Saturday, May 30, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 30

May 30, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  Just got back from an early graduation party – dinner combination.  Had a delicious meal – lobster at one of WPB's better restaurants – Roman Gate – it's a new place out West of town.  There were eight of us – all who I had worked w/ at Ranch House.  I got a "wise old" owl necklace, a pen (was told for the use of writing letters), and a mug for my hot tea!  Also – a delicious meal!

It still really hasn't hit me that I'm graduating – it just feels like another quarter over w/ .  I got my Death & Dying paper done – all typed.  I rented an electric typewriter for a day from an office supply place here in Lake Worth.  First they said $15.00 for 1 week 2/ $100 deposit and I got them down to $4.00 for the day – and told them they could have my drivers license as a deposit – that I didn't have $100.00 to put out.

So now all I have left is my Biology (ugh) and Social Welfare exams – both Tuesday.

It's been raining alot – we need the rain but I had hoped to get a touch of a tan before coming North!  You know I'm not working at Burdines this week-end – and heard tonight that there is 80% chance of rain tomorrow!

I went into Burdines today to sign all the papers – that I was voluntarily quitting etc. – they told me to write them & let them know when I'll be back in the Fall.  They have always treated me good – they were the 1st place I worked for when I came to Fla. – April 1973.

I bet you all had a busy time w/ the Hortons there.  Rob will be glad to have them back – he is used to having things done for him.

I'm very serious about going to India next fall – I wonder about the possibility of getting a visa into China?  You know Nixon got to go in.  I've been doing alot of reading – you know India has the youth hostel system like Europe – also they have Gov't run hotels – very cheap!  If you get a student card you can ride the train half price!

I wish you all could meet Leslie – she is as nice as can be – my age – went to college for 2 years  – has had all kinds of jobs – (worked at FAO Swartz (sp) toy place, also one of the fanciest restaurants in Palm Beach as a waitress, etc.)  She is very JEWISH – a real business woman – HA!  She has travelled alot, and is also very excited about going to India.

Need I remind you to pick me up Wednesday at 11:31 -A.M. -Delta flight.  You all will have really been making the runs to the airport – are you able to make use of the freeway going around Cincinnati?


PS Found article about Mrs. Hobby w/pictures in this morning's Miami Herald.  Please give to G'ma – to give to Mrs. Moore.  It's a good picture of Mrs. Hobby.

G'ma – are you ready to do some 'darning' for me before I go to New Jersey!


Thursday, May 28, 2015

1975 MV's Letter -May 28

Dear Bert,

Hi!  Got your letter today.  Aunt Mary & Uncle Bill got here safely about 1:30.  We had Ruth in and when we took her home we left from Grandma's.  All four of us rode in the front seat of the Buick. (Mom, Dad, Ruth & I)  We were packed tighter than sardines (sp?) in a ¼ ounce can.  It was all I could do to breath. [sic]

We have exams tomorrow and Friday.  We have 6 days left of school or 36 hours or 2,160 minutes.  I just hope I pass.  The only exams I'm worried about are English, Math, & SCIENCE.

This summer I'm on a softball team.  We had a practice game last Saturday.  Then we had a real game Tues., We lost the practice game by two points.  We won the real game 12-11.

I can't wait to go traveling when school is out.  I can't wait to go to New Jersey & Phil., & Montreal, & Chicago.  I'm also going to church camp & G.S. camp.  I don't know if I can stand another week of M... & her big mouth [small drawing with words SHUT UP in a circle] for a week.  I think I would rather stay home and clean all day long the whole week! HA!  Sometimes I think she is full of shaving cream.

I bet Rob can't wait till Aunt Mary gets back.  We had a feast last night of turkey, Mashed Potatoes, brocali (sp?) [sic], rolls, stuffing, jello, etc. etc.

Well, I want to get this mailed tomorrow morning.

M.V. Uible

Sunday, May 24, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 27

The red ink on most of the first page of this letter did not scan well. The "enhancement" of the image isn't much better, but does make it more readable.

May 27, 1975
Dear Family,

Hello – hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day week-end!  As you know I spent mine working – but we were very slow – I got some work done on my paper "Death & Dying" and some reading done.  In my 'srare' time I've been reading travel books – esp. those having to do w/ South Central Asia – My yellow fever (sp?) shot is good for 10 years – I had my passport out tonight – looking at the yellow part inside!!!

Leslie – the girl at Burdines – who sent to Europe last year and I – are making plans to leave after Oct. 1st.  I am going to start being super-thrifty in the mean-time.

Dad – you will never guess what I sold Sunday to a rich (he had to be!) old man!  I didn't even know we had them in the department – they were in a small red veleteen [sic] bag – a jack set – a $5.00 jack-set!!  I was so taken in by it – he gave me the rules – which I'll enclose.  Nothing new – but thought you might like to take a look at them.

I've enjoyed doing research on the questions for the Death & Dying exam –– my Statistic's tutor's brother-in-law is one of the biggest in the business in WPB – I got in to talk to him – through her.  His name is Quatlebaum.  He gave me all kinds of hints of books, pamphlets, etc. – all "pro Funeral."  As for some statistics – there are app. 22,500 funeral homes in the U.S. w/ current # of death per year – 1.9 million – making for a ratio of app. 85 funerals per funeral home per year.  There is app. 1 funeral home for every 9,300 (living).  They tend to be very stable – some are in the 4th generation of a family.  In 1973 – average annual compensation for an owner was $16,888, plus an average return of app $65 per funeral.  Well enough – oh – did you know in most states to be licensed as a funeral home director – you must also be licensed as an  embalmer!!

