August 31, 1984
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! I am writing this letter because I haven't heard yet whether I got the library job in Moscow. After the interview on Wednesday they told me they would let me known [sic] within a week so I may not hear until next week. I thought the interview went fairly well. It was with four board members (3 women, 1 man) and the librarian. They have two separate boards that work together (fortunately). One is from the City of Moscow and the other is made up of Latah County residents.
The library interview was at 11:00 and lasted until probably 12:15. Then I looked around downtown Moscow and the University of Idaho, killing time until 3:30 when I had an interview at WSU for an Office Assistant III job in the Personnel Office. It would involve working with the personnel records - they have about 2500 active staff personnel. The worst part is that they are supposed to let me know today if I got the job, as they want someone to start next week. That means I may have to make a decision about my second choice before I know the outcome of my first choice.
Wendy and I went to her new school yesterday - Jennings Elementary which has K-8th grade. We met her teacher, Miss Stover, who seemed very nice. She is probably around 30 and had former taught kindergarten in Colfax although the last few years she has been teaching in Idaho. Wendy was also pleased that she already knows two girls and one boy that are to be in her class. There are 3 first grades altogether. The teacher also assured Wendy that she wouldn't have to do anything really difficult the first day of school. We'll be able to tell you more about life in the 1st grade next week.
It is almost time for "Reading Rainbow" which I promised Wendy I would watch with her. Have you ever seen any of that series on PBS?
Did you know Carol R. Brink (author of Caddie Woodlawn) was from Moscow? The Children's Room which is in what was the main floor part of the Carnegie Library is called the Carol Rhyie [sic, correct spelling is Ryrie] Brink Children's Room. She also wrote several adult books including Buffalo Coat which is about Moscow 1888-1896.
Got to go –––
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Sunday, August 31, 2014
1984 August postcards - MV & Roberta
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Postcard of Statute of Liberty NYC - mailed 1984
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Mary's postcard to her parents while in NYC with Grandma visiting Joe |
(Rec'd 8-29-84 - Jean's handwriting)
Greetings! Got to Newark fine then into the city by 1:00. Had both lunch and dinner at hotel cafe (Joe's choice) – Walked to his school and apartment yesterday and this morning we went to Central Park and walked all around – I'm tired already. At Joe's now, while he fixes lunch for us – Everything has been fine – My contacts were fine yesterday, but the left one is driving me crazy today.
Love, MV & Grandma
* * * * * * * * * *
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Northampton St. (MA) Railway Co. Trolley, photo 1907 postcard - mailed 1984
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Roberta's postcard to Wendy |
Hi! We are having a great time with Cynthia and Sara. There are alot of colleges in the area. When do you start school?
Love, Roberta
1974 Roberta's letter -Aug.27
August 27, 1974
Dear Family,
Hello . . . . thought I would take a brake (I mean break) from the cooking and write you all a note. I've cooked up my second batch of green beans tonight; also stewed some more tomatoes, cooked some beets tonight. I had stewed tomototes [sic] for breakfast. . . so I've had them all three meals today!!
This is going to be a short work week as we don't have to work this Friday. Which worked out fine for me because Debbie (from Cincinnati--but who has been living in Michigan called me tonight and said that she will be in Cincinnati this Friday and Saturday and wanted to know if I could come down. Grandma made a doctors appointment with Dr. Hamilton at 9:00 A.M Friday morning so it will work out fine for me to take her to the doctors after all and then leave for the city early afternoon or late Friday morning.
There isn't too much news down at the shop. Dorothy Pope and her husband are going back to Canada just for Labor Day weekend. Vicky Oppy is getting a divorce. There have been some more deaths..... Mary Purtee Kingsolver died this morning. Also the old man who lived with Mary Pinkerton died yesterday, his name was Roland Nelson. And do you remember Mr. William Longsworth..well, a notice of his death was in the paper tonight. He died August 3, in a motorcycle accident. I remember him a little; but I would think Catherine would more.
Sorry for the switch but I had to change typewriters as the ribbon on yours got all messed up.
We ate out as planned on Sunday, Grandma mentioned today that next Sunday we will have to go to Leesburg's famous restaurant, Lytles. Maybe I should suggest that we wait to eat there until after you all get back. I would feel guilty eating there without you all. I am really making us of the miracle oven [microwave?] while you all are away. Last night Vanessa, Fayala, Deb and Nancy were here for supper. I fed them broiled lamb chops, baked potatoes (done in the miracle oven) and of course green beans, and tomotoes [sic] After wards we went to the movie "The Sting."
Dad I got your short note and will get those tickets to before too long. Sunday there was an enormous crowd in Church. There were new members, change of memberships, kids being baptized, etc.
