Have made strawberry muffins this morning. I made some yesterday morning and froze the leftovers. (Today's is a fairly different recipe.)
Going for a bike ride shortly. RU-K and Sid last night were planning on going for a bike ride this morning. I assume they will at least sample the muffins first.
A trip to Chez Nous to see what needs to be bought at the grocery store - and then the grocery store, I assume is planned. And RU-K and Sid are going to some insurance agent open house/party. I may go along and get dropped off at some ritzy grocery store (Wrights maybe?). Also, I told Pam, for whom I am house-sitting next week-end that I would drop by this week-end to get the lay of the house, cats, etc.
Well, time to hit the road . . . it is to be 100 degrees or higher today . . . again. May stop at $.99 store. Oh, that reminds me . . . WJM and Catherine . . . are we going out tomorrow for WJM's birthday? I think breakfast/brunch might work better for those of us at 12834.
Gotta go.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Dancing In The Streets
That's what I felt like doing tonight when I filled up my van with gas for less than $2/gallon...then the icing on the cake was all the new reading on the blog--new posts AND comments! And the moderator thing.....is this another hint that I'm adopted? Then again, Serena and Catherine are both OLDER and smarter than I. Someone had to be stuck with the good looks!! (Sid ought to get a kick out of that!)
Christian went to his first overnight/campout tonight but like most of his friends, chose to come home at bedtime! He must have had a big time beacause he was asleep in less than 5 minutes of his arrival home.
By the way, met a guy here in Dublin who grew up in Mesa...has some connection to SCW although I can't remember what it is. He is a Mormon missionary here for like a year or so.
Christian went to his first overnight/campout tonight but like most of his friends, chose to come home at bedtime! He must have had a big time beacause he was asleep in less than 5 minutes of his arrival home.
By the way, met a guy here in Dublin who grew up in Mesa...has some connection to SCW although I can't remember what it is. He is a Mormon missionary here for like a year or so.
Dublin GA,
Hayes Sidney King
Friday, September 29, 2006
Catherine -
I have given you moderator status so that you can more easily help Mom and Dad. You will have access to their sign-in name (but not password) and you can change the # of posts that appear on the top page of the blog. I'm sure that whether you make that 3 or 999, it will be fine with everyone.
You may also change the photograph at the top of the blog, if you so desire. Or any other changes . .
By the way, I was playing around with the blog and deleted my own ability to moderate - I wondered what would happen. Now I know. If you don't want to do it alone, you are welcome to add me back on. If you would rather be the only one with ultimate say, you are certainly welcome to the reins to the reign. (Talk about mixed metaphors!)
Wendy, have you had the baby yet? Your mother was practicing her grandmotherly/kiddie librarian skills at the restaurant on some kid who was crying/screaming. She did an excellent job. However she didn't do anything when the kid was making too much happy noise. Is the new baby going to have an "OFF" switch? Be sure to let us know when the baby is born . . . unless it is between 10:00 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Anyway, Roberta is expected home fairly soon. We're having leftovers for supper. She just arrived back - 458 miles today.
I have given you moderator status so that you can more easily help Mom and Dad. You will have access to their sign-in name (but not password) and you can change the # of posts that appear on the top page of the blog. I'm sure that whether you make that 3 or 999, it will be fine with everyone.
You may also change the photograph at the top of the blog, if you so desire. Or any other changes . .
By the way, I was playing around with the blog and deleted my own ability to moderate - I wondered what would happen. Now I know. If you don't want to do it alone, you are welcome to add me back on. If you would rather be the only one with ultimate say, you are certainly welcome to the reins to the reign. (Talk about mixed metaphors!)
Wendy, have you had the baby yet? Your mother was practicing her grandmotherly/kiddie librarian skills at the restaurant on some kid who was crying/screaming. She did an excellent job. However she didn't do anything when the kid was making too much happy noise. Is the new baby going to have an "OFF" switch? Be sure to let us know when the baby is born . . . unless it is between 10:00 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Anyway, Roberta is expected home fairly soon. We're having leftovers for supper. She just arrived back - 458 miles today.
Arrowhead Towne Center, etc.
Roberta and I have been busy recovering from last week. She has been busy with Chez Nous and I've been busy biking around and helping some people.
Yesterday we went to Arrowhead Towne Center to walk and look in the stores. We went in by way of Dillards. I stopped in the shoe department and Roberta (shockingly enough) stopped in the socks department. I met up with her at the cash register where she was buying some socks and she asked me where Sid was. Ummm . . . You would think it would be easy to keep track of somebody with a walker. After all how far could he get? We found out pretty far, pretty fast. . . . fast forward past the confirmation that no ambulances had been called, the security checking the men's rooms, R & I speed walking through the mall several times, etc., etc. I ran into Sid as he was speeding in a different direction. After I ran to catch up with him, he told me we needed to find Roberta and started walking in the other direction. I told him that Roberta would find us after I called her. Anyway, we all got a lot of fast walking in and very little shopping - sure is cheaper that way, but too exciting.
Did have an excellent meal at Good China which is located somewhere near there with Kari from Roberta's church.
Sid's hair now matches on both sides and his neurosurgeon has told him he is doing extremely well. He certainly seems much more his old self than he has been in the last month or so.
Roberta made a rush trip down to Sierra Vista (Sid says it is "way down there"). She was taking a Chez Nous adult day care program employee down there because her boyfriend had died unexpectedly. So Sid, the cats and I held down the fort except I was out for a while helping someone with some computer problems.
I made some muffins for a potluck, although found out we had the date wrong, so we'll put them in the freezer or something. Am thinking about making some for Andrew and Kate - not sure what Kate's favorite would be. I'm sure that Andrew would like some chocolate ones. Anyway, we'll see.
