Tuesday, October 31, 2006
back of photo

For some reason this particular photo is presenting problems . . . first the post just disappeared - after I had seen it in the blog and now the photograph has duplicated itself and removed the second part - the back of the photograph.
I don't remember the Petits at all and Cynthia . . . I'm assuming Burton, doesn't sound familiar, except as one of the many older Burton children. I did recognize Roberta immediately and Catherine after a bit.

Baby watching the action going on elsewhere . . . probably watching her older sisters eating cake and ice cream while she waits patiently in the corner.
(Actually don't know who this is . . . I assume it is me since it was next to the photo of Roberta's birthday party, but it was obviously printed at a different time since the paper is quite different. Could be someone else . . .?) Anyone know? No, there is nothing written on the back.

Monday, October 30, 2006
Beautiful Ohio
Here's the words to Ohio's state song, courtesy of the Ohiohistorycentral.org blog. Since it was adopted after I finished school in Ohio, that could explain why I don't remember ever hearing it or even seeing it in print. The new lyrics adapted in 1989 seem much better suited than the 1969 version.
Ohio's State Song - Beautiful Ohio
In 1969, the Ohio legislature adopted "Beautiful Ohio" as Ohio's state song. Mary Earl, whose real name was Robert A. "Bobo" King, composed the music, while Ballard MacDonald wrote the original lyrics. In 1989, with the permission of the Ohio legislature, Wilbert B. McBride altered the lyrics.
In his version, MacDonald describes a rather fanciful view of Ohio, describing it as a "paradise," where two people fell in love.
MacDonald's lyrics:
Long, long time ago
Someone I know
Had a little red canoe,
In it room for only two.
Love found its start
Then in my heart,
And like a flower grew.
Drifting with the current down a moonlit stream,
While above the Heavens in their glory gleam,
And the stars on high
Twinkle in the sky,
Seeming in a paradise of love divine,
Dreaming of a pair of eyes that looked in mine.
Beautiful Ohio, in dreams again I see
Visons of what used to be.
McBride also described Ohio in a stellar light, using terms like "majestic," "beautiful," and "lovely." In addition, He provided a more accurate portrayal of the state by referring to the state's industries, cities, and farmland, deleting MacDonald's lovers from the song.
I sailed away;
Wandered afar;
Crossed the mighty restless sea;
Looked for where I ought to be.
Cities so grand, mountains above,
Led to this land I love.
Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain
Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain.
Cities rising high, silhouette the sky.
Freedom is supreme in this majestic land;
Mighty factories seem to hum in tune, so grand.
Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view,
Land where my dreams all come true!
From Ohio History Central.
Ohio's State Song - Beautiful Ohio
In 1969, the Ohio legislature adopted "Beautiful Ohio" as Ohio's state song. Mary Earl, whose real name was Robert A. "Bobo" King, composed the music, while Ballard MacDonald wrote the original lyrics. In 1989, with the permission of the Ohio legislature, Wilbert B. McBride altered the lyrics.
In his version, MacDonald describes a rather fanciful view of Ohio, describing it as a "paradise," where two people fell in love.
MacDonald's lyrics:
Long, long time ago
Someone I know
Had a little red canoe,
In it room for only two.
Love found its start
Then in my heart,
And like a flower grew.
Drifting with the current down a moonlit stream,
While above the Heavens in their glory gleam,
And the stars on high
Twinkle in the sky,
Seeming in a paradise of love divine,
Dreaming of a pair of eyes that looked in mine.
Beautiful Ohio, in dreams again I see
Visons of what used to be.
McBride also described Ohio in a stellar light, using terms like "majestic," "beautiful," and "lovely." In addition, He provided a more accurate portrayal of the state by referring to the state's industries, cities, and farmland, deleting MacDonald's lovers from the song.
I sailed away;
Wandered afar;
Crossed the mighty restless sea;
Looked for where I ought to be.
Cities so grand, mountains above,
Led to this land I love.
Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain
Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain.
Cities rising high, silhouette the sky.
Freedom is supreme in this majestic land;
Mighty factories seem to hum in tune, so grand.
Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view,
Land where my dreams all come true!
From Ohio History Central.
Sent a short email to Mom and Dad this afternoon and tonight got it back courtesy some SPAM blocker. :( Any clues? Probably something their ISP is using or have you folks installed a new program?
Tomorrow will be a busy day; School/Work and then community (girls) choir rehearsals, adult handbells, Ginny's One Act Play program at school and (simultaneously) Don has the charge conference with the DS to OFFICIALLY close Centenary UMC (no one has showed up for about 3 months).
One week from tomorrow is the much anticipated Biltmore trip! Best of weeks to all the family!
Tomorrow will be a busy day; School/Work and then community (girls) choir rehearsals, adult handbells, Ginny's One Act Play program at school and (simultaneously) Don has the charge conference with the DS to OFFICIALLY close Centenary UMC (no one has showed up for about 3 months).
One week from tomorrow is the much anticipated Biltmore trip! Best of weeks to all the family!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I too get the UIBLE ALERTS and to think the world got the Pictures of Dad and his upcoming birthday! Also got the alerts of Mary Virginia's devotionals! I can't wait to see my name as an alert. Won't be like America's Most Wanted.....Did anyone else miss the program last night. Meaning it was not on, I turned it on, but it was some sort of sports game instead! I was able to watch a program on cold case files. Excellent! Though not appreciated by others who share this roof! We have a busy day tomorrow including having an appointment at the bank with the lock people since we seemed to have lost the key to our lockbox. Seems to me it is an easy way for them to make an extra $150. Wonder how much Park National would charge.....but what I wonder the most is what valuables we will find in this box. My third grade picture??? Stay tuned.....Roberta the poster......
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Google Alert
Does anyone else get the Google Alert for "UIBLE"? I had signed up for it recently and today got a message through it about Serena's post re: Dad's birthday. That seemed just a LITTLE weird, but.....shows you how "small" the world has become with computers and internet. Also about Frank Uible's posting on another blog and Marc Uible's trip to India (?) I think. Marc is Woody's college age son who attends IU, Richard's grandson....
It's a new Saturday in SCW!
