that narli?  We're going to the County Fair on Friday.  Joanna is coming to.  Its really hot here in Glendale.  Think of this letter as an Easter Card.


P.S. Write Back
P.P.S. Happy Easter
P.P.P.S. I miss you
P.P.P.P.S. Mom sends her love

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

1969 Catherine's Postcard -Mar.27

Delta Air Lines postcard - mailed 1969.  Caption: Delta's modern jet fleet includes the Douglas DC-8 FANJET . . . carries 135 passengers deluxe and jetourist . . . it is quieter take off and climbs faster with greater reserve of power.


Hi!  Well, here we are settled in the Town House room 425.  The zip code is 60605.  We walked down to Marshall Field's this afternoon.  We've met some real nice kids, here at the Hotel that is.  I forgot the alcohol.  We need kleenex and the Ultrabrite.

Love, Catherine

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

1949 Jean's Letter -Mar.29

[At Top:]  Ask Virginia if she remembers [Hotel Raymond] I'll never forget -?- after the lovely hotels we saw but I insisted on driving on to Fitchburg

Dearest Mother and Daddy,

It has been 80º here in the sun but the wind has made it seem cooler.  I put Catherine out of the porch for the first time and would have left her there longer but was afraid she wasn't dressed quite warm enough for too much cold air.  I also had every intention of taking her out this afternoon.   By the time I got myself dressed, she was so sound asleep, I didn't have the heart to waken her.  She did waken for a few minutes at 4:00 long enough to refuel for another short nap so I'm waiting for another call any minute.

Saturday morning I had my last appointment with Dr. Weir so I took Catherine with me.  He thought she had grown so much & was really a grand baby, etc. etc.

Because she loves to get dressed up so seldom, I decided to make the most of the day.  From the Doctors we went to the Main East Cleveland Library & caught Miss Miller & Miss Grout just before they left for the day.  She got quite sleepy there as she was so bundled up.  The air back to the car revived her though so we went on to North Branch.  Miss Stromfors had gone already but we saw Miss Britton and a girl who mends the books.  It was almost one o'clock by then; Catherine was getting hungrier so I fed her in the back room and really surprised Misses Frew and Hoffman when they came.

She really showed off for them – smiling & laughing and seemingly talking and we were invited to come again real soon – for tea at Main and sometime when they'd all be at North again.

The day was really full and Catherine made the most of it – being awake from 6:30 without any real nap until 5:30 that evening – then she slept – until 6:30 the next morning.

Yesterday Jean Keil Walker and Joe and their little 7 months old daughter, Carole, came over.  She's real cute – its hard to believe there is such a difference between them and only five months apart.  As yet, Carole has no teeth, but seems alot older than Janie, next door who is the same age.  Jean said Carole used to be on a 2 1/2 hour schedule (and to think I complain about every 3 or 3 1/2 hours) and never yet has Carole slept through the night – from six to six or something similar.

Katie is awake now and kicking on my lap as I write leaning over the arm of the chair.

No doubt you know by now that Mrs. McGonagle and Doris were here last Tuesday afternoon.  They called from down town & came right over in a taxi so I didn't have too much time to straighten things.  Catherine hadn't been fed & had just wakened so she was at her best while they were here.

Doris looked very good altho slightly worn from shopping.  She's not large at all but almost half way thru her 8th month.

The boats have begun to run again out on the lake and I saw a big one for the first time out on the water today.  The cranes also have started and everyone says when they are all running the noise is terrific.  They will soon all be going.

We are invited over to the First Baptist Church again by Dr. Phillips to see movies he took on his trip to Europe last summer.  That's this Friday night but we have declined – if we do go out at all it will be Saturday or Sunday to celebrate our anniversary.  The Andersons next door might look in on Catherine but they usually go out every Friday night.

Jeanne Campbell [Sanker] called today.  She may come over about Thursday.  Rosemary's mother is here from England – came about 6 weeks ago – no doubt to help afterwards with the baby – she's to be born April 2, 8:00 AM –Caesarian.

The way plans are now we will go to New Vienna first and come to New Cumberland probably on Thursday - April 14th and stay over Sunday (Easter 17th).  We plan to take alot of things that we won't be needing any longer down to New Vienna on this trip for there will be so many loads in June.

Harold's exams are the last week in May – finishing up on Friday or Saturday.  Then the following Friday (first in June) he has to be in Columbus for an intensive review course for the Bar.

Katie is still on my lap but beginning to want her midnight snack which is to last her till morning, I hope.  She is very wide awake though.

I made some blueberry muffins last week from the recipe on the Bisquick box.  I'd had a can of blueberries since last summer & now am trying to use up our surplus of things like that – also stationery.

If all goes well, you may be hearing from us from the Hotel Pennsylvania in St. Pete the next time – or maybe from our local Statler.

Love to all,
Jean, Harold
and Catherine

Monday, March 25, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Mar.24

Saturday pm –

Really had a big – full day – down to the civic plaza by 9:30 – we didn't care about the opening remarks by Gov. Babbitt.  All the sessions that we went to were good – but we didn't go to the $15 lunch – instead walked 2 blocks – to Arby's – where both of us ate for under $4!!  Then we came back early & went to all the rooms gathering info – you know my style.

There was also an arts & crafts show – either you paid $2 each to get in – or if you were a dealer it was for free – all I did was go up say I was w/ D& B Ace H'ware – they typed me up a name tag & I asked for one for my guest Marion – we both got in free.

There were lots of booths – Whatever – mostly wholesalers – again – more free literature – etc. – We need a tax # –––

It's been a busy week – did I tell you we are taking the CPR course – Red Cross – but through Scottsdale Schools – 2nd part will be this Monday night – from 6:30-9:30 pm

Mary Greene comes tomorrow for 1 week – her sister works at Grand Canyon – so she will be up there part of the time.

