November 30, 1973
Dear Family,
Hi! Grandma and I are sitting here watching some Christmas Special on T.V. We were watching "Winter is a special season" but we got cold just watching it! (HA!)
It really has been cold – well at least cool – down here. It got down to 58ยบ yesterday morning! It had been so warm just the day before but then zap - it got COLD!
Thanks alot for everything you sent down via Grandma. Mary V – thanks for the pictures of you.
John – Grandma told me that you passed your driver's license test – even tho you did drive a little fast. (ho, hum!) please drive carefully – don't follow in my footsteps and have any wrecks!!
Mother – I saw the Penny Pincher woman on T.V. just this last week. Alot of her recipes sounded pretty good - but I'll have to wait until her diet cook-book comes out! She said that they were working on it!
OH! I lost another 1½ pounds last week. I've lost 54 pounds now – I just want to lose 3 more pounds now! I'm hoping to do it by Christmas!
It was this past week that all the new W.W. classes started. Monday night I was in Lantana, Tuesday night at Boynton Beach, last night at Richard's – (out at the mall) and this morning at Penny's (also out at the mall). I wasn't supposed to work last night but they called me up yesterday and said that there was an "emergency."
I sure sent to bed Wednesday night full (as if I usually go to bed hungry – HA! HA!) Four of us from school - after handing in our Criminal Justice papers went to the Sun War [Wak? Wah?] restaurant and eat. [sic] John & Mary V – are you getting hungry?
Anyway - everything was really good. We all got something different and then passed the stuff around like we all did before. We all went way out & got the whole deal – you know the egg roll, fortune cookie, etc.
I got the emergency brake on the Buick fixed on Tuesday. It only cost me $15.00 - I thought that was pretty good.
Today was the bazaar down at the Church. Grandma & I went down & had lunch. I had one all packed – tossed salad, tuna fish, celery & cucumber slices.
Then afterwards we drove out to see the ocean – then we went to the wheel-chair place and looked at light-weight wheel chairs. They all weigh (less than) 30 pounds compared to the one she has now that weighs 46 pounds.
I sure appreciate the stamps you all sent – also the check. I'll be paying my tuition next week so I won't have it long!
I'll send back the pictures before too long.
I'll be anxious to get to work tomorrow and see who won this week's contest. I've heard through one of my friends that some of the full-time people didn't think that a part-time person should win.
Aunt Mary just got in – from being at the bazaar all day!
Well - I better close – I've got alot of eating yet to do before I go to bed. My pudding and 2 fruits!!
Love, Berta