Good morning one and all! I have been reading and of course enjoying the pictures! I have been quite busy going to parties it seems. Thursday night one was expecting 30-40 and there were 6 of us there! Long story made bearable is that (a food story is coming up!) I spoke with the hostess and took some of her food to the party last night where I had been told there would be a shortage of substantial food. I guess too many others got the same message, so there was enough there to feed sheriff Joe's prisoners in Tent City. SO now the huge tray of meat and cheese is now at our house again! Sid came up with a brilliant idea, and that is we take it to Patience who always shares with the others she knows from Africa.
Speaking of food.....we had the best of breakfasts yesterday, a casserole made by Serena and she took the stir-fry vegetables out of the bag and made a whole new experience for us!
This next week we have four music programs coming up! Two outside, which means get out the jackets once that sun goes down. Mom, it is still very pleasant! But at one of our stops yesterday found a nice hooded piece for you Mom! I'll keep it here, hoping I can find it December 20th!
Wishing one and all the best of weekends, be it a working weekend at home or work! This weekend I am enjoying a four day weekend! I do have a bank story to tell if someone reminds me of it. Love to all..............
Speaking of food.....we had the best of breakfasts yesterday, a casserole made by Serena and she took the stir-fry vegetables out of the bag and made a whole new experience for us!
This next week we have four music programs coming up! Two outside, which means get out the jackets once that sun goes down. Mom, it is still very pleasant! But at one of our stops yesterday found a nice hooded piece for you Mom! I'll keep it here, hoping I can find it December 20th!
Wishing one and all the best of weekends, be it a working weekend at home or work! This weekend I am enjoying a four day weekend! I do have a bank story to tell if someone reminds me of it. Love to all..............
Friday, October 27, 2006
Ready to Fall Back
Was going to remind you all to reset your clocks tomorrow night; then it occurred to me that AZ doesn't even participate in DST. Glad to hear from RUK + Mom and Dad by phone this week and hope Dad has had an extraordinary birthday today.
Got some much needed rain here today and Christian is recovering from ear infections. Other than that, I think we're healthy! Tried scanning more pictures today via my laptop but it crashed on the 6th picture so haven't tried anymore. Hope to have another CD of pictures to send with Mom and Dad when they go to AZ via GA!
Speaking of food---made chili tonight for the first time since cold weather---the tomato based kind that is. Have made the white chicken chili a couple times already. Unlike my extremely healthy older sisters who prefer vegan it is full of sausage (and kidney beans)! I did drain the nasty grease off at least.....
Not much else new here but has been extra busy at PFUMC last two weeks with our secretary out. I've been doing the newsletter and have had a MUCH larger appreciation of all she does, including the things she did with me asking her to!
Dad, any news of when (target date) GG plans to "retire"?
Got some much needed rain here today and Christian is recovering from ear infections. Other than that, I think we're healthy! Tried scanning more pictures today via my laptop but it crashed on the 6th picture so haven't tried anymore. Hope to have another CD of pictures to send with Mom and Dad when they go to AZ via GA!
Speaking of food---made chili tonight for the first time since cold weather---the tomato based kind that is. Have made the white chicken chili a couple times already. Unlike my extremely healthy older sisters who prefer vegan it is full of sausage (and kidney beans)! I did drain the nasty grease off at least.....
Not much else new here but has been extra busy at PFUMC last two weeks with our secretary out. I've been doing the newsletter and have had a MUCH larger appreciation of all she does, including the things she did with me asking her to!
Dad, any news of when (target date) GG plans to "retire"?
Serena, thanks for posting these pictures! And I did want everyone to know that I continue to lurk even when you don't know it.........
Poor Sid had an email he had worked on most of today but somehow we lost it, of course that is just one of the many things we have "somewhere" in this house! Just ask Serena........
TGIF! Roberta
Poor Sid had an email he had worked on most of today but somehow we lost it, of course that is just one of the many things we have "somewhere" in this house! Just ask Serena........
TGIF! Roberta
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Back Online
And you all probably didn't even miss us. Our internet service had been down for two days. We thought maybe it was a modem problem since Cox Cable said the problem was not the computer. Turned out to be a transmission box down the street from us. Other than that not too much new here. Roberta, our friend and former neighbor, Phyllis, who moved to Westbrook Village in Peoria maybe 5+ years ago, is now considering assisted living. Should I suggest Royal Oaks for her? Any other suggestions?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
bus driving
Have returned from my second bus trip in as many days a little bit ago. Today was the Sr. Adults from church who went to the new aquarium in downtown Atlanta via the famous Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle, GA. Yesterday I drove the (Trinity School) bus for the 3rd graders to go to Ft. Discovery (Nat'l Science Center) in Augusta, GA. I enjoy driving a car but I don't have any desire to drive as a profession. AND I sure don't have the slightest urge to teach any persons under 18 full time! Just 2 weeks from yesterday is the big trip to the Biltmore/Asheville and have 20 persons for that trip (including me!).
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Ready to Go
Well, we're ready to go. Roberta has already had an exciting morning - one - or both - of the cats had diarrhea last night and since she was, for once the first one up, she got to clean it up. I guess I know what morning to "sleep in".
We are leaving in about 40 minutes (6:30) for Sharon's house who will drive me and then I will ride with Sharon and RUK and Sid will take her bike on the bike rack. At least RUK and I will have our cell phones to communicate who is where in comparison to the finish line/restaurant. Roberta has been talking about Protein Pancakes at the Egg-something Restaurant literally for weeks - the 15 mile bike ride is almost secondary.
Catherine - we have vegan muffins in the freezer. The don't keep very well - not enough fat - so I always put them in the freezer like the same morning they are baked. Costco muffins last much longer, but they have other disadvantages. I like to have those muffins on hand - either vegan or almost vegan. I rather like the sweet banana taste and they are healthier than about any other kind of bread. Anyway, I'll either bring some next time we get together - or I'll leave them here - like we always seem to do with the Sudoku puzzles, postcards, etc.
Well, gotta get going . . . I think I am going to have my oatmeal and Cheerios this morning before we go. RUK said that there will be plenty of food around there - but at least having eaten my cereal, the really bad stuff won't look so tempting.