I finally wrote N.V. Bank for a reference – so I can get a check cashing card out here – crazy to have an account (checking) when it's next to impossible to get a check cashed.

Jayson (from work) came over Thursday night – moved the light over at top of hall way – so we can move hall tree the way Marion wanted it.

Today was a beautiful warm (high 70s) day –

Gotta go – going to study GRE for awhile ––


Sunday, March 24, 2019

1979 Jean's Family Letter -Mar.26

Monday morning
March 26, 1979
Dearest Family –

We have had a busy weekend but do want to get a letter off to you all before too long so that it won't be such a long time since you have heard from us.

Glad that your gum operations are all in the past, Catherine and have no more problems in that direction.  It was so good talking to you on the phone Wednesday and wish we had been able to help Wendy celebrate her 1 1/2 birthday – hardly seems possible.  We have been sharing pictures of all of you lately that were taken in December and January and that's the next best thing to a real visit almost (telephone helps so much too).

Ruth called yesterday and said how happy she had been to get to talk to you, Roberta and was relaying your message to us.  She is coming along real well – for you others' information she got home Thursday and hopefully will not need an operation before June when she is to have some surgery.  She is on a strict diet and allowed only 800 calories a day but seems to be satisfied by it – hasn't lost any weight yet but is not craving water as in the past which just seemed to wash the potassium from her system.

Elizabeth Johnson just left after spending two nights here – we invited her in to hear (and see) Ed Perry and the quartet he is in that sang at the church Saturday nite and Sunday morning.  Yesterday was the beginning of the New Life Mission that the Methodist churches are having this week.  (Anything like that in Mesa or Madras or Denver?)  We have a minister form Defiance who is really a good speaker – he spoke twice yesterday and each evening through Thursday plus each morning a Bible study.  We had another visiting quartet group from Dayton and hope to have as good or better attendance the rest of the week as last night.

The weather was so beautiful for a few days but have had winter back again with snow flurries and its to get to the 20's tonight.  Dad is trying to get things ready for Grandma but the plumber has to make some minor repairs – hate to have her pipes freeze now – she plans to come home Thursday the 5th.  The Hortons are going to the Masters Tournament at Auburn (?) GA and visit Cris and Marita on the weekend before so Grandma is coming earlier for that reason.

Debbie Haines call you Serena or rather wanted your address if you weren't coming home for spring break.  She is working at Clinton Memorial Hospital as a nurse's aid to see what type of health related field she would like.

[Love, etc.]

Saturday, March 23, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Mar.26

March 26, 1979
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Sorry I didn't get a letter off last week.  It was a pretty busy week with Le Leche on Wednesday morning and then Thursday morning I went to a babysitting co-op meeting as you may recall Mother, had been originally scheduled for that snowy day in January.  On Friday I had to do quite a bit of work around the apartments in preparation for our inspection on Saturday.

As for the inspection . . . .  It went OK I guess.  Sandi checked our files to make sure I was doing all of the paperwork correctly, then she checked the grounds and one of our vacant apartments.  She said I should get some paper sleeves to put around the curtains in the vacant apartments to hold the pleasts in place.  That was her only suggestion.  Her husband tried to change the lock on the laundry room door but it still wasn't right.  It is supposed to be fixed so that each tenant's apartment key also opens the laundry room.  Right now only the master key and laundry room key fit so that I have to open it every morning and lock it at night.  I have the hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. so I don't have to stay up all night while someone does there laundry.  Anyway this new lock was so that all the apartment keys fit it but it didn't relock automatically after the key was taken out which is what they want.  Sandi had told us they would be here early in the morning so as not to interfere with any other plans we might have.  I was to help at the church to prepare a Chinese dinner to be served after church on Sunday and Gerry was to play golf.  However, they didn't arrive until 1:30.  I went to the church late and was able to help for an hour or so but Gerry passed up his golf to stay home with Wendy.  He didn't think he would have time to play enough to make it worthwhile.

Saturday night we used our new babysitter, Darcy, and went to the Elks for a crab & shrimp dinner and then stayed for the dance.  Darcy seemed to do fine she said Wendy only cried for about one minute after we left and went to bed without any fuss.  This coming Friday I think we are going to dinner at Kah-nee-ta with Ron & Georgette but Darcy's family is going away so I have to find a different babysitter.  Wednesday night this week is the monthly Elks birthday dinner but we can take Wendy to that.

Wendy did fine in the church nursery yesterday and after church she really enjoys running around with all the other kids.  She found out she could stand on the air vent and she thought it was nifty when her dress ballooned out around her.  One of the older girls thought that was real cute and Wendy soon had a big audience.  One child told me that Wendy looked pregnant!

Last week I fixed chicken kiev Mexican style from a recipe in the March issue of Sunset.  We really liked it.  I'd say it is one of our best dinners ever.  It sounded like it would be kind of difficult to make but I didn't have any trouble.  The nicest part is that it needs to be fixed ahead of time and then refrigerated before baking so it would be a good company meal.  Wendy is getting so she likes to eat whatever we eat – Saturday she ate pizza and yesterday she gobbled up quiche.  I used almost the last of the swiss cheese you brought out in the quiche.  The other cheese has been gone for quite awhile.

This morning I finally got our income taxes done.  We had to file both California and Oregon returns as well as the federal forms.  Due to Gerry's unemployment during the summer our taxes weren't as high as they would have been.  Usually we like to have it so we don't get a refund since we would rather have the money throughout the year instead of having the government hold it for us.  But this year we will be getting some money back.  I doubt that will be the case in 1979 since we will have to pay taxes on what we make from this apartment deal and they don't take any tax money out of it at all, just social security.

I overheard the librarian telling someone that she might be going to retire next year since her husband will be retiring from his teaching.  I am in hopes of talking to her about it to find out if they have anyone else in mind for the job or if I could be considered.  I sure would like to have the job.