I've got to take a rest from writing – as that is all I've been doing all day – 1st biology, then social welfare – then working on my D&D paper.  I got the worst over w/ 1st!!  I do miss my typewriter – I tried Aunt Mary's but . . . . .  I'm spoiled!

It's now Wednesday morning – Rob just got off to school – after eating his cold cereal!

We got your card yesterday Aunt Mary – had hoped to hear about the wedding – I'm glad the weather has been good for golfing.

Mattie called last night – guess she cleans for a lawyer on Thursdays and he got her out of jury duty.

There has been alot in the news about O'Malley – I'm enclosing an article concerning him.  also sending a picture of what your dining room talbe looks like – be glad you are gone!

I've talked to some people that know where Andover. New Jersey is.  They said that is was a pretty place – mountainous, also I was told it would get cool at night.  I guess there are several camps in the area.

I read in today's paper about the price of gas going up.

Just a week from today I'll be flying home – it doesn't seem possible.  But until then – I have lots to do – such as studying & getting a tan!  (Ho, Hum!)  At least I don't have any major packing to do.


Yesterday I bought a grand total of  2  graduation announcements – I'm sending one to Grandma – all of you can "check it out."

The boy ahead of me bought 150 – bet he's really planning on hauling in the gifts – HA!  You were supposed to buy blank name cards to enclose but I couldn't see the sense in that!

Friday, May 22, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 25

May 25, 1975
Dear Grandma – et al,

Thought I better "kill a couple of birds w/ one stone" and get a letter off to all of you!

We're doing fine at 1025 North 'B' Street.  By now "the travellers" are on their last leg of the trip.  Hope you're not sorry that you are flying home – instead of going via auto-train!

This last week has really gone fast.  We got our take home final in death & dying – five essay questions.  Since the entire class grade will be based on it, I've been trying to put something together that sounds pretty good!

Rob has really been studying this past week – twice I've come home from school & he was at the kitchen table busy at work!  I've been kidding him that it's a shame I didn't get my camera out!  He really seems to like his literature course ––

Wednesday Aunt Sarah & I took off about 1:00 – heading North.  We reach Peanock (?) Point w/ out too much trouble.  I just got lost once – after we were in Jupiter.  Aunt Sarah had an excellent memory of where everything was – we stopped to see several of the people that lived near her.  She could hardly recognize the house she used to live in –– it's now a mansion type place – has a big gate you drive through etc.  Guess 2 families have lived there since her – both adding on all around the original house.

I was quite taken in by the beautiful views and the calmness of it all.  We took the scenic view down – but came back on I-95 – that only took about 45 minutes!

Mattie was here Wednesday morning all excited!  She has been called for jury duty starting next week.  She liked the idea of getting paid for it – but that's about it!

Grandma, we got your letter – thanks – also the letter from the family came yesterday.  The Uible family in New Vienna will really be growing by leaps & bounds this week!

Friday Dorothy & I met out at Mrs. Fraziers.  Her three kids really keep her busy & jumping.  She quizzed us on some of the formulas from statistics – it was amazing how many I remembered!  We all had some good laughs – she showed us some of the things she bought w/ the money from us – it was money well spent!

I have been reading Pan Am World Guide (that Aunty Mary "won" at the Breakers) and have invested in another book of my own.  You know my passport is only good til 1977!

I would like to go to Australis but you're talking about $1,700.00 (transportation alone) there!  I've called /air-India and you can buy a round trip ticket from NYC to either Bombay or Delhi for $617.00  You have to stay 14 days to 120 days – w/ NO stopovers allowed.  I don't think I would want to start & end my trip at the same place though.

I've also read where you can fly to London – then take a bus ride to Nepal – going through Europe, Turkey, Iran, Afghan. – into Pakistan, India and finally Nepal.  How does that sound?

Right now I'm waiting on my rebate check – HA!

Dad – I read the article about Bill Hoag & his food business – someday I will be a successful businesswoman running a dynamic outfit!  Ho, Hum.  If I can get my Masters it will be in business.!!!

I'm enclosing the picture taken of me at the Breakers – please keep it.  The color is bad – as the dress was a pinker pink!

Well – I've got to go – wanted to get this in the mail this morning – if I don't get down to see Aunt Sarah she will wonder what's up –––

See you all soon!


Do I have an appointment w/ the Dr. for a physical?

I'm not interested in seeing dear Dr. Thompson – think I'll put my $ out for a diet doctor – HA!

Aunt Mary & Uncle Bill –– maybe you all could take Am-track back –– ! since you enjoyed going up so much!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter to MV -May 24

May 24, 1975
Dear Mary Virginia –

Hi!  Are you getting ready for the population increase about to happen at home?  I know you will enjoy having your big brother around again to tease!

I've been to the beach every day this last week – which is almost as many times as I've been there all year!

Rob & I are doing fine – except he's complaining about being tired of eating out of boxes!  But one thing for sure – he's not going hungry!  Whenever he eats a T.V. dinner he eats a pot pie w/ it!

I'm at work now – I've got tomorrow & Monday then I'll be all through!  Wasn't going to work Monday – but that over-time pay is hard for me to turn down.  Both days will be good reading or letter writing days!

How many days of school do you have left?  I've just got this week – then my finals to worry about!  Biology is the one I dread – I don't try to understand it – just pack my head full of knowledge right before the test – 10 minutes after the test I've forgot it all.