We still have not heard anything from Sid's doctors about the brain scan. I told RUK that he probably would call while she was on the bike ride - right as she is mid-hill and she would have to pull over so that she could give him a sizable piece of her mind.
Well, only 30 more minutes before we leave . . . gotta mix up my Cheerios, milk and oatmeal. And maybe make coffee - I've already made Green Tea for Sid and will make regular tea for RUK.
We are leaving in about 40 minutes (6:30) for Sharon's house who will drive me and then I will ride with Sharon and RUK and Sid will take her bike on the bike rack. At least RUK and I will have our cell phones to communicate who is where in comparison to the finish line/restaurant. Roberta has been talking about Protein Pancakes at the Egg-something Restaurant literally for weeks - the 15 mile bike ride is almost secondary.
Catherine - we have vegan muffins in the freezer. The don't keep very well - not enough fat - so I always put them in the freezer like the same morning they are baked. Costco muffins last much longer, but they have other disadvantages. I like to have those muffins on hand - either vegan or almost vegan. I rather like the sweet banana taste and they are healthier than about any other kind of bread. Anyway, I'll either bring some next time we get together - or I'll leave them here - like we always seem to do with the Sudoku puzzles, postcards, etc.
Well, gotta get going . . . I think I am going to have my oatmeal and Cheerios this morning before we go. RUK said that there will be plenty of food around there - but at least having eaten my cereal, the really bad stuff won't look so tempting.
We still have not heard anything from Sid's doctors about the brain scan. I told RUK that he probably would call while she was on the bike ride - right as she is mid-hill and she would have to pull over so that she could give him a sizable piece of her mind.
Well, only 30 more minutes before we leave . . . gotta mix up my Cheerios, milk and oatmeal. And maybe make coffee - I've already made Green Tea for Sid and will make regular tea for RUK.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Block Party
All went well today---weather was PERFECT and we had a big crowd! Everything was free and we ran out of hot dogs (had nearly 500 of those), popcorn and the line for the cotton candy was ALWAYS at least 20-30 minutes long. It being our 6th year, local people know about it and become repeat attenders. We also rent a couple of big blow up things (slide, obstacle course, etc) and the last couple of years have coordinated with the Preschool Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser. Also have the "freebie" carnival type games, face painting and health fair. I would say we had around 700 or more. Local groups come in to do entertainment which also helps our attendance. Even put our new bus to use as a large billboard in the Kroger parking lot with a banner on each side parked at the end of the parking lot!
We will be doing the TEMPE bike ride tomorrow for the 5th time,not the 4th time! Did anyone else have pumpkin pancakes this morning? We did (thanks Serena!) and they were much better than IHOP! Off to the ball park for the health fair. Oh, speaking of HEALTH, we just came from Sprouts, where we bought a variety of good-for-you items and some double dipped chocolate peanuts for Sidley. More later.....
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tainted muffins
JK Serena! The muffin was only tainted with those evil artificially colored m&m's. I found the lone remaining muffin from the ones Serena shared with us at Coco's lo those many weeks ago. Fortunately I found it in the freezer so upon thawing it was quite tasty. Thanks again, Serena. And if you ever make another batch of the vegan ones I'd love to try them. Wondering if Sid ever heard from his Doctor today and hope the news was positive! Roberta, are you and Sid entered in the Trail of Two Cities Glendale/Peoria bike ride or is that also this weekend? Wendy, how was the Dr. appointment today?
12834 Ballad
Wanted to let everyone know that we are alive and well and though you have not heard from me I have been reading posts and comments. Yesterday we supported the medical profession with three appointments and long story made bearable Sid was scheduled for a cat scan this morning at 7:30 to find if there was a repeat of the same problem of about a month ago with blood on the top of the brain. Four phone calls later to the same doctor that insisted we have the cat scan done today have produced nothing but "you will be hearing from the doctor" and "the doctor is in surgery" or "only the doctor can read the report" This was in answer to my question if the report was in English and if someone in the office could possibly read it since I understood English!
The good news to report is that we have just come from a bike ride this evening of 4-5 miles, perhaps longer, so we are ready for the Tempe bike ride this Sunday. We have done this bike ride annually since we got our first side-by-side bike and I believe Sid was the oldest one doing it 4 years ago and he continues to hold the record!
Tomorrow I am to work a health fair meaning I pass out information and try to get people to either be interested in receiving Interfaith services or if they look too healthy to try to get them to be a volunteer. Other Interfaith staff have commented in the past that I am the only one that can talk for hours and not have to take a break! I tell them it is because as a child I did not have a chance to talk much!
Are blogs supposed to be short???? Best of weekends to one and all however you spend it! Love, Roberta the poster
The good news to report is that we have just come from a bike ride this evening of 4-5 miles, perhaps longer, so we are ready for the Tempe bike ride this Sunday. We have done this bike ride annually since we got our first side-by-side bike and I believe Sid was the oldest one doing it 4 years ago and he continues to hold the record!
Tomorrow I am to work a health fair meaning I pass out information and try to get people to either be interested in receiving Interfaith services or if they look too healthy to try to get them to be a volunteer. Other Interfaith staff have commented in the past that I am the only one that can talk for hours and not have to take a break! I tell them it is because as a child I did not have a chance to talk much!
Are blogs supposed to be short???? Best of weekends to one and all however you spend it! Love, Roberta the poster
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Ballantyne photographs
Thanks Mary Virginia for the photograph CD and the identifications! I have uploaded photographs of Catherine/Morgans and Ballantynes into the web albums. The former were much easier for me to identify than the latter. Should get the rest of them uploaded by the end of the week, I hope.
It would be very helpful if Mother, in particular, looked at the Ballantyne photographs, since she is the expert on Ballantynes.
It would be very helpful if Mother, in particular, looked at the Ballantyne photographs, since she is the expert on Ballantynes.
Daileys . . . questions