Well, it is time to get lunch ready.

Catherine Gerry
& Wendy

Friday, March 22, 2019

1979 Roberta's Postcard to John -Mar.21

[postmarked 21 March 1979]
Hi, John–

I'm in the $ (just a temporary deal!) got my income tax $ back – did I tell you I did it myself this year?  The state I owe (how!) but I don't plan to send it in till April 16th.

You'll never believe what I bought – a pair of roller skates – they look like track shoes – but then they have wheels – neat!  I got out on them Sunday – fell three times!!

Haven't heard word #1 from ASU – what have you heard from job places?

Guess where we ate last night – Picadilly – even tho I'm in the $ (temporary!)

Hi to Carol ––

Love, Berta

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Mar.20

Written on the envelope:  Gas is now 76.9 premium here!
Tuesday AM


Seems we have winter all over again – rain – cold & windy – no weather for Buffy or for a Honda Express!!

Last night Marion & I went for the 1st part of a 2 part CPR course – put on by Red Cross – quite good – we got to practice on dummies – have to give compressions – plus breath – it's really a neat thing though – once you get the system down.

You will never believe what I bought on Sunday –  I did tell you all that I got my federal income tax $ back – didn't I – so guess what I bought – a pair of shoe skates – they look like a pair of track shoes but then have the roller skates – (wheels) under them – I got out on the side walk & tried them at home which worked out fine – then when we went down to the nursing home – I took them w/ me – but the side walks down there are very crooked – so it didn't work out all that great!  I almost fell – 3 times!!

Last night in the mail had an official letter from GRE – sure looked like GRE scores from 1st test – but only turned out to be admittance slip for next test – 28th April.

If you still have the sample test – you might send it down to G'ma – Oh!  I've bought G'ma a special pillow – especially designed for people who sit in wheelchairs – we bought Angus one – she says it really makes a difference.  I'll just send it to New Vienna – We got them at a hospital supply place – Where Marion got a cushion & back deal for herself – now she can sit in the furniture downstairs.

Was good to talk to you all on Saturday – I did call up Ruth – will give her another brief call sometimes this week –

Oh!  please send me Morgans – also Serena's address ––

This week we are getting by on 1 car – I've loaned the truck to the couple (you all didn't meet them) from Spark NV – retired – she taught in Newton high school for 30 years – anyway – husband had a heart attack (but now home!) & their car had to have ring job done on it – so Marion is dropping me off early (7:00 AM) for work – thought I might be able to use bike but then just bad weather –

We'll get the truck back on Thursday –

Ok – gotta go!

Love, Berta

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Mar.17

March 17, 1979
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  thanks for your most recent letter which arrived on Thursday.  I wasn't able to get any letters written Thursday evening while Gerry was at the Elks because I had to go to a meeting on Tenant Rights which was sponsored by the County Extension office.  There weren't many tenants there though, mostly landlords and managers like us but still quite interesting.  Most of things we had heard before when we went to Eugene and are also covered in our notebook but nice to hear some other viewpoints.  The woman who gave the talk was a lawyer.

Sandi (from Chambers) is coming to see us next weekend and bring us the filing cabinet.  She seems to think we are doing an OK job so far so we'll see what she has to say when she actually sees the place.  The last time she was here was early in January when she interviewed us for the job.  We have all of the one bedroom apartments rented now and five of the two bedrooms.  That leaves us with nine of the two's yet to go.  By the time we get them all rented people will probably start moving out and we'll have some turn-over.

I just finished reading Small Town by Sloan Wilson.  It was pretty good so now I am reading The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit also by him.  Also I'm reading a book from the church called China – Search for Community by Whitehead.  They got ten copies and everyone is passing them around in preparation for someone who is coming to give us a series of talks on China.  Evidently there is quite a bit of controversy over this book due to the fact that the author thinks that the Chinese have a very Christian-like society without being Christian as opposed to the U.S.

Wendy has rebounded back to her healthy self.  Her appetite increased quite a bit for the past few days and she has regained all the weight she lost.  Her being sick has made a tremendous difference on her going to sleep at night.  Now at bedtime she lays down with her doll and doesn't cry or anything.  Occasionally she will come back out to the living room after I have put her down but we just tell her to go back to bed and she does.

Twice this past week I left Wendy over at Joan's.  On Wednesday I had the other side of my gum taken care of.  It has given me a little more trouble being sore but not bad.  I've just taken some aspirin.  I go back next Wednesday to have the stitches taken out.  Yesterday I got my hair cut -- just a trim actually -- It is still pretty curly.  The hairdresser said I could probably get it cut in another 6-8 weeks and then get another permanent 6-8 weeks after that.

Tonight we are going to a prime rib dinner at the Elks and the dance afterwards.  Our regular babysitter couldn't come as her boyfriend is home from the army and two other girls I called were also busy so we are taking Wendy over to Joan's and we'll see how that works.  I did get the names of two more babysitter's who live in the neighborhood so I'll have more options the next time if taking her to Joan's in the evening doesn't work very well.

Well, Wendy just woke up from her nap and Gerry will be home soon for lunch so I better get a move on.  I got a letter from Roberta a few days ago and she said she would be sending those pictures from John soon so I may get them yet.  That reminds me I also got a package this week from Alice Symons (Fisher).  She sent Wendy a real cute piggy bank that she made herself.  She said she had been working on it since before Wendy was born.  At least it was nothing to worry about her outgrowing.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Monday, March 18, 2019

1989 Roberta's postcard -Mar.16

[postmarked 16 Mar 1989]

Hi!  My plane left PHX 1/2 hour late but the plane out of Houston got here 15 minutes ahead of time!  G'ma & I got out to the ocean today – then a church supper tonight!  Lots of tourists here – can't say that I blame them!  Did you hear Cris/Angela had a boy – Wil Andrew!  We are going to gallery that Joe's in here – Hope your Atlanta trip was a good one.