Yesterday we went to Arrowhead Towne Center to walk and look in the stores. We went in by way of Dillards. I stopped in the shoe department and Roberta (shockingly enough) stopped in the socks department. I met up with her at the cash register where she was buying some socks and she asked me where Sid was. Ummm . . . You would think it would be easy to keep track of somebody with a walker. After all how far could he get? We found out pretty far, pretty fast. . . . fast forward past the confirmation that no ambulances had been called, the security checking the men's rooms, R & I speed walking through the mall several times, etc., etc. I ran into Sid as he was speeding in a different direction. After I ran to catch up with him, he told me we needed to find Roberta and started walking in the other direction. I told him that Roberta would find us after I called her. Anyway, we all got a lot of fast walking in and very little shopping - sure is cheaper that way, but too exciting.
Did have an excellent meal at Good China which is located somewhere near there with Kari from Roberta's church.
Sid's hair now matches on both sides and his neurosurgeon has told him he is doing extremely well. He certainly seems much more his old self than he has been in the last month or so.
Roberta made a rush trip down to Sierra Vista (Sid says it is "way down there"). She was taking a Chez Nous adult day care program employee down there because her boyfriend had died unexpectedly. So Sid, the cats and I held down the fort except I was out for a while helping someone with some computer problems.
I made some muffins for a potluck, although found out we had the date wrong, so we'll put them in the freezer or something. Am thinking about making some for Andrew and Kate - not sure what Kate's favorite would be. I'm sure that Andrew would like some chocolate ones. Anyway, we'll see.
another weekend
Catherine, I'm so impressed with your posts, but especially the one immediately below with picture and $10 vocabulary words! You should write a book....but them would that take time away from the blog? And speaking of time away from the blog, what happened to Roberta and Serena? Have they taken off on a vacation? I can't remember the last time either of them wrote a comment or post? Are you 2 okay? Maybe the pictures of Sid's head finally got to them!
We have a quiet weekend here...no plans tonight, and tomorrow only rehearsals for Ginny's community choir I think. Does anyone know the actual dates for the April get together in FL? And what's the latest on Aunt Mary?
We have a quiet weekend here...no plans tonight, and tomorrow only rehearsals for Ginny's community choir I think. Does anyone know the actual dates for the April get together in FL? And what's the latest on Aunt Mary?
Ohio, here we come!

That would be on Tuesday that we step into the past beginning with a two night stay in Newark where we will celebrate John's birthday with the folks who are coming to Newark on Wednesday. Then on Thursday we will be walking the streets where Grandma, not to mention the eldest of the Uible-Hortons, lived in the distant past. If the train still ran we could ride to Westboro and visit Granddad's former grocery store. Instead we'll gawk unashamedly at Grandma & Granddad's old house in New Vienna, remembering all the times we spent there when it was in better condition! We're staying at the Days Inn in Hillsboro (Harry Sauner Rd) which was probably farm (?) land until after all the Uible-Hortons moved on, not counting Grandma's days in the nursing home.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Dental woes
Had my every 5 months trip to the dentist today and learned several bits of bad news. First off I have a cavity that if it isn't fixed quickly will work its way under a crown and cause even worse problems. Secondly I have to make an "emergency", like tomorrow, trip to the periodontist for an abscess in the gum near a tooth which I had dental surgery on last year trying to save. Could be worse though -- Aunt Mary will never recover from her dental issues, which is motivation to keep up with my dental needs.
On a more pleasant note, I have a weekend starting at noon tomorrow through Friday, as I work Saturday through Monday before we head into the LUV-ly skies with SW airlines on our trip to Ohio.
I have a comment on a post that Mary Virginia made many blogs ago about the picture currently at the top of our blog (which at least one reader of this family saga is not fond of and would like to have something else there). It was not taken the year of Roberta & Sid's wedding because it was at our house after we moved to Arizona in 1987 and then into this house in 1988. Roberta & Sid were married in 1984 I think. So the above is somewhere between 1988-1990 probably, possibly the Christmas before Mary was married as I seem to remember she had to leave early to get back.
On a more pleasant note, I have a weekend starting at noon tomorrow through Friday, as I work Saturday through Monday before we head into the LUV-ly skies with SW airlines on our trip to Ohio.
I have a comment on a post that Mary Virginia made many blogs ago about the picture currently at the top of our blog (which at least one reader of this family saga is not fond of and would like to have something else there). It was not taken the year of Roberta & Sid's wedding because it was at our house after we moved to Arizona in 1987 and then into this house in 1988. Roberta & Sid were married in 1984 I think. So the above is somewhere between 1988-1990 probably, possibly the Christmas before Mary was married as I seem to remember she had to leave early to get back.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Flying Trip
Just returned tonight from a "flying" trip to Jacksonville, FL where my friend Lanna had to have a CT scan and tattooing for her upcoming radiation treatments. We left last night after my rehearsals at church and got there about 11PM for her 9:30AM appt. She will start radiation next Monday. Mother, she had to have a "face" mask made and for her treatments and will have her whole trunk area radiated.
On a happier note, all is well here and glad to read all the emails and blog postings about Wendy's birthday eatings around town, KCC3 updates and Sid's updates (personally I thank you for the lack of pictures!!). Hope everyone has a great week and looking forward to reading all the activity on the blog.
On a happier note, all is well here and glad to read all the emails and blog postings about Wendy's birthday eatings around town, KCC3 updates and Sid's updates (personally I thank you for the lack of pictures!!). Hope everyone has a great week and looking forward to reading all the activity on the blog.