I'm enclosing Marianne's latest letter. I thought Catherine might find parts of it to be amusing. I haven't gotten the typewriter yet, but did make it to Swallens and picked up the new jar and blade for the blender that they had ordered for me. (free) I've been using it and it does a might fine job.
I better close for tonight. If I think of anything I'll add it in the morning. Have more time now in the morning as the paper never comes before I leave for work.
Don't worry about a thing – Wiggles gets fed everyday, the water get flowered [sic] –– but the kitchen floor doesn't get mopped or the bed made everyday!
Love, Berta
Dear Family,
Hello . . . . thought I would take a brake (I mean break) from the cooking and write you all a note. I've cooked up my second batch of green beans tonight; also stewed some more tomatoes, cooked some beets tonight. I had stewed tomototes [sic] for breakfast. . . so I've had them all three meals today!!
This is going to be a short work week as we don't have to work this Friday. Which worked out fine for me because Debbie (from Cincinnati--but who has been living in Michigan called me tonight and said that she will be in Cincinnati this Friday and Saturday and wanted to know if I could come down. Grandma made a doctors appointment with Dr. Hamilton at 9:00 A.M Friday morning so it will work out fine for me to take her to the doctors after all and then leave for the city early afternoon or late Friday morning.
There isn't too much news down at the shop. Dorothy Pope and her husband are going back to Canada just for Labor Day weekend. Vicky Oppy is getting a divorce. There have been some more deaths..... Mary Purtee Kingsolver died this morning. Also the old man who lived with Mary Pinkerton died yesterday, his name was Roland Nelson. And do you remember Mr. William Longsworth..well, a notice of his death was in the paper tonight. He died August 3, in a motorcycle accident. I remember him a little; but I would think Catherine would more.
Sorry for the switch but I had to change typewriters as the ribbon on yours got all messed up.
We ate out as planned on Sunday, Grandma mentioned today that next Sunday we will have to go to Leesburg's famous restaurant, Lytles. Maybe I should suggest that we wait to eat there until after you all get back. I would feel guilty eating there without you all. I am really making us of the miracle oven [microwave?] while you all are away. Last night Vanessa, Fayala, Deb and Nancy were here for supper. I fed them broiled lamb chops, baked potatoes (done in the miracle oven) and of course green beans, and tomotoes [sic] After wards we went to the movie "The Sting."
Dad I got your short note and will get those tickets to before too long. Sunday there was an enormous crowd in Church. There were new members, change of memberships, kids being baptized, etc.
I'm enclosing Marianne's latest letter. I thought Catherine might find parts of it to be amusing. I haven't gotten the typewriter yet, but did make it to Swallens and picked up the new jar and blade for the blender that they had ordered for me. (free) I've been using it and it does a might fine job.
I better close for tonight. If I think of anything I'll add it in the morning. Have more time now in the morning as the paper never comes before I leave for work.
Don't worry about a thing – Wiggles gets fed everyday, the water get flowered [sic] –– but the kitchen floor doesn't get mopped or the bed made everyday!
Love, Berta
Saturday, August 30, 2014
1984 Catherine's letter -Aug.25
August 25, 1984
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Sorry about the confusion of the telephone calls this week. We did clear up part of the mystery but the rest remains. According to Wendy we received two calls from "Grandma" on Wednesday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She was here with the babysitter and we still do not know who these calls were from. That was when I called you the two times on Thursday morning. Then while I was gone on Thursday morning came the third call which we found later was from our insurance agent in Madras who was calling to answer our questions about the new policy we got when the house changed from owner-occupied to rental. We knew her pretty well and she knows Wendy and called her "Sweetie."
The Moscow/Latah County Library called yesterday and my interview is scheduled for Wednesday, the 29th at 11 a.m. Supposedly they wanted someone to start on Sept. 1 so there shouldn't be too much delay in selecting their new employee. I'm really hoping I get the job. I'll let you know the outcome as soon as I find out.
Summer seems to be winding down here as it has only been getting up in the high 60;s or low 70's during the day and down to around 40ยบ at night. Our house doesn't warm up much as it is surrounded by big trees so we've had to turn the heat on several times already. Fortunately for the heat bill it is a small house.
And speaking of houses we intend to find a different place to live as soon as we know what my employment status is.
Wendy is looking forward to several big events in September like school starting, the County Fair, and of course, her birthday. We really haven't thought much about what to get her for her birthday. She loves that Cabbage Patch doll that Doris (?) made plus her other two dolls so I might get her some new doll clothes. One of her dolls is now named "Urena." Don't you think that would have been a good name for one of your children?