Love, Roberta

Sunday, March 17, 2019

1949 Calvin Smith letter -Mar.14

2258 Bryden
14 March 1949
Dear Jean, Harold, and Catherine,

It was such wonderful news which the little card brought to me when it announced the new arrival in the Uible family; and it made me very, very happy -- both to be a pseudo-uncle and to know that your joy must be overflowing.  Congratulations to the parents and the new little Clevelander!  (Regarding the piggy bank, I was afraid for awhile that Catherine would be graduating from high school before I sent her gift; but one day I decided that I had waited long enough for even me, the Great Procrastinator.  I hope she will make use of this little animal constantly, though I doubt that her source of income will be the Cincinnati Enquirer).

Before I forget it, too -- I thoroughly enjoyed the letter I received from Papa a week or so ago, since I know it took a part of some very precious time to write it.  Mrs. Stith is still most willing to rent you a room; and the quality of the room will depend on how many students she gets who plan to stay all summer.  Of course, they have priority since they will be here longer.  However, since there are not too many who go to summer school, I doubt there will be much difficulty on that score.  I asked our business manager about your eating at the Refectory; you may do so, but it will have to be on the individual meal basis -- 40¢ for breakfast, 60¢ for lunch, and $1 for dinner.  If you decided these are good enough prices you may take your meals at Cap (food guaranteed to be much better during the summer than during the winter!).  I'm looking forward to your being here in June; and provided I can find a job for the summer, I shall be around to welcome you.

I'm extremely glad to hear, Jean, that your husband is proving himself such a good father.  Although some years ago I didn't realize that was one of his great potentialities I had every faith in him that he would rise to the occasion.

Incidentally, Catherine is to be congratulated upon a very wise choice of parents.  -- And how do you find the task of being a mother, Jean?  Of course it is ten times more interesting than any other occupation in the world, I should think; any sleepless nights yet?  Or will the sleepless nights come when she gets to be sixteen or so?

Work is progressing -- I shan't say satisfactorily -- but is progressing here at school.  The big thorn in my flesh this semester (even including Latin! -- under Miss Young's old prof) is the yearbook.  It is the sort of task in which one has to depend upon the faithfulness of a lot of unfaithful people; and I must admit it is turning me into a dour cynic as regards human nature.  Our photographer -- a most important link in the chain of production -- consistently fails to come through on time; and I have always the feeling of beating my head against a wall.  During the early part of the year, this frustration was threatening to do me permanent injury, but now I have regained a somewhat even keel and blithely go about my futile job with something akin to resignation.  The studies are negligible, since I'm carrying only 14 hours this semester;  all the studying I do is done in, I suppose three hours per day.  The hours I spend in the Capitalian office, however, are almost innumerable. 

You may be surprised to know that I am now possessed of an automobile, Harold; it's a fairly respectable '38 Dodge which my brother and father purchased for me a couple of months ago.  It had been owned by only one person -- an old woman; the 50,000 miles registered on the speedometer I take to be a fairly accurate count of the mileage, and the old trap works beautifully.  Of course, I'm finding it expensive -- but the time saved and the general satisfaction is wonderful!  It's a single-seater coupe like yours.  Even with the car, though, I don't get home often because of working on the yearbook; but I do plan to go down this coming weekend.  I, too, am looking forward to spring vacation and seeing you; it will be very good to see you once again.  We get off the 8th to the 18th, but I shall be home only from about the 13th or 14th, if I make it then.  I hope you'll be there about then.

I must now return to school for dinner, so I'll close with another Congratulations to you three.  Drop me a line if the opportunity every presents itself; be assured it gives me a great deal of pleasure to hear from you.

"Uncle" Calvin

Saturday, March 16, 2019

1969 To & From Catherine -Mar.13,17

Dear Catherine:

Our last letters crossed in the mail, and this will probably happen again.  Anyway, we cannot come up this next Thursday, which would leave Sat. for us.  If you can come on the bus we would be glad to meet you in say Dayton, Columbus or Cincinnati.  We are planning to go to Chicago over Easter and will take things up to K in June as you mention.  We will get the gears on the bike fixed in interim.

Mares has been here since Wed. and starts back to school next Mon.  She is working at a Girl Scout camp near Chattanooga, Tenn. this summer.  Joe has been accepted for the Peace Corps in Africa.  MV and "her dog" are getting along fine, he had his first shot last night.

Good luck next week, we are looking forward to seeing you and have tentative dental appt. for you.  Dad.

* * * * *

Hi!  It's been a lovely day which I enjoyed thoroughly by goofing off.  However, it is now down to 13 hours until my history exam and right after that is the German.  So I'm off to the library for some last minute cramming!  Actually, I don't believe in cramming so I am just going to review a little bit and hope alot.

I think my bus gets in Columbus at 8:10 PM Friday night.  I think that is too late to get a bus to Wilmington but if it isn't I will gladly ride on to Wilmington.  Or there is another bus I could get which would arrive in Dayton at 10:45.  I am assuming that Columbus is a more convenient time.  If not, let me know as soon as possible.  I'll probably be going to Bob's house sometime Thursday.  The psych exam is Wednesday afternoon and then I'm off for four months of vacation!

Love, Catherine

Thursday, March 14, 2019

1979 GHU Letter to John -Mar.11

Joe Horton notecard: Baker's Cart – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

March 11th [1979?]
Dear John –

We enjoyed your letter & your application letter for a job was very well written & do wish you success in whatever comes forth for you.  A person has to start some place & then decide as time goes along about the future.

With all the Hortons near for a couple of months it seems as if we have been busy either going to or cooking for a Birthday or something.