Somehow I posted the above picture with the below one, so I decided to just leave it up. The above is obviously Catherine, Roberta and Serena.

______ Dailey, Harold Hiestand Uible, Tom Dailey, Mary Ellen Dailey, Jean Wallace Ballantyne Uible, Maureen Dailey, Joseph Dailey
I'm guessing at who is who in this photograph . . .

Sunday, October 15, 2006
KC's Baby Shower!

KC's baby shower was a huge success! Adrian did a wonderful job hosting and we got tons of stuff! Thanks for the stroller Roberta Sid and Serena. And many thanks for the generous gift certificate to Baby Depot Mom and Dad - we will be going to purchase the crib very soon. It was a really good day all around. We feel very lucky to have such generous and kind friends and family.
Williamsburg picture
Wow, Dad & Mother! Just read all your comments. This is my best guess on the picture. I think it was taken in Williamsburg in 1998 when we celebrated your 50th anniversary.
Go Raw Cafe
Have you eaten here? It sounds interesting. I found it thanks to the post you sent me about Luby's - I went and looked at the Disease Proof website - very interesting.
Although it is rather far to go just for lunch or supper. Perhaps when the Newark Uibles and the Crowsons come to visit . . . ?!
Have you eaten here? It sounds interesting. I found it thanks to the post you sent me about Luby's - I went and looked at the Disease Proof website - very interesting.
Although it is rather far to go just for lunch or supper. Perhaps when the Newark Uibles and the Crowsons come to visit . . . ?!
Roberta, Catherine, John and Serena photograph

Roberta is thinking, "As soon as the photograph is taken, I can start picking on Serena again."
Catherine is thinking, "Maybe I should read books to children and get paid for it. Of course, the children should be better behaved than these children."
John is thinking, "I wonder how much this book cost."
Serena is thinking, "I''m gonna be wearing sailor outfit hand-me-downs for the next 8 years of my life."
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Baby Shower here we come!