And now a message from Wendy:
cathy gerry wendy deedee j
That's the end of Wendy's message. She likes to type but gets upset when she makes a mistake. She's more of a perfectionist than I am.
I got stung by a yellow jacket on Thursday and now I have a big red area on m arm that burns and itches. I put some ointment on it earlier this morning and it helped for awhile. I guess I should keep putting it on.
I can't think of much else that is newsworthy so I guess I'll close and get on down to the post office.
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Sorry about the confusion of the telephone calls this week. We did clear up part of the mystery but the rest remains. According to Wendy we received two calls from "Grandma" on Wednesday, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She was here with the babysitter and we still do not know who these calls were from. That was when I called you the two times on Thursday morning. Then while I was gone on Thursday morning came the third call which we found later was from our insurance agent in Madras who was calling to answer our questions about the new policy we got when the house changed from owner-occupied to rental. We knew her pretty well and she knows Wendy and called her "Sweetie."
The Moscow/Latah County Library called yesterday and my interview is scheduled for Wednesday, the 29th at 11 a.m. Supposedly they wanted someone to start on Sept. 1 so there shouldn't be too much delay in selecting their new employee. I'm really hoping I get the job. I'll let you know the outcome as soon as I find out.
Summer seems to be winding down here as it has only been getting up in the high 60;s or low 70's during the day and down to around 40ยบ at night. Our house doesn't warm up much as it is surrounded by big trees so we've had to turn the heat on several times already. Fortunately for the heat bill it is a small house.
And speaking of houses we intend to find a different place to live as soon as we know what my employment status is.
Wendy is looking forward to several big events in September like school starting, the County Fair, and of course, her birthday. We really haven't thought much about what to get her for her birthday. She loves that Cabbage Patch doll that Doris (?) made plus her other two dolls so I might get her some new doll clothes. One of her dolls is now named "Urena." Don't you think that would have been a good name for one of your children?
And now a message from Wendy:
cathy gerry wendy deedee j
That's the end of Wendy's message. She likes to type but gets upset when she makes a mistake. She's more of a perfectionist than I am.
I got stung by a yellow jacket on Thursday and now I have a big red area on m arm that burns and itches. I put some ointment on it earlier this morning and it helped for awhile. I guess I should keep putting it on.
I can't think of much else that is newsworthy so I guess I'll close and get on down to the post office.
Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
1974 Roberta's letter -Aug.23
August 23, 1974
Dear Family,Hi! I've got the beans cooking & the movie "the Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" on the T.V. so thought I'd sit down & write a few lines!
Everything is going fine on the home front. We got your post card - after you had seen the Hinermans. Did Mr. Hinerman have much to say about the ole stock market?
Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet Janice Carroll (from Morrow) in Wilmington for lunch & then go to her house. I'm going to stay all night so Marie is planning on taking Grandma to S.S. & Church. I'm planning of being back in time for Church – afterward G'ma, Ruth & I will eat our Sunday Dinner Out - maybe Waynesville – not via Yellow Springs!
We should eat here - even w/ my big appetite I have way too many vegetables! I picked beans - a whole bucketful tonight. Also lots of tomatoes - I stewed some of them.
I bet X & Cathy's house is really progressing fast w/ all of the recruits (you all) up there!
I made a really good apple sauce cake (W.W.) w/ the apple sauce - oh, I weighed in last night and I've lost ½ pound since last month. Not bad considering how I eat, huh?
The old Shell gas station - there by Wilmington College was torn down & a Lawson's [?] store (something like U.D.F.) is going to be built there.
Well, this is short - but I better go & check up on what's cooking ––
Will write again – hope you are having a good time – think of me working and eating green beans!
Love, Berta
1974 New England & Canada trip -Aug
A trip to Canada and New England in late summer 1974 included HH, Jean, John, and Mary visiting Catherine in Maine and a visit to Montreal. This post card is a rarity as it was not mailed but was written to document family history, particularly John's, transcribed below.
Aug. 27 1974 [referring to night spent at this hotel]
Stayed here after spending weekend w/ C&D & helped with their house – bldg (foundation). Ate at Chinese Canadian Buffet (Bill Wongs?)
Back to Sanford & then took John to Exeter 9/3/74.
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Auberge Seaway Motor Inn, Montreal Canada
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1974 Jean's note on Seaway Motor Inn postcard
Stayed here after spending weekend w/ C&D & helped with their house – bldg (foundation). Ate at Chinese Canadian Buffet (Bill Wongs?)
Back to Sanford & then took John to Exeter 9/3/74.
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1974 Menu from Longfellow's Wayside Inn, Sudbury MA -Dinner Aug. 29.