My Birthday
So yes I'm 29 now! W00-ho0 almost 30 as everyone seems to be reminding me. It was a good birthday. Friday night Ken gave me presents and took me to dinner at Sophies - a French restaurant. I had the duck, it was very good. We also went to the dr. on Friday - every two weeks now until 36 weeks then its every week. My dr. is very nice. He gave me a good job for only gaining two pounds in the last two weeks. The previous visit was 7 pounds in 4 weeks so this time was much better. Saturday my actual day of birth, I got my hair done and then went to lunch and shopping with my friend Adrian. Adrian is also throwing me a baby shower and ofcourse everyone is invited but I understand if you can't make it. Saturday night we ate dinner with my parents and Ken's mom, two sisters and niece (and of course more presents). We were going to go miniature golfing as well but by the time dinner ended (9ish) it was too late and we were tired keep in mind Ken is only 23 but he needs his beauty rest. So that was my super exciting birthday, I think I'm finally at the age where birthdays aren't as exciting as they used to be. I'm sure having KC will make that even more so - but then I can just get excited about his birthday.
Catherine, her parents and the blog
Since Catherine is going to be in New Vienna in just over two weeks, perhaps she can take on the project of bookmarking the Uible blog for Mom and Dad and showing them how to post on the blog. I can send Mother a separate invitation to post to a blog - just in case they want to post separately.
My attempts to explain over the phone and by email don't seem to have been very fruitful.
My attempts to explain over the phone and by email don't seem to have been very fruitful.
Vial of Life Project
Vial of Life Project
Found out about this idea at Boswell Hospital - when Sid was in the hospital. The hospital has a basket of little pill bottles with a sheet to be filled that has basic information like who to contact, medications, doctor, etc., etc. and labels to put telling people where the information is kept. The idea, I think is that one will keep it in the refrigerator and that the paramedics know to look for the information there.
We had made a list of Sid's medications a few days before the hospital stay which did turn out to be very useful, but this idea takes that whole idea to another level.
Anyway, interesting way to keep track of medical information.
Found out about this idea at Boswell Hospital - when Sid was in the hospital. The hospital has a basket of little pill bottles with a sheet to be filled that has basic information like who to contact, medications, doctor, etc., etc. and labels to put telling people where the information is kept. The idea, I think is that one will keep it in the refrigerator and that the paramedics know to look for the information there.
We had made a list of Sid's medications a few days before the hospital stay which did turn out to be very useful, but this idea takes that whole idea to another level.
Anyway, interesting way to keep track of medical information.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
We too are celebrating
Just to let you know we have been to Coco's for breakfast and am now off to Walmart! Beautiful day here, we walked one lap around the outdoor walking path, which is a quarter of a mile! Details to follow...........Love to all this fine Sunday morning! Roberta the blogger
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
AZ 2nd/3rd hand update
Greetings from Glendale! I spoke with Roberta and Serena awhile ago and they report that Sid is ready to come home, although the hospital is not quite ready to release him, he is making a good recovery and will be there 2-3 more days. Talked to Marianne tonight also, she and Joe are both in Florida. Marianne reports her Mother can barely make it from wheelchair to toilet but at least still makes the effort. Further updates soon probably from someone who knows more.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Probably most of those of you who read the blog already know that Sid is in the hospital - he is/was bleeding in the brain. It is fixable and they are going to do surgery on him tomorrow morning.
Call for details - not on Roberta's cell phone, at least not today, as it is having major problems.
Update 9/20/06: Sid is out of surgery, resting and doing very well.
Call for details - not on Roberta's cell phone, at least not today, as it is having major problems.
Update 9/20/06: Sid is out of surgery, resting and doing very well.
Monday, September 18, 2006
New Vienna Restaurant

Interesting site for New Vienna history.
This is a picture of the New Vienna restaurant. I remember when it was called "Polly's" for Polly Gibson - who lived down the street, next to the Friends' parsonage/Glen Reese's. She used to drive a Cadillac. She wasn't that friendly to me, but her husband (Tom?) always seemed friendlier.
I also remember that just around the corner there was a tiny house - although I can't quite remember who lived there - I do remember delivering their newspaper. And there were a couple of apartments above the restaurant - I think Elaine Burton lived there at least for a while and Mrs. Murphy?
Anyway, the link is above, you can click on the title of the blog post or here is another link.

Sunday, September 17, 2006
William and Mary Uible Horton 50th Wedding Annivesary

Front Row: Laura Horton, William Horton, Mary Uible Horton, Gladys Hiestand Uible, Harold Hiestand Uible, Jean Wallace Ballantyne Uible

Robert Hiestand Horton, Mary Uible Horton, Joseph Uible Horton, Cris Weals Horton, William Horton
Catherine Uible Morgan
Wendy Jean Morgan and Roberta Uible-King
Comment catchup
I've been catching up on making comments today.
I know somewhere there is a comment by Catherine and later by MV about the family photo and the photo that I clipped out for my avatar. I have thought about putting up a more recent photo, but haven't really done much about it yet. It may be a problem in that by the time MV is in the photo various of her older siblings aren't. To get an individual picture of me as a child, I almost have to clip it out - I've seen very, very few photos of me alone - well, there is the tree one, but . . . I wasn't a child.
Plus, since I'm the one posting, I'm picking a picture I like of me - the rest of you can start your own blog. I hadn't really quite realized how ummm . . . laid back the rest of you look in that older photo. I suppose I could try cobbling some individual photos together. (Another use for Roberta's senior photo - the one she likes so much.) Actually, maybe that photo with Piper might be good. I'll have to investigate. Am trying to also get some housework done between posting/surfing so may not get done today. Plus, I'm thinking maybe should spend some time organizing photos. Would like to get another CD out to M&D this week . . .
