Jean's letter to her mother, Lucie Ballantyne - November 8, 1954 First and last page scanned. |
Nov. 8, 1954
Dearest Mother,
Harold left today for Toledo and Detroit but plans to be back tomorrow night. Laura Louise Hughes has spent the day & night with Catherine. They probably won't be asleep for hours – at least that's the way it seems now.
We had a good time last Monday night – in the end we rode with the Eatons & the Hauses rode with them too. We went to the Beverly Hills Country Club in Covington, Ky. They had a very good dinner & floor show, also played Bingo & enjoyed dancing. It was a nice evening – altho the weather was terrific – rain and snow.
Tuesday I spent calling or picking up voters for the Election. We went to the Election Day supper put on my the Christian Church women.
Wednesday was Lions Club and Mary Ruth invited the girls and I up for a pot luck supper - Charlotte & Linda and Virginia Walker & her 3 little girls. Mary Ruth's boys are really live-wires –they behave fairly well when she's in sight but oh! when not! I took scalloped potatoes, jello salad with bananas and apples in it and orange chiffon cake with orange pudding icing. Mary Ruth had meat loaf sandwiches, potato chips, salad & Charlotte peas & carrots & stewed apples, Virginia brought macaroni & cheese & cookies. It would be a nice idea to get together on the night the men have their dinner meeting but can't say I look forward to entertaining David & Danny.
Friday Mother Uible entertained the WSCS and I also took my turn on the hospital book cart at the Clinton Co. Memorial Hospital We went at 12:30 & worked an hour so I was back home in plenty of time to get to the meeting. Harold took Catherine & Roberta to Sandusky with him so they had a big day too.
Saturday was a big day for Harold as they were auctioning Mrs. Ellis' house & personal goods.
[See below] Florence & Jake Masters bought it for $8300. They did have a pretty day so they could set the things outside but it was bitterly cold.
Harold taught at Sunday School yesterday – Waldo Cornelius is to be the teacher for November but their little girl (Sharon) has been quite sick – bladder or kidney infection & it wasn't improving so they sent her to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital & so far have found nothing. She is just about Catherine's age & has been a healthy child except for minor colds, etc.
After church we went to Leesburg for dinner & stopped to see Harold's Aunt Vertie & the Polks who move to Leesburg this fall.
Last night I went to see "The Rose" here at the local movie – they have put in an extra, extra wide screen to show Cinema-Scope pictures & opened with that one. Connie Smith (the undertaker's wife) & I went. It was good but I was quite full of heartburn.
I plan to go to the doctor's tomorrow afternoon & bet he'll really call me down for gaining weight. I feel as big as I did in the last weeks for Catherine & Roberta and several of the dresses I have feel quite tight – especially the 2 pc. jobs with cut-out front in the skirts. Other than that I feel fine except when I overeat.
Do hope Bob is feeling much better & out of the hospital again – he certainly has had a time of it.
Guess Catherine will probably have her tonsils out in December now - if we go away next week. Will probably hear more tomorrow from Dr. Fullerton about it.
All our very best love,
Harold, Jean, Catherine and Roberta
1954 Lillie Ellis Estate Sale in New Vienna. House, on South St., appraised for $7750 was purchased by Jake & Florence Masters for $8300.
--Hillsboro Press-Gazette 5Nov1954 p.15.