Wed. Evening. [June 1, 1910] I received your letter all O.K. Was glad to hear you were going to the class play. Mamma please do not worry about me working too hard for I have not done hardly a blessed thing since I have been in M[ound]. City, but go down town for the mail twice a day. I am invited to a birthday party Friday. Girls and I got ice-cream soda this afternoon. Robert picked 12 gallons of strawberries out at farm today & is not yet through. Sis getting along fine going to sit up in bed Sat. Took a drive Monday evening. Received a letter postal from Donna [?] today & also a letter from Cecil & Helen G. sent a postal. G.H.
Grandma is visiting Aunt Luna (her Sis) in Missouri, evidently Luna has had surgery or been very sick as one can infer she has been/is bedridden. No mention of a new baby. Perhaps they had some household help if Grandma is to believed that she hasn't been working too hard. Who is taking care of the girls, Roberta and Ellen? Who is doing something with the 12 gallons of strawberries? Glad Granddad is staying in touch. Where (or who) would we be if they had not gotten together!
I like Grandma's use of the word blessed, as in "blessed thing". Not an expression you hear anymore. And of course I like the book related postcard which is in excellent condition. The silver design around the edges makes it look like something battered and torn. This card says in tiny print on the bottom (as pictured) of the message side something about London and "printed in Germany." As for going for a ride, there is no indication it is an "automobile" ride which I think might still have been uncommon for 1910. There is at least one more card from this trip which should be arriving (to us modern day folks) via blog next week.
Mary, your guess is as good as mine as far as interpreting Ira's handwriting. I don't think there are any more postcards from him or we might get more clues.