On back side is written: Colonial Inn, Concord
Friday, August 29, 2014
1984 Catherine's letter -Aug.17
August 17, 1984
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Thanks for calling the other night. It was good talking to you and hearing all the news. I hope the reception for Roberta & Sid goes well on Sunday. I'm sure it will. I'll try to remember to call on Sunday afternoon while the rates are still low here. Gerry has to work on Sunday and then after he gets off (hopefully around 4:00) we plan to play golf.
At least Gerry has tomorrow off so we plan to spend the afternoon in Spokane and have dinner before DeeDee catches her 6:30 p.m. flight back to San Diego. She is anxious to get back and see her friends. Next year I think we'll see if she can come earlier in the summer when things aren't quite as hectic for Gerry. Of course if she gets a summer job that could change everything. She has her Driver's License now and Gerry has been giving her lessons on driving our stick shift so she'll have some experience with that. I can remember shifting on that VW bug we had.
My interview at WSU for the Secretary III & Office Asst. III jobs was pretty much as I expected. I had to expound more on my secretarial skills and experience as well as bookkeeping. Now I am on the list that is given to the different departments when they have an opening. The lady I talked to in the Personnel Dept. said I might be better off applying for the Sec'y & O.A. II positions as those are usually considered the entry levels. Applicants are given a rating based on the tests and then listed in that order. Current staff members get a 5 point bonus when applying for a promotional position. I thought I'd wait and see if I get the job in Moscow first. Hopefully I will have an interview there the end of next week and then I should know by the following week whether I get that job as they hope to have someone start on September 1.
Thanks to Mary Virginia for sending us the Richard Simmons and Firm Believer tape. Wendy and I listened to R.S. yesterday after they came in the mail. It will be awhile before we can figure out exactly what to do when. We really appreciate receiving them. And speaking of exercising it's about time to go to my Friday A.M. exercise class and then on to the post office so I will close. Hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Dear Mother & Dad,
Hi! Thanks for calling the other night. It was good talking to you and hearing all the news. I hope the reception for Roberta & Sid goes well on Sunday. I'm sure it will. I'll try to remember to call on Sunday afternoon while the rates are still low here. Gerry has to work on Sunday and then after he gets off (hopefully around 4:00) we plan to play golf.
At least Gerry has tomorrow off so we plan to spend the afternoon in Spokane and have dinner before DeeDee catches her 6:30 p.m. flight back to San Diego. She is anxious to get back and see her friends. Next year I think we'll see if she can come earlier in the summer when things aren't quite as hectic for Gerry. Of course if she gets a summer job that could change everything. She has her Driver's License now and Gerry has been giving her lessons on driving our stick shift so she'll have some experience with that. I can remember shifting on that VW bug we had.
My interview at WSU for the Secretary III & Office Asst. III jobs was pretty much as I expected. I had to expound more on my secretarial skills and experience as well as bookkeeping. Now I am on the list that is given to the different departments when they have an opening. The lady I talked to in the Personnel Dept. said I might be better off applying for the Sec'y & O.A. II positions as those are usually considered the entry levels. Applicants are given a rating based on the tests and then listed in that order. Current staff members get a 5 point bonus when applying for a promotional position. I thought I'd wait and see if I get the job in Moscow first. Hopefully I will have an interview there the end of next week and then I should know by the following week whether I get that job as they hope to have someone start on September 1.
Thanks to Mary Virginia for sending us the Richard Simmons and Firm Believer tape. Wendy and I listened to R.S. yesterday after they came in the mail. It will be awhile before we can figure out exactly what to do when. We really appreciate receiving them. And speaking of exercising it's about time to go to my Friday A.M. exercise class and then on to the post office so I will close. Hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Thursday, August 28, 2014
1984 Roberta's Letter -Aug. 8
Dear Family,Hi! WELCOME HOME!!!! We will be anxious to hear all about your trip. Had the nicest letter from Cynthia giving great detail about your time with them. I'm so glad you got to visit with her and Murray. She was giving a raving report about the two of you, and was glad to spend some less hectic time (compared to around the wedding) with you all.
I dropped the typewriter just before the last newsletter. Was walking with it and the cord got caught on the door-knob so the machine really hit the floor hard. Pieces flew all over. I think it was totaled. Actually I had been thinking (esp. since the Newsletter comes once a month) to get a typewriter with different features. Sid and I both have old style electric ones---perhaps we could trade-in on a decent one. Borrowed two different typewriters for typing Newsletter. Used an IBM selectomatic---sure nice once you get used to the magic back space button!