Wendy & Ken, we are looking forward to the baby shower which will be starting in less than two hours. Glad the weather has cleared off and it has turned into a sunny day for the celebration. No chance of frost here today! Dee and family will be meeting us there also as they have journeyed from San Diego for the big event! Not quite as big an event as the actual arrival of the baby will be though. According to my notes this is a picture of Kenneth Charles III's great-grandmother, currently better known as Peaches, Luscious, Mother, Mom, or Grandma.
Geologic Map of Ohio

Read on a blog called "The Map Room A Weblog about Maps" that this map of Ohio is available for $15. I do like the colors but the 72" by 48" map of the world we recently hung on our wall is enough of a map purchase for this year. Dad, I am impressed by your commenting! Good job!
Maproom link
Friday, October 13, 2006
Family Resemblance
Forgot why I was writing a post when I got off on the organ situation! Was organizing all my family history information and interesting to see family resemblances amongst the living and the dead. The strongest resemblance to me was Serena (current picture on the blog) and Grandmother Ballantyne/Aunt Virginia! Have you all gotten the latest picture CD I sent this week?
Everyone busy?
I've checked the blog several times the last day or two, assuming that my blogline subscription must not be working---not even a new picture for a couple days. The only excitement here is that I'm taking some cmte. members to Statesboro (GA) tomorrow to listen to 3 organs as we consider what to buy in the next several months to replace the 30+ yr. old organ we now have at church. Sid, with his organ background, may recognize the name "Allen Organ" which is what we have now. They have a decent product but much of what you pay for is the name on the organ, kind of like you can buy an Atlanta Braves shirt with your favorite players name on it at a ballgame for $25++ or get the same shirt minus the name at a local discount store for less than $10. Allen, who has become known as one of (if not THE ONE) name in church organs also has the highest pricetag. We don't have anyone demanding a pipe organ who is willing to fork over the $500K necessary, so electronic digital for a fraction thereof is very appealing.
Hayes Sidney King,
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Miss Uible Joins Indian Mission Summer Staff
Miss Uible Joins Indian Mission Summer Staff
Miss Roberta Uible, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Uible, New Vienna, has joined the summer staff of the North American Indian Mission in its 23rd year of outreach to the Indian people of Western Canada, Washington and Alaska.
The heart of he program in which Miss Uible is involved is a widespread Bible school and youth ministry among the Indians, spanning a thousand miles of beautifully rugged, remote country. This summer over 75 college-age student volunteers are carrying the Gospel to Indian villages in the far North.
Miss Uible is responsible for ministering to the Indians in as many ways as possible: through visitation, Vacation Bible School teen-age groups, Sunday services, Bible Classes, youth camping and recreational programs. She must adjust to the customs, habits and outlook of the Indian people before she is able to share her concern for them as individuals.
The North American Indian Mission, an inter-denominational mission with headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, works through resident village missionaries, camping and literature as well as through the Summer Missionary Institute in which Miss Uible is a participant.
Miss Roberta Uible, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Uible, New Vienna, has joined the summer staff of the North American Indian Mission in its 23rd year of outreach to the Indian people of Western Canada, Washington and Alaska.
The heart of he program in which Miss Uible is involved is a widespread Bible school and youth ministry among the Indians, spanning a thousand miles of beautifully rugged, remote country. This summer over 75 college-age student volunteers are carrying the Gospel to Indian villages in the far North.
Miss Uible is responsible for ministering to the Indians in as many ways as possible: through visitation, Vacation Bible School teen-age groups, Sunday services, Bible Classes, youth camping and recreational programs. She must adjust to the customs, habits and outlook of the Indian people before she is able to share her concern for them as individuals.
The North American Indian Mission, an inter-denominational mission with headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, works through resident village missionaries, camping and literature as well as through the Summer Missionary Institute in which Miss Uible is a participant.

I think that NAIM has kept its initials, but has changed what the acronym stands for . . . see: NAIM.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Missing Out!
To make a long story bearable (or is that bareable???---and please don't tell me there's spell check on this thing somewhere!)....I was cleaning Monday, unplugged our modem and replugged it back in and it must have electrocuted itself. We called Bellsouth and the technician promptly told Don that we needed a new one for the "low" price of $65. He handed the phone to me and I put on my Roberta persona and the technician lowered the price to $40. When I told her we'd just switch to another provider and get a FREE modem, she consulted with her supervisor and found that she could also offer a free one (which is how we got the last 2 DSL modems). Ye receive not because ye ask not!
At any rate, I've not been able to look at the family blog since Saturday and MISSED ALOT! WOW! Catherine, you deserve a purple heart or medal of honor or something for getting BOTH the Ohio Uible factions onto the blog. I'm impressed! Very glad to read their posts/comments.
I sent picture DVDs yesterday (long after promised). I put 3 in the one to Serena/Roberta and will send one more for Wendy (or Catherine) with Mom and Dad when they arrive at Christmas. These are just more pictures I "borrowed" in New Vienna this summer and scanned. I need to save some of the stuff Serena's been busy scanning to a CD! Great work, Serena.
Btw, RUK, I did leave you a comment directly on your last post as well as an indirect comment re: the "Don" picture post. Great commentary, Serena.
Hope to be back online at home either today or tomorrow. I resisted the urge to pay overnight shipping on the modem! (That's my HH persona!)
ONLY 5 MORE RADIATION TREATMENTS AFTER TODAY, YES, MOTHER???? Still praying for you and glad you have done so well!
At any rate, I've not been able to look at the family blog since Saturday and MISSED ALOT! WOW! Catherine, you deserve a purple heart or medal of honor or something for getting BOTH the Ohio Uible factions onto the blog. I'm impressed! Very glad to read their posts/comments.
I sent picture DVDs yesterday (long after promised). I put 3 in the one to Serena/Roberta and will send one more for Wendy (or Catherine) with Mom and Dad when they arrive at Christmas. These are just more pictures I "borrowed" in New Vienna this summer and scanned. I need to save some of the stuff Serena's been busy scanning to a CD! Great work, Serena.
Btw, RUK, I did leave you a comment directly on your last post as well as an indirect comment re: the "Don" picture post. Great commentary, Serena.
Hope to be back online at home either today or tomorrow. I resisted the urge to pay overnight shipping on the modem! (That's my HH persona!)
ONLY 5 MORE RADIATION TREATMENTS AFTER TODAY, YES, MOTHER???? Still praying for you and glad you have done so well!
Good picture of Serena!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Home Sweet Home
As much as we enjoyed visiting Mom & Dad, as well as John, Julie, Kate & Andrew, we are happy to return to our humble abode here in Glendale where everything seems exactly as we left it. Thanks to Wendy for picking us up at the airport. My goal now is to stay up until at least 9pm to try to readjust to Mountain Standard Time. I need to work until 9pm tomorrow night so don't want to be falling asleep on the job. Looking forward to Wendy's baby shower coming up this weekend. Gerry just talked to Dee and she and family are coming over Friday for the weekend so they will be here for the big event. John, congratulations on your post! Thanks to Julie for the great vegan dinner last night. Mother & Dad, thanks for all your hospitality and meals out.
Found this in a tiny album with the title "My Grandchildren"