Hello to everyone –


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

1965 WNJ New Kenton students rank in District-State Testing -May 22

 Only the paragraphs about New Kenton are transcribed below.

New Kenton had two pupils who rated in the state in Division III, including Brenda Harner, 20th in English IX, also sixth in the district Division III and Connie Walker, honorable mention in the state for first year bookkeeping and sixth in the District in Division III.

Other New Kenton rankings in the district, Division III, included Carol Salisbury, 15th in general science; Stanley Fawley, 12th in chemistry; Kenneth Hughes, 15th in physics; Jacky Dean, 12th in elementary algebra; Kathy Hawk, honorable mention in elementary algebra; Ken Roberts, 15th in world history; Margaret Fawley, 20th in English IX; Catherine Uible, eighth in English X; Laura Hughes, ninth in English X; Judy Klingensmith, eighth in English XI.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 19

May 19, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  Had my last Death & Dying class tonight – had a funeral home director there tonight to speak – most interesting!  He had gone to law school – said that 1 our of 4 funeral directors go – guess they really concentrate on estate stuff (probably so they can 'collect up' better).  Did you know that some funeral homes perform marriages now?

We got our take home exam tonight – due June 2nd. I can feel all the work coming in on me now these last 2 weeks!

I got Birthday money from Grandma, the Hortons, Aunt Sara, and along w/ a few dollars of my own had a good day shopping on Saturday.  It rained all day – would have been a bad day to be in a canoe!

I bought a neat pair of tennis shoes – a combination of blue denim and tan suede.  Also got a giant size bright red beach towel that I hope to get a lot of good out of the next 2 weeks and over the summer.

Also got a good leather address book – I had been needing one.  Today I stopped at the post office and bought a roll of 10¢ stamps, and a book of 8¢ ones – so I'm well stocked for the summer!

As for your generous check – I put it in the bank today – my savings account hit an all-time high.  I plan to keep it there till next fall when I'll ???.  I would like to do some travelling before I settle down & have to work for a living.

Have even been thinking about going overseas – someplace different and out of the ordinary.  Called Pan Am the other day about India – you can buy a round trip ticket there for $1020.00!  I've been talking to a girl at Burdines who roughed it in Europe for 3 months. I think that is the way I'd like to do it.

If I should stay around (not travel) I'm going to try to land a decent job near where I can go to school – after hearing the funeral director tonight I'd like to take some business courses & others in that area.  It would be just like running any kind of business – you wouldn't have to mess w/ dead bodies.  Or I'd like to take some courses in restaurant / food management.  Let's face it – people are always going to be eating & dying (just once on the dying though).

I felt pretty bad about Jay Brown – I called Wednesday night to see how he was doing, when they told me he had died that morning.  He would have been 20 the next day.  Vanessa's Mom seemed to be taking it much better than her Dad.  Vanessa still isn't working – I doubt if she'll get a job now till after ball season is over.

Mary Virginia – how is your soft ball coming?  What teams do you play?  What position do you play?  I always sat on the bench!!

This morning it was so nice getting up knowing that I wouldn't have to go to Sabal Palm.  I will go back to doing waitress work before I take a job w/ delinquent kids!  But – my last day there was a riot – all the teachers said if I ever needed a reference they would be glad to write me a good one & alot of the kids gave me their address so I would write them (ho, hum!) the principal told me to look him up I wanted to work there next year.  They could not have been nicer to me.

This morning I went to the beach – but – had some bad luck as I was leaving.  I missed a step & fell down.  Didn't hurt myself at all but my sunglasses (prescription) fell of and now I only have 1 lens.  So – could you call up Dr. Morand and order a left lens for my sunglasses?  I don't think my eyes have gotten any worse – or better – since I got my sunglasses – which will be 2 years this September.

The worst part was that I had not taken my regular glasses w/ me – so had to drive back home a a real disadvantage.  I'll miss my sunglasses the next 2 weeks – but luckily enough I didn't break my regular ones!!

I had a nice letter today from Shirley McCoy – if you remember please tell her I appreciated her letter.  I'll try to drop her a note though.

My Memorial Day – no – my last weekend here got ruined – as May 31st is the day my Biology prof. got the bus for us to go to the Everglades.  It will only cost us $3.00 – plus our lunch.  Not Bad!  It is to be an all day trip – we are to leave the school at 6:00 A.M!

We got a card today from the Hortons – I wonder if they will ever take the auto-train again.

Tonight I pulled in a station to fill the car up w/ gas & at the price am convinced it would be crazy for us to make a flying trip to Florida & back up North.  Also – did you know they give out 'dummy' diplomas June 15th?  But guess right after the service you can pick up the real thing – or they will mail it out.

It's time to get some sleep – will add on in the morning.  I sure miss my typewriter!

Now Tuesday morning – looks like another good day to go to the beach.  I only go for about an hour or 2 at a time –

I was very impressed w/ Valle's really a good meal!  I had a seafood platter – w/ salad (that was as big as a chef salad I had gotten for lunch) and potato.  Valle's is right off I-95 in Fort Lauderdale.  Now I-95 is finished from delray to Fort Laud. – then a stretch isn't done yet then you can get back on it going into Miami.  I can get  to school alot faster using it – going down Congress Ave. to Delray – I-95 is just East of Congress.  You can see F.A.U. from I-95 – and the exit is very close to the school – beats US-1 by a long shot!

I better go – please give Dr. Morand a call as to my sunglasses.

Two weeks from today is my last exam ––– I better be getting ready . . . . . .