It's now Monday morning. Hard to believe that I will be leaving here on Wednesday. Most of my packing is already done and in the trailer. Sure nice to travel wit a four foot closet and three drawers. Feel like on this trip I've got the best of both worlds...flying the long hauls and being in the trailer!!!
It has been very strange being here this past week by myself. Since I had usually been here before marriage with at least one dog and usually three. I've had my share of challenges down at Senior Village too that usually Sid takes care of. Needless to say I miss having Sid around lots. Of course, as you all know, I've gone both to Florida and Ohio and left him here . ... but then I was the one then to have the change of pace so to speak .... not the one left behind. I'm not looking forward to the month of September when I'll be here alone. Maybe I'll plan to go on a mini-trip toward the end of the month.
We had lots and lots of rain last weekend. Had a leak in one of the houses for sometime and last week did the ceiling in. Plasterboard got all wet and just started coming down. Did lots of damage to the room that it came down in. We had the people out of the room but oh, what a mess. Then the insulation got mold growing on it so we had to empty the whole house. that was the first time for that.
I've been running around trying to get everything done -- supplies in -- etc before I leave. Have never been gone for this length of time before and my new boss is not at all handy to have around.
Rented a VCR Video machine last nite and two exercise tapes. One being Richard Simmons and another adult exercise tape. Also had borrowed the Jane Jonda [sic, probably meant Fonda] workout tape from a friend so listened and did quite a bit of them. Feel like I'm getting ready to go into the Marines.
I loaned out the Impala this last week to Candy who stays here while we are gone. She was going to go on a AZ vacation and has a car without AC and that uses lot of gas.....She really like the Impala. I had some experience using Sid's volkswagon. The battery decided to go out. Had it charged up, but didn't hold the charge. Then since it's such an unusual size battery had a hard time replacing it.
Got the Hortons letter. I'm amazed they are off to Mexico in October. Think that its great tho.
We'll e at Sid's brother till Sunday AM then from Monday to Saturday at Judy's
Much love – Looking forward to seeing all ––– Love, Roberta
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
1984 Catherine's Letter -Aug. 7
August 7, 1984
Dear Mother & Dad,Hi! Have you resettled into life in the USA yet? [After trip to England, Scotland & Wales] How's the jet lag? I was planning to type this letter (I need to practice for a test Thursday) but Wendy & DeeDee are both still sleeping (it's 6:55 a.m.) and this house is very small.
The typing test is at WSU for the two jobs I applied for there – Office Assistant III and Secretary III. Those and the Office Asst. II job in the County Clerk's office here in Colfax are my "back-up" job possibilities as now I have another professional library job I'm trying for.
The gal that got the job as Children's Librarian in Pullman was working at the Moscow/Latah County Library so now her job is open. I will send you a copy of the job announcement. It sounds like a good job more in line with my experience but the Librarian here in Colfax says my problem my be that the Head Librarian there would be intimidated by the fact that I was a Head Librarian [in Oregon]. Let's hope not! Moscow is about 25 miles from Colfax so it would require a longer commute. After I take the typing test I'm going to Moscow to give them my resume and references.
I sent a dress to Roberta at your address. It is the one I wore at her wedding. It should fit her now and I haven't worn it since. Also in the package are some clippings that you should be interested in. Be sure and send us some pictures from the reception.
Wendy is still telling us details of her Ohio trip. And she enjoys playing with the Wells items which she brought back with her. She and DeeDee are getting along very well. Dee Dee will return to San Diego on Aug. 18th. Wendy is looking forward to September – school starts on Sept. 4 and of course her birthday. Also the County Fair is held here the 6th-9th.
Harvest has begun and Gerry is very busy at work. It will probably be a few weeks before things calm down for him.
Mother, a book you might be interested in is E is for Everybody by Nancy Polette (Scarecrow - 2nd ed. 1982). It has suggested ideas, activities and discussions for using picture books with grade school and junior high students.
I've got to hang some clothes out and get on with the day here so I will close. We appreciated hearing from Mary Virginia and getting your post cards while you were gone.
Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Uncle Bill 1914-1994
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Wilmington Ohio News-Journal - Monday, August 8, 1994 page 2, Deaths, Funerals column |
William Horton
William Arthur [Arnold] Horton, 80, of 69 E. Main St., New Vienna, and 1025 North B St., Lake Worth, Fla., died Saturday (Aug. 6, 1994) at University Hospital, Cincinnati. He is survived by his wife, Mary Uible Horton, whom he married in Columbus June 24, 1942. They met at Fort Hayes, Columbus, in Civil Service 5th Corp. Area Medical Corp.