I think from top left Marianne Horton Kintner on the potty, me reading with John Ballantyne Uible looking straight at the camera (thinking of his future in politics), Roberta Uible-King with Catherine Uible Morgan. The second row, I think, starts off with Joseph Uible Horton, Marianne Horton Kintner, Mary Uible Horton with Marianne Horton Kintner and Cris Weals Horton. The third row Joseph Uible Horton and Marianne Horton Kintner, and Cris Weals Horton, John Ballantyne Uible and on the bottom row Roberta Uible-King and Mary Virginia Uible Crowson.
I'm guessing at a lot of these - including the one of me with JB, but since I would have been the only sister that age when JB was that age . . . .

Anybody want to guess who took this photo? And why?

On the back of the photograph it does state: "May 21, 1967 (FBS)" [Friends Boarding School or Olney or Barnesville]
"I was in process of taking a picture of Don, which never turned out."
I'm sure that we are all thankful that at least we have indistinct, anonymous people around a helicopter in front of Barnesville school to commemorate the important occasion of almost getting a picture of Don. Of course the next question is WHO IS DON?
Photo taken by Roberta, the photographer . . . who has written on about .01% of the photos she has taken. However, we do have this particular gem she has kept for almost 40 years . . . of Don . . . who got away before even the camera could capture his image.
serena who writes the history and therefore is allowed to interpret it.