The past week we were at the W.P.B. Aud. three times.  Aunt Mary & I attended the Welk (in person) program, the "Hungarian concert."  Their costumes were beautiful & the music & dances interesting but very much the same all through the concert.  Also then Fri. night a very interesting program given by local singers.  They have a very good singing group.  Also a Barber Shop Quartet.  A guest quartet was from Washington state.

Aunt Mary & I hope to go to the Palm Beach play House next week to see the "Miracle Worker" Helen Keller's Life.  The teacher part is played by Melissa Gilbert who is the blind girl in "Little House on the Prairie."  I am very fond of her acting.

Uncle Bill still talks about when he retires but so far he still goes to work & complains about the money he pays out for taxes.  As you know this is tax time again.

We have been going to the church each Wed. evening for dinner, you can't eat out anywhere else for $2.00 & get a big meal.

Rob. goes to his school work faithfully each morning about 7:45 & home by 3:15.  His school is out on Congress.  He & his girl friend are together every day, too often I think.  At the present she has a job & they think marriage is in the future.  I believe you met Kim.  He says they ca't live on his salary as yet.  I believe your folks were to be in Col. this week end.  So you may see them.

Love, Grandma

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -March?

Wednesday AM

At work – just found the enclosed by the copy machine – in the waste basket – thought you might find them interesting, Dad.

Dorothy Stubbs & husband went to Kansas for about 2 weeks – her mother is seriously ill – also Rich's father sick – last night we had Dorcas & Chris over for supper – Marion commented Chris on his clean glasses for you – Mary Virginia.  We had pizza from Pizza Hut – w/ $2 off coupon – 4 people can eat for less than $4 dollars – just cheaper than Wednesday night at the church – which – again tonight will be $1.50 again – as going to have pork roast dinner – some evangelist has been there – MARY WEBSTER – if you know the name.

My plans for summer are not definite – Should I be required to take 12 hours – at school – undergraduate courses – then I'd probably stay here & get them – It would be easier to get them here.  If thats not the case – and I do go to school in the fall – I'd probably quit here – in June – (1st part) would be interested in coming to New Vienna for the summer – if there would be employment.

Marion's brother-in-law Marland has been offered big job in Oak Ridge Tenn. – head of new company – for the same company he works for now.  I'd think it would be neat to be close to Grand Old Opry – see Charlie Pride – all the big ones.

Tomorrow night Sally is coming over for supper this time creamed chicken – wish  you were here to debone it Mary – then Sally will be helping me w/ math – which I sure need the help in – giving her supper is good price for being tutored!!

Oh!  Doreen thought Mesa High was a good idea, Mary!

Where are the pictures I heard about?  J.B. sent me a letter – w/ picture of him & Morgans taken on his tour.

Gotta go –


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -March 9

Friday AM
Good Morning!

Just filled up the envelope & went to seal it – w/out even a note –

I'm sure glad it's Friday – has been a busy week at work – then I've been keeping w/ the GRE – plus this week we've had beautiful weather – Marion has sure been using the bike after school for her running-around.

Oh!  Wednesday afternoon she took Mr. Williams shopping – he wanted to get a new pair of pants – Penny's had them on sale – $11.99 – but guess he thought that was a terrible price – tho he did buy 2 pairs – plus 2 pair of P..J.'s – one hat – 6 pairs of socks – He had never been to Tri-City Mall – he said for 3 years plus ! !

Monday night we are to go to this refinishing furniture clinic – I can just see me do that now –

Sally helped me last night w/ Math – Mary – she also teaches geometry – so would be able to tutor you –

Country Club Road opened up this past week – but the official word is out that it will soon be flooded out – as they are going to have to release more water.

Got a nice letter from JB – w/ pictures – I'm to send them on to Morgans – I do want to get some reprints of them –

How is Ruth?  I tried to call her yesterday – guess she has no phone in her room – would get more rest that way!!

The WIZ was real good – we took Doreen – she had only seen a high school play – she thought it was quite something!


Monday, March 11, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -March 8

Thursday evening
March 8, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  glad to get your letter on Monday and to talk to you on Tuesday, Mother.  Maybe I will call you again in the next few days to give you a progress report on Wendy.  We were pretty worried about her on Thursday as she had lost four pounds and wasn't able to keep anything down at all.  Yesterday I offered her everything I could think of including tongue and hot dogs (her favorites) and she did pick at them a little.  Today she ate a little better but she also started vomiting again.  Probably I shouldn't have gone back to milk so soon.  At any rate she was much fussier today so that is probably a good sign.  Although her constant fussing is about enough to drive me up the wall.  She is sleeping more though so I do get some peace.  We were certainly glad that she had a few extra pounds to shed.

We now have nine apartments rented with more to be taken between now and the 15th.  That will be nine of the 1 bedrooms and 3 of the 2's.  No, I guess we have four 2's so that must make 14 apartments taken including ours.  We've been running a big ad in the Madras paper as well as a small ad in the Bend paper.  After this week though we just will have a small ad in the local paper.  The first two bedroom unit that we rented after the people moved in they discovered they had no hot water in the bathroom and the heat didn't work in one of the bedrooms so we had our first problems.  The plumber wasn't able to come and check on it but he suggested for me to check some things and it turned out that their bathroom pipes were connected to the water heater in the apartment below them.  so he has to come and remedy that as well as a few other minor things we have found.  The electrician found a broken wire in the thermostat to solve the heat problem.

It has been beautiful here this week.  Tuesday it was cloudy but the temperature got up to 67.  Yesterday and today were only in the 50's but clear and sunny.  I only took Wendy out for a few minutes until today we went to Beth's to see how she was doing.  We are in hopes that this spring weather will last through the weekend anyway.  Gerry would like to play golf on Sunday.  Saturday we are going down to Bend to do a little shopping and to look for a desk.  Tomorrow night we are having Ron and Georgette over for dinner – featuring one of our Mexican specialties – chicken enchiladas.