Mr. Horton was born Jan. 31, 1914, in East Springfield, Jefferson County, the son of Joseph and Selina Weals Horton, both of whom preceded him in death. He was the third of four children. He grew up in East Springfield and graduated from Amsterdam High School in 1932. Mr. Horton attended Indiana University at Indianapolis in business administration. He was a veteran of World War II as a master sergeant, and served in the Medical Unit in Calcutta, India.
Upon returning to the states, he resided in Hillsboro for seven years. In 195w, he relocated his family to Lake Worth, and this remained his home until his death. The last five years he enjoyed his summer months in New Vienna, and was an active member in the Senior Citizens Center and the New Vienna United Methodist church.
He became licensed as a stock broker for the brokerage security firms of Sutro Brothers of Palm Beach, Hirsch and Co., and Dupont, Glore, Forgan, Inc. of Lake Worth, and Dean Witter of West Palm Beach, Fla. He retired from Dean Witter in 1979.
Mr. Horton was an active member of Calvary United Methodist Church, serving as lay leader, member of the board of trustees, finance committee and other leadership capacities. He was a life-long member of the Masonic Grand Lodge, F&AM, of Florida. Mr. Horton was past president of the Lake Worth Lions Club. He enjoyed playing golf and was a member of the 9 Holers of the Lake Worth Golf Course.
He is also survived by a son, Joseph Uible Horton of Santa Fe, NM; a daughter Marianne Horton Kinter [Kintner] and son-in-law Lawrence Reed Kinter [sic] of Lancaster, Pa.; two sons and daughters in-law, Robert Hiestand and Cindy Bussing Horton of Lake Worth, and Cris Weals and Angela Patter- [end of photocopy]
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
1964 Camp Indianola Family Camp Roberta & Catherine
Roberta wins second place in a Derby Day contest at Camp Indianola but was actually the first place winner when the first place winner, "Kathy," was disqualified for being too old for the age category. This was the first year that the family attended and possibly Marriane accompanied us and Mary Virginia stayed home (per the instructions at end of July for baby schedule). There is a picture of MV at family camp in 1965 so we will look at it next year.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
1954 Jean's Letter -Aug 15
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1954 Jean's letter to her mother First and last pages scanned. |
Sunday –
Aug. 15, 1954
Dearest Mother,Guess its all settled that we will take off this coming Saturday, the 21st. It will be late in the afternoon at the very earliest so don't count on us for dinner. Daddy Uible has decided to accompany Harold to New York so they'll leave early Sunday morning and be back the next Friday (Aug. 27th) and then we want you to come home with us for three or four weeks. Harold will be traveling off & on & we'd like you to keep us company.
Mary & Bill & family left Friday morning for Florida so they'd be getting into Lake Worth today. They had a grand time in Utah & Bill enjoyed his school training there. Mary said they were lost without the children but the time went real fast. Mary became interested in Mormonism so enjoyed talking to the people who owned the motel, etc. & seeing the things of historic interest there. She (rather they) brought the girls leather bracelets with beads of various colors on them which made quite a hit, a paperweight for Harold and a honey dish shaped like a bee hive with a ceramic bee on the top. The honey also made a big hit for we've had it for almost every meal.
Harold had to work over at the County Fair for three days (9-4) directing traffic. The Lions Club's bid of $700 for policing the fair was accepted so they all had to put in three days there.
We (Mother & Daddy Uible and all the children) went over Monday to see the animals & had some of the food the fair offers (foot-long hot dogs, ice cream, candy, etc.)
Wednesday evening there was a picnic for Mary & Bill, Aunt Mary, Uncle Harry – Joe & Mary Hiestand & their family, Paul & Miriam & their family, Helen & Wibb Carr & their boy (Helen is Aunt Mary's daughter by her 1st marriage) & all the Uible-Horton clan. It turned cool that day but was still good weather & we all had a good time.
We told [about Serena's expected arrival] the family the night before Mary & Bill took off – at almost the last minute & about that time more company arrived & we left & thats all thats been said.
We had a tube go bad in our television set but finally got it fixed and might so every enjoy it again.
The girls like their new bed real well & are anxious for you to come down & try it out. I separate them in the afternoon for their naps (usually Catherine just rests anyway) but they are together in it at night & are finally learning to sleep in it without being crosswise in the bed.
Don't go to any trouble for us over the weekend for Harold & Daddy Uible may not even be there for a meal & we don't want you to be too worn out to come home with us.
All our very best love,
Harold, Jean, Catherine & Roberta
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
1954 Jean's Letter -Aug 8
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1954 Letter from Jean to her mother - Aug. 8 First and last page scanned. |
Aug. 8, 1954
Dearest Mother,
Glad to receive your letter yesterday and had hoped to hear that you would come down.