Oh, in case you didn't notice . . . I changed the number of posts that appear on the front page again. Since I don't think that M&D with their slow connection are checking at all, I just thought it would be easier. If anyone has any preference, let me know.
I know somewhere there is a comment by Catherine and later by MV about the family photo and the photo that I clipped out for my avatar. I have thought about putting up a more recent photo, but haven't really done much about it yet. It may be a problem in that by the time MV is in the photo various of her older siblings aren't. To get an individual picture of me as a child, I almost have to clip it out - I've seen very, very few photos of me alone - well, there is the tree one, but . . . I wasn't a child.
Plus, since I'm the one posting, I'm picking a picture I like of me - the rest of you can start your own blog. I hadn't really quite realized how ummm . . . laid back the rest of you look in that older photo. I suppose I could try cobbling some individual photos together. (Another use for Roberta's senior photo - the one she likes so much.) Actually, maybe that photo with Piper might be good. I'll have to investigate. Am trying to also get some housework done between posting/surfing so may not get done today. Plus, I'm thinking maybe should spend some time organizing photos. Would like to get another CD out to M&D this week . . .
Oh, in case you didn't notice . . . I changed the number of posts that appear on the front page again. Since I don't think that M&D with their slow connection are checking at all, I just thought it would be easier. If anyone has any preference, let me know.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Picture inventory
I have been reading the blog entries. I need to check these over since I was telling my boss today about the UIBLE blog, and not sure if there is any classified information! For some odd reason she seemed interested in the blog. I think she thinks there are some characters in the family! As to the pictures, I did get the bulk of Grandma's inventory, some before 1993 and after she no longer needed them! Speaking of pictures, the folks called several times tonight, first to learn how to use the CD that Serena made and then called back to let us know how much they were enjoying the collection! First it was set up for the pictures to change every second, but Serena instructed to have them increase the seconds that one picture would display!
I need to go and check on our packing. Sid has laid out about five shirts, and I am thinking we will take about one fifth of what is laid out! Yes, we are taking the camera and the laptop! I doubt if we use the laptop at the Indian ruins, but the Comfort Inn has free wi-fi.
Enjoy your weekend one and all! Would love to hear from one and all!
I need to go and check on our packing. Sid has laid out about five shirts, and I am thinking we will take about one fifth of what is laid out! Yes, we are taking the camera and the laptop! I doubt if we use the laptop at the Indian ruins, but the Comfort Inn has free wi-fi.
Enjoy your weekend one and all! Would love to hear from one and all!
Free Tent
If I had known anyone wanted a tent....we've had one in our garage for probably 5 years collecting spider webs that we would love to GIVE away! If anyone in the family (or someone you know....) is interested, let me know. It sleeps 4-6. No desire to sleep on the ground at all for the adults in this house!
Glad to be officially enjoying the weekend and watched "Remember The Titans" tonight which I would recommend to any of you. We've also got the Old John Wayne movie, "Rooster Cogburn" and some basketball movie to watch whenever we get around to it.
The youth praise band from church (RUK and Sid heard them) that Ginny is in will be playing a concert at a local youth rally tomorrow night. I'll be taking my ear plugs so that I can enjoy the music at a safe decibel level. Ginny is really enjoying being in 2 bands plus the guitar piano lessons. For the time being, piano is a necessary evil to her....Christian, on the other hand, is starting to like piano (if only his teacher was "normal"---if you've met Jean Murphy, you'd know what I mean!).
Have a great weekend
Glad to be officially enjoying the weekend and watched "Remember The Titans" tonight which I would recommend to any of you. We've also got the Old John Wayne movie, "Rooster Cogburn" and some basketball movie to watch whenever we get around to it.
The youth praise band from church (RUK and Sid heard them) that Ginny is in will be playing a concert at a local youth rally tomorrow night. I'll be taking my ear plugs so that I can enjoy the music at a safe decibel level. Ginny is really enjoying being in 2 bands plus the guitar piano lessons. For the time being, piano is a necessary evil to her....Christian, on the other hand, is starting to like piano (if only his teacher was "normal"---if you've met Jean Murphy, you'd know what I mean!).
Have a great weekend
Twelve Thousand Six Hundred Forty Five Miles
That would be a lengthy car trip! But no, the miles does not pertain to traveling but rather as in Marlboro Miles, which is how many we submitted for merchandise today. In a mere 16 weeks, possibly sooner, we will be in the possession of a tent and two sleeping bags, which are for Wendy & Ken, a Swiss Army Watch, two game sets, and a couple other assorted items. I would encourage you all to rush out and start picking up Marlboro Miles, EXCEPT, they discontinued the program and don't even print the miles on the package anymore.
Looking forward to celebrating John's birthday with him, Julie, Kate & Andrew, and Mom & Dad!
Roberta & Sid, are you off on your getaway? Did you take the computer with you?
Looking forward to celebrating John's birthday with him, Julie, Kate & Andrew, and Mom & Dad!
Roberta & Sid, are you off on your getaway? Did you take the computer with you?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
it's me
I (we) have been busy out here in the wild west looking for missing items like wallet, glasses, and and and. We too talked with the folks tonight, and they did sound great! Hooray! It has been a long week at work thus far! According to staff we had a year ago we are down 55 hours a week! Been tooooo busy, have been eyeing the blog, but tooooo busy for the obits in the paper! The good news is that Sid and I are going South this weekend to Casa Grande. With the cats and house in good hands with Serena (thanks for posting the stress article) we hope to take many short trips.