Next Wednesday I go to the dentist to have the other side of my mouth taken care of.  Joan is going to babysit for Wendy.  A lady from the state health dept. came this week to look at Shade [Joan's blind daughter, about Wendy's age] (she comes once a month from Salem) and said she is really making progress: she can get up on her hands and knees now and sort of creeps along.  Plus she is doing lots better playing with different toys that they have supplies for her.  They gave her her first braille book.

Gerry is getting busier at work now that the weather is better.  That makes his days go by faster and he seems to have more energy when he comes home.  I think just sitting all day and trying to make up things to do is more tiring than being busy.

Say "hello" to everyone for us.  Is Ruth doing any better?  Mary Virginia isn't doing too well writing us letters this year.  In fact, she and DeeDee must be related.  We never hear from either one of them!  Well, I'll be calling again soon.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

Sunday, March 10, 2019

1949 Jean's Letter -March 8

Dearest Mother & Daddy,

We received your long letter after the phone call & are looking forward to seeing you next weekend.  Thursday we are to go to see Dr. Bowan for Katie's 6 wks checkup.  I hope all is OK & nothing prevents our coming.

Katie has a slight breaking out on her face which doesn't want to clear up – don't know whether its due to her orange juice or what.  Other than that, she's fine.

Ruth Krickbaum called Saturday night.  She's been teaching in Maumee, Ohio & was visiting Jeanne & Ellen over the weekend.  She came over yesterday (Sunday) morning & had breakfast with us.  Katie got off schedule some how when she wouldn't eat at 8:30 AM & would only take enough to last her about an hour from then on.  Then was up continually from about 5:30 PM to 1:30 AM this morning insisting on everything I had and three bottles – first bottles she's had with the exception of her lone nightly one for a long time.

I think Ruth thought we hadn't been feeding her for weeks but we had her out in her carriage for about 1/2 -3/4 hour Sat. morning.  It may have affected her appetite.

The Franklin Circle Christian Church (where Mr. Hoke Dickinson is) called to say that they would be playing the chimes for Catherine yesterday morning.  The first Sunday of every month they do this for all the new babies, announcing the ones that have arrived, etc.  We had wanted to get up there – either in the car, or if weather permitted to take Katie in her carriage and sit outside – or even just one of us be inside but Ruth came about 10:00 so we didn't get there.

We are glad to hear that the Doctor in New York was so encouraging.  Will Bob be going there for the operation if he recommends it?

It snowed off & on all day yesterday but today looks like a pretty spring day with the sun so bright altho I think it quite cold.  We hope good weather is with us over the weekend.

Mrs. McGonagle called last week.  Did you hear about Jack Greewell going to Sharon, much better position, etc.  I had Katie on my lap & finally had to hang up for she had a huge bowel movement which even included the chair – was most of the rest of the day cleaning it up.  she's waking now.  See you soon.

Love, Jean & Harold

Saturday, March 09, 2019

1979 Roberta's Postcards -March

[postmarked Mar 7 1979]
Tuesday AM

[To Uibles:]
We spent the whole weekend on the go – studied GRE the short while we were home.  K-Mart had files (4-drawer) advertised so we went to "our" K-mart – also Tempe's – all sold out – came home called East Mesa's one – they had 1 beige one left $54 – usually $89 – good buy!  I sold the 10-speed bike  got $50 out of it – what I asked for it – put that $ toward the file.  Jo Pittman – Maria's ex-friend from Ill – bought bike – Dorothy actually sold it through Mesa school employee pages.

Also got a cabinet for sewing machine – got floor model so had few scratches on it – got $30 knocked off price –picked up bikes last night – baskets sure are nice – we had to pay $5 for the guy to install basket & turning signals – he said it took him 3 hours – that was well worth it –

Good to talk to you all on Sunday – suppose to be in 80's today!  Did you all take GRE test?  Should take it under better conditions – all at 1 time!

Love, Berta

[postmarked 7 Mar 1979]

[To John:]

Hi, John – Good to get your letter & pictures – good ones –

I've signed up to take GRE again – am really studying the vocab part – did you take the test?  Will take it again 28 April – in Tempe –

Julia Soloman [?] is to come 13-21st of April.  Same tame as I.T. – not perfect planning.

Your job opportunities sound interesting – my summer plans are in the air – perhaps New Vienna if I do go to school in fall & if there is work there for me – Farm is out – esp. with you not there but what about the T-shirts?

Up in mid 80s – riding the Hondas lots – got baskets & turning lights on them!


Friday, March 08, 2019

1969 Roberta's postcards to GHU -March

MOTEL ALLENWOOD postcard -mailed 1969
Caption: R.D. 1, Wescosville, PA 18090.  Located at junction of U.S. 22 & 309 just 3 miles west of Allentown, Pa.  1/2 mile east of Turnpike Lehigh Valley Exit No. 33.  Air-conditioned and heat by individual thermostats.  Wall-to-wall carpeted.  TV and phones in rooms.
[March 1969]
Hi!  We're here for the night.

It sure is snowing – alot of snow already on the ground.

Will write later.  Hope everyone is fine.  Love, Roberta

FLAGSHIP RESTAURANT postcard -mailed 1969
Caption: 951 Maine Ave., S.W.  Washington 24, D.C.  Air-Conditioned - 500 Seats.  All meals cooked to order, by a staff of the best trained sea food chefs in America.  Steaks and chicken also served.  World-famous for fine Sea-lected foods.  Six dining areas.  The Flagship Room show has a built-in boat, on which you may dine.  One of Washington's Oldest Waterfront Restaurants
[postmarked 7 Mar 1969]

Am eating here with a friend of mothers.

Fancy names for plain food here.  Mostly sea-fish.  Go to FBI tomorrow.