Monday, October 09, 2006
Now in Newark
We had a good lunch of vegetable soup at Frisch's in Wilmington with Mom & Dad before they headed for the hospital for Mother's 1:00 appointment and we hit the freeway for the drive to Newark. About to have some good home cooking at John & Julie's before John goes to City Council committee meeting while we plan to take Andrew, and anyone else who wants to go, swimming. Back to Columbus tomorrow for our 2:20 pm flight and Serena, you will be glad to hear I actually remembered to print the boarding passes so we are fortunate to get "A"s since it is a non-stop flight. Weather has been beautiful here and not TOO cold.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
A big day for Luby's
I can't type long, meaning that we are looking for something here, but just wanted to make sure this blog was still working! We dined at Luby's tonight, having eaten both breakfast and what passed for lunch today at home. Sid make a comment that he has been in the habit of eating more for lunch------THANKS to SERENA!
Good to talk to most of the Ohio delegation today! Perhaps the Newark delegation we can talk to tomorrow night!
Now for the Luby's report. Two out of three of us had the VEG plates. Serena mixing two vegetables together that I had never seen that close together!
Ah, we are looking for bank cards so more later. I wonder what safe place Sid put them in this time...................
Trust all of you had an enjoyable weekend! I am off tomorrow............Hooray!
Good to talk to most of the Ohio delegation today! Perhaps the Newark delegation we can talk to tomorrow night!
Now for the Luby's report. Two out of three of us had the VEG plates. Serena mixing two vegetables together that I had never seen that close together!
Ah, we are looking for bank cards so more later. I wonder what safe place Sid put them in this time...................
Trust all of you had an enjoyable weekend! I am off tomorrow............Hooray!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Roberta posting in
Just checking in, and to let everyone know that our plans changed, we are NOT going to Luby's tonight, but having the Costco Chicken, and have decided we would rather eat out for breakfast tomorrow morning....on our way to you-know-where! We were at the 5 pm UMC service, and much to Sid's surprise, his name was in the bulletin, as to those who had been in the hospital!
We had a most pleasant time at Lake Pleasant, and coming and going, though we got a bit lost on the way there. Much to our surprise, no real food was sold there, so that changed our plans some. Next time we will pack our provisions, just not our drinks. Of course, drinks were readily available there. I hear Sid in the kitchen, so I will go and at least be in the way.....ha
Anyone want to join us for breakfast tomorrow across from the USPS in Sun City? Where will everyone else be eating?????? Enjoy your age, as I was told yesterday!
We had a most pleasant time at Lake Pleasant, and coming and going, though we got a bit lost on the way there. Much to our surprise, no real food was sold there, so that changed our plans some. Next time we will pack our provisions, just not our drinks. Of course, drinks were readily available there. I hear Sid in the kitchen, so I will go and at least be in the way.....ha
Anyone want to join us for breakfast tomorrow across from the USPS in Sun City? Where will everyone else be eating?????? Enjoy your age, as I was told yesterday!
It's Saturday in SCW!
But first a question, Serena have you been able to be on the computer while you are surrounded by all those pictures at Pam and Howard's? The cats here have been looking for you, and miss your TLC! The good news is that Sid appears to be having a good day thus far so we are soon off to Lake Pleasant, trying out the new-to-us 303 to get there. A big thanks Serena for being here yesterday when Sid was not doing well and I was at the Ritz using the best of my manners.
Another question then I have to go through the three papers that arrive every Saturday. Can one pay extra and get spell check on a blog?
Best of Saturdays to one and all..............this is Roberta the blogger
Another question then I have to go through the three papers that arrive every Saturday. Can one pay extra and get spell check on a blog?
Best of Saturdays to one and all..............this is Roberta the blogger
Friday, October 06, 2006
Update on what is happening . . .
I deleted the extra account. I sent a new invitation to JJKA (and deleted the old one) - actually did that a few days ago. I changed what appears on the front page of the blog - now just the last seven days. The rest of the blog can be accessed through the archives - one can go week by week. That way for the group that has dial-up, it should not take TOO long for the blog to appear. Especially since there are so many cute photographs to post - of, to name a few, Wendy Jean, Andrew Nathaniel, Catherine Elizabeth, Virginia Katelyn, Christian Michael, and, of course, of Roberta. Oh, and KC2 - we may be able to eventually post a photo with his eyes OPEN - assuming he has them open when Roberta is clicking. And I assume, at some point someone we'll have some photos posted of KC3 . . .
More photos from Sid's past
Catherine -
Can you get your email when you are in NV?
Anyway, I think a major part of the problem is that months ago M&D had accepted an invitation to blogger . . . had a password, etc., etc. under the same address they are now using. So Blogger knew they already had an account. You might want to go ahead and just delete the original account. Or let me know and I can delete myself.
Can you get your email when you are in NV?
Anyway, I think a major part of the problem is that months ago M&D had accepted an invitation to blogger . . . had a password, etc., etc. under the same address they are now using. So Blogger knew they already had an account. You might want to go ahead and just delete the original account. Or let me know and I can delete myself.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Priscilla's Muffins
These are the healthy muffins - they can be made vegan by leaving out the egg whites and substituting soy flour and liquid.
They are from the King Arthur Flour site - which I highly recommend.
Priscilla's Muffins:
They are from the King Arthur Flour site - which I highly recommend.
Priscilla's Muffins:
Priscilla's Muffins
Priscilla Wyland is Brinna's aunt, a woman who hasn't changed a bit in all the years she's known her. Priscilla, who happens to be 84 at the moment, is one of those people who has never, and is not about to, let anyone tell her how to run her life (a clear asset at any point!) These muffins are what Priscilla starts her day with. She's been playing with the recipe for years and, per Brinna's last conversation with her, has more ideas in the offing. (Even wrestling with a muffin recipe gives you a sense of control!) Not long ago, Priscilla's grandson, MacKenzie Davis, as large as she is petite (he plays football for Brown University) said to her, "Not enough bananas." So she added more and we've captured her recipe at this evolutionary juncture, complete with rum for added punch. At this point they are one of the best nutritional bets around. Her recipe makes 12 muffins with enough batter left over to make a tiny loaf (or 3 more muffins). And each muffin checks in at only about 130 calories.
1 cup King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour (or 1 cup King Arthur Traditional Whole Wheat Flour)
1 cup uncooked oatmeal