The alarm is set for 6 am which means the sheets should be calling. Love to all, Roberta
The alarm is set for 6 am which means the sheets should be calling. Love to all, Roberta
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Gas Prices and more
Glad to see that gas was down to $2.45.9 yesterday and with Kroger card, that is $2.35. What's it doing in Phx or Ohio?
Serena, can't believe you haven't responded to Catherine's remark about your picture! I think I agree with Catherine---including the great diversity/interests we all enjoy! Highlighting that remark, I'm watching a show on FoodNetwork about making shrimp cocktail. I'm remembering that mother liked shrimp cocktail and maybe even Serena.
Music Sunday is just 10 days away---bigger than Christmas or Easter in some ways as ALL the choirs at church sing/ring etc. in one hour worship service at 11AM. Each will do one of their own songs and then participate in a mass anthem together at the end.
Was telling Mom and Dad tonight that I saw an excellent show on Travel Network a couple nights ago on the American Oriental Express---in one week you hit 5 Nat'l Parks (Zion, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Grand Canyon and Cedar Breaks (Nat'l Monument).
Did touch base tonight with the folks and they sounded good---Mother's first treatment went very well (and quickly) today. Hopefully the next few weeks will pass quickly and uneventfully for her!
Best of weekends to all!
Serena, can't believe you haven't responded to Catherine's remark about your picture! I think I agree with Catherine---including the great diversity/interests we all enjoy! Highlighting that remark, I'm watching a show on FoodNetwork about making shrimp cocktail. I'm remembering that mother liked shrimp cocktail and maybe even Serena.
Music Sunday is just 10 days away---bigger than Christmas or Easter in some ways as ALL the choirs at church sing/ring etc. in one hour worship service at 11AM. Each will do one of their own songs and then participate in a mass anthem together at the end.
Was telling Mom and Dad tonight that I saw an excellent show on Travel Network a couple nights ago on the American Oriental Express---in one week you hit 5 Nat'l Parks (Zion, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Grand Canyon and Cedar Breaks (Nat'l Monument).
Did touch base tonight with the folks and they sounded good---Mother's first treatment went very well (and quickly) today. Hopefully the next few weeks will pass quickly and uneventfully for her!
Best of weekends to all!
Retirees learn 101 ways to manage daily stress
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
No Peeps?
I can't believe it's been nearly 24 hours and no postings from Serena or Roberta---they must be EXTREMELY BUSY! Not even a peep!
Monday, September 11, 2006
More family pictures
I spent awhile scanning in many pictures tonight that I borrowed from the folks this summer when we were in New Vienna. There are so many files that I made a CD and will make copies and send them to everyone; you can print, load on your computer or whatever. We had a busy weekend with going to the Georgia Tech football (courtesy one of my Sr. Adult choir members), regular Sunday activities and school football season has started. Good thing is that gas is down to $2.57/gal. here!
RUK...you may have read in the Forester by now that our Children's Minister whom we spoke of was "released", but they are regrouping and hoping to cover with volunteers for the next few months. Our church is good to have folks who will jump in and help---a luxury RUK and Catherine don't necessarily have at their places of work.
Will have to check out the online registry for KCC! When I was a baby....or when I had my babies...I won't go there!
RUK...you may have read in the Forester by now that our Children's Minister whom we spoke of was "released", but they are regrouping and hoping to cover with volunteers for the next few months. Our church is good to have folks who will jump in and help---a luxury RUK and Catherine don't necessarily have at their places of work.
Will have to check out the online registry for KCC! When I was a baby....or when I had my babies...I won't go there!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
First of the week at First Watch
Seven, and soon to be eight, members of the Uible Family contingent met at First Watch at 9:30am, Sunday, September 10, 2006. Present were, in order of seniority, Hayes S. "Sid" King, Gerry Morgan, Catherine Uible Morgan, Roberta Uible-King, Serena Uible, Wendy Morgan, Kenneth Charles "Ken" Counts Jr and soon to be KC! KC will be joining us in approximately 12 weeks! Attendance was taken and all were present and accounted for. No official meeting notices were announced or even considered but everyone seemed to enjoy breakfast. Wendy is looking especially good, in the glow of her pregnancy and all, and the rest of us looked OK.
Busy day at the library this afternoon and a nightmarish week coming up with two people on vacation and all types of school commitments, us visiting schools to promote the Ready Set Read First Grade library card program, and school groups visiting us to have tours, research assistance, etc. Just hope no one else is sick or does a trick like Roberta's walk off employee. I'm sure we'll survive however, and who am I to complain with Roberta working twice her normal number of hours, getting up hours earlier, etc.
Busy day at the library this afternoon and a nightmarish week coming up with two people on vacation and all types of school commitments, us visiting schools to promote the Ready Set Read First Grade library card program, and school groups visiting us to have tours, research assistance, etc. Just hope no one else is sick or does a trick like Roberta's walk off employee. I'm sure we'll survive however, and who am I to complain with Roberta working twice her normal number of hours, getting up hours earlier, etc.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
TGIS (Thank God it's Saturday!)
We had just come back from our favorite meal out, Breakfast! I have been busy learning my abbreviations.......so watch out! Or should I have said WO???
We have been quite busy here, between working and shopping.....mostly at the grocery store, since Sid would rather shop for groceries than eat them! I did get in a trip to the new Macy's last night, will leave my purchases in the car a few days, so when Sid asks me if something is new, I can say I have had it for awhile! ha We also have a game we play often of looking for things in this house.........from whisk brooms to wallets, to hearing aides.