Love, Roberta

Thursday, March 07, 2019

1969 Marianne's Letter -Mar.5

March 5, 1969
Dear "Uibles,"

For spring break, I'm escaping this warm climate for a week of cold weather.  Doesn't make sense does it?  Ha.  How would you all like to have a visitor for a couple of days?  Well, I'm leaving Sat. morning with a sorority sister of mine, her cousin, and his roommate, and will arrive in Cindy Sunday sometime.  Joe would like me to stay in Cincy until Wednesday morning and then take his car to New Vienna to see you all.  This would be March 12th, to get the dates correct.  I thought I might stay until Friday morning, if you don't mind an "extra."  Ha.  I'll probably call from Cincy the Monday or Tuesday before if they're any changes in plans.  If your plans don't coincide with this drop Joe a card in Cincy.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.  I hear from Catherine some, but not a lot, she seems to be "gone over" some certain person.  Ha.  Remember that oath I signed seven years ago.  It still holds true.  Ha.

College is keeping me pretty busy along with my teaching.  Tuesday and Thursday, I teach Reading and related arts at Lime Street Elementary here in Lakeland.  First grade even – my favorite.  Wednesday & Friday, I tutor 5 negro boys at Rochelle Elementary – a negro school.  I think by teaching in different places and people, (that think they're different from me) – might just make me a better teacher.  I've also been working at the juvenile center here in Lakeland, but I don't think being a psychologist is my call.  I'll probably minor in it!  Ha.

Six more weeks and college will be over for this semester.  I plan to work in Chattanooga this summer as a Unit Counselor.  I'll only get about $25 - for 8 weeks, but it will be fun too.  I have a four month vacation anyway.  Ha.

Hope to see you all next week.   If your plans for the week are pre-arranged then I can stay and "bother" Joe.  I'll be calling to find out.


Wednesday, March 06, 2019

1989 Catherine's Fax -Mar.3

Friday, March 3, 1989 1:20 PM

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  What's new in New Vienna?  Thanks for your letter to us and also the one to Wendy.  She is quite excited about the possibility of the Elder Hostel program.  Although just the trip to Ohio sounds pretty exciting to her.

Wendy got her first roll of pictures back that she took with the camera she got for Christmas.  Actually the very first roll didn't come out as we loaded the camera wrong but anyway this roll came out quite well.  I'll have her send some of the pictures off to you in the near future.

Sorry I missed getting a Fax off to you the last few weeks.  I have worked both of the last two weekends which means I was off on Friday.  Tonight is the B.R.A.T. Pack [Books, Reading and Talking, 4th-6th graders] sleepover so we're all spending the night at the library.  We have 23 kids signed up.  12 boys and 11 girls.   There will be six adults here.  We have some games lined up and also two videos.  Last years sleepover went fine so hopefully this one will go just as well.

Next weekend we are planning to go to a baseball game (one of the spring training games).  I think we're going to see San Diego vs. Seattle.  They play in Tempe.  That is Seattle has their training in Tempe.  San Diego is headquartered in Yuma for spring training.

I took the video copy of myself on television over to Roberta's.  She said she would copy it on the tape she did of Wendy's Pioneer Girls visiting Senior Village.

I could use that Clifford book probably.  I haven't seen that particular one in the large size.

What's the latest on whether you will also be heading west, Mother?  Of course you are welcome anytime!  We are hoping to be able to visit Dad on one of his Arizona stops.

Wendy is looking forward to her spring break during the last week of March.

Well, I need to get home and eat my lunch now . . . .

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

1989 MV's Letter -Mar.1


Mom and Dad –

Here's a copy of the report; I also made a copy and sent to Ellen Cragl [?].  Had a really nice birthday – I told you about the flowers, and my friend from N. Jersey threw a big party for me.  Got over 40 cards – it was like Agape or a walk.  It was a really nice day.

Hope Dad is feeling better; I remember last year he had a bad cold.  Thanks for playing happy birthday for me.

Mary Va.

Monday, March 04, 2019

1989 Roberta's Letter -Mar.1

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings from the Juror's Waiting Room – it's now 10:30 and so far just the parking tickets have been validated!  Going to be a slow paced day!

Thanks for your letter w/ Dad's schedule [probably for the cross country bike ride] & what a schedule!  Now that will be a fast pace!

This weekend there is a HUGE fund-raiser at Glencroft – the Nursing home / retirement area near the Morgans.  I've volunteered to help drive a Van between the Junior College & the big doings there.  My shift is from 4:00 to 9:30 pm on Friday.  Sid will hold the fort down at Sr. Village while I'm volunteering.

Have you talked to Miss Wendy about our trek up South Mountain?  It was quite an experience – and quite an accomplishment!  I heard on the news that out of the 6,500 estimated people that attempted – less than 75% made it to the top!  I never had any doubt that we would not make it!  Now Wendy has the challenge of collecting the $!

It's sure turned cold in Florida – hope it will be warm when I'm there!

Miss Wendy did tell me all about the Elder-hostel trip w/ you all – She sure sounded excited about it!

When is the trip – and when will Grandma's birthday celebration be held?  I could try to come and be there part of the time you folks are gone.  Joe Horton also is interested in when the celebration will be – – It's best for me to be gone middle of the month – but could be gone till about the 28th!  Wendy asked be about flying on the same flight as long as I didn't act like I knew her!  She also asked me if I was going to keep my arrival a secret – but I told her not this year!

The talk shows are on in the waiting room – Sally Jesse Rafael w/ missing persons – rather those looking for a missing person.  Then/There is a psychic who is telling where the missing persons are – not a real controversial show – –

We ate at a Korean restaurant lat night – they had a 2 for 1 coupon in the paper.