Monday, May 18, 2015

1975 Roberta's Miami postcard -May 19

Greetings from Miami the Magic City postcard mailed 1975.  Captioned: Top View: Moon over Miami. Bottom View: Aerial view of the Magic City.

[postmarked 19 May 1975]

Hi!  Have spent the day in Miami – finally got there!  Now we're at Valle's (Ft. Laud.) – getting ready to eat a good meal!  This sure beats canoeing!

Only 2 weeks of classes left!  We haven't heard from the Hortons yet – hope my luxury car is doing OK for them!

Love, Berta

Sunday, May 17, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter to GHU -May 18

May 18, 1975
Dear Grandma,

Hi!  Did I ever thank you for your card & check – if not – thanks alot!  Yesterday I went to Miami w/ 2 other girls and really had a good time.

I spent my birthday money – bought a pair of shoes, a beach towel, address book, white knit top – I think that's all.

Rob ate his 1st T.V. dinner yesterday!  He seems to really like his courses this time – talks about them constantly!  He's taking a psychology course – also one in literature & music.

We haven't heard from "the travellers" yet – they should be doing fine though w/ the Buick!  (even though it doesn't have the piece of crome [sic] on the one side!)

I'll be seeing you in about 2 weeks – I've decided not to go through graduation so I'll have more time at home this way & more of a leisure trip to New Jersey.

It's really been raining down here – the yard is so nice & green!

Hello to everyone!

Love, Berta

Saturday, May 16, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 15

May 15, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  Was nice talking to you all last night . . . . . it was funny that I was like sound asleep because I had just gone to bed about 9:30.  Got a whole slew of birthday cards yesterday.  One from John, Serena, Catherine and X, and a miniature one from Mary Virginia.  You must have gotten it in Columbus  - - - did You?

I am at Sabal Palm this morning, my last morning here . . . . . the last two weeks I've been her four mornings a week, which with classes and all hasn't left much time for anything else.

I got everything packed and headed North now except for what I'll be taking with me on June 4th.  Oh, I changed my flight to a 8:00 flight which will get me to Cincinnati about 11:31.  The time, flight # on Aunt Mary's return ticket is the old one so don't go by it.  I'll be glad to have these last finals done.

This Saturday instead of going to Jonathan Dickenson Park and go canoeing I am going to Miami shopping with two other girls.  We have been talking about going a long time.  I never have been in the Burdines in Miami and have always wanted to see it.  I'm working at Burdines tomorrow (Friday) instead of Saturday as I usually do.  Their annual Christmas Card sale starts the first week in June.  I'm thankful I won't be there.  I also missed out on it last year; but two years ago I was there for it.  I've changed typewriters since starting this letter -- this is a manual -- quite a difference when you are spoiled to an electric one.

Also got a card from Nancy Walker yesterday.  She is leaving for Mexico City in June.  She might stay there for the summer or is thinking about looking around in Texas for a job.  K take it Jackie has not been very good . . . . how long has she been subbing?

I don't know exactly where I would like to go before going to New Jersey, but it just seems like to much of a waste of time, etc to drive to Florida just to put on a cap and gown and march around.  We can observe an hour of silence on the 15th in honor of the occassion [sic]. (ha, ha) You all have seen the school, and the way I understand it they is [sic] not going to be any kind of speaker at the graduation exercise because of the money involved, and so they can call off everyone's name.  I'd hate to sit there and hear all the names called.  As I have already said . . . . . plan on going to see me get my Master's.

I had a nice letter and birthday card from Ruth Shoemaker earlier this week.  Was sorry to hear that she has had more trouble with her leg, etc.  You should try to have a small get-together with her and Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary while they are in New Vienna.

Aunt Sara took Rob and I out to eat last night.  We went to the Ranch House right near the Junior College.  Had a good meal, then afterwards showed Aunt Sara the junior college, which she had never seen.  Next Friday Rob and I are planning on taking her to Jupiter, where she used to live.  I know things have changed alot up there since she lived there, as things have changed alot since I've been down here.

Well, I better go.  Will try to add some more on later, before I mail this.  Thanks again for the card and money.  They were both greatly appreciated.  Mom, I'm glad you liked the orchid.

Please don't worry about putting everything away in the boxes that are in the back of the Buick.  Just stack it all somewhere – as I'll have to go through it when I get home.  There is a gallon of honey for you all – please share it w/ Grandma.  If you think Cathy & X could use some let me know & I'll get them some.  I can get it very reasonable in price through a man I met working at the Ranch House.  According to him – there is nothing to worry about as far as it spoiling.

One of the boxes is super heavy – full of books!  I sent home every book I had down here – except for the few I'm using this quarter!

Enough for now ––


Friday, May 15, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 11

May 11, 1975
Dear Family,

Hello!  Just got off the phone about a half hour ago from talking to you all.  I wish you could see my room -- also I've got stuff scattered out in Grandma's room and in the dining room.  Trying to get things in order to go . . . . . . . . you know the train pulls out Wednesday.

I was thinking and I have reached a decision . . . . . instead of coming to Florida . . . . a flying trip down and then to New Jersey, I would rather spend that time seeing some sights closer to New Jersey.  You all can come to see me get my Master's . . . . . I've decided I would get it . . . . . by the time I'm 35 that is.  Treat me to a nice meal on the 15th and I'll be happy.  Besides June (except for low prices) is not the time to come to Florida.  The only thing I would be out is 8.50 cents . . . . for the cap and gown.  I'd rather wait and come to Florida next winter or whenever Grandma is here.