Mary Virginia, I feel very good about the doctor being in touch with you, though Dad provided quite a few details in his last email. Oh, I meant to respond to that! I am coming to the end of what I can read at the beginning of this post so will stop for now! Looking forward to breakfast with 7 (8 counting KC!) at the table tomorrow at First Watch! Enjoy your weekend, and does anyone beat our record of getting 3 newspapers on Saturday morning? BBL (Be Back Later for those who don't know as much as I do in the abbreviation line!) Roberta the blogger
We have been quite busy here, between working and shopping.....mostly at the grocery store, since Sid would rather shop for groceries than eat them! I did get in a trip to the new Macy's last night, will leave my purchases in the car a few days, so when Sid asks me if something is new, I can say I have had it for awhile! ha We also have a game we play often of looking for things in this house.........from whisk brooms to wallets, to hearing aides.
Mary Virginia, I feel very good about the doctor being in touch with you, though Dad provided quite a few details in his last email. Oh, I meant to respond to that! I am coming to the end of what I can read at the beginning of this post so will stop for now! Looking forward to breakfast with 7 (8 counting KC!) at the table tomorrow at First Watch! Enjoy your weekend, and does anyone beat our record of getting 3 newspapers on Saturday morning? BBL (Be Back Later for those who don't know as much as I do in the abbreviation line!) Roberta the blogger
Friday, September 08, 2006
Harold Hiestand Uible, Catherine Uible Morgan and Wendy Jean Morgan

I had dinner last night at an excellent Italian restaurant with Catherine, Gerry, WendyJean and Ken. Wendy does actually look pregnant now - and she still looks good. After dinner Ken and WJM were off to BabiesRUs to register for gifts. They are also planning to register at Target.
I did check several times . . . Ken had his eyes open every time I looked. Perhaps WendyJean is right - it was the photographer. Oh, and his birthday is November 24 - exactly 2 months after Wendy's, give or take a day or so, so not all that exactly two months after.
Anyway, Wendy doesn't look all that happy in this picture.

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Chat abbreviations
I tried to post this as a comment to the on-going discussion, but for some reason, Blogger wouldn't let me. Maybe it is too long.
This is a list I found . . .not exhaustive, certainly. I have seen longer lists, but I've seen most of these different places and recognized most of them. I've also seen AFAIK fairly often - (as far as I know). Also, PU meaning parental units - although that may be out of style now.
Abbreviations and short-cuts:
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ADN = Any Day Now
BAK = Back At Keyboard
B4N = Bye For Now
BBL = Be Back Later
BG or = Big Grin
BHOPW = Banging Head On Padded Walls
BIL = Brother In Law
BRB = Be Right Back
BTDT = Been There Done That
BTW = By The Way
CU = See You
CUL8er = See You Later
DD = Dear Daughter
DH = Darling Husband (also: Darn or Dear)
DL = Down Load
DS = Dear Son
DW = Darling Wife (also: Darn or Dear)
EG or = Evil Grin
ER or <@@> = Eyeroll
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FIL = Father In Law
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
G or = Grinning
GA = Go Ahead
GAL = Get A Life
GD&R = Grinning, Ducking & Rolling (on the floor)
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GTRM = Going To Read Mail
HTH = Hope This Helps
ICAM = I Couldn't Agree More
ICWH = Insert Cuss Word Here
ILY = I Love You
IMB = In My Belief
IME = In My Experience
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
ISP = Internet Service Provider
ITA = I Totally Agree
IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean
J/K = Just Kidding
KWIM = Know What I Mean?
L8R = Later
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LTNS = Long Time No See
MorF = Male Or Female
MER = Major Eyeroll
MIL = Mother In Law
NAK = Nursing At Keyboard
OIC = Oh I See
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PIMP = Peeing In My Pants
PITA = Pain In The "Backside"
POV = Point Of View
PU = That stinks!
PWOR = Posting Without Reading
RL = Real Life
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling On Floor Laughing My "Backside" Off
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
SA = Smart Alec
SAHD = Stay At Home dad
SAHM = Stay At Home mom
SIL = Sister In Law
SO = Significant Other
SSOCS = Spitting Soda On Computer Screen
TAFN = That's All For Now
TGIF = Thank God It's Friday
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TMI = Too Much Information
TTFN = Ta-Ta For Now!
TTYL = Talk To You Later
Txs = Thanks
TYVM = Thank You Very Much
VBG or = Very Big Grin
VEG or = Very Evil Grin
WAHD = Work At Home Dad
WAHM = Work At Home mom
WB = Welcome Back
WFM = Works For Me
WTG = Way To Go!
WTIME = With Tears In My Eyes
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
YO = Years Old (as in 2yo)
YSR = Yeah, Sure, Right
:) or :-) or :^) = smile
(you can insert a ^ or a - to represent a nose, the choice is yours!)
:> = little smile/grin
:D = smile/laughing/big grin
:* = kiss
;) = wink
:( = sad face
:< = pout or forlorn :/ = disappointment, chagrin or skepticism :| = mild disgust, indifference, or boredom >:( = anger or annoyance
:{) = man with moustache smiling
8) = person with glasses
B) = person with sunglasses/shades
:X = my lips are sealed, not speaking
:o = mild surprise ("uh oh!")
=:o = greater surprise (the longer the "hair", the greater the surprise)
:~( = crying
O;> = angel (used for "innocent" remarks)
};> = devil (used for "lewd" remarks)
:9 = licking lips
:6 = making a face of distaste (i.e., you ate something sour)
:<> = yawn
:P = sticking out tongue
:pppPppPPpPPP!! = raspberry (a.k.a. Bronx cheer)
{} = a hug (the more brackets, the bigger the hug)
O.o = raising an eyebrow
O.O = eyes open wide
@>--`---,---- = a rose
o/~ = a musical note (often used to show song lyrics)
<-- = an arrow, usually for referring to self <@@> = eyeroll
This is a list I found . . .not exhaustive, certainly. I have seen longer lists, but I've seen most of these different places and recognized most of them. I've also seen AFAIK fairly often - (as far as I know). Also, PU meaning parental units - although that may be out of style now.