1 cup unprocessed bran
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional; Priscilla leaves it out since she wants to keep her sodium intake to a minimum)
1/3 cup nonfat dry milk (optional, but in combination with the wheat, boosts the protein level)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 large or 3 medium bananas (about 1 cup mashed)
2 egg whites (no yolks, no cholesterol!)
3 to 4 tablespoons honey, molasses or maple syrup (no white sugar)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil (this can be eliminated for completely fat-free muffins)
1 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons dark rum (contributes flavor only)
1 cup uncooked oatmeal
1 cup unprocessed bran
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional; Priscilla leaves it out since she wants to keep her sodium intake to a minimum)
1/3 cup nonfat dry milk (optional, but in combination with the wheat, boosts the protein level)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 large or 3 medium bananas (about 1 cup mashed)
2 egg whites (no yolks, no cholesterol!)
3 to 4 tablespoons honey, molasses or maple syrup (no white sugar)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil (this can be eliminated for completely fat-free muffins)
1 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons dark rum (contributes flavor only)
Preheat your oven to 400°F.
Combine the dry ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl. In a larger bowl, mash the bananas and beat in the egg whites until the mixture is light and frothy. Blend in the honey (or other sweetener), vegetable oil, orange juice and rum.
Sprinkle in the dry ingredients and blend until just combined. Lightly grease muffin cups and fill two-thirds full. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes.
These muffins won't rise up in the middle because there is such a small percentage of flour in relation to the oatmeal and bran. But because of the banana, they are delicious, moist and chewy, a great way to start a healthy day!
Combine the dry ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl. In a larger bowl, mash the bananas and beat in the egg whites until the mixture is light and frothy. Blend in the honey (or other sweetener), vegetable oil, orange juice and rum.
Sprinkle in the dry ingredients and blend until just combined. Lightly grease muffin cups and fill two-thirds full. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes.
These muffins won't rise up in the middle because there is such a small percentage of flour in relation to the oatmeal and bran. But because of the banana, they are delicious, moist and chewy, a great way to start a healthy day!
News Flash for Wendy Jean and KC2
Guess where RUK and Sid ate tonight? They used the expired gift certificates at the high class Chik-Filet which were happily accepted, although a chat with the manager was required first.
Don't worry though, we are saving the chapstick stuff for Wendy Jean, KC2 and KC3. I've heard it improves with age. Plus, the 1989 calendar on it has to come around again some time in the next decade or so.
Don't worry though, we are saving the chapstick stuff for Wendy Jean, KC2 and KC3. I've heard it improves with age. Plus, the 1989 calendar on it has to come around again some time in the next decade or so.
Not a comment, this is a POST!
For the record, I want it to be known that this picture was taken while I was WORKING at the library at Barnesville, Ohio, FBS (Friends Boarding School!) where I took Latin. Did I say I passed Latin? No, I just took it. Long story made bearable after my short stint in the library, I found my favorite place to work which was in the dining room, not in the kitchen, but close to it. Speaking of kitchens, ours has been a busy one today! Serena fixed us some healthy pancakes make with ginger and about 7 other ingredients, and tonight the muffin pans are all being used since I remembered that tomorrow morning I am supposed to provide refreshments at the supervisor's meeting. Usually when I do it, everyone teases me that I use Costco catering..............this will be quite a step up!
Enough for now, I need to look at some pictures...................Love to all, even those who pick on me! Am I adopted????? Roberta the 2006 blogger
Enough for now, I need to look at some pictures...................Love to all, even those who pick on me! Am I adopted????? Roberta the 2006 blogger
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I'm sure I speak for all your sisters in saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope that you've had a terrific day. Only the best for the favorite brother in the family!
Pro Chem Tech, Apache Junction
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Welcome to Mom and Dad
Welcome to the blog! I'm sure that Catherine has gotten you up to speed on how to post on the blog. I have changed the links on the right a bit. I took out KC2's work link since he very recently changed jobs. I also added the link to the photo web albums.
Catherine - y0u are welcome to add in more links to the template - but it is pretty fussy about HTML code - it is more unforgiving than any other site that I've used where I've done any coding. (The coding is very simple, but the tiniest of things throws everything off.)
Sunday I did enjoy an early breakfast with KC3, KC2, Wendy Jean, Roberta, Catherine, Gerry and Sid on Sunday morning. It was particularly nice that Wendy and KC2 travelled all that way so early in the morning. I hope that KC3 will enjoy the gifts I got him - and will smile when he sees his mother's socks. Also, if he needs any chapstick like stuff - you know we have some here in Sun City West. Don't worry . . . we'll save it for him.
WENDY JEAN/KC2 I need the name of KC2's new employer so that we can do some research and post the link.
Catherine - y0u are welcome to add in more links to the template - but it is pretty fussy about HTML code - it is more unforgiving than any other site that I've used where I've done any coding. (The coding is very simple, but the tiniest of things throws everything off.)
Sunday I did enjoy an early breakfast with KC3, KC2, Wendy Jean, Roberta, Catherine, Gerry and Sid on Sunday morning. It was particularly nice that Wendy and KC2 travelled all that way so early in the morning. I hope that KC3 will enjoy the gifts I got him - and will smile when he sees his mother's socks. Also, if he needs any chapstick like stuff - you know we have some here in Sun City West. Don't worry . . . we'll save it for him.
WENDY JEAN/KC2 I need the name of KC2's new employer so that we can do some research and post the link.
Monday, October 02, 2006
What art movement are you?
You Are Impressionism |
You think the world is quite beautiful, especially if you look at it in new and interesting ways. You tend to focus on color and movement in art. For you, seeing the big picture is much more important than recording every little detail. You can find inspiration anywhere... especially from nature. |
Reading "other" blogs this morning and came across this. Thanks for the muffins yesterday, Serena! (And now that I'm on the posting screen I see the option to "moderate comments" which I will check out next.) We shared one with some sorbet for our dessert last night. The eggs and milk were well hidden but the colored M&M's though good, kept reminding me they were full of artificial color to which I am philosophically as well as health wise opposed. Enough of my health-nut ranting for the morning.
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