Postcards from this period are most collectible when they do not have writing on their fronts. Ones in prime condition currently go for $300 and up on vintage post card sites, whereas one like Grandma's, not including the historical family value, can be found on ebay for 99 cents. This "Real Photo" printed in England was considered of lesser value than those printed in Germany.
I like this card as it is the oldest card that has a message from Grandma. In case you can't read the message on the card itself, she writes:
Fri. morning [Aug 21, 1908]
Dear Mary: We arrived safe and sound Wed. morning and surprised them all greatly. Mamma got along better than usual. We enjoyed the pears greatly and ate them all but one, but Ellen & Roberta [Aunt Luna's daughters] soon made way with it. Found them all well. Gladys

Questions to be answered:
How long did Aunt Luna live in Mound City? At some point she moved to Columbia.
What did Uncle [first name unknown to me] Mitchell do in Mound City?
How long did it take to get from Hillsboro to Mound City via train in 1908?
When was Aunt Luna born?
When were Ellen and Roberta born?
Did "Mamma" not travel well or was she poorly in general?
Stay tuned for further postcard adventures!