Abbreviations and short-cuts:
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ADN = Any Day Now
BAK = Back At Keyboard
B4N = Bye For Now
BBL = Be Back Later
BG or
BHOPW = Banging Head On Padded Walls
BIL = Brother In Law
BRB = Be Right Back
BTDT = Been There Done That
BTW = By The Way
CU = See You
CUL8er = See You Later
DD = Dear Daughter
DH = Darling Husband (also: Darn or Dear)
DL = Down Load
DS = Dear Son
DW = Darling Wife (also: Darn or Dear)
EG or
ER or <@@> = Eyeroll
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FIL = Father In Law
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
G or
GA = Go Ahead
GAL = Get A Life
GD&R = Grinning, Ducking & Rolling (on the floor)
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GTRM = Going To Read Mail
HTH = Hope This Helps
ICAM = I Couldn't Agree More
ICWH = Insert Cuss Word Here
ILY = I Love You
IMB = In My Belief
IME = In My Experience
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
ISP = Internet Service Provider
ITA = I Totally Agree
IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean
J/K = Just Kidding
KWIM = Know What I Mean?
L8R = Later
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LTNS = Long Time No See
MorF = Male Or Female
MER = Major Eyeroll
MIL = Mother In Law
NAK = Nursing At Keyboard
OIC = Oh I See
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PIMP = Peeing In My Pants
PITA = Pain In The "Backside"
POV = Point Of View
PU = That stinks!
PWOR = Posting Without Reading
RL = Real Life
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling On Floor Laughing My "Backside" Off
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor
SA = Smart Alec
SAHD = Stay At Home dad
SAHM = Stay At Home mom
SIL = Sister In Law
SO = Significant Other
SSOCS = Spitting Soda On Computer Screen
TAFN = That's All For Now
TGIF = Thank God It's Friday
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TMI = Too Much Information
TTFN = Ta-Ta For Now!
TTYL = Talk To You Later
Txs = Thanks
TYVM = Thank You Very Much
VBG or
VEG or
WAHD = Work At Home Dad
WAHM = Work At Home mom
WB = Welcome Back
WFM = Works For Me
WTG = Way To Go!
WTIME = With Tears In My Eyes
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
YO = Years Old (as in 2yo)
YSR = Yeah, Sure, Right
:) or :-) or :^) = smile
(you can insert a ^ or a - to represent a nose, the choice is yours!)
:> = little smile/grin
:D = smile/laughing/big grin
:* = kiss
;) = wink
:( = sad face
:< = pout or forlorn :/ = disappointment, chagrin or skepticism :| = mild disgust, indifference, or boredom >:( = anger or annoyance
:{) = man with moustache smiling
8) = person with glasses
B) = person with sunglasses/shades
:X = my lips are sealed, not speaking
:o = mild surprise ("uh oh!")
=:o = greater surprise (the longer the "hair", the greater the surprise)
:~( = crying
O;> = angel (used for "innocent" remarks)
};> = devil (used for "lewd" remarks)
:9 = licking lips
:6 = making a face of distaste (i.e., you ate something sour)
:<> = yawn
:P = sticking out tongue
:pppPppPPpPPP!! = raspberry (a.k.a. Bronx cheer)
{} = a hug (the more brackets, the bigger the hug)
O.o = raising an eyebrow
O.O = eyes open wide
@>--`---,---- = a rose
o/~ = a musical note (often used to show song lyrics)
<-- = an arrow, usually for referring to self <@@> = eyeroll
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
update on Mother
Not clear exactly what will happen tomorrow when she goes to hospital---probably a consult with a radiologist about radiation treatment. The lump definitely was cancer, although at mother's age that after a mastectomy they don't recommend chemo/radiation as odds are it will not return.
I did ask mother to be sure and ask her Drs. for paperwork allowing us to call for updates. Said she would do that. Also asked her to be vigilant over her blood sugar as any kind of stress (real or imagined) will make the sugar go high; needless to say, diet could make the sugar reading even higher.
Time for bed here!
I did ask mother to be sure and ask her Drs. for paperwork allowing us to call for updates. Said she would do that. Also asked her to be vigilant over her blood sugar as any kind of stress (real or imagined) will make the sugar go high; needless to say, diet could make the sugar reading even higher.
Time for bed here!
Neck and Neck, still behind
When do JJKA return stateside? Time for bed here....
And coming in at a close second....
I emailed Serena for the website of her photo albums because I accidentally deleted it....anybody else have the address and can send it to me? Thanks
LOL and JK
I was beginning to think that RUK and I were the ones who would carry on the blog, but glad that Catherine is back participating now! WHO WOULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT 10 or even 20 years ago we'd keep up with each other nearly instantaneously on a family blog??! Thanks to Serena for getting it started! Serena, you would be interested to know that I took my laptop in to get fixed and they said the problem was that several files were missing....and I thought it migt be good to delete that stuff I didn't need/want clogging up my computer! Should have it back up and running tomorrow night, hopefully.
RUK...more cyber short-hand for your contemplation: hagd, brb and ttfn
And by the way, the lady in the picture with G'ma, G'dad Uible in the back yard is NOT Serena Sterrett (emailed it to her family), so it must be Serena Reynolds (1884-1963 I think)???
RUK...more cyber short-hand for your contemplation: hagd, brb and ttfn
And by the way, the lady in the picture with G'ma, G'dad Uible in the back yard is NOT Serena Sterrett (emailed it to her family), so it must be Serena Reynolds (1884-1963 I think)???