I just cleaned out my purse – couldn't find the envelopes but did find the Church bulletin & hand out we got last week (Quaker) the church is about to – or rather is in the process of selecting a new minister.  Next week – the men's quartet will be coming from the trailer park you all stayed in – – Did you see what opening song was in bulletin – Something from Disney (? or is it?) It's a Small World!

Did you talk to Mary Virginia yesterday?  We did get a card out & hopefully she got it by yesterday!

Last Thursday was a fund raiser in Scottsdale for the Foundation for Senior Living – held at a very posh Apartment for Senior Citizens ($1500 per month for small Apt. w/ noon meal) & up depending upon bigger apartment & optional breakfast/supper meals.  The place does have a very nice VAN & 2 Lincoln Tour Cars!  It was a 2:00 pm English high tea & fashion show.  This benefit was to help put $ in Adult Day Health Care – I did see Frankie Moore there – her Mom is now in Adult Day Health Care –

We talked to several residents of "the Springs" where it was held & they were all complaining of the food (saying how w/ 3 entrees you never know what to take – which would be the best of the worst – as if all 3 would be BAD!  They said that usually the best bet is the fruit & cottage cheese plate that's available every day!

My foot is falling asleep (maybe I'm putting you all to sleep too!) so I'll get up & walk around – we are allowed to sign out for a 10 minute leave –

Looking forward to seeing you both in April (?).  Should we make a dinner reservation for you Mom – at the Banquet?


Sunday, March 03, 2019

1979 Catherine's Letter -Mar.1

March 1, 1979
Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  This typewriter has been getting a workout lately what with typing all the leases, certifications and the other papers.  I'll be able to charge a new ribbon as a business expense!

Today was a big day in the history of Wendy's vocabulary.  I bought her a new dress and when she tried it on she said "pretty."  And her other new word was "juice."  Now when she is thirsty she goes to the refrigerator and says "juice."

We went to see Beth McDonald (my elderly friend) this afternoon but she wasn't home.  Now I'll have to try to go again tomorrow just to make sure she is OK.  She probably won't remember where she was when I was there today.  Wendy walked all the way from here to Beth's house.  I had taken the back pack so she went the rest of the way downtown and back in that.

We've rented out 7 apartments now – six of the 1 bedrooms and one 2 bedroom.  For tenants so far we have two bank tellers, one potato inspector, one welder, one fiberglass laminator, a warehouseman, and a school teacher.  One of the bank tellers has a daughter a few months older than Wendy, and the couple in the two bedroom apartment have two children, a 3-year-old and a 8 month old son.

Did I tell you about the lady I met at the La Leche meeting who had five children 15-19 and is now pregnant?  I probably did.

Yesterday we went out to lunch at the Meet Market up by Safeway and next week we are planning to go up to Kah-nee-ta to collect our free dinner.  We are going to go with Ron and Georgette.  Speaking of our former neighbors – Shade [born blind] has been making lots of progress latetly.  She is talking more and has also started to crawl.  Also she's beginning to look less like an infant.

The dishes are waiting to be done so I better close.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Friday, March 01, 2019

1979 Roberta's postcard to John -Feb.28

[postmarked 28 Feb 1979]
Hi, John!

Please note!  New postal – Knew you would want one!!

That GRE test was really something – a humbling experience now I'm beginning to wonder if I should apply to other schools – maybe Jr. Colleges – HA!  Won't know results till mid April –

What are your plans for summer?

We are really using the bikes – oh!  I sold the 10-speed for $50 – just what I asked for it – actually Dorothy sold it for me – through school newspaper –

How are your classes going?  When will you graduate – do you plan to go through the line – costume & all?

OK – Write –


1979 Catherine's Letter to John -Feb.27

Joe Horton's "The Leaning Mosque – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia" notecard - mailed 1979
February 27, 1979
Dear John,

Hi!  It has taken me awhile to get your last letter answered but I suppose you have other things to do than read letters from me anyway.  Wendy is driving me crazy today.  She is supposed to be taking her nap right now but I couldn't get her to sleep so she is fussing at me as I try to type this.  I just put her to bed, I couldn't take anymore fussing.  Now we'll have to see how she is when she wakes up.

Thanks for sending us a copy of your resume – quite interesting.  Gerry thinks your best bet would be insurance – with the big companies they have lots of different jobs and there would be plenty of room for advancement.  We have known several people here who are in training for bank management positions and the bank shuffles them around and they never seem to know what is going on.  We'll be interested in hearing how things go on any and all fronts including marriage.  What kind of article is this you are talking about?

We haven't gotten the prints yet.  Do you have them now?  To answer your other questions – Wendy likes the new apartment, it is easier for her to play in her bedroom (where I try to keep her toys but she likes to scatter them everywhere) and she has the whole place to roam around.  I really don't know if we will be coming east in the next year.  It depends on whether we can find someone else to manage the apartments for awhile.  If we did come it would probably have to be not around the first of the month so we would be here to collect the rent.  We aren't thinking about a "next" location since we plan to stay here in Madras for a few more years anyway.  We will probably stay in the northwest indefinitely.  All the snow that was here when you were is now gone.  It went in one big whoosh which was when we had the flood.  Sine then it has snowed a few times but not more than an inch at once.  As of tomorrow we will have five apartments rented – all one bedrooms so that leaves us with five other one bedrooms and 15 two bedrooms yet to rent.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

1979 Catherine's postcard -Feb.27

Rose Test Gardens postcard - mailed 1979.  Caption: International Rose Test Gardens, Portland, Oregon.  Literally hundreds of varieties of roses are grown annually in this rose gardener's paradise.


Hi!  Thanks for calling Sunday.  I meant to ask if Dad had made it to N.Y.  Hope your weather has cleared up.  It has been clear here but quite windy.  How was MV's B'Day?  What happened to the prints of John's pictures?  We got our cable TV hooked up and we're thinking of getting a desk.  The card table is very cluttered.

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

Items from Uible photo album