Last week was pretty busy – Tuesday I got my permanent – Jean Eaton [Baugh] gave it to me at her house. Wednesday night was the Lions Club picnic which we had to have at the church because of rain (among other things I made one of those cakes (A&P orange chiffon) with whipped cream and peaches which was a big hit).
Thursday morning we all (4 of us) went to Hillsboro & I got a summer dress on sale – kind of a dimity with a crinoline slip – real pretty. And we also purchased a double dresser in sold maple & a Hollywood bed with a maple head board – both very pretty for the girls' room. Mother Uible had a mattress & springs so we're using those on it (They came Saturday).
Thurs. afternoon was the WSCS picnic at Mrs. Howard Penn's. Mother Uible insisted on staying home with all the children so they had an indoor picnic due to rainy weather again.
Thursday night the Firemen were putting on a show & we felt obliged to go to it.
Friday a whole carful of us (Donna Cornelius, driver, her mother Mrs. McClure, Jean Eaton, Alice Rudisill, Charlotte Hause and I) went to Cincinnati for the day. Harold had a trip to Sandusky so took both the girls with him. I half looked for summer dresses but there weren't any decent ones left. I also looked at maternity house dresses but they had only 2 piece one which didn't appeal to me. I did get a real pretty Bates spread for the girls room. Also found baby things on sale so really stocked up – 4 doz diapers, 8 shirts, 4 kimonos, 4 bath towel sets and 5 yards of sani-sheeting.
We got home about 6:00 & Harold & the girls about 6:20. Mary Ruth & Bob were having a dinner party at 6:30 so it was quite a rush. It was one of those affairs put on my a stainless-steel co. to sell their pots & pans. The whole dinner is cooked & served by the salesman & then you get sales talk before & after the dinner & he makes appointments to see you in your own home the next day. They only wanted $146 for the small set & $235 (5 pieces) for the larger sets (about 8 or 9 pieces). Plus they they want you to book another dinner party for them. What a racket!
From all I hear there were only two of the six couples invited who didn't buy a set nor book a party. Jean & Joe Eaton were the other couple. I can't see any pot or pan worth $30 a piece. We might have booked a party but I couldn't see invited 5 other couples who would feel obliged to be rooked.
This morning we had no church services. I taught the 6-8 year olds in Sunday School class and will have the group next Sunday too as their teacher is away on vacation.
I forgot to tell you that when Mary & Bill were up at Bill's mother, they started up to see you & someone told them the road was under construction for four miles and due to the terrific dust they thought it best to turn around altho they were sorry not to get to see you. Mary was rather miserable the whole time she was in Ohio due to the dust.
Catherine is fine now – snapped out of her sick spell right away & Roberta is as impish as ever.
The Horton children seem to get along fine without their parents. Mary & Bill will be in prob Tues or poss Monday or maybe Wednesday. She wrote & said she'd never go as far from the children again. Mother U. wanted to know if we felt that way – & we said we missed them but would go again if the opportunity knocked – guess we're just callous.
I've been feeling fine – probably will go to the doctor again this week as my pills have run out. Still haven't mentioned it to Mother & Daddy Uible altho I imagine they have guessed it from some of their remarks.
Harold says to tell you we will leave New Vienna two weeks from yesterday Aug 21 (Saturday) & will take you home with us the following Saturday (Aug. 28) so please make your plans to come. I have to entertain the WSCS Sept. 2 so want you here then. We won't take "no" for an answer this time. We've got a better bed for you now.
All our very best love,
Harold, Jean, Catherine, Roberta & ? [unborn Serena]
Friday, August 08, 2014
2004 Catherine's postcard -Aug. 5
St. Louis, Missouri received a $1 million dollar gift from Andrew Carnegie to build their new central library in 1901. 25¢ bought the postcard below about 100 years later. In recent years the library was under a $70 million dollar restoration and renovation, expected to reopen in 2012.
St. Louis Missouri library postcard c1925
St. Louis Missouri library postcard c1925 address side mailed 5 Aug 2004 from Catherine to HHUs
Recognize this handwriting? I wasn't around in 1925 to write the message but saved it until 2004. Here's my exciting message of 5 August 2004: Hi! Glad we were able to get our tickets to fly to Ohio at a bargain price ($99 one way) so close to Thanksgiving [family get together to see Kate perform in the Nutcracker]. Seems like fall already with kids back in school and we are immersed in planning fall programs. Summer session of storytimes ends this week. Total registration for children's reading program this summer was 11,333 an increase of 5% over 2003. Next week is meeting to begin planning for 2005. When do you leave for Asheville? Love, Catherine & Gerry
Monday, August 04, 2014
1954 Jean's Letter -Aug 1
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1954 Jean's Letter to her mother - Aug. 1 First and last pages scanned. |
August 1, 1954
Dearest Mother,
We should have sooner [written] to tell you we arrived home safely about 8:00 last Sunday night. We stopped on the way to eat, see Melvin & Helen Long (they weren't home but saw their little girl & Helen's family who were baby-sitting) and later Aunt Vertie and then at Mother & Daddy Uibles to see them & the Horton children.