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Most posts in a row over longest timespan
Are we in competition mode still? Mary? Just in case we are here's my attempt at this week's record for the above. I'm sure this is partly due to Serena's inability to get online while at our house. A frustration you will hear more about once she is back online at Roberta's, I'm sure. Like old times tonight I did the Tuesday night library programs, an honor I held for 16 years straight. Figured I'd better get back into practice if I want to perform for KC! Actually I was filling in for someone on vacation. I better close quickly before someone else gets a post in and I miss my chance for the record.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Thanks to Roberta the Laborer
As Roberta trudges off to work this morning with her trusty lunch box the rest of us in our leisure will appreciate her efforts in an indirect way, along with all the other working people of the world who don't get the luxury of today off. We're planning to walk which does not require the efforts of anyone else thankfully, and then will go to the gym later on where some dedicated gym workers are keeping the doors open for us. Hoping to get together with Wendy and Ken later today possibly and also perhaps for dinner with them and Roberta & Sid later in the week. Since Serena is now at our house she can join us for both.
Roberta, hope your efforts are rewarded by appreciation from your customers and $$ from your employer. Do you get paid double time for the holiday? Would that be a JK or a LOL?
Roberta, hope your efforts are rewarded by appreciation from your customers and $$ from your employer. Do you get paid double time for the holiday? Would that be a JK or a LOL?
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Pay Attention!
Good advice for the week, as well as in life in general. Originally from a NYT article which I can no longer access online.
Wonderful advice from Susan Sontag, speaking to college students a few years ago:
“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”
Wonderful advice from Susan Sontag, speaking to college students a few years ago:
“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”
Congratulations, Catherine
I think Catherine gets the prize---she is the only writer this week who got 2 comments! I think Roberta may be a bad influence on me....I couldn't go to bed without checking the blog. Also, the rest of you may be interested in this tidbit: Ginny was babysitting a 5th grader tonight and came home ready to spit nails because he had a "large" attitude and did not want to follow her directions. Thought that only happened with siblings!!! lol
Of course being so much younger than the rest of you had its ADVANTAGES...I had the run of the house and Mom/Dad never thought I did anything surprising after you all had done it all!
If that doesn't illicit any comments, you all are dead or your computer's not working.
From your baby sister "the angel" (JK)
Of course being so much younger than the rest of you had its ADVANTAGES...I had the run of the house and Mom/Dad never thought I did anything surprising after you all had done it all!
If that doesn't illicit any comments, you all are dead or your computer's not working.
From your baby sister "the angel" (JK)
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Dead Tree, Alfalfa, and Roberta
What do the above have in common and why am I writing about them? The first two have been landmarks of our regular neighborhood walking route. This morning however, the tree, formerly lying in a state of rest in a grassy water retention area at the apartment complex at 63rd & Alice, was gone without a trace. Three months at least it had been there, and then suddenly gone, without advance notice even. As for the alfalfa, it remains the plant of choice in the farming area left in our square mile, but has been cut and is currently awaiting the baling machine. Not sure how many cuttings that makes for the year but remember the last one was only a week or two before our vacation as I remember Serena and I discussing this on a previous walk.
Now for the Roberta paragraph. Thought I'd better add something of a more general family interest or you all might quit reading my blog posts. One of the pictures Serena sent reminded me of an early memory of Roberta and I "napping" in the old house in New Vienna. I'm sure the afternoon nap was a regularly scheduled event and the exciting part was we got to lay down on the big bed for our nap if we didn't bother each other -- which must have been difficult to do quietly so that we wouldn't draw attention to the fact we were bothering each other. My plan was always to torment Roberta until she would call for help and then I would pretend to be asleep (and sometimes actually was) by the time Mother came to check on us. I credit this pretending to be asleep to my present day ability to fall asleep very quickly.
Now for the Roberta paragraph. Thought I'd better add something of a more general family interest or you all might quit reading my blog posts. One of the pictures Serena sent reminded me of an early memory of Roberta and I "napping" in the old house in New Vienna. I'm sure the afternoon nap was a regularly scheduled event and the exciting part was we got to lay down on the big bed for our nap if we didn't bother each other -- which must have been difficult to do quietly so that we wouldn't draw attention to the fact we were bothering each other. My plan was always to torment Roberta until she would call for help and then I would pretend to be asleep (and sometimes actually was) by the time Mother came to check on us. I credit this pretending to be asleep to my present day ability to fall asleep very quickly.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Contrary to popular belief
I am alive and well and looking forward to the weekend! Can't say it will be a three day weekend like some......
Sid's email covered a bit of our great trip to see the Crowsons. We enjoyed all very much.... Especially the Southern hospitality! I am now making up for lost time between the hot lunch beginning tomorrow and the walking out of the one staff person who we have now regrettably given into her entire time with us!
I do want "you all" to know that despite the fact the blogger Roberta has not been writing, I have not been too busy to read and enjoy others writing! Our crock pot dish tonight was very tasty and used up some 5 ingredients in the freezer that have been hanging around way toooo long! Thanks and TGIF to one and all! This blogger is off to bed...and without ice cream tonight!
Sid's email covered a bit of our great trip to see the Crowsons. We enjoyed all very much.... Especially the Southern hospitality! I am now making up for lost time between the hot lunch beginning tomorrow and the walking out of the one staff person who we have now regrettably given into her entire time with us!
I do want "you all" to know that despite the fact the blogger Roberta has not been writing, I have not been too busy to read and enjoy others writing! Our crock pot dish tonight was very tasty and used up some 5 ingredients in the freezer that have been hanging around way toooo long! Thanks and TGIF to one and all! This blogger is off to bed...and without ice cream tonight!
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