I only have Biology six more times . . . . can you believe it?  Still can't get over the News Journal carrying the news as to my graduation.  I had a slip of paper to fill out as to that; but it got thrown out.  I'm sure alot of people in Clinton County have heard of Florida Atlantic University.

Did have a busy day at work . . . . I was surprised.  Tomorrow The mother's Day cards go back and the Father's Day cards go out.  This is the busy season for the card industry.  Also with graduation cards . . . . . everything from Kintergarden [sic]  to Doctor's degree.

Next Saturday . . . . or rather this coming Saturday my Biology class is going to Jonathan Dickenson Park canoeing . . . . I'm trying to talk Rob into going with me . . . . so he can do the paddling.  It should be a fun day . . . . the professor in there is really nice.

Mary Virginia, I'll like to hear more about your weekend in Toledo.  Especially the bus trip.  Don't you thing [sic] you will want to come to New Jersey to visit me on the bus????

Oh . . . it's a very small world . . . . was talking to a customer today and she was telling me she was from New York City.  So then I asked her if she knew of Andover New Jersey.  She did.  Well, to make a long story short her son is graduating from college in about two weeks someplace in the East and he had just had his first almost promising interview in Sanford Maine with the newspaper there.  So then I said I thought that was my Cousin's business; but I wasn't sure. [Actually Tom Walkley had a publishing business in Sanford, but no connection with the newspaper.]  She got all excited and took my address and name, etc.  She told me she knew I wouldn't have any trouble finding a job because I was such a good sales woman.  We'll see how true that is!

Dad, please be thinking about what we could do in the Eastern part of the United states a few days before June 18th.  I'd much rather do that than drive to Florida, then turn around and go to New Jersey.  Also you all will be spending some time with the Hortons the last of this month.

I would really like a miracle oven.  But, may wait to buy.  Am planning on checking out the prices though.  Have bough alot with my discount . . . . . . set of springs and mattresses for the Hortons also silverware for the Hortons.

Have to be going to bed . . . . Sabal Palm tomorrow . . . . but Thank Goodness this is my last week there.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

1975 Mother's Day -MV

On the back of this card Jean has written: Mary Virginia gave me this & a beautiful red rose on 5-8-75 (day before she went to visit Serena at Univ. of Toledo).
1975 Mother's Day -MV offers to Clean Your Room, Ask for a Ride, Comb Your Hair, Practice the Piano, & Feed the Dog

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

1975 Hiestands of New Zealand

Joe & Mary Hiestand, of New Zealand, both now deceased, had seven daughters and three sons.  Daughter Linda is a couple years older than me – we have been pen pals since about 1960.
1975 Joe & Mary Hiestand Family of New Zealand. 
Top Row: Linda, Mary, Doreen, Rosina, Carolyn, Julia & Anna. 
Seated: Bernard, Mary, Joe Jr., Joe Sr., and Phillip

1975 Joe & Mary Hiestand (NZ) Letter -May 9

Joe and Mary Hiestand of New Zealand, are related several generations previously to a branch of Hiestands in Switzerland who moved to New Zealand.  There is paperwork detailing their relation to the Hiestands of Highland County, which will be on the blog at some future date.  

Oeo Rd.
No. 28 RD
Manaia [Taranaki, New Zealand]

Dear Harold & Jean,
Have received your letter and wish to apologize for not replying right away.  We are really looking forward to your visit.  I had every intention for a trip last April, but Mary had some re-attacks in March I thought it might be better to postpone it for a year.

Mary is much improved since then.  We made three weeks Holiday in August.  Mary stayed in Auckland with the Daughters while I and one of my son-in-laws went to Australia for ten days to visit friends there.  We had a wonderful time.

I suppose you have already made all your traveling arrangements.  One Son-in-Law (Norman Harvey) drives for Mount Cook Tours which is advertised throughout U.S.A.  He drives one of the tourist buses in the North Island.  The usual route is down the middle of the North Island not down our side.

However looking forward to receive a full itinerary of your trip to see what is best worked out from it.  Looking forward to your reply.

Kind Regards
Best Wishes
Joe & Mary

Monday, May 11, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 8

May 8, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  Things seem to be going pretty well – yesterday got my final grade in the science course at the junior college – 'C' – about what I expected.

But today got back my midterm in Biology & Social Welfare.  Got a  78  on the biology exam (82 would have been a 'B') and an  A  out of Social Welfare!!  Now – I'll have to keep this up in June and I'll come through  OK !

Had a post-card today from Serena – guess she can use the Buick this summer.  Also got the signed contract back from Mr. Reem at Hudson Farm – he wrote a note saying it would be fine to get there either the 18th or 19th.

I thought about my future job last night down at the Church – as Aunt Mary took me to the Mother-Daughter Banquet – and there were  140  people there.  Can you imagine having that many people to serve every meal?  It should be an experience!!

Grandma – we got your letter yesterday.  I read all about the new wing at Americare.  I'm glad Mrs. Matthews got a room in the new part.

Last night at the Banquet several people said to tell you hello.  I'm not sure of many of the names – except Mrs. McGrew was there and said she had written you.  She was very dressed up – wig, long dress, etc.

The dinner and program were very good.  Carol Huffman sang & Mrs. Rabb played the piano.  I think Aunt Mary enjoyed sitting back & watching the program.

Next week is my last week at Sabal Palm – 2 days next week I am to talk to some of the classes.  One talk to be about different jobs in a restaurant & the other talk to be about being a waitress.  Most of the kids (ones older than 16) do not return to school – instead are turned out into the job market!!

One of the teachers out there gave me a beautiful pair of ear-rings and told me she appreciated all the help I had been!  I was really taken by surprise there!!

A week from Saturday (the 17th of May) our Biology class is going to Jonathan Dickinson Park to canoe.  Out of 8 in our class there were only  7  of us experienced canoe-ers!

Mary Virginia – thanks for your letter!  That is some stationery!  I'm glad you liked the cap – you know what it advertises don't you?  Campbell's Soup!

Now Friday morning – hope to get alot of my packing done today – of things going in the Buick.

Mary V – how was your weekend w/Serena?  How did you get there?  The jamboree you went to sounded like alot of fun.  Did you meet alot of people there?

Aunt Mary is among the living – she is just busy – but you will be seeing her in person in a couple of weeks!

Thanks for all the letters –



Sunday, May 10, 2015

1975 Lois Bruce Letter -May 8

May 8, 1975
Dear Uibles,

It was good to hear from you & hear all about your family I was hoping maybe you were coming this way.

Yes, we did New Zealand & Australia by bus & we loved it.  The deal included plane fare, buses anyplace, planes in country & hotels.  We being older than you felt it was much better than driving.  For one thing they all drive on the "wrong" side.  Having done that in Great Britain in 1964 we didn't want to repeat it.  We were limited to 5 weeks so spent 2 in Aus. & 3 in N.Z.  The scenery in N.Z. is more spectacular we used a plane only once – to fly to Alice Springs from Sydney.  THe buses were often local jobs & it was so much fun & we saw so much country side.  Often we'd meet up with people we had met 2 or 3 days before.  We were with "Royal Road Tours" which is based in Hawaii.  Let us know if you go – & I hope you will.  One thing to remember – when we cashed $100 traverl's check we received $70 – it may be worse now Food there was as high as here & not so good.

We spent 2 days this week in the desert – beautiful – the last of May we're going north for 2-3 weeks probably not father tan Portland but we'll see.

Let us hear –

Love T & L [Tom, 1901-1983, & Lois, 1906-1991, Bruce]

Saturday, May 09, 2015

1975 Roberta to Graduate

1975 Roberta to graduate FAU 
clipping from Wilmington News-Journal 9May1975

Miss Uible
to graduate 
from FAU

Roberta Uible will receive the bachelor of arts degree from Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, in June.

Miss Uible is the daughter of Harold and Jean Uible of College Street, New Vienna.

A criminal justice major at FAU, Miss Uible is a graduate of East Clinton High School, Lees Creek, and did her lower division work at the University of Cincinnati.  During the last quarter she did field experience at the Juvenile Detention Home in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Friday, May 08, 2015

1975 Catherine's Letter -May 8

May 8, 1975

Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary,

Happy Mother's Day!  Thanks for your latest letter which we received yesterday.  We have been pretty busy - X between the house and the library, and me between Stop & Go, the library, and I'm beginning to pack things up for our big move next month.

The house is really coming along.  The electricity is all in, the wirings been done for the telephones, the sheetrock is up, all the plumbing stuff has been bought and that is what X is working on at the moment (yellow-gold fixtures).  He has also been clearing the new driveway.  We had the well dug - they went down 210 feet.

Spring is being very slow in arriving here.  Our grass is nowhere near mowing yet - although Mr. Dart across the street "manicured" his this week.  The trees have mostly all budded but there aren't many leaves yet.  Tuesday it did get up in the 60;s with a little bit of sun, but yesterday was a cold rainy day with temperatures back down in the 40's.

It was good to see John.  The fish market was an OK place.  As I recall John had fish and chips.  I think he said that anything tasted better than dining hall food.  It was the first time I had seen his room - we also got the honor of seeing his green boots.

Yes, I have had no further problem with my teeth although I may get the bottom two pulled at some future date. [Had the third wisdom tooth pulled about 2012 and still have the fourth.]

I assume Grandma must be back in New Vienna by now since I talked to her on the telephone on morning when Roberta called me and she said she was going back sometime soon.  Glad to hear that Roberta got the New Jersey job.

Well, I'll try to be more regular in the future in sending letters your way.

Love, Catherine & X

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 6

This letter was included with a Mother's Day card (Hallmark 50¢)  Inside the card is written:  Flowery language just wouldn't be me, So I'll simply say . . . you're as nice as can be.  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! --Thought I'd like to get you a more "serious" & pretty card!  Love, Berta

May 6, 1975
Dear Family,

I think my typewriter needs a new ribbon -- but hopefully it will make it till the end of my college career!!!  I remember when I got this typewriter -- my first year in college out in Newberg, Oregon.  I owe my success to it.  ha, ha.

I was prepared for them out at All-State today.  I first let them look at the car and then they said about $210.00, so I produced my two estimates.  I had gotten a third one from Paul's -- that is the place that painted the car.  It was for 20.00 less than the other two estimates.  I left it at home (on purpose) I walked out of there -- after an hour of messing with them -- with a check made out to me for 243.00!!!!!  Paul's estimate was 221.00!!!!  I have an appointment to take it in to him this Thursday afternoon.  Now, hopefully the end of this month you all will see the Buick in tip-top shape!!!  I haven't heard from Serena yet as to the car -- maybe she would rather have your Dodge over the summer . . . . .

Only have six more mornings at Sabal Palm.  This morning I took my Biology notes out with me and was studying for the test this afternoon.  One of the boys came up to me . . . . said he wouldn't wast his time studying if he were me . . . . just learn how to shift your eyes.  He's one of the many comics out there.  

Mother, I'm glad you liked the sweather. [sic]  Did I tell you that was your Mother's Day present?  Mary Virginia, I liked the Monkey pin the best myself.  I've also got an owl pin -- really got it for myself but doubt if I'll ever wear it so you all can have it.

The biology test this afternoon was different than I had expected.  He had told us it would be true and false, multiple choice, and matching.  It turned out to be fill-in-the-blanks (with us picking the answers out of our own heads.)  Now I've just got my finals to worry about.

I told hem at Burdines that May 25tgh would be my last day.  Please note that I'm not planning on working my last week in Florida.  They couldn't have been nicer -- said they had gotten a letter from New Jersey and had given me a good recommendation -- even though it meant tat would be losing me for the summer.

Now with midterms over tomorrow I have to get on the stick and get some boxes . . . . start packing things to go North.  I am planning on everything of mine being in New Vienna -- shouldn't be too much . . . . with the Hortons taking alot, me taking some on the plane, and the rest (whatever little bit that's left) can go up with you all.  I've got to figure out what I'm going to get myself into after September 1st.'

Oh, wanted to tell you all more about the Breakers.  It was just all something else.  It was much more formal than I had expected.  They had a giant buffet in one of the rooms; then tables set up all over the place.  In one of the rooms right on the ocean (one of the bigger ones) there was a dance band.  About ten thirty after everyone had drank too much . . . . most everyone formed a snake . . . . know what I mean?  One person follows another.  We joined all that.  It weaved in and out of all these rooms.  Never in my life had I seen so much drinking . . . . everywhere there was a bar or whatever.  Everything was free.  It was a nice inexpensive evening!!!!  I couldn't get over the food.  On one table they had a giant horn of plenty with every kind of fresh fruit imaigable (misspelled that!!!)  Then beside it they was [sic] a giant bowl of fresh fruit salad . . . . big strawberries, chunks of pineapple, bananas, you name it.  Also there was a bowl of melon balls . . . .

 There was a separate table for desserts . . . . except none of us had any . . . . . Just think of food enough for 1200 people!!!!!!!! Oh, there were beautiful carvings made out of ice.  Some swans, etc.  I wish now I had gone to the Breaks for a job instead of Ranch House.  (talk about opposites.)

Hate to quit now that I have just started a new page, but I have to have my sleep for tomorrow. . . . . in the morning it's out to Sabal Palm then tomorrow night go to the Mother-Daughter at the Church.

Thanks for all the letters that come this way.  Have a Happy Mother's Day.  Mary Virginia -- are you going to cook the meal; or how about doing up the dishes???  Ma Telephone will be doing good business this Sunday . . . . I think I will wait till my birthday to call you all up . . .  . think the Hortons are going to call Grandma up that morning . . . . think the idea now is about eight in the morning . . . . . . .


Tuesday, May 05, 2015

1945 Cleveland Transit Pass

No indication if this was a special week warranting the saving of a Transit Pass or whether it had been purchased by Harold or Jean.

Monday, May 04, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 5

May 5, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  I'm waiting in the library to get a copy of this weeks outside reading for Death & Dying.  We only have  2  more actual classes in there – as it only meets once a week – and it meets on Mondays – so we won't have it Memorial Day – and on June 2nd our take home exam is due.

Last  night at the Breakers was something else.  I have never seen anything like it!  Just in the "meat line" they had – carved Turkey, shrimp, tuna fish salad, chicken salad, liverworst (sp?), bar bqued (sp!) chicken, spare ribs, and prime ribs!  I don't think I left anything out!

There were about 1200 people there.  Also the dresses there were something else.  I borrowed a long pink gown from Dee – a girl-friend of mine.  It was plain – but served the purpose well.  I was too cheap to by a dress!  John – one of the guys that went w/ me took a camera & took alot of pictures.  If any of them came out I'll have to get some copies made.

Next time I type a letter to you all – I'll include more details of it all.

I had the car down to Troyden's [?] today for a "check-up" before it's trip North.  It ended up being a little more than I expected as they found the brakes bad – put on new brake shoes, etc!  It was $133 for everything!  That the 1st expense (except for gas & oil) since just before Christmas.  Not bad . . . . . .

Tomorrow I see the All-State people – I'm prepared for them.  Have 2 written estimates plus the receipt for the paint job & getting the car "dent free "  Also have the accident report and a name of a local attorney!  I don't mess around – HA!

Got to go – Biology Midterm will be OVER this time tomorrow!  Then – no tests till June 3rd!!


PS It's raining hard out and we really need it!!

Sunday, May 03, 2015

2015 Flowers at Wells

Linda Ruble sent the picture of the flowers she planted at Wells, facing Main Street.

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 2

May 2, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  Just got back from Sabal Palm – just 2 more weeks and my "experience" out there will be behind me.

Uncle Bill told me this morning that you need my license plate # – it was on the accident report – but here it is again 517CY.

I'm also enclosing the registration card – which you should have had w/ the other paper.  I have been going through my "papers" and found it.  I appreciate you all messing w/ all of this!

My test went pretty well yesterday.  Alot of it was hypothetical stuff – "What if . . . . . . "  Now I've got that Biology test to worry about.  But – I'm not sure if I told you but I talked to the  prof. and he will give me a 'D' if I try.  If I didn't go into details about this – ask Grandma.

Right now  Rob is working on writing a letter.

I've been invited to an employee party over at the Breakers (employees of the Breakers) I think I'll go – it should be interesting.  It's this Sunday night.

I don't know when I'll be quitting at Burdines.  I don't look forward to telling them – you know how employers like you to stay awhile.  (especially if you're good – HA!)

Well – thanks again for getting my new license – or rather sticker.  


Saturday, May 02, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -May 1

A Florida Traffic Accident Report was enclosed with this letter but is not scanned.  The report indicates that at 12:45pm on April 30, 1975 Roberta was involved in an accident at the corner of South Dixie Highway and Okeechobee Blvd. in WPB.  The other driver, born in 1912 (but listed as 58 years-old – one of those numbers is incorrect), was charged with failure to drive in designated lane.  The 1965 Buick, driven by Roberta, was estimated to have approximately $200 damage.

* * * * *
May 1, 1975
Dear Family,

Hi!  Can you believe this is May 1!!!  Was nice talking to you all last night.  Seemed I really had the news, I'm releived [sic] now that I know I've got the job.  Also things are shaping up as far as my coming North.  I was afraid I would have trouble getting the Hortons to make reservations (which are necessary to get the reduced are; as to my return trip) but I called Delta last night; then relayed the messages and called them back to make the reservations.  Now, that's what you call a run-on sentence.

I'm enjoying my one free morning from Sabal Palm this morning -- first off had to go to the police department and get a copy of the accident report, etc.  I'm enclosing a copy of it -- don't need it back.  Then I called All-State and have made an appointment for them to look at the car next Tuesday.  I don't know if I will have time to get it fixed or not before it goes North.  I'm afraid the police officer messed up on his estimates as they told me at the Chevrolet place yesterday that it would cost between 250.00 and 300.00 dollars to get my car fixed. (mostly labor) Those chrome pieces came off -- they are 12.00 dollars a piece to replace.  It wouldn't have made me feel so bad; except the car was looking so nice since I had it painted.

I'm also enclosing the letter from Mr. Ream [not in the envelope in 2015, presumably from Hudson Guild] and the other page that has some information about this and that on it.  I'm lucky that towels, sheets, etc are furnished.  It does say that I need a physical, so I was wondering about the new doctor -- if you could make an appointment sometime that week in June when I will be home.  Nothing extensive -- just need to let them know I'm still breathing.  I would like the letter and yellow sheet back; but no hurry on it.

Rob had his last exam this morning.  He has off all of next week then he will start a summer semester that is only six weeks long.  He was hoping to work at the school (Palm Beach County System) where he had worked some last fall but the woman called this morning and guess their budget is tight.

I better close -- have my first midterm this afternoon.  That the first test I've had this quarter.  The Biology prof. is always threatening to give us a test -- he scares us into studying.

Are you all ready for another slumber party very soon????  YES??? Pleas say hello to Grandma for me; guess Aunt Mary wrote her yesterday so there isn't much new news.


Friday, May 01, 2015

1975 Roberta's Letter -Apr.26

April 26, 1975
Dear Family,

Well – big plans are being made down here.  I still don't know anything definite about a job for the summer – though I stopped in to see George M (district supervisor for Ranch House_ and said he had gotten a letter from Hudson Farm & had sent them back a letter saying the only thing I had going against me was that I am a lady.  He doesn't care for idea of women managers, etc.

I'm at work now – it's slow – and will be till about next November.  I'm really living the carefree life now – as this week 'm just working today only – getting off tomorrow since G'ma is leaving & all.

Now – as for the plans being made at this end.  Aunt Mary & Uncle bill are leaving May 14th w/ the Buick on the auto-train.  They are going up for a big wedding – Bob Fryer's [?] – if you remember him, and then to visit w/ the Kintners.  They will be gone about 2 weeks – through Memorial Day.  At the end of their vacation they will be going to New Vienna leave the Buick there & fly back.

A one-way ticket from WPB to Cincy costs $88 but if you can make your reservations at least 1 week in advance & be gone for more than 3 days – but less than 30 days – a round trip ticket only costs $127.  So – I was thinking that I might pay the $40 difference and fly up north June 3rd when my classes are over.  Which means if you all are still planning on coming down in June I could drive down w/you all – OR – we could just forget all about June 15th.  It's up to you all.

Now – should I not get the job in New Jersey – Aunt Mary & Uncle bill can still take the Buick up – then I'll just stay here till you all get home and drive back w/ you all.  If I should get the job – I think it would be best for me to plan on flying up to New Jersey from her – or New Vienna.

I just wrote Serena that should she want the Buick this summer she is welcome to it.

I also wrote John this past week – asking him about when he goes back to school in the fall.  I was thinking that he – or whoever wanted to could drive to New Jersey – pick me up – then we could drive on up and see Catherine & X – then take him to school – and back home again.

I'll be glad when I know something definite about this summer.  I haven't made an exact count – but I have heard from about 15 of the places I wrote to – most of them saying – "sorry – but all filled up."

I was so cold this afternoon I finally broke down & bought a sweater.  I needed a good button down sweater anyway.

We're now at Patricia Murphy's – just had a delicious  meal – now waiting for dessert!!

I'll let you all know as soon as I know something definite about this summer.

Love, Berta

Please don't be looking for a letter from me this week – as I've got mid terms coming up – starting Thursday.  The only one I'm worried about is Biology.

[The following written in another handwriting – probably Uncle Bill's, added at the end of the letter]

Harold – I have a good buy in Gulf States Utilities – coming in a secondary on Tuesday  11¼-½ per share – has been on our recommend list for a long time.  I still have 1000 shares unsold as of now.  Have sold 7000 shares – good dividend coverage – quality.