Tuesday afternoon Bill Sanker called from Cleveland to say he was leaving then for Cincinnati & so he arrived at 12:30 that night (we had left everything ready for him) but didn't hear him come in. He left after breakfast (around 6:30) & stopped on his way back Thursday night – stayed for supper & all night & left about 4:00 AM for Cleveland – when we again didn't hear him.
They are tearing down the house behind the filling station across the street where Arlene & Dick Curtis used to live. They plan to put up a super-modern station there.
We stopped tonight to see the McElwee's newly-moved-in-to house. They certainly have the rooms now. Three bedrooms, huge attic, basement (with big billiard table & fixed up like a recreation room). I'd think they'd really get lost in the house after their former one.
Mother & Daddy Uible & the 3 little Horton's were down for supper tonight. They brought a watermelon & I doctored up a bought Angel food with strawberries & whipped cream and we had some cold roast beef & turkey sandwiches (the latter thanks to Thanksgiving – the last package).
Catherine didn't feel very good this past week but is fine now. Wednesday she had a fever of 102ยบ & complained of sore throat. We had Dr. Fullerton Thursday morning & he gave her a penicillin shot, sulphea medicine & some other pills & she soon snapped out of it. He said its primarily her tonsils & wants to see them this fall & see that they're taken out if need be.
Mary & Bill are due back about a week from tomorrow & I'll bet G'Ma & G'Dad are counting the days. The children don't seem to be a bit homesick.
I'm to get a permanent Tuesday. The Lions Club picnic is Wednesday night – Thursday is the WSCS picnic & that night the Firemen [?] are giving a minstrel. Tomorrow night is Church Board Meeting and I have a Hospital Twig meeting too.
The Fenwicks have gone to Florida for a little vacation. His sister lives there (in Miami). John didn't go. I guess he has to work.
No doubt Bob & Harriette & family are home or almost so by now. Do hope they had a nice vacation.
Would you ask Virginia if she might have packed the belt to my navy dotted nylon or perhaps it will turn up some old place at home – anyway I hope.
We're counting on you coming down soon so please plan on it. Harold is planning to go to New York in about 3 weeks.
All our very best love,
Harold, Jean, Catherine, Roberta & ? [expected baby Serena] (We haven't told M.&D. Uible yet so shhhhhh please)
Friday, August 01, 2014
1984 Scotland, Wales postcards - July 25-31
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Scotland postcard - Piper in Wallace Tartan - mailed 1984 |
1984 Wallace Tartan postcard from Jean & HH -July 25
Wed 7-25-84
Glasgow, Scotland
Have enjoyed learning about the Scottish Clans & Tartans here in Glasgow – near where Ballantynes lived in Paisley. Also tie to the Wallaces on front.
Really appreciated your aerogramme, MV – hope your roses do well & yard isn't too much for you + gardening, work, softball, etc.
We have a 9-hour bus ride today to Bangor, Wales – the area were the Hortons came from. Have been in several Woolworth stores & did buy bubbles. They have a lot of items from Hong Kong also. --Jean & Harold
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Anglesey Beumaris Castle (Wales) postcard - mailed 1984![]() |
Hi –
We visited here yesterday where they put on a 13th century "battle" - all in costume. The castle was started in 1295.
Attended the local Methodist Church - had 5 hymns - w/all verses sung. also had 6 P.M. service.
We have had Yorkshire pudding twice – a speciality – but wouldn't go out of our way for it.
Wales is such a beautiful country and they still retain their language as well as English though there is no similarity. Enjoyed a youth choir and a harpist last night who played & sang Welsh music.
Love to all – Harold & Jean
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North Wales Castles postcard - mailed 1984 Top: Caernarfon |
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1984 Wales Castles postcard from HH -July 31 |
We got our rental car today – near the lower right hand corner castle. It's a right hand drive & shift w/ the left hand. It's a Ford Fiesta.
Plan to drive down the Coast of Wales – then to Bath/Bristol area, & then toward London
Went to the grocery today & got "provisions." Also a jack set. Wales has been great also – makes us want to read ore history. Glad to get MV's letter today. See Proverbs 